如何在 Windows 10 中修复 NSIS 错误启动安装程序(How to Fix NSIS Error Launching Installer in Windows 10)
要了解在Windows 10中遇到错误启动安装程序背后的背景,请查看下面列出的原因以了解错误发生的原因。
- 安装文件可能没有完全下载。
- 如果完全下载的文件从其原始形式改变。
- 您的系统中存在恶意威胁。
- 硬件故障。
- 互联网(Internet)连接问题。
- 与后台应用程序冲突。
- 损坏的系统文件。
NSIS或Nullsoft Scriptable Install System是一种安装程序创作工具,可让您创建安装程序。此外,它们还允许您从计算机中提取文件并卸载软件。如果在尝试安装下载的安装文件时出现错误NSIS错误启动安装程序。(NSIS)这里的好消息是,弹出错误主要是作为停止安装过程的预防措施。尝试以下方法来解决在Windows 10上启动安装程序的错误。
基本故障排除步骤(Basic Troubleshooting Steps)
长文件名、特殊字符、空格和其他属性(Long filename, presence of special character, space, and other attributes)无法启动安装程序。在这种情况下,您可以简单地重命名安装程序(rename the installer)。尝试将其命名为一个单词(one word),并确保在重命名文件时没有任何特殊字符、数字或空格。
- 有时,如果在安装运行期间出现任何文件夹问题,则会弹出NSIS错误。因此,将安装程序文件复制并粘贴到另一个位置(copy and paste the installer file to another location)。
- 不稳定的Internet连接会中断下载过程,这有时会导致损坏。要解决此类问题,请删除所有旧的和现有的安装程序文件,并通过正确的 Internet 连接重新下载安装程序。(delete all the old and existing installer files and re-download the installer in fresh again with a)
- 确保仅从可靠来源下载安装程序。如果您在下载时遇到任何问题,请尝试从任何其他可靠来源下载安装程序文件(downloading the installer file from any other reliable source)。
- 通过将安装程序文件下载到另一台设备(downloading it in another device)来检查问题是否出在安装程序文件中。如果文件问题仍然存在,请从其他来源下载。如果您能够在另一个系统中下载安装程序文件,请尝试以下任何一种方法来修复相同的问题。
方法一:结束后台应用(Method 1: End Background Applications)
第三方应用程序干扰并在Windows中制造冲突气氛是正常的。如果有任何第三方程序存在障碍,这种故障排除方法确实对您有利,并找到罪魁祸首。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中结束任务(How to End Task in Windows 10)的指南以执行相同的操作。
重新启动您的 PC 以使更改生效。完成后,检查NSIS错误启动安装程序是否已修复。
方法二:以兼容模式运行程序(Method 2: Run Program in Compatibility Mode)
1. 右键单击安装程序文件(Installer file )(例如Evernote)并选择属性(Properties)。
2. 切换到兼容性(Compatibility)选项卡。
3. 选中在兼容模式下运行此程序:(Run this program in compatibility mode for:)兼容模式(Compatibility mode)部分下的框。
4. 然后,选择下拉菜单(drop-down )并选择(choose)运行此程序所需的(version)旧版操作系统。
5. 完成后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以保存所做的更改。
6. 然后,重新启动(relaunch )安装程序文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复访问被拒绝 Windows 10(How to Fix Access is Denied Windows 10)
方法 3:更新 Windows(Method 3: Update Windows)
对于安装任何应用程序,必须检查您的系统是否满足其要求。有时过时的应用程序需要旧版本的Windows,而有些则需要Windows是最新的。因此,请确保各个程序的要求,尤其是那些面临启动安装程序 windows 10 问题的程序的要求。然后,启动并安装它。阅读我们关于如何下载和安装 Windows 10 最新更新(How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update)的指南,以了解有关Windows 更新过程(Windows Update Process)的更多信息。
方法 4:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 4: Run Malware Scan)
病毒或恶意软件感染会破坏您的系统并不罕见,因为它们以引起关注而闻名。通过防病毒或反恶意软件应用程序进行病毒扫描,您可以找到解决NSIS错误启动安装程序的方法。要检查是否存在任何病毒,建议查看我们的如何运行病毒扫描(How to Run a Virus Scan)指南。
如果发现任何威胁,就必须摆脱它。要删除此类恶意软件,请阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中从 PC 中删除恶意软件(How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10)的指南。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Windows 更新错误 80072ee2
方法 5:运行磁盘工具(Method 5: Run Disk Utility)
1. 同时按Windows + E keys打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
2.右键单击(Right-click)您需要检查的磁盘驱动器分区(Disk drive partition),然后单击属性(Properties)。
3. 在“属性(Properties)”窗口中,切换到“工具(Tools)”选项卡,然后单击“错误检查(Error checking)”部分下的“检查(Check)”按钮。
4. 现在,在下一个窗口中单击扫描驱动器(Scan drive )或扫描并修复驱动器以继续。(Scan and repair drive )
5B。如果有任何问题,请按照以下方法修复系统文件(repair system files)。
方法6:修复系统文件(Method 6: Repair System Files)
有时,您的一些系统文件可能会损坏,例如恶意软件攻击、不当关机、不完整的 Windows 更新安装(malware attacks, improper shutdown, incomplete Windows update installations)等。这些损坏的文件可能会干扰启动安装程序文件。因此,如果您遇到此错误,建议您使用(Hence)SFC(系统文件检查器)和 DISM(部署映像服务和管理)(SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management))等内置修复工具修复这些损坏的文件。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 上修复系统文件(How to Repair System Files on Windows 10)的指南,并按照说明的步骤修复所有损坏的文件。通过这种方式,您可以解决NSIS错误启动安装程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 中的受信任平台模块 80090016 错误(Fix Trusted Platform Module 80090016 Error in Windows 10)
方法 7:通过命令提示符安装程序(Method 7: Install Program via Command Prompt)
安装程序需要做的第一件事是双击下载的安装文件并启动它。如果启动失败,您可以使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)并修复此问题。为此,请按照以下步骤操作。
1.在文件资源管理器中找到(File Explorer)安装程序路径(installer path)。
2. 打开路径后,最小化(minimize)窗口。
3. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入命令提示符(command prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
4. 现在,将安装程序设置文件(setup file )(例如 Evernote(e.g. Evernote))拖放到命令提示符控制台(Command Prompt console)中。
5. 拖放后,您将在显示屏上找到安装程序文件路径。在存储路径后按空格键,键入(Space key)/ncrc, 然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
6. 现在,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)安装应用程序。
方法 8:更改系统语言(Method 8: Change System Language)
1. 按Windows 键(key),键入控制面板(Control Panel)并单击打开(Open)。
2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为类别(Category)。选择时钟和区域(Clock and Region)选项。
3. 现在,单击区域(Region)。
4. 在区域(Region) 属性(Properties)窗口中,切换到管理(Administrative)选项卡并单击更改系统区域设置(Change system locale)按钮。
5. 在区域设置提示(Region Settings prompt)中,更改(change)当前系统区域设置(Current system locale )下的语言,(language)然后选择确定(OK)以保存更改。
6. 设置另一种语言后,重新运行(rerun)安装程序文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 中的蓝牙驱动程序错误(Fix Bluetooth Driver Error in Windows 10)
方法9:禁用防火墙(不推荐)(Method 9: Disable Firewall (Not Recommended))
系统中的防火墙提供保护以防止任何病毒攻击和黑客攻击。但是,此防火墙会使您因过度保护而感到沮丧,并限制某些应用程序启动和运行。因此(Hence),暂时禁用Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)以检查并解决错误。阅读我们关于如何禁用 Windows 10 防火墙(How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall)的指南以执行相同操作。
方法 10:创建新用户配置文件(Method 10: Create New User Profile)
有时,用户配置文件中的错误也可能会中断安装程序文件的启动。创建新用户帐户可以修复任何与配置文件相关的错误和故障。您可以按照我们在 Windows 10 上创建本地用户帐户(to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10)指南中讨论的步骤创建新的用户配置文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 AMD 错误 Windows 找不到 Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe(Fix AMD Error Windows Cannot Find Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe)
方法11:清除浏览器缓存(Method 11: Clear Browser Cache)
缓存、cookies和历史文件等浏览数据的不必要积累使用了异常的互联网(Internet)资源。反过来,这会减慢网络连接并中断下载文件。因此,请执行以下说明并删除 chrome 设置中的浏览数据,以摆脱NSIS错误启动安装程序问题。阅读我们关于如何在 Google Chrome 中清除缓存和 Cookie(How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome)的指南并清除浏览数据。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复在Windows 10中(Windows 10)启动安装程序的 NSIS 错误(NSIS error launching installer)。让我们知道您接下来要探索的主题。如有任何疑问或建议,请随时通过下面给出的评论部分与我们联系。
Fix NSIS Error Launching Installer in Windows 10
The installаtion process is necessary knowledge for anyone who needs to downlоad any application in your system. To ѕet up this downloaded aррlication or program, you need an installer. Every app or software comes with its own specific іnstaller. Βut arе you facing the NSIS error launching installer? Then you are at the right place. Thіs article on how to solve the NSIS error launching installer will help you. Try out all the compiled methods given belоw until you get а fix.
How to Fix NSIS Error Launching Installer in Windows 10
To understand the context behind the error launching installer in Windows 10 encounter, check out the reasons listed below to comprehend why the error occurs.
- The setup file might not be downloaded completely.
- If the completely downloaded file gets altered from its original form.
- Presence of malicious threat in your system.
- Hardware malfunction.
- Issues with the Internet connection.
- Conflicting with background applications.
- Corrupt system files.
An NSIS or Nullsoft Scriptable Install System is an installer authoring tool that enables you to create an installer. Additionally, they allow you to extract files and uninstall the software from your computer. If the error NSIS error launching installer occurs while trying to install a downloaded setup file. The good news here is that the error pops up mainly as a preventive action that stops the installation process. Try the methods below to resolve the error launching installer on Windows 10.
Basic Troubleshooting Steps
Before trying out the advanced methods, try these basic methods at first to resolve the issue easily.
Long filename, presence of special character, space, and other attributes fail to launch the installer. In this case, you can simply rename the installer. Try and name it one word and ensure not to have any special character, numbers, or space while renaming the file.
- Sometimes, the NSIS error popup if there are any folder issues during the installation run. Therefore, copy and paste the installer file to another location.
- An unstable Internet connection disrupts the downloading process, which sometimes leads to corruption. To resolve this kind of problem is to delete all the old and existing installer files and re-download the installer in fresh again with a proper Internet connection.
- Ensure that you download the installer from a reliable source only. If you face any issues in downloading, try downloading the installer file from any other reliable source.
- Check whether the issue lies in the installer file by downloading it in another device. If the issue persists with the file, then download it from another source. If you are able to download the installer file in another system, try any of the below methods to fix the same.
Method 1: End Background Applications
It is normal for third-party applications to interfere and create a conflicting atmosphere in Windows. This troubleshooting method could really work out in your favor and find the culprit if any third-party program is behind the hindrance. Read our guide on How to End Task in Windows 10 to do the same.
Restart your PC for changes to be effective. Once done, check if the NSIS error launching installer is fixed.
Method 2: Run Program in Compatibility Mode
If the program is set to run via an older version of the OS, this method forces it. Follow the steps given below and run the program in compatibility mode.
1. Right-click on the Installer file (e.g. Evernote) and select Properties.
2. Switch to the Compatibility tab.
3. Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for: box under Compatibility mode section.
4. Then, select the drop-down and choose an older version of the OS you need to run this program.
5. Once done, click Apply and then OK to save the changes made.
6. Then, relaunch the installer file.
Also Read: How to Fix Access is Denied Windows 10
Method 3: Update Windows
For installing any application, it is mandatory to check if its requirements are satisfied in your system. Sometimes outdated apps require an older version of Windows, while some need Windows to be up-to-date. Therefore, ensure the requirements of respective programs, especially those facing the error launching installer windows 10 issue. Then, launch and install it. Read our guide on How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update to know more about the Windows Update Process.
Method 4: Run Malware Scan
It is not unusual for a virus or malware infection to corrupt your system as they are well-known for causing concern. Doing a virus scan via an anti-virus or anti-malware application enables you to find a method on how to solve the NSIS error launching installer. To check if there is any virus present, it is recommended to check our guide on How to Run a Virus Scan.
If any threat is found, it is necessary to get rid of it. To remove such malware, read our guide on How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10.
Also Read: How to Fix Windows Update Error 80072ee2
Method 5: Run Disk Utility
If there is a defect in physical media, it might have caused the error in NSIS. This issue has nothing to worry about as it can easily be fixed via some in-built tools present in your operating system. Follow the instruction to find and repair such issues.
1. Press Windows + E keys simultaneously to open File Explorer.
2. Right-click on the Disk drive partition you need to check and click on Properties.
3. On the Properties window, switch to the Tools tab and click on the Check button under the Error checking section.
4. Now, click on Scan drive or Scan and repair drive in the next window to continue.
5A. If everything is fine, then close the properties window.
5B. If there are any issues, follow the following method to repair system files.
Method 6: Repair System Files
Sometimes, a few of your system files can be corrupt, like malware attacks, improper shutdown, incomplete Windows update installations, etc. These corrupt files may interfere with launching the installer file. Hence, if you face this error, you are advised to repair these corrupt files using inbuilt repair tools like SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management). Read our guide on How to Repair System Files on Windows 10 and follow the steps as instructed to repair all your corrupt files. In this way you can solve NSIS error launching installer.
Also Read: Fix Trusted Platform Module 80090016 Error in Windows 10
Method 7: Install Program via Command Prompt
The first thing you need to do to install a program is double-click the setup file downloaded and launch it. If the launch fails, you can use the Command Prompt and fix this issue. To do so, please follow the steps given below.
1. Find the installer path in the File Explorer.
2. Once opened the path, minimize the window.
3. Hit the Windows key, type command prompt, and click on Run as administrator.
4. Now, drag the installer setup file (e.g. Evernote) and drop it in the Command Prompt console.
5. Once dropped, you will find the installer file path on the display screen. Press the Space key after the storage path, type /ncrc, and hit Enter key.
6. Now, follow the on-screen instructions to install the application.
Method 8: Change System Language
Oddly, modifying the system language from English works out. This might look a bit surprising. But who cares! If this way solves your problem, then is no harm in trying it out. Many users reported that this method works out very well. Hence, follow the steps below and change the English language to another one to solve NSIS error launching installer.
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.
2. Set View by as Category. Select the Clock and Region option.
3. Now, click on Region.
4. On the Region Properties window, switch to the Administrative tab and click on the Change system locale button.
5. On the Region Settings prompt, change the language under the Current system locale and select OK to save the changes.
6. Once another language is set, rerun the installer file.
Also Read: Fix Bluetooth Driver Error in Windows 10
Method 9: Disable Firewall (Not Recommended)
A firewall in your system provides protection to prevent any virus attack and hacking. However, this firewall frustrates you with overprotectiveness and restricts certain applications from launching and running. Hence, disable the Windows Defender Firewall for the time being to check and resolve the error. Read our guide on How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall to do the same.
Once the installer file has been launched, ensure to re-enable the Firewall since a system without a security suite is always a threat.
Method 10: Create New User Profile
Sometimes, a bug in the user profile might also interrupt launching the installer file. Creating a new user account can fix any profile-related errors and glitches. You can create a new user profile by following the steps discussed in our guide to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10.
Also Read: Fix AMD Error Windows Cannot Find Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe
Method 11: Clear Browser Cache
Unnecessary accumulation of browsing data such as caches, cookies, and history files uses abnormal Internet resources. This, in turn, slows down the network connectivity and interrupts the downloading file. Thus, implement the instructions below and delete the browsing data in chrome settings to get rid of the NSIS error launching installer problem. Read our guide on How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome and clear the browsing data.
Wait till the unwanted data gets removed. Once done, close the Chrome application. Now, check if you can run the installer. If none of the above methods worked for you, then try contacting the software developers to get the issue resolved.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix NSIS error launching installer in Windows 10. Let us know the topic you want to explore next. Please feel free to reach out to us for any queries or suggestions via the comment section given below.