您想知道您的Windows 计算机或设备的(Windows computer or device)MAC 地址(MAC address)吗?为了帮助您,本文介绍了七种不同的方法来获取您的网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address)。其中一些很快,例如getmac命令。其他的,比如使用设置(Settings )应用程序的,需要更多的点击。如果您想知道如何在Windows 10和Windows 11中查找笔记本电脑或台式电脑的MAC 地址(MAC address),请阅读本指南并找到最适合您的方法:
注意:(NOTE:)我们在本指南中展示的方法适用(guide work)于Windows 10和Windows 11。如果您不知道您拥有的Windows版本,请阅读本教程:如何分辨我拥有的Windows(11 种方式)。
1. 使用终端(Terminal)、PowerShell或命令提示符(Command Prompt)中的getmac 命令(getmac command)查找您的MAC 地址(MAC address)
这是我们已知的在Windows中查找所有网络适配器的MAC地址的最快方法,包括由(MAC)VirtualBox 或 VMware(VirtualBox or VMware)等虚拟化软件(virtualization software)安装的虚拟适配器。首先(First),打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)、PowerShell或Windows 终端(Windows Terminal)。然后,输入命令getmac并按键盘上的Enter键。getmac命令输出所有网络适配器及其MAC地址的(MAC)列表(getmac ),您可以在物理地址中检查(Physical Address)下面突出显示的列。不幸的是,要分辨哪个适配器是哪个适配器相对困难,因为该命令不会为它们(command doesn)显示(t display)“友好”的名称。

使用getmac 命令(getmac command)查找MAC 地址(MAC address)
请注意,getmac命令只能显示启用的网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address)。要使用getmac查找已禁用网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address),您必须首先启用该网络适配器(network adapter)。
提示:(TIP:)如果您想了解更多关于MAC 地址(MAC address)的信息,这里有一篇关于MAC 地址(MAC address)是什么以及如何使用的文章。
2. 如何在PowerShell中使用“get-netadapter ”命令找到你的(” command)MAC 地址(MAC address)
在Windows中查找(Windows)MAC 地址(MAC address)的另一种快速方法是打开PowerShell(或Windows Terminal中的(Windows Terminal)PowerShell选项卡)并输入以下命令,然后按Enter。
此命令显示Windows PC 上可用的每个可见网络适配器的基本属性。(network adapter)您可以在MacAddress列中查看MAC地址。请注意(Please note),根据您的屏幕分辨率,您可能需要调整PowerShell或终端(Terminal)窗口中的文本大小,方法是同时按Ctrl和减号(minus sign)(使其变小)或加号(使其变大),以便能够阅读整个表格。如果看不到MAC 地址(MAC address),只需将文本缩小并再次运行命令。

在PowerShell(PowerShell)中使用 get-netadapter 命令识别MAC 地址(MAC address)
Get-NetAdapter命令相对于getmac命令的优势在于它显示了所有可见网络适配器的MAC 地址(MAC address),包括禁用的网络适配器。对于每个网络适配器,您可以查看其当前状态,以及其MAC 地址(MAC address)和其他属性。
如果您只需要适配器的名称及其MAC 地址(MAC address),请将以下命令复制并粘贴(copy and paste)到PowerShell窗口中,然后按Enter:

注意:(NOTE:) Get -NetAdapter(Get-NetAdapte)命令仅适用于PowerShell(或Windows 终端(Windows Terminal),如果您打开PowerShell选项卡)。它在Command Prompt(Command Prompt)中不起作用。
3.通过在Windows 终端(Windows Terminal)、PowerShell或命令提示符(Command Prompt)中运行ipconfig 命令获取您的(ipconfig command)MAC 地址(MAC address)
ipconfig命令旨在提供有关您的网络连接和网络适配器(物理和虚拟)的详细信息。要运行它,首先启动Windows Terminal、PowerShell或Command Prompt。然后,键入以下命令并按(command and press) 键盘上的Enter :
该命令显示所有当前TCP/IP network连接以及每个连接的详细技术信息。要查找网络适配器(network adapter)的MAC 地址(MAC address),请从描述(Description )字段中识别网络适配器(network adapter)的名称,然后检查物理地址(Physical Address)字段,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

运行(Run)ipconfig /all 以查找您的MAC 地址(MAC address)
可以看到,ipconfig /all命令输出了很多信息。以这种方式查找您的MAC 地址(MAC address)可能很麻烦。这就是为什么接下来,我们将向您展示一种从ipconfig显示的大量详细信息中仅提取MAC 地址(MAC address)的方法。如果您只想过滤网络适配器的MAC地址,请运行以下命令:
该命令仅查找并显示与我们的搜索相关的两行:物理地址(Physical Address)和设备描述(Description),用于每个适配器。结果应如下所示:

仅获取 MAC(Get MAC)地址,使用以下命令:ipconfig /all | findstr "描述物理(Description Physical)"
4. 如何在Windows 终端(Windows Terminal)、PowerShell和命令提示符(Command Prompt)中使用“wmic nic get”命令查找您的MAC 地址(MAC address)
在Windows Terminal(Windows Terminal)、PowerShell或Command Prompt中运行它,它会告诉您所有物理网络适配器的MAC地址。到目前为止,这显示了最容易阅读的结果:

5. 如何使用设置应用程序(Settings app)在Windows中获取您的(Windows)MAC 地址(MAC address)
让我们远离命令行界面,描述一些从Windows本身查找MAC 地址的方法。(MAC address)如果您使用的是Windows 10或Windows 11 ,您可以从“设置”(Settings)应用中找到您的MAC 地址。(MAC address)由于该方法根据您使用的Windows 版本(Windows version)而略有不同,因此我们分别处理这两个操作系统,从Windows 11开始。
使用Windows 11(Windows 11)中的设置识别您的MAC 地址(MAC address)
在 Windows 11 中,打开设置(Settings)(例如通过按键盘上的Windows + I),然后转到Network & Internet。向下滚动到高级网络设置(Advanced Network Settings)并单击它。

单击(Click)或点击高级网络(Advanced network)设置以查看所有活动的网络适配器等
这会为您提供设备上所有网络适配器的列表。向下滚动(Scroll)到硬件和连接属性(Hardware and connection properties),然后单击它。

硬件和连接属性(Hardware and connection properties)链接显示所有连接和适配器的有用信息
您现在看到的列表包含有关您设备上安装的每个网络适配器的详细信息。(network adapter)向下滚动(Scroll)到您感兴趣的那个并检查其物理地址 (MAC)(Physical Address (MAC))字段的值。您甚至可以选择该值,然后在需要时复制并粘贴它。(copy and paste)

滚动(Scroll)页面并识别适配器,然后查找其MAC 地址(MAC address)
或者,如果您不想滚动整个列表,请返回高级网络设置(Advanced network settings) 页面并单击(page and click)您感兴趣的适配器,然后单击查看其他属性(View additional properties)。

查看所选(View)网络连接(network connection)的其他属性
在这里,查找名为Physical Address (MAC)的字段并检查其值。

MAC 地址(MAC address)应位于页面底部
使用Windows 10(Windows 10)中的设置识别您的MAC 地址(MAC address)
就像在Windows 11中一样,在Windows 10中,您首先打开设置(Settings)应用程序并转到网络和 Internet(Network & Internet)部分。

(Access Network & Internet section)Windows 10中设置应用程序(Settings app)的访问网络和 Internet 部分
现在,查找“查看硬件和连接属性(View hardware and connection properties)”链接并单击它。

向下滚动(Scroll)并单击/点击查看硬件和连接属性(View hardware and connection properties)链接
此操作显示有关系统中找到的每个网络适配器(network adapter)的详细信息。通过查看描述(Description )字段值找到您感兴趣的适配器,然后检查其物理地址 (MAC)(Physical Address (MAC))字段以获取您需要的信息。

识别适配器,然后查找物理地址(Physical address)( MAC ) 字段
或者,如果您只想知道当前连接的网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address),请返回“网络和 Internet(Network & Internet) ”部分,然后单击活动连接的“属性(Properties)”按钮,如下所示。

单击(Click)“属性(Properties)”以查找活动网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address)
与往常一样,查找物理地址 (MAC)(Physical Address (MAC))字段以查找您需要的信息。

您可以在“属性(Properties)”部分找到许多详细信息,包括MAC 地址(MAC address)
提示:(TIP:)在这两种操作系统中,您都可以使用Win X 菜单(Win X menu)进入设置(Settings)应用程序的网络和 Internet(Network & Internet )部分。只需按键盘上的Windows + X,然后选择Network Connections。
6. 使用系统信息(System Information)查找任何网络适配器的MAC 地址(MAC address)
查看设备上安装的任何网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address)的另一种方法是打开系统信息(System Information)。一种方法是使用Windows Search查找sysinfo,然后单击或点击System Information搜索结果(search result)。打开它后,在左窗格(left pane)中,双击或双击Components,然后在Network上,最后单击或点击Adapter。这将显示系统上存在的每个适配器(adapter present)的列表,以及每个适配器的详细信息。首先(First),使用名称(Name) 字段值(field value)来标识您要查找的适配器,然后查找MAC 地址(MAC Address)字段以查找地址。

使用系统信息工具(System Information tool)获取网络适配器(network adapter)的MAC 地址(MAC address)
7.如何从控制面板(Control Panel)中找到活动网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC地址(MAC address)
如果您更喜欢旧的做事方式,您可以从古老的控制面板(Control Panel)中找到活动网络适配器的MAC 地址(MAC address)。打开它,然后单击或点击“网络和 Internet(Network and Internet) ”下的“查看网络状态和任务(View network status and tasks)” 。

(View network status and tasks)在控制面板中(Control Panel)查看网络状态和任务
这将打开网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。查看窗口右上角的“查看您的活动网络”部分。(View your active networks)在那里,您应该看到每个活动网络连接的名称,并在其右侧看到有关它们的一些详细信息。如果您使用的是有线网络连接(network connection),则名为Connections的行会显示以太网(Ethernet)。如果您使用的是无线网络连接(wireless network connection),它会显示Wi-Fi,后跟您连接的网络的名称。单击(Click)Connections附近的链接,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

活动的网络连接显示在网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)
现在显示您的网络适配器(network adapter)的状态(Status)窗口。单击(Click)或点击详细信息(Details)按钮。

将显示网络连接详细信息(Network Connection Details)窗口。在这里,您可以查看有关网络连接(network connection)的大量详细信息,包括IP 地址(IP address)、DNS服务器地址等。MAC 地址(MAC address)显示在以下屏幕截图中突出显示的物理地址(Physical Address)行中。Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V快捷键复制和粘贴此窗口中显示的所有信息。

物理地址(Physical Address)是网络适配器(network adapter)的MAC地址(MAC address)
提示:(TIP:) 您(Did)知道您可以更改(欺骗)您的MAC 地址(MAC address)吗?这里有一篇文章向您展示了在Windows中更改或欺骗MAC 地址(MAC address)的七种方法,以及一篇有关如何恢复网卡原始(network card)MAC 地址(MAC address)的文章。
您知道在Windows中查找(Windows)MAC 地址(MAC address)的其他方法吗?
如您所见,Windows提供了多种方法来查找任何网络适配器的(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address)。本文中显示的方法是我们所知道的最简单的方法,仅使用Windows(Windows)中可用的工具和命令。如果您知道其他查找网络适配器(network adapter)MAC 地址(MAC address)的方法,请随时在评论部分分享。
7 ways to find your MAC address in Windows -
Do you want to know thе MAC address of your Windows computer or device? To help you, this article describes seven different methods to get the MAC address of your network adapter. Some of them are quiсk, like the getmac command. Others, like the one using the Settings app, require a bit more clicking. If you want to know how to find the MAC address of your laptop or desktop PC in Windows 10 and Windows 11, read this guide and find the method that works best for you:
NOTE: The methods we show in this guide work in both Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you do not know what version of Windows you have, read this tutorial: How to tell what Windows I have (11 ways).
1. Find your MAC address using the getmac command in Terminal, PowerShell, or Command Prompt
This is the fastest method we know for finding the MAC addresses of all your network adapters in Windows, including virtual ones that are installed by virtualization software like VirtualBox or VMware. First, open Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Windows Terminal. Then, type in the command getmac and press Enter on your keyboard. The getmac command outputs a list of all your network adapters and their MAC addresses, which you can check in the Physical Address column highlighted below. Unfortunately, it’s relatively difficult to tell which adapter is which, as the command doesn’t display “friendly” names for them.

Find the MAC address with the getmac command
Please note that the getmac command can only show the MAC addresses for enabled network adapters. To find the MAC address of a disabled network adapter using getmac, you must first enable that network adapter.
TIP: If you want to know more about MAC addresses, here is an article about what the MAC address is and how it’s used.
2. How to find your MAC address with the “get-netadapter” command in PowerShell
Another quick way to find your MAC address in Windows is to open PowerShell (or a PowerShell tab in Windows Terminal) and type in the command below, followed by Enter.
This command shows the basic properties of every visible network adapter available on your Windows PC. You can see the MAC addresses in the MacAddress column. Please note that, depending on your screen resolution, you might have to resize the text in the PowerShell or Terminal window by pressing Ctrl together with the minus sign (to make it smaller) or the plus sign (to make it larger) in order to be able to read the whole table. If you can’t see the MAC address, simply make the text smaller and run the command again.

Identify the MAC address with the get-netadapter command in PowerShell
The advantage of the Get-NetAdapter command over the getmac command is that it shows the MAC addresses for all visible network adapters, including disabled ones. For each network adapter, you can view its current status, alongside its MAC address and other properties.
If you only want the name of the adapter and its MAC address, copy and paste the following command in the PowerShell window, then press Enter:
This displays a list that’s much easier to read:

The command takes longer to input, but the result is easier to read
NOTE: The Get-NetAdapter command only works in PowerShell (or in Windows Terminal, if you open a PowerShell tab). It doesn't work in Command Prompt.
3. Get your MAC address by running the ipconfig command in Windows Terminal, PowerShell, or Command Prompt
The ipconfig command is designed to provide detailed information about your network connections and network adapters, both physical and virtual. To run it, first launch Windows Terminal, PowerShell, or Command Prompt. Then, type the following command and press Enter on your keyboard:
The command displays all of the current TCP/IP network connections and detailed technical information about each. To find your network adapter's MAC address, identify the network adapter's name from the Description field and then check the Physical Address field, as illustrated in the screenshot below.

Run ipconfig /all to find your MAC address
As you can see, the ipconfig /all command outputs a lot of information. It can be cumbersome to find your MAC address that way. That's why, next, we show you a way to extract only the MAC address from the flood of details shown by ipconfig. If you want to filter only the MAC addresses of your network adapters, run the following command:
The command looks for and displays only the two lines that are relevant for our search: Physical Address and device Description, for each adapter. The result should look something like this:

Get MAC addresses only, with the command: ipconfig /all | findstr "Description Physical"
4. How to find your MAC address using the “wmic nic get” command in Windows Terminal, PowerShell, and Command Prompt
Another command that you can use in a command-line interface to find the MAC addresses of your physical network adapters is:
Run it in Windows Terminal, PowerShell, or Command Prompt, and it tells you the MAC addresses of all your physical network adapters. This displays, thus far, the most easy-to-read result:

The displayed list is easier to read
5. How to get your MAC address in Windows using the Settings app
Let’s move away from command-line interfaces and describe a few methods of finding your MAC address from Windows itself. If you're using Windows 10 or Windows 11, you can find your MAC address from the Settings app. Since the method is slightly different depending on the Windows version you’re using, we treat the two operating systems separately, starting with Windows 11.
Identify your MAC address using Settings in Windows 11
In Windows 11, open Settings (for example by pressing Windows + I on your keyboard) and then go to Network & Internet. Scroll down to Advanced Network Settings and click on it.

Click or tap on Advanced network settings to view all active network adapters and more
This presents you with a list of all network adapters on your device. Scroll down to Hardware and connection properties and click on it.

The Hardware and connection properties link displays useful information on all connections and adapters
The list that you now see contains detailed information on every single network adapter installed on your device. Scroll down to the one you’re interested in and check the value of its Physical Address (MAC) field. You can even select the value, then copy and paste it if needed.

Scroll through the page and identify the adapter, then look for its MAC address
Alternatively, if you don’t want to scroll through the entire list, go back to the Advanced network settings page and click on the adapter you’re interested in, then click on View additional properties.

View additional properties for the selected network connection
Here, look for the field named Physical Address (MAC) and check its value.

The MAC address should be towards the bottom of the page
Identify your MAC address using Settings in Windows 10
Just like in Windows 11, in Windows 10, you start by opening the Settings app and going to the Network & Internet section.

Access Network & Internet section of the Settings app in Windows 10
Now, look for the “View hardware and connection properties” link and click on it.

Scroll down and click/tap on the View hardware and connection properties link
This action displays detailed information about every network adapter found in the system. Locate the adapter you are interested in by looking at the Description field value, then check its Physical Address (MAC) field for the information you need.

Identify the adapter, then look for the Physical address (MAC) field
Alternatively, if you only want to know the MAC address of the network adapter that is currently connected, go back to the Network & Internet section and click on the Properties button for your active connection, as shown below.

Click on Properties to find the MAC address of your active network adapter
As always, look for the Physical Address (MAC) field to find the information you need.

You can find many details, including the MAC address, in the Properties section
TIP: In both operating systems, you can use the Win X menu to get to the Network & Internet section of the Settings app. Simply press Windows + X on your keyboard, then select Network Connections.
6. Find the MAC address of any of your network adapters using System Information
Another way to view the MAC address for any network adapter installed on your device is by opening System Information. One way to do it is by using Windows Search to look for sysinfo, then clicking or tapping on the System Information search result. After opening it, in the left pane, double-click or double-tap on Components, then on Network, and finally click or tap on Adapter. This displays a list of every adapter present on your system, along with detailed information for each. First, use the Name field value to identify the adapter you’re looking for, then look for the MAC Address field to find the address.

Get the MAC address of your network adapter using the System Information tool
7. How to find the MAC address of the active network adapter from the Control Panel
If you prefer the old way of doing things, you can find the MAC address of active network adapters from the venerable Control Panel. Open it and click or tap on the “View network status and tasks” under “Network and Internet.”

View network status and tasks in the Control Panel
This opens the Network and Sharing Center. Look at the “View your active networks” section from the top-right area of the window. There, you should see the name of each of your active network connections and, on their right side, several details about them. The line named Connections shows Ethernet if you are using a wired network connection. If you're using a wireless network connection, it says Wi-Fi, followed by the name of the network to which you are connected. Click on the link near Connections, as shown in the screenshot below.

The active network connections are shown in the Network and Sharing Center
The Status window for your network adapter is now displayed. Click or tap on the Details button.

Click on the Details button
The Network Connection Details window is displayed. Here, you can see extensive details about your network connection, including the IP address, DNS servers addresses, and more. The MAC address is displayed in the Physical Address line highlighted in the screenshot below. You can copy and paste all the information displayed in this window, using the Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V shortcuts on your keyboard.

The Physical Address is the MAC address of the network adapter
TIP: Did you know you can change (spoof) your MAC address? Here is an article showing you seven ways to change or spoof the MAC address in Windows and an article on how to restore the original MAC address of your network card.
Do you know other ways of finding the MAC address in Windows?
As you can see, Windows offers multiple methods for finding the MAC address of any network adapter. The methods shown in this article are the easiest we know, using only tools and commands that are available in Windows. If you know other ways to find the MAC address of a network adapter, do not hesitate to share them in the comments section.