如果您需要在嘈杂嘈杂(noise disturbance)的人群中接听电话,您会怎么做?您可以简单地增加通话量(call volume)!以下是增加Android(Android)通话量(call volume)的一些方法。
如果您是喜欢听大音量电话的人,那么本文适合您。有时您想增加通话量(call volume),但您无法做到。一般来说(Generally),Android手机的声音(’ sound)能力是可控的,但如果你还想让通话音量(call volume)更大,你可以借助第三方解决方案来实现。
有一些非常有效的第三方应用程序和软件(party apps and software)可用于每台Android 设备(Android device)并轻松增加您的通话量。这里有一些方法可以让您的 Android 通话更响亮(make your Android call louder)并将通话音量(call volume)增加到超出其最大限制。让我们首先讨论您的Android 手机(Android phone)的一些问题,这些问题会导致通话音量(call volume)降低。
增加Android 手机(Android Phone)通话量(Call Volume)的10种方法(Ways)
Android 手机中影响通话音量的一些问题 (Some Problems in Android Phone that Hamper in-call volume )
您的Android 手机(Android phone)可能存在一些问题,这会影响您的通话音量。
1. 您的DND(请勿打扰(Disturb))模式可能处于活动状态。确保在接听电话时始终将其关闭。
2. 可能有任何应用程序同时运行或在后台运行,正在控制或使用手机的音量。
3.安卓手机(Android phone)通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)与其他设备连接,影响通话音量。
确保(Make)所有这些功能都不会导致问题。如果您的通话音量仍然存在问题,那么还有其他一些方法可以提高Android(Android sound)音量。
让我们深入了解在 Android 上增加通话量(increase call volume on Android)的方法。
如上所述,有几种方法可以使Android 呼叫(Android call)更响亮。您可以使用其中任何一个 来提高您的Android音量。(Android sound)
1.音量助推器 (1. Volume Booster )
Volume Booster是Play 商店(play store)中的一款应用程序,以其在 Android 上增加通话音量的功能而闻名(increase call volume on Android)。它增加了通话量并提高了设备的整体音量,这将为您带来非凡的体验。只需轻按一下按钮,音量增强器(Volume booster)就会立即增加您的扬声器音量和通话音量。(loudspeaker volume)你可以从你的安卓手机(Android phone)控制这个应用程序,安装它,它就可以让你的安卓(Android)电话更响亮了。让我们来看看它的一些优点和缺点。
音量助推器的优点 (Pros of Volume Booster )
2. 音量增强器(Booster)也适用于插入设备的耳机。
音量助推器的缺点(Cons of Volume Booster)
2. 所有安卓(Android)设备不支持此应用程序。
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2.音量加(2. Volume Plus)
Volume Plus 也是一个有效的应用程序,可用于增加 Android 上的通话量(increase call volume on Android)。它适用于所有Android 设备(Android device),是让Android 通话更响亮(call louder)的最佳解决方案之一。您可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)轻松下载此应用程序。该应用程序使用简单,还可以通过单击增加耳机音量(headset volume)、扬声器音量(loudspeaker volume)、通知和铃声音量,当然还有通话音量。(notification and ringtone)虽然您不能使用音量+应用程序来改变插入式耳机的音量。
Volume Plus 的优点(Pros of Volume Plus)
1. 几乎所有Android(Android)设备都支持 Volume Plus 。
2. 应用简单易用,界面友好,即使是新用户也能轻松管理。
3. 该应用程序在应用程序中提供了一个均衡器(equalizer present),可让您根据需要调节音量。
Volume Plus 的缺点(Cons of Volume Plus)
1. 插入安卓设备(Android device)时无法改变耳机音量。
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3.启用降噪 (3. Enable Noise Cancellation )
大多数安卓(Android)手机在通话时都配备了降噪功能(noise cancellation feature)。通过启用此选项,您的设备将消除所有干扰您通话体验的外界噪音。但是,此功能是最近推出的,因此只能在较新的Android智能手机上使用。此功能可消除您端的额外噪音并消除(end and cancels)接收器端的背景噪音,从而提升您的通话体验并自动提高音量。
1.在您的 Android 设备上 转到“设置”。(Settings)
2. 找到“通话设置(Call Settings)”选项并点击它。
3. 检查“降噪或降噪(Noise Cancellation or Noise Reduction)”选项(‘ option)。如果您看到这样的选项,请启用它并尝试一下。
三星用户注意事项(Note for Samsung users):如果你是三星用户(Samsung user),增加安卓手机的(Android phone)通话量(call volume)对你来说是小菜一碟。三星(Samsung)在通话选项中引入了增加通话音量(call volume),这将立即提高音质和幅度(sound quality and amplitude)。它在三星最新的 Android 设备(Samsung’s latest Android devices)或Android 4.3 更新中可用。您可以在设置选项中选中此选项,单击它,然后让Android呼叫更响亮。
4.自定义ROM和新内核 (4. Custom ROM & New Kernel )
如果没有其他选择,请选择此选项。在您的设备上安装新内核和新的自定义 ROM(custom ROM),并增加您在Android 手机(Android phone)上的通话音量。有许多可用的论坛(forums)可以帮助您确定最适合您安装的选项是什么。他们将指导您做出每一个选择。确保(Make sure)您对该方法有一定的了解。如果您是新手,我们不建议您使用此方法。
5. 使用您设备的位置进行击球和试球。(5. Playing hit and trial with the position of your device.)
有时您可以通过调整Android 手机(Android phone)的位置来增加通话音量。更改您的Android 设备(Android device)的位置,使您可以更清晰地听到它。这种方法最简单,因为您不需要弄乱您的Android 手机(Android phone)的设置。不要随意转动手机;遵循这个简单的技巧。
先将手机旋转 360 度左右,停在你认为声音最大的位置。捕捉到完美的角度后,将您的 Android 设备握住或放置在该位置并使其远离边缘。现在,使用耳机或其他助听设备(hearing device),连接或配对,感受音质的变化(sound quality change)。通过这种方法,您可以轻松地为您的通话音量增加更多清晰度。
还有一个简单的技巧可以帮助您增加 Android 手机的通话量(There is another simple trick that can help you increase call volume on an Android phone)。拿一个弯曲的碗,把你的设备放在里面。这背后的逻辑是,碗将充当弯曲物体并充当(object and act)放大器。因此,这款简单的自制放大器可以作为您通话音量的经济实惠的扬声器。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)清理Android 手机的 6 种方法(Android Phone)
6.使用外部扬声器(6. Use External Speaker)
您可以将您的Android 设备(Android device)与外部扬声器配对,这将自动使Android 通话(Android call)声音更大。这是在Android上增加(Android)通话量(call volume)的最常见和最简单的技巧之一。每部 Android 手机(Every Android phone)都带有蓝牙选项(Bluetooth option)。您只需将设备与外部扬声器配对即可。
7.使用音量限制器 (7. Use Volume Limiter )
每个Android 设备(Android device)中都有一个音量限制器(volume limiter present)。根据需要将每个限制器选项(limiter option)滚动到顶部或右侧。(Scroll)按照下面提到的步骤,这将帮助您使用音量限制器增加(volume limiter)通话音量(call volume):
1. 点击手机 上的“设置”选项。(Settings)
2.找到“声音和振动(Sound and Vibration)”选项并打开它。
3. 点击“媒体音量限制器(Media Volume Limiter)”并根据您的需要调整音量。您可以对音量限制器(volume limiter)进行自定义调整。
8. 均衡器设置(8. Equalizer Settings)
您还可以通过更改均衡器设置来增加通话音量。您的Android 手机(Android phone)有许多可用的音量设置选项。您只需要探索您的设备。要通过调整均衡器设置来增加Android(Android)上的通话音量,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 点击Android 设备上的“设置”选项。(Settings)
2. 找到“声音和振动(Sound and Vibration)”并点击它。
3. 向下滚动并点击“音效”。(Sound effects.)'
4. 点击均衡器。(equalizer.)
5.根据您的需要和要求调整音量滑块。(Adjust the volume sliders according to your needs and requirements.)这里有各种选项可以满足您的要求。尝试每个选项,看看(option and see)哪个选项可以提供更好、更清晰的音质(sound quality)。
9. 关闭后台所有收音应用 (9. Close any Sound-Receiving app in the background )
确保(Make sure)没有在后台运行控制手机音量(s volume)的应用程序。某些应用程序会访问您Android 手机的每个(Android phone and alter)音量选项(volume option)并对其进行更改。确保您不授予此类应用程序权限,并在它们正在运行时将其从后台删除。
10.更换耳机(10. Change Headphones)
耳机或其他助听设备损坏也可能是Android 手机通话音量低(low call volume in your Android phone.)的原因。检查耳机并确保它们工作正常。如果您的耳机或耳塞足够旧,请更换它们。购买质量好的耳机以获得更好的音质(sound quality)。使用优质耳机或耳塞会自动增加Android 手机的(Android phone)通话音量(call volume),这将被证明是一项不错的投资。
- 修复 Android 上的低蓝牙音量
- (Improve Sound Quality & Boost Volume)在Android上(Android)提高音质和提高音量
- 如何在Android上(Android)自动关闭音乐(Automatically Turn Off Music)
永远不要玩你的Android 手机的(Android phone)音量(volume capacity)。如果您尝试将音量和音质提高到超出手机的最大限制,则可能会损坏手机的扬声器。如果持续时间较长,高音量也会破坏您的听力。(High volume can also ruin your hearing if it persists for a longer duration of time.)除非必要,否则不要一直保持高音量并坚持(time and stick)手机的能力。
10 Ways to Increase Call Volume on Android Phone
What do you do if you neеd to answer a call in a crowded area with lots of noise disturbance? You can simply increase the call volume! Here are some methods to increase call volume on Android.
If you are the type of person who likes to listen to calls on high volume, this article is for you. There are times when you want to increase the call volume, but you are unable to. Generally, Android phones’ sound capabilities are manageable, but if you still want the in-call volume to be even louder, you can do it with the help of third-party solutions.
There are some very effective third party apps and software available that will work for every Android device and increase your call volume easily. Here are some methods to make your Android call louder and increase call volume beyond its maximum limit. Let us first discuss some problems with your Android phone, which cause a reduction of in-call volume.
10 Ways to Increase Call Volume on Android Phone
Some Problems in Android Phone that Hamper in-call volume
There might be some issues with your Android phone, which hampers your in-call volume.
1. Your DND (Do Not Disturb) mode might be active. Make sure you always turn it off while attending calls.
2. There might be any application running simultaneously or in the background which is controlling or using the phone’s volume.
3. Your Android phone is connected with another device via Bluetooth, which is hampering the in-call volume.
4. The speaker of your mobile phone might be having some hardware issues.
Make sure all these functions are not causing the issue. If you are still facing problems with your in-call volume, then there are some other methods to improve Android sound volume.
Let’s dive into the methods to increase call volume on Android.
As discussed above, there are several methods available that will make the Android call louder. You can improve your Android sound volume by using any of them.
1. Volume Booster
Volume Booster is an application available on the play store known for its capabilities to increase call volume on Android. It increases call volume and improves the overall volume of your device, which will give you an exceptional experience. Volume booster will increase your loudspeaker volume and in-call volume instantly with a single tap on the button. You can control this application from your Android phone, install it, and it is ready to make your Android calls louder. Let’s check some of its pros and cons.
Pros of Volume Booster
1. The application not only increases in-call volume but also increases all the tones on your device.
2. Volume Booster also works for earphones plugged into the device.
3. The application is effortless to use.
Cons of Volume Booster
1. You cannot change the call settings during the call.
2. All Android devices don’t support this application.
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2. Volume Plus
Volume Plus is also an effective application that can be used to increase call volume on Android. It works on every Android device and is one of the best-preferred solutions to make Android call louder. You can easily download this application from Google Play Store. The application is straightforward to use and can also increase headset volume, loudspeaker volume, volume for notification and ringtone, and of course, in-call volume with a single tap. Although you cannot use volume + application to alter the volume of the plugged-in earphones.
Pros of Volume Plus
1. Volume Plus is supported by almost all Android devices.
2. The application is effortless to use and provides a user-friendly interface so that even a new user can manage it properly.
3. The application offers an equalizer present within the application, which allows you to adjust the volume according to your needs.
Cons of Volume Plus
1. It cannot alter the volume of earphones when plugged into the Android device.
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3. Enable Noise Cancellation
Most Android mobile phones are equipped with a noise cancellation feature during phone calls. Your device will cancel all the outside noises that are disturbing your calling experience by enabling this option. However, this feature was introduced recently, so it will be only available on newer Android smartphones. This feature cancels extra noises from your end and cancels background noises from the receiver ends, which boosts your calling experience and automatically increases sound volume.
If you want to check the availability of the option inside your device, then follow the steps underneath.
1. Go to ‘Settings‘ on your Android device.
2. Find the option ‘Call Settings‘ and tap on it.
3. Check for the ‘Noise Cancellation or Noise Reduction‘ option. If you see such an option, enable it and give it a try.
Note for Samsung users: If you are a Samsung user, increasing call volume on an Android phone is a piece of cake for you. Samsung has introduced an increasing in-call volume in calls option, which will immediately boost the sound quality and amplitude. It is available in Samsung’s latest Android devices or Android 4.3 updates. You can check this option inside your setting option, click on it, and make Android calls louder.
4. Custom ROM & New Kernel
Choose this option if there are no alternatives. Install a new kernel and a new custom ROM on your device and increase your call volume on your Android phone. There are many forums available that can help you decide what the best option for you to install is. They will guide you in making every choice. Make sure you have some knowledge about the method. If you are new to it, we do not recommend using this method.
5. Playing hit and trial with the position of your device.
Sometimes you can increase the volume of your call by just adjusting the position of your Android phone. Change the position of your Android device from where you can hear it better and clear. This method is simplest because you do not need to mess around your Android phone’s settings. Don’t rotate your mobile randomly; follow this simple trick.
Rotate your mobile phone around 360 degrees first and stop at the position where you think the sound is loudest. After catching the perfect angle, hold or place your Android device at that position and keep it away from the edges. Now, use earphones or another hearing device, connect them or pair them, and feel the sound quality change. Through this method, you can easily add more sharpness to your in-call volume.
There is another simple trick that can help you increase call volume on an Android phone. Take a curved bowl and place your device inside it. The logic behind this is, the bowl will work as a curved object and act as an amplifier. Thus, this simple home-made amplifier can work as an affordable speaker for your in-call volume.
Also Read: 6 Ways To Clean Up Your Android Phone
6. Use External Speaker
You can pair up your Android device with an external speaker, which will automatically make the Android call louder. It is one of the most common and simple hacks to increase call volume on Android. Every Android phone comes with a Bluetooth option. You just need to pair your device with an external speaker.
7. Use Volume Limiter
There is a volume limiter present in every Android device. Scroll every limiter option to the top or right according to the needs. Follow the steps mentioned underneath, which will help you in increasing call volume with a volume limiter:
1. Tap on the ‘Settings‘ option on your mobile phone.
2. Find the ‘Sound and Vibration‘ option and open it.
3. Tap on ‘Media Volume Limiter‘ and adjust the volume according to your needs. You can have custom adjustments for your volume limiter.
8. Equalizer Settings
You can also increase the in-call volume by changing equalizer settings. Your Android phone has many volume settings options available. You just need to explore your device. To increase the call volume on Android by adjusting the equalizer settings, follow the steps below.
1. Tap on the ‘Settings‘ option on your Android device.
2. Find ‘Sound and Vibration‘ and tap it.
3. Scroll down and tap on ‘Sound effects.‘
4. Tap on the equalizer.
5. Adjust the volume sliders according to your needs and requirements. There are various options available here that will suffice your requirements. Try every option and see which option is giving a better and clear sound quality.
9. Close any Sound-Receiving app in the background
Make sure there is no application running in the background which is controlling your phone’s volume. Some applications access every volume option of your Android phone and alter it. Ensure you do not grant permission to such apps and remove them from the background if they are running.
10. Change Headphones
Damaged headphones or other hearing devices might also be the reason behind the low call volume in your Android phone. Check the headphones and make sure that they are working correctly. If your headphones or earphones are old enough, then replace them. Buy good quality earphones for better sound quality. Using good quality headphones or earphones will automatically increase call volume on an Android phone and will prove to be a good investment.
Never play with the volume capacity of your Android phone. If you are trying to extend the volume and sound quality beyond your phone’s maximum limit, it might damage your phone’s speaker. High volume can also ruin your hearing if it persists for a longer duration of time. Do not keep high volume all the time and stick to the phone’s ability unless necessary.