您并非每天都打开计算机或笔记本电脑,并且一切正常。在某些情况下启动过程可能无法继续,在其他情况下可能会拒绝启动,尤其是在电源中断后。即使设置为 100%,您也可能会遇到屏幕亮度过低的情况,或者即使设置为最大亮度,您的笔记本电脑屏幕也会变暗或太暗。您的 PC 很可能设置为自适应亮度,但您的屏幕在深色背景Windows 10(Windows 10)上变暗还有其他原因。本文将向您展示如何自动修复Windows 10屏幕变暗。
如何自动修复 Windows 10 屏幕变暗(How to Fix Windows 10 Screen Dims Automatically)
Windows 10最普遍的问题之一是亮度设置在某些设备上无法正常工作。由于一个奇怪的问题,一些使用Windows 10 PC 的用户无法调整亮度级别。(Windows 10)笔记本电脑屏幕不断变暗Windows 10(Windows 10)的一些原因是:
- 这可能是由于过时的图形驱动程序(outdated graphics driver)或出现故障的自适应亮度功能(malfunctioning adaptive brightness feature)而发生的。
- 如果您的计算机屏幕在深色背景Windows 10(Windows 10)上变暗,Windows 10中的自动变暗选项(auto-dimming option)可能是罪魁祸首。
- 有时有缺陷的 LCD 逆变器(defective LCD inverter)可能会导致Windows 10屏幕自动快速变暗的问题。
- 一些用户发现过时的 BIOS(out-of-date BIOS)与此问题的Windows 10屏幕自动变暗之间存在联系。
- 此外,软件或硬件复杂性(software or hardware complications)可能会导致Windows 10中的屏幕变暗问题。
方法 1:基本故障排除步骤(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Steps)
- 确保笔记本电脑连接牢固。
- 检查电流是否稳定。如果是这种情况,电流稳定器可以提供帮助。
- 检查笔记本电脑插入的插座是否损坏。
- 检查笔记本电脑插入的插座是否工作正常。
- (Make)如果您正在使用扩展板接线,请确保它没有损坏。
- 检查扩展板是否过载,或者是否有任何连接到它的东西产生电涌。
- 从同一板或插座断开(Disconnect)任何耗电设备。
方法 2:运行电源疑难解答(Method 2: Run Power Troubleshooter)
Windows 电源疑难解答(Windows Power Troubleshooter)是一种内置实用程序,可帮助用户识别和纠正计算机电源设置问题。您可以使用它来发现和修复 PC 上大多数与电源相关的问题,包括屏幕变暗困难。如果您的设备屏幕在Windows 10(Windows 10)中继续变暗,则可以使用此疑难解答。
1. 按Windows 键(key),键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 将查看方式:(View by:)设置为大图标(Large Icons),然后单击 故障排除(Troubleshooting)设置。
3. 在左侧窗格中,单击查看全部(View All)。
4. 点击电源(Power)。
5. 运行电源疑难解答(Power troubleshooter)并实施它建议的所有解决方案。
现在,检查您的屏幕是否在Windows 10中的深色背景下变暗。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys 蓝屏错误(Fix Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error)
方法 3:关闭自适应亮度(Method 3: Turn Off Adaptive Brightness)
自适应亮度是一项可能导致屏幕变暗或闪烁的功能。如果在周围环境发生变化时选择此选项,Windows会自动使您的屏幕变暗。在Windows 10(Windows 10)中关闭自适应亮度(Adaptive Brightness)功能可以帮助您解决亮度设置问题。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中启用或禁用自适应亮度(How to Enable or Disable Adaptive Brightness in Windows 10)的指南,以解决您设备上所需的问题。
方法 4:更改屏幕分辨率(Method 4: Change Screen Resolution)
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开 设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,单击系统(System)设置。
3. 打开 显示分辨率下拉菜单。(Display Resolution dropdown. )选择旁边写有“ 推荐”的分辨率。(Recommended )
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复笔记本电脑屏幕上的线条(How to Fix Lines on Laptop Screen)
方法 5:更新显卡驱动程序(Method 5: Update Graphics Drivers)
因为图形驱动程序允许您的图形卡与您的计算机接口,所以您应该始终保持它们是最新的。可以想象,您正在 Windows 10 PC 上运行过时的图形驱动程序,这会导致屏幕自动变暗。阅读我们关于在 Windows 10 中更新图形驱动程序的 4 种方法(4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10)的指南,以了解和实施下载和安装最新图形驱动程序的步骤。这样做。将驱动程序更新到最新版本应该可以自动解决Windows 10屏幕变暗的问题。
方法 6:回滚显示驱动程序更新(Method 6: Rollback Display Driver Updates)
如果您在Windows 10(Windows 10)中仍面临深色背景下的屏幕变暗,请尝试按照以下给定步骤回滚驱动程序更新:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入设备管理器(device manager),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 单击 显示适配器(Display adapters)。
3. 右键单击您的 Wi-Fi 设备。单击(Click)属性(Properties)。_
4. 在驱动程序(Driver)选项卡下,单击回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)并按照以下说明进行操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Windows 10 触摸屏不工作(How to Fix Windows 10 Touchscreen Not Working)
方法 7:更新 BIOS 设置(Method 7: Update BIOS Setting)
更新BIOS设置还可以自动修复Windows 10屏幕变暗问题。因此,请按照给定的步骤更新BIOS设置。
步骤 I:确定 BIOS 版本和处理器信息(Step I: Determine BIOS Version and Processor Information)
1. 同时按下 Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入 msinfo32.exe并按Enter 键(Enter key)打开System Information。
3. 在System Information 面板(System Information panel)中,查找BIOS Version/Date并记下它。
4. 现在找到处理器(Processor)并复制信息以备将来使用。
检查您要安装的BIOS是否与您计算机中 的CPU兼容。
第二步:更新 BIOS(Step II: Update BIOS)
如果您的BIOS已过时,您的计算机屏幕可能会变暗,屏幕亮度即使在 100% 时也可能太低,和/或笔记本电脑屏幕在最大亮度时可能会太暗。
1.为您的 PC下载BIOS 驱动程序(BIOS driver)(例如Lenovo )。
2. 关闭正在运行的应用程序( running apps)并关闭您的防病毒(antivirus)软件。
3. 然后,安装BIOS 更新(BIOS update),这将导致计算机发出哔哔声或黑屏,冷却风扇循环打开和关闭,电源按钮循环打开和关闭几分钟。在更新完成之前,请勿关闭或打开您的计算机。
4. 最后,安装完成后重启(restart) 电脑。(your PC)
方法 8:修复硬件组件(Method 8: Repair Hardware Components)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Window 10 笔记本电脑白屏(How to Fix Window 10 Laptop White Screen)
方法九:更换液晶逆变器(Method 9: Replace LCD Inverter)
如果您的计算机屏幕暗淡无光,屏幕亮度即使在 100% 时也太低,和/或您的笔记本电脑屏幕在最大亮度时太暗,这很可能是由于LCD逆变器的电压过低。(LCD)该组件负责在您的计算机屏幕上提供背光。在这种情况下,可能需要更换逆变器。
方法 10:执行硬重置(Method 10: Perform Hard Reset)
您可以通过执行硬重置来自动修复Windows 10屏幕变暗问题,如下所示:
选项 I:适用于带可拆卸电池的计算机(Option I: For Computers with Removable Battery)
1. 从电池盒中取出电池(battery)。
2. 要释放计算机电容器中的任何剩余电荷,请按住电源按钮(power button)约15 秒(15 seconds)。
3. 更换电脑中的电池(battery)和电源适配器(power adapter)。
4. 要打开计算机,请按电源按钮(Power button)。
5. 开始菜单打开后,使用箭头键选择正常启动 Windows(Start Windows Normally),然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
您现在可以一一重新加入小工具,一切就绪。始终使用 Windows更新(Update)使您的所有设备驱动程序保持最新。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 上的红屏死机错误 (RSOD)(Fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10)
选项 II:对于带有不可拆卸电池的计算机(Option II: For Computers with Non-Removable Battery)
1. 从计算机上移除所有连接的设备或外围设备并断开电源适配器。
2. 在大多数系统上按住电源按钮(Power button)15 秒以重置它们。
3. 插入电源适配器(power adapter),但不要插入任何其他设备。
4. 按电源按钮(Power button)启动计算机。
5. 选择正常启动 Windows(Start Windows Normally)并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
6. 复位后,将所有附加设备(additional devices)和外设(peripherals)一一重新连接。
7. 运行Windows Update并升级所有设备驱动程序(device drivers)。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么我的屏幕这么黑,即使它设置为全亮度?(Q1. Why is my screen so dark, even when it’s set at full brightness?)
答:控制屏幕背光的(Ans: )LCD 逆变器(LCD inverter)电压低,可能是问题的根源。如果您无法修复它,您可能会考虑更换显示器。
Q2。当我使用电池时,为什么我的笔记本电脑屏幕变暗?(Q2. When I’m on battery, why does my laptop screen dim?)
Ans:当笔记本电脑在电池电量不足的情况下从交流电源( AC power)上拔下时,它将进入省电模式。
Q3。为什么我的屏幕会定期自行消失?(Q3. Why does my screen fade on its own at regular intervals?)
答:(Ans: Eye protection)Windows 10中的眼睛保护功能包括在特定时间间隔对屏幕进行调暗和应用颜色过滤器,以保护您的视力。
我们希望此信息有助于解决Windows 10 屏幕自动变暗(Windows 10 screen dims automatically)问题。请(Please)让我们知道哪种策略被证明对您最有效。请(Please)在下面的评论区分享任何问题或建议。
Fix Windows 10 Screen Dims Automatically
It’s not every daу that you turn on your computer or laptop, and eνerything workѕ perfectly. The starting process may not continue in certain cases, and it may refuse to boot in others, particularly after a power interruptіon. You may also experience times when your screen brightness is too low, even when set to 100%, or when your laptop screen iѕ dim or too dark even when set to mаximum brightness. Your PC is most likelу set to adарtive brightness, but there are other reasons why уour screen dims on dark background Windows 10 on its own. This article will show yoυ how tо fix Windows 10 screen dims automatically.
How to Fix Windows 10 Screen Dims Automatically
One of the most prevalent issues with Windows 10 is that the brightness setting does not work properly on some of their devices. Some users using Windows 10 PCs are unable to adjust the brightness levels due to a strange problem. Some of the reasons for laptop screen keeps dimming Windows 10 are:
- It might happen due to an outdated graphics driver or a malfunctioning adaptive brightness feature.
- The auto-dimming option in Windows 10 may be to blame if your computer screen dims on dark background Windows 10.
- Sometimes defective LCD inverter may potentially lead to the issue of Windows 10 screen dims automatically quickly.
- Some users have discovered a link between out-of-date BIOS and this issue of Windows 10 screen dims automatically.
- Also, software or hardware complications can lead to screen dimming issues in Windows 10.
Now, the next section consists of carefully put together methods to fix this issue. Follow each Method step by step until you obtain a fix.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Steps
The power plan may need to be altered if your system isn’t getting a constant current. Power plans might alter depending on the power supply (battery or DC). To make the necessary changes, follow the instructions below.
- Ensure that the laptop is securely connected.
- Check to see if the current is stable. If that’s the case, a current stabilizer can assist.
- Check to see whether the socket the laptop is plugged into is damaged.
- Check to see if the socket the laptop is plugged into is in good working order.
- Make sure the extension board wiring isn’t broken if you’re utilizing one.
- Check to see if an extension board is overloaded or if anything attached to it is creating electrical surges.
- Disconnect any power-hungry devices from the same board or socket.
Method 2: Run Power Troubleshooter
The Windows Power Troubleshooter is a built-in utility that assists users in identifying and correcting issues with their computer power settings. You may use this to discover and fix most power-related issues on your PC, including screen dimming difficulties. This troubleshooter can be used if your device screen continues dimming in Windows 10.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.
2. Set View by: to Large Icons, then click on Troubleshooting setting.
3. From the left pane, click on View All.
4. Click on Power.
5. Run the Power troubleshooter and implement all of the solutions it suggests.
Now, check if your screen dims on dark background in Windows 10.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error
Method 3: Turn Off Adaptive Brightness
Adaptive brightness is a function that may be to blame for screen dimming or blinking. If this option is chosen when the surrounding environment changes, Windows dims your screen automatically. Turning off the Adaptive Brightness function in Windows 10 may assist you in resolving problems with the brightness setting. Read our guide on How to Enable or Disable Adaptive Brightness in Windows 10 to fix the desired issue on your device.
Method 4: Change Screen Resolution
It’s conceivable that you’ve selected a screen resolution that isn’t optimal for your monitor. The screen dimming and brightening might be caused by different programs or the operating system attempting to operate with the resolution that has been specified.
1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Here, click on the System setting.
3. Open the Display Resolution dropdown. Select the resolution that has Recommended written next to it.
Also Read: How to Fix Lines on Laptop Screen
Method 5: Update Graphics Drivers
Because graphics drivers allow your graphics card to interface with your computer, you should always keep them up to date. It’s conceivable that you’re running outdated graphics drivers on your Windows 10 PC, which causes the screen to darken automatically. Read our guide on 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 to understand and implement the steps to download and install the latest graphic drivers. do so. Updating drivers to the most recent version should resolve the issue of Windows 10 screen dims automatically.
Method 6: Rollback Display Driver Updates
If you are still facing screen dims on dark background in Windows 10, then try rolling back your driver updates as shown the given steps below:
1. Press the Windows key, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Click on the Display adapters.
3. Right-click on your Wi-Fi device. Click on Properties.
4. Under the Driver tab, click Roll Back Driver and follow the instruction that follows.
Also Read: How to Fix Windows 10 Touchscreen Not Working
Method 7: Update BIOS Setting
Updating the BIOS settings can also fix Windows 10 screen dims automatically issue. So, follow the given steps to update the BIOS settings.
Step I: Determine BIOS Version and Processor Information
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type msinfo32.exe and hit the Enter key to open System Information.
3. In the System Information panel, look for BIOS Version/Date and note it down.
4. Now locate the Processor and copy the information for future use.
Check to see if the BIOS you’re about to install is compatible with the CPU in your computer.
Step II: Update BIOS
If your BIOS is outdated, your computer screen may become dull, the screen brightness may be too low even at 100%, and/or the laptop screen may be too dark at maximum brightness.
Note: Before you begin upgrading the BIOS, make a note of your computer product number, make sure you have an Internet connection and have a pencil and paper handy.
1. Download the BIOS driver (e.g. Lenovo) for your PC.
2. Close running apps and turn Off your antivirus software.
3. Then, install the BIOS update, which will cause the computer to beep or go blank, the cooling fans to cycle on and off, and the power button to cycle on and off for a few minutes. Do not switch your computer off or on until the update is finished.
4. Finally, restart your PC when the installation is complete.
Method 8: Repair Hardware Components
The screen may fade or brighten due to hardware issues, requiring you to bring the laptop in for repair. The battery, power supply unit, or graphics card in your laptop may have been loose or broken. It can only be checked by opening it up. If something is loose, the repair should not take too long or be too expensive. You’ll need to repair a hardware component if it’s broken.
Also Read: How to Fix Window 10 Laptop White Screen
Method 9: Replace LCD Inverter
It’s most likely due to a low voltage at the LCD inverter if your computer screen is dull, the screen brightness is too low even at 100%, and/or your laptop screen is too dark at maximum brightness. This component is in charge of providing the backlight on your computer screen. In such circumstances, the inverter may need to be replaced.
Method 10: Perform Hard Reset
You can fix Windows 10 screen dims automatically issue by performing a hard reset as shown in the steps below:
Option I: For Computers with Removable Battery
Remove any connected devices, disconnect any externally linked peripherals, and then unplug the power adapter from the computer for a detachable battery computer.
1. Remove the battery from its compartment.
2. To discharge any residual electrical charge from your computer capacitors, press and hold the power button for around 15 seconds.
3. Replace the battery and the power adapter in the computer.
4. To switch on your computer, press the Power button.
5. When the start menu opens, use the arrow keys to choose Start Windows Normally and then press Enter key.
You may now rejoin the gadgets one by one, and you’re all set. Always use Windows Update to keep all of your device drivers up to date.
Also Read: Fix Red Screen of Death Error (RSOD) on Windows 10
Option II: For Computers with Non-Removable Battery
1. Remove any connected devices or peripherals from the computer and disconnect the power adapter.
2. Press and hold the Power button for 15 seconds on most systems to reset them.
3. Plug in the power adapter but not any other devices.
4. Start your computer by pressing the Power button.
5. Select Start Windows Normally and press Enter key.
6. After the reset, reconnect all additional devices and peripherals one by one.
7. Run Windows Update as well as upgrade all device drivers.
If your computer battery is sealed or non-removable, don’t attempt to remove it since it will void your warranty. Follow the instructions outlined above.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is my screen so dark, even when it’s set at full brightness?
Ans: A low voltage at the LCD inverter, which controls the backlight on your screen, might be the source of your problems. If you are unable to repair it, you might consider replacing your display.
Q2. When I’m on battery, why does my laptop screen dim?
Ans: When a laptop is unplugged from the AC power with a low battery, it will go into a power-saving mode.
Q3. Why does my screen fade on its own at regular intervals?
Ans: Eye protection capabilities in Windows 10 include dimming and applying color filters to your screen at specific time intervals to protect your eyesight.
We hope that this information helped resolve Windows 10 screen dims automatically problem. Please let us know which strategy proved to be the most effective for you. Please share any questions or recommendations in the comments area below.