最好的 Microsoft PowerPoint 键盘快捷键

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 仍然常用于在世界各地的企业和教育中创建图形演示文稿。每天有数百万人使用它。虽然它是相当软件,但创建演示文稿需要时间。那么,为什么不加快流程并使用Powerpoint键盘快捷键来改进您的工作流程呢?



也就是说,请务必查看我们关于最佳 Microsoft Word 键盘快捷键(best Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts)最佳 Microsoft Excel 键盘快捷键(best Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts)的文章,以成为Microsoft Office高级用户。

1. 通用PowerPoint 键盘快捷键(PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts)

这些PowerPoint快捷键将帮助您导航功能区、打开和关闭演示文稿或在多个演示文稿之间切换。您可能已经熟悉其中一些,因为它们与其他应用程序或 Web 浏览器中使用的快捷方式相同。

Ctrl+N Create a new presentation.
Ctrl+O Open already existing presentation
Ctrl+S Saves a presentation that is currently open
Alt+F2 or F12 Opens a Save As dialog box
Ctrl+Q Save and close a presentation
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 Close currently active presentation
F1 Opens the Help panel
F7 Check spelling
F10 or Alt Turns the key tips on and off
Ctrl+F1 Expand or collapse the ribbon
Ctrl+F2 Enter Print Preview mode
Ctrl+Tab Switch between multiple opened presentations
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action
Ctrl+F Open the find dialog box
Alt+G Navigate to the Design tab
Alt+A Navigate to the Animation tab
Alt+K Navigate to the Transition tab
Alt+S Navigate to the Slide Show tab
Alt+F Navigate to the File menu
Alt+H Navigate to the Home tab
Alt+N Open the Insert tab
Alt+W Navigate to the View tab
Alt+R Open the Review Tab
Alt+X Navigate to the Add-ins tab

2. 选择和浏览PowerPoint(Navigating)演示文稿(PowerPoint Presentation)


Home Go to the beginning of a line in a textbox, or to the first slide in the presentation
End Go to the end of a line in a textbox, or to the last slide in the presentation
Page Up Go to the previous slide
Page Down Go to the next slide
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move a slide in your presentation up
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move a slide in your presentation down
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Move a slide to the beginning of the presentation
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Move a slide to the end of the presentation
Ctrl+A Select all slides in a presentation (in slide sorter view), all texts in text boxes, or all objects on a slide
Tab Move to the next object in the slide, or select it
Shift+Tab Move to the previous object in the slide, or select it
Alt+Q Navigate to Tell me what you want to do

3. 格式化和编辑PowerPoint 演示文稿(PowerPoint Presentation)

完成创建演示文稿后,您可以专注于使其看起来不错。使用这些键盘快捷键格式化您的PowerPoint演示文稿或快速编辑它。(PowerPoint)此外,请记住,您始终可以开始使用专业的PowerPoint 模板(PowerPoint template)以节省更多时间。

Ctrl+C Copy the selected text, objects in slide, or slides in presentation
Ctrl+X Cut the selected text, objects in slide, or slides in presentation
Ctrl+V Paste previously copied or cut text, objects, or slides
Delete Delete the previously selected text, object, or a slide
Ctrl+Backspace Delete a word to the left
Ctrl+Delete Delete a word to the right
Ctrl+B Bold the selected text. Press again to remove bold
Ctrl+I Make the selected text Italic. Press again to remove the Italic
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text. Press again to remove the underline
Ctrl+E Align the selected text to the center
Ctrl+L Align the selected text to the left
Ctrl+R Align the selected text to the right
Ctrl+J Justify the selected text
Ctrl+T Open the font dialog box for the selected text object
Ctrl+G Group items together
Ctrl+Shift+G Ungroup items
Ctrl+K (on selected text or object) Insert hyperlink
Ctrl+M Insert new slide
Ctrl+D Duplicate a selected object or slide
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Increase the size of the font
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Decrease the size of the font
Alt+W then Q CHange the Zoom for the slides
Ctrl++ Make the selected text a superscript
Ctrl+= Make the selected text subscript
Hold Alt + N and then P Insert a Picture
Hold Alt+H then S then H Insert a shape
Hold Alt+H then L Select a layout for a slide

4. 发表你的演讲

一旦您对 PowerPoint 演示文稿的结果感到满意,就可以将其交付给您的同事、老板或老师。这些键盘快捷键将帮助您看起来很专业。

F5 Start the presentation from the beginning
Shift+F5 Start the presentation from the current slide
Alt+F5 Start the presentation in Presenter View
Right Arrow (or Enter) Navigate to the next slide or animation
Left Arrow Navigate to the previous slide or animation
Home Restart the presentation from the first slide
End Quickly go to the last slide
S Start or stop playing automatic presentation
Slide number+enter Go to a specific slide
Ctrl+S Open All Slides dialog box
Esc Exit the presentation
B or W To pause the presentation and enter a blank (black or white) screen
Ctrl+L Change the cursor into a laser dot
Ctrl+P Live draw on presentation with a pen
E Erase anything drawn with a pen
Ctrl+H Hide navigation controls


请记住,上面的PowerPoint键盘快捷键主要用于Windows机器。但是,它们中的大多数在Mac上也是相似的。在Windows上,您需要按Ctrl来获得大多数快捷方式,而在Mac上,您将改为按Cmd ( Command ) 键。


如果您觉得它有帮助,您甚至可以打印出这份Powerpoint 键盘(Powerpoint keyboard)快捷键列表,并将其放在工作站旁边方便使用。这样您就可以随时浏览并使用适当的快捷方式。

About the author

我是一位强烈推荐的 Windows 10 专家,我专注于帮助人们个性化他们的计算机外观并使他们的 Office 工具更加用户友好。我利用自己的技能帮助他人找到使用 Microsoft Office 的最有效方法,包括如何格式化文本和图形以进行在线打印、如何为 Outlook 创建自定义主题,甚至如何自定义桌面任务栏的外观计算机。

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