当整个世界因COVID-19(COVID-19)大流行而突然陷入封锁时, Zoom、Microsoft Teams、Skype等应用程序的活跃用户数量大幅增加。当我们转向视频通话与朋友和家人保持联系时,雇主开始举行在线团队会议。突然之间,被黑色胶带覆盖的笔记本电脑网络摄像头终于看到了一些阳光,几乎每天都经历了几个小时的动作。不幸的是,许多用户很难让他们的笔记本电脑摄像头正常工作。在本文中,我们将介绍各种故障排除技巧,以修复笔记本电脑摄像头在Windows 10上无法正常工作的问题。Windows 10笔记本电脑网络摄像头无法正常运行。
网络摄像头是拼凑到您的笔记本电脑中的附加硬件组件,与任何其他硬件组件一样,网络摄像头也需要在系统上安装适当的设备驱动程序。某些制造商允许用户通过按特定键、组合键或通过内置应用程序禁用网络摄像头,因此您需要确保网络摄像头一开始没有被禁用。其次(Next),一些用户经常为了他们的隐私(并且因为他们看过太多黑客/网络安全电影)而禁止应用程序访问/使用网络摄像头。如果确实如此,只需允许应用程序访问相机即可解决所有问题。最近的Windows质量更新或第三方防病毒程序也可能是网络摄像头故障的罪魁祸首。因此,不再浪费时间,让我们从修复笔记本电脑摄像头在(Fix Laptop Camera)Windows 10上无法正常工作的问题开始。

修复笔记本电脑摄像头(Fix Laptop Camera)无法在Windows 10上运行(Windows 10)
以下是让笔记本电脑网络摄像头在 Windows 10 上再次运行的 7 种方法:(Here are the 7 ways to get your Laptop webcam working again on Windows 10:)
方法一:检查相机访问设置(Method 1: Check Camera Access Settings)
注意:(Note:) 联想(Lenovo)用户应打开联想设置(Lenovo Settings)应用程序,然后打开相机(Camera)设置并禁用隐私(Privacy)模式,并将应用程序更新到最新版本。同样,其他制造商(戴尔(Dell)用户的戴尔网络摄像头中心(Dell Webcam Central))拥有自己的网络摄像头应用程序,这些应用程序需要保持最新状态以避免出现问题。
1.按 Windows 键激活开始菜单(Press the Windows key to activate the Start menu)并单击cogwheel/gear图标,或者只需按Windows key + I启动Windows 设置(Windows Settings),然后单击隐私(Privacy )设置。

2. 使用左侧窗格中的导航菜单,移动到相机(Camera )页面(在应用程序权限下)。
3. 在右侧面板上,单击更改(Change )按钮,如果设备当前无法访问摄像头,则打开(toggle on )以下“此设备的摄像头访问权限”开关。(‘Camera access for this device’ )
4. 接下来,打开(toggle on )允许应用程序访问您的相机(Allow apps to access your camera)下的开关。

方法 2:检查防病毒设置(Method 2: Check Antivirus Settings )以修复笔记本电脑摄像头无法正常工作(to Fix Laptop Camera Not Working)
防病毒(Antivirus)应用程序在检查病毒攻击和恶意软件程序进入的同时还保护用户免受许多其他事情的影响。例如, Web Protection(Web Protection)可确保用户不会访问任何可疑网站或从 Internet 下载任何有害文件。同样,您的防病毒程序的隐私模式或保护功能会规定哪些应用程序可以访问您的笔记本电脑摄像头,并且可能会在不知不觉中导致问题。只需(Simply)关闭网络摄像头(Webcam)保护选项并检查摄像头是否开始正常工作。
1.通过双击其快捷方式图标 打开您的(A)防病毒程序。(ntivirus program)
2. 访问程序的隐私设置(Privacy settings)。
3.禁用网络摄像头保护( Disable Webcam protection)或任何与阻止应用程序访问网络摄像头相关的设置。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复笔记本电脑无法连接到 WiFi(带图片)(Fix Laptop not connecting to WiFi (With Pictures))
方法 3:运行硬件疑难解答(Method 3: Run the Hardware Troubleshooter)
如果所有必要的权限都可用,让我们允许 Windows 尝试修复笔记本电脑摄像头在Windows 10本身上无法正常工作的问题。内置的硬件疑难解答程序可以找到并修复键盘、打印机、音频设备等的任何问题,可用于此目的。
1.按Windows key + R运行命令框(Run command box),键入 control 或control panel,然后按Enter键打开应用程序。

2. 根据需要调整图标大小,然后单击故障排除(Troubleshooting )图标。

3. 单击下一步查看全部(View All )。

4. 从以下列表中找到硬件和设备疑难解答(Hardware and devices troubleshooter),单击它并按照屏幕上的说明开始疑难解答程序。
a)在搜索栏中搜索命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行。(Run as Administrator.)

msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic

c) 单击以下窗口中的“高级(Advanced )”按钮,确保勾选“自动应用修复”,然后单击(Apply repairs automatically)“下一步”(Next)。

希望故障排除程序能够修复您的笔记本电脑摄像头无法在Windows 10上运行的问题。
方法 4:回滚或卸载相机驱动程序(Method 4: Rollback or Uninstall Camera Drivers)
1.右键单击(Right-click )开始菜单按钮(或按Windows key + X)并从高级用户菜单中选择(Power User menu)设备管理器( Device Manager)。

2. 根据Windows版本,您将在设备管理器中找到“相机”或“成像设备”(‘Cameras’ or ‘Imaging devices’)。展开可用条目。
3.右键单击(Right-click )网络摄像头设备,然后从随后的菜单中选择属性。(Properties )您还可以双击设备以访问其设置。

4. 移至“属性”窗口的“驱动程序”选项卡。(Driver )
5. 对于大多数用户,如果计算机没有保留以前的驱动程序文件或没有安装任何其他驱动程序文件,则回滚驱动程序按钮将灰显(不可用)。(Rollback)如果您可以使用回滚驱动程序(Rollback driver)选项,请单击它(click on it)。Uninstall driver/device直接卸载当前的驱动程序。确认您收到的任何弹出窗口。

6. 现在,重新启动计算机,让Windows自动重新安装必要的相机驱动程序。这可能有助于(This might help )解决您的笔记本电脑摄像头在 Windows 10 上无法正常工作的问题。(to fix your laptop camera not working issue on Windows 10.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中将笔记本电脑屏幕一分为二(Split Your Laptop Screen in Half in Windows 10)
方法 5:手动更新网络摄像头驱动程序(Method 5: Manually Update Webcam Drivers)
有时,硬件驱动程序可能只是过时了,需要用最新版本替换以解决所有问题。为此,您可以使用Driver Booster等第三方应用程序,也可以从制造商的网站手动下载网络摄像头驱动程序文件并自行安装。要手动更新驱动程序 -
1.按照前一种方法的步骤 1 到 4 进行(Follow steps 1 through 4 of the previous method)操作,然后将自己置于相机属性(Properties)窗口的驱动程序选项卡上。(Driver tab)单击(Click)更新驱动程序(Update Driver)按钮。

2. 在以下窗口中,选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。如果您确实从制造商的网站手动下载了驱动程序文件,请选择浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序选项。( choose the Browse my computer for the driver’s option.)

3. 手动导航到保存驱动程序文件的位置并安装它们,或者选择让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选择,(choose Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer,)选择适当的驱动程序(USB 视频设备(USB Video Device)),然后点击下一步(Next)。

4.重新启动计算机(Restart your computer)以获得良好的效果。
您也可以尝试在兼容模式下安装驱动程序以增加成功的机会。找到保存的驱动程序文件,右键单击它并选择Properties。移至“(Move)属性(Properties)”窗口的“兼容性”选项卡(Compatibility tab),然后选中“以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode for)”旁边的框。现在,从下拉列表中选择适当的操作系统,然后单击(select the appropriate operating system )应用(Apply),然后单击确定。(OK.)接下来安装驱动程序并检查网络摄像头问题是否已解决。

方法 6:卸载 Windows 更新(Method 6: Uninstall Windows Updates)
1.按Windows key + I打开设置(Open Settings),然后单击更新和安全(Update & Security)。

2. 在Windows 更新(Windows Update)选项卡上,单击查看更新历史记录(View update history)。

3.接下来,点击卸载更新(Uninstall updates)。

4.Uninstall the most recent feature/quality Windows update。要卸载,只需选择并单击卸载(Uninstall )按钮。

方法 7:重置您的电脑(Method 7: Reset Your PC)
希望上述方法之一解决了您遇到的所有相机问题,但如果没有,您可以尝试重置您的计算机作为最后的选择。用户可以选择保留他们的个人文件并重置他们的设置(应用程序将被删除)或一次删除所有内容。我们建议您首先重置您的 PC,同时保留所有个人文件,如果这不起作用,请尝试重置所有内容以修复笔记本电脑摄像头无法解决 Windows 10 问题。(fix the laptop camera not working on Windows 10 issues.)
1. 再次打开Windows 更新设置(Windows Update Settings),这一次,移动到恢复(Recovery )页面。
2. 单击重置此 PC 下的开始按钮。(Get Started)

3. 选择将我的文件保留(Keep my files)在下一个窗口中,然后按照屏幕上的提示重置您的计算机。

我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复笔记本电脑摄像头无法解决 Windows 10 问题。(fix Laptop camera not working on Windows 10 issue.)如需有关此主题的更多帮助,请随时通过[email protected]或下面的评论部分与我们联系。
Fix Laptop Camera Not Working on Windows 10
When the entire wоrld went into a sudden lockdown due to the COVID-19 pаndemіc, applications such aѕ Zoom, Microѕoft Teams, Skype saw a tremendous rise in the number of active υsers. Employers started conducting onlіne team meetings while we turned to video calls to stay in touch with our friends and famіly. All of a sudden the laptop web camera which was сoverеd with a piece of black tapе finally saw somе daylight and experienced action for a few hours almost every day. Unfortunately, a number of users had a tough time getting their laptop camera to wоrk properlу. In this article, we will be going through νarious troublеshooting tips to fix the laptоp camеra nоt working on Windows 10 when your Windows 10 laptоp webcam refuses to funсtion normally.
The web camera is an additional hardware component pieced together into your laptop and like any other hardware component, the web camera also requires appropriate device drivers to be installed on the system. Certain manufacturers allow users to disable the webcam by pressing a particular key, key combination, or through a built-in app so you will need to ensure that the webcam is not disabled in the first place. Next, some users often prohibit applications from accessing/using the webcam for the sake of their privacy (and because they have seen too many hacker/cybersecurity movies). If that is indeed the case, simply allowing applications to access the camera should resolve all issues. A recent Windows quality update or a third-party antivirus program can also be culprits to your malfunctioning web camera. So, without wasting any more time, let’s begun with the issue to Fix Laptop Camera Not Working on Windows 10.

Fix Laptop Camera Not Working on Windows 10
We will start off by checking if the webcam is enabled or not, if all the required applications have access to it, and ensure that the antivirus is not blocking applications from accessing the camera. Moving on, we can try running the built-in hardware troubleshooter to have Windows automatically fix any issues and ensure that the correct camera drivers are installed. Ultimately, if the issue persists, our last resort is to roll back to a previous Windows version or to reset our computer.
Here are the 7 ways to get your Laptop webcam working again on Windows 10:
Method 1: Check Camera Access Settings
Starting off with the obvious, your laptop webcam will not work if it is disabled in the first place. The motive for disabling the webcam may vary but all of them have a common underlying concern – ‘Privacy’. A few manufacturers allow users to disable the webcam using a hotkey combination or one of the function keys. Carefully check the function keys for a camera icon with a strike through it or perform a quick Google search to know the webcam enable-disable key shortcut (manufacturer specific) and ensure the camera isn’t disabled. Some external web camera attachments also have a turn-on-off switch, before starting your video conference ensure the switch is in the On position.
Note: Lenovo users should open the Lenovo Settings application, followed by Camera settings and disable Privacy mode and also update the application to the latest version. Similarly, other manufacturers (Dell Webcam Central for Dell users) have their own webcam applications which need to be up-to-date in order to avoid issues.
Furthermore, Windows allows users to entirely restrict their device from accessing the web camera along with the ability to handpick which built-in and third-party applications have access to it. Let’s head down the Camera settings and check if the required applications (Zoom, Skype, etc.) have access to it. If not, we will manually grant them the necessary access.
1. Press the Windows key to activate the Start menu and click on the cogwheel/gear icon, or simply press Windows key + I to launch Windows Settings then click on Privacy Settings.

2. Using the navigation menu on the left pane, move to the Camera page (Under App Permissions).
3. On the right-panel, click on the Change button and toggle on the following ‘Camera access for this device’ switch if the device does not currently have access to the camera.
4. Next, toggle on the switch under Allow apps to access your camera.

5. Scroll down the right-panel and choose individual Microsoft and third-party applications that can access the webcam.
Method 2: Check Antivirus Settings to Fix Laptop Camera Not Working
Antivirus applications while keeping a check on virus attacks and entry of malware programs also protect the users from a number of other things. Web Protection, for instance, ensures users do not visit any suspicious website or download any harmful files from the internet. Similarly, the privacy mode or protection feature of your antivirus program regulates which applications have access to your laptop camera and unknowingly may cause issues. Simply turn off the Webcam protection option and check if the camera starts working properly.
1. Open your Antivirus program by double-clicking on its shortcut icon.
2. Access the program’s Privacy settings.
3. Disable Webcam protection or any setting related to blocking webcam access for applications.

Also Read: Fix Laptop not connecting to WiFi (With Pictures)
Method 3: Run the Hardware Troubleshooter
If all the necessary permissions are available, let us allow Windows to try and fix the laptop camera not working issues on Windows 10 itself. The built-in hardware troubleshooter which can find and fix any problems with the keyboard, printer, audio devices, etc. can be employed for this purpose.
1. Launch the Run command box by pressing Windows key + R, type control or control panel, and hit enter to open the application.

2. Adjust the icon size if required and click on the Troubleshooting icon.

3. Click on View All next.

4. Find the Hardware and devices troubleshooter from the following list, click on it and follow the on-screen instructions to start the troubleshooting procedure.
If you aren’t able to find the Hardware and device troubleshooter, do not worry as there is another way to launch the required troubleshooter:
a) Search for Command Prompt in the search bar and click on Run as Administrator.

b) Carefully type the below command line and press the enter key to execute.
msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic

c) Click on the Advanced button in the following window, ensure Apply repairs automatically is ticked and hit Next.

Hopefully, the troubleshooter will be able to fix your laptop camera not working on Windows 10 issue.
Method 4: Rollback or Uninstall Camera Drivers
Rollbacking or uninstalling the drivers is a trick that usually does the job whenever a hardware-related issue arises. Drivers are often rendered corrupt due to a recent Windows update, bugs, or compatibility issues in the current build, or interference from a different version of the same drivers.
1. Right-click on the Start menu button (or press Windows key + X) and choose Device Manager from the Power User menu.

2. Depending on the Windows version, you will either find ‘Cameras’ or ‘Imaging devices’ in the device manager. Expand the available entry.
3. Right-click on the Webcam device and select Properties from the ensuing menu. You can also double-click on a device to access its settings.

4. Move to the Driver tab of the Properties window.
5. For most users, the Rollback driver button will be grayed-out (not available) if the computer hasn’t retained the previous driver files or didn’t have any other driver files installed. If the Rollback driver option is available to you, click on it. Others can directly uninstall the current drivers by clicking on Uninstall driver/device. Confirm any pop-ups you receive.

6. Now, restart your computer to have Windows automatically reinstall the necessary camera drivers. This might help to fix your laptop camera not working issue on Windows 10.
Also Read: Split Your Laptop Screen in Half in Windows 10
Method 5: Manually Update Webcam Drivers
Sometimes, the hardware drivers may simply be outdated and need to be replaced with the most up-to-date version to fix all issues. You can either make use of third-party applications like Driver Booster for this purpose or manually download the webcam driver files from the manufacturer’s website and install them yourself. To manually update drivers-
1. Follow steps 1 through 4 of the previous method and land yourself on the Driver tab of the camera Properties window. Click on the Update Driver button.

2. In the following window, choose Search automatically for drivers. If you indeed manually downloaded the driver files from the manufacturer’s website, choose the Browse my computer for the driver’s option.

3. Either manually navigate to the location where the driver files are saved and install them or choose Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer, select the appropriate drivers (USB Video Device), and hit Next.

4. Restart your computer for good measure.
You can also try installing the drivers in compatibility mode to increase the chances of success. Locate the saved driver file, right-click on it and select Properties. Move to the Compatibility tab of the Properties window and check the box next to ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for’. Now, select the appropriate operating system from the drop-down list and click on Apply followed by OK. Install the drivers next and check if the webcam issue has been resolved.

Method 6: Uninstall Windows Updates
Feature updates are regularly pushed to Windows users introducing new features and fixing any issues/bugs in the previous OS build. Sometimes, a new update may modify things for the worse and break a thing or two. If your laptop camera worked perfectly before installing the latest update then it is indeed the case for you. Either wait for a new Windows update or rollback to a previous build in which no issues were being faced.
1. Open Settings by pressing Windows key + I and click on Update & Security.

2. On the Windows Update tab, click on View update history.

3. Next, click on Uninstall updates.

4. Uninstall the most recent feature/quality Windows update. To uninstall, simply select and click on the Uninstall button.

Method 7: Reset Your PC
Hopefully, one of the above-mentioned methods fixed all the camera issues you were encountering but if they didn’t, you can try resetting your computer as a last option. Users have the choice to keep their personal files and reset their settings (applications will be removed) or get rid of everything at once. We recommend you first reset your PC while keeping all the personal files and if that doesn’t work, try resetting everything to fix the laptop camera not working on Windows 10 issues.
1. Open the Windows Update Settings again and this time, move to the Recovery page.
2. Click on the Get Started button under Reset This PC.

3. Choose to Keep my files in the next window and follow the on-screen prompts to reset your computer.

If your laptop recently took a tumble, you might want to get it checked by a professional or manually pry open the screen and have a look at the webcam connection. It is likely that the fall loosened the connection or caused some serious damage to the device.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Laptop camera not working on Windows 10 issue. For any more assistance on this topic, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] or the comments section below.