谁不喜欢电影?电影不是最好的娱乐来源吗?如果您度过了无聊的一天或在朋友家过夜,电影可以让您连续观看至少 2-3 个小时。如果您可以在床上欣赏您最喜欢的电影,那还有什么更好的呢?对于那些拥有Netflix或亚马逊(Amazon)Prime 帐户的人来说,在线流媒体电影不是问题,但对于那些不想为电影支付额外费用的人来说,有许多免费的电影流媒体应用程序可以在他们的手机上下载并无限观看电影免费。
2022 年9款最佳(Best)免费电影流媒体应用(Movie Streaming Apps)
1.索尼裂纹(1. SONY CRACKLE)
首先(First),Sony Crackle适用于几乎所有设备,包括基于Android或 iOS 的手机、许多智能电视(TVs)、Amazon Kindle、Amazon Fire 、 Xbox 360、PlayStation 3和 4 等游戏机等。它具有用户友好的界面并提供大量电影和电视节目。它涵盖了各种类型,包括动作、戏剧喜剧、恐怖、浪漫、冒险、动画等等。除了这些,它还提供其原始内容。
最好的是,您甚至不需要创建帐户即可观看电影。但是,创建帐户并没有什么坏处,因为它可以帮助您跟踪观看的电影。您还可以在多个设备上无缝使用Sony Crackle,以便您可以从其他设备上暂停的同一实例恢复电影。此外,您可以获得所有电影的字幕,因此您无需付出额外的努力。
(Crackle)即使您正在寻找其他电影,Crackle也可以让您流式传输任何电影。关于Sony Crackle(Sony Crackle)的另一件需要注意的重要事情是它以高质量流式传输视频,因此您需要良好的互联网连接才能不间断地观看电影。您可以在Crackle(Crackle)上观看电影,也可以在社交媒体上分享。
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2.图比(2. TUBI)
Tubi是榜单上最好的免费电影流媒体应用之一。许多设备都支持它,包括Android、iOS、Amazon、Windows等。您还可以在Xbox、Chromecast、Roku甚至您的智能电视上使用它。除了欧盟, (European Union)Tubi随处可见。它有一个令人愉悦的黑色主题界面,并提供动作、戏剧、惊悚、喜剧、浪漫、恐怖、纪录片等类型的电影。(Tubi),您无需订阅即可免费流式传输各种内容。电影以高质量流式传输,并且还提供字幕。您可以从上次暂停时恢复您的电影。
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3.观众(3. VIEWSTER)
另一个用于在线流媒体电影和电视节目的惊人应用是Viewster。此应用适用于Android、Roku和 iOS 用户。您不仅可以使用此应用程序流式传输电影和电视节目,还可以传输新闻、卡通、纪录片等,对于所有动漫爱好者来说,此应用程序就是您的理想之选。它拥有大量动漫,并且不断更新。您可以从频道菜单、浏览部分或直接使用搜索栏搜索您想要的视频。它具有简洁的界面,您无需注册即可观看视频。您可以选择所需的视频质量,还可以获得视频的字幕。
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在这里,您可以找到可追溯到 1960 年代的电影。此外,它还有一些用户生成的内容。由于范围窄,它可能不是电影和电视节目的最佳选择,但对于动画等所有其他内容,Viewster是惊人的。Viewster的一个重要功能是具有家长控制功能的密码保护。Viewster的一个缺点是其视频质量,可能不如其他免费流媒体应用程序。因此(Hence),不建议用于大屏幕投射。
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Snagfilms拥有超过 5000 部电影,以收藏经典电影和纪录片而闻名。它还提供基于LGBT的电影和视频。您可以在Android、iOS、Amazon、PS4和Roku上使用此应用程序。电影的历史从 1920 年代到 2010 年代不等。Snagfilms还可以让您观看电影预告片。此版本不提供字幕,但还有其他功能(例如快进)将迫使您尝试。如果您以高质量流式传输视频,缓冲可能会出现一些问题。此外,高质量的快进可能会导致视频停止。
请注意,它的美国图书馆涵盖了最大范围的视频,因此您可能希望将其与VPN一起使用。Snagfilms确实像其他在线电影流媒体应用程序一样展示广告,但数量非常少。这个应用程序的一个真正优点是您甚至可以下载视频以供离线使用(download the video for offline use)。我们真的需要这个,不是吗?
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5. 爆米花(5. POPCORNFLIX)
Popcornflix的一个特殊功能是您可以将视频添加到队列中。这个应用程序的另一个好处是没有广告,不像大多数其他免费的流媒体应用程序,所以是的,这个绝对值得一试。是的,对于那些痴迷于GIF(GIFs)的人来说,这个应用程序可以让你从视频中制作 GIF。此外,您可以专门为视频的某些部分添加评论,这些评论对其他用户可见。但是,对于这些功能,您必须创建一个免费帐户。缓冲可能存在一些问题,视频可能会停止完成缓冲,但总的来说,它是一个非常好的应用程序。
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6.亿迪欧(6. YIDIO)
Yidio是一个免费的电影和电视聚合应用程序,它列出了提供您正在寻找的内容的所有来源,因此您确切地知道在哪里可以找到它。此应用可在基于Android、iOS 和Amazon的有限设备上使用。在Yidio(Yidio)上过滤电影非常简单,因为您可以使用首映日期、评级、流派、来源等过滤器。此外,您可以隐藏已经观看过的视频,这样就不会产生混淆。Yidio涵盖了许多类型,如经典、科幻、恐怖、喜剧、动作、冒险、纪录片、动画、戏剧、邪典电影等。它还具有 10 秒倒带按钮,因此您无需为视频洗涤器而苦恼快速重播。
请注意,由于Yidio是一个聚合应用程序,您可能需要为您搜索的内容下载其他源应用程序。虽然Yidio上的所有选项可能不是免费的,因为Yidio共享来自Netflix、Amazon Prime等的一些内容,但有一个“免费”部分可以为您解决问题。Yidio很棒,因为它使电影搜索和定位变得非常容易。
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如果你喜欢看高质量的电影并且不想妥协,你应该试试这个应用程序。您可以流式传输 1080p 和惊人的视频质量的视频。电影(Movie)类别包括动作片、喜剧片、犯罪片、恐怖片、音乐剧、外国片、经典片等。它在许多带有Android、iOS、Windows、PlayStation 4、智能电视(TVs)、游戏机和许多其他设备的设备上都受支持。该应用程序具有简单干净的界面。新(New)电影经常添加,使Vudu的收藏成为最广泛的电影之一。而武都(Vudu)是一款付费应用,但它也提供许多免费电影。要免费观看电影,您必须创建一个免费帐户。您可以在名为Movie s on Us 和New Movies的部分中找到免费电影。请注意,Vudu仅在美国可用,因此您可能需要VPN。
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8.冥王星电视(8. PLUTO TV)
Pluto TV支持多种设备,包括Android、iOS、Amazon、Windows、Mac、Roku等。可用类型包括动作、喜剧、戏剧、恐怖、科幻、动漫、浪漫、家庭等。仅在美国(USA)可用。Pluto TV在(Pluto TV)51 频道(Channel 51)提供现场电影。除了常规的电影和电视节目部分外,它还有各种可用于直播电视流的频道。您无需注册即可流式传输直播电视频道,无需缓冲时间即可立即翻阅频道。它的直播电视流媒体速度真的很值得。一些频道是冥王星电视(Pluto TV)电影,CBSN、FOX体育、美食(Food)电视、犯罪网络(Crime Network)等。
Pluto TV 提供的一个不错的功能是,如果您不想观看其中的任何内容,您甚至可以隐藏某些频道。除此之外,您还可以观看接下来要播放的电影说明。虽然您可以看到在接下来的几个小时内将播放哪些内容,但它确实提供了未来的内容详细信息。虽然有 100 多个频道,但电影频道数量有限。
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BBC iPlayer 适用于Android、iOS、 Amazon、 PlayStation 4和Windows。凭借其优质的节目,它是最好的视频点播服务之一。使用BBC iPlayer,您可以轻松地将电影和节目下载到您的设备以供离线观看。这些可以在您的设备上存储长达 30 天。它具有整洁的网格布局,并提供高质量的电影流。借助其新的观看(Watching)功能,您可以跟踪观看过的内容并从视频上次暂停的位置继续播放。您还可以继续在其他设备上观看视频。它还有一个 5 秒快退按钮,因此无需与视频擦洗器作斗争!
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它的高级选项,包括跟踪观看习惯、创建个性化列表等。它还提供快进和快退选项。如果您的 Internet 连接速度较慢,则可能会遇到缓冲问题。此外,直播电视流媒体的质量可能不如点播内容。请注意,此应用程序仅适用于英国市场。
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因此,这些是 9 款最好的免费电影流媒体应用程序,您可以使用它们全天狂欢观看您最喜欢的电影和节目,而无需花钱。下载(Download)最适合您的口味和需求的应用程序,一切顺利。
9 Best Free Movie Streaming Apps in 2022
Who doesn’t like moviеs? Aren’t movіes the best ѕource of entertainment? If you havе had a boring day or have a sleepover at a friend’s place, moνies have you covered, fоr at least 2-3 hours straight. And what’s better іf you can enjoy your favorite movie in your bed? For those with a Netflix or Amazon prime account, streaming movies online is not an issue, bυt for those who don’t want to pay extra bucks for movies, there are many free movie streaming apps available to download on theіr mobile and watch unlimited movies for free.
So, if you’ve got an internet connection, you’ve got movies. Wait for a second, not just movies, you also get access to the popular TV shows and binge watch all day. Here’s the list of free movie streaming apps that you can download on your mobile or tablet and enjoy watching movies anytime. No, we are not talking about YouTube, it’s not the best when it comes to the latest movies after all.
9 Best Free Movie Streaming Apps in 2022
Note that all the given apps may not be available in every country, so you may have to use VPN to stream movies on them.
First things first, Sony Crackle works on almost all devices including Android or iOS-based mobile phones, many smart TVs, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Fire, gaming consoles like Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and 4, etc. It has a user-friendly interface and offers a large collection of movies and TV shows. It covers a variety of genres including action, drama-comedy, horror, romance, adventure, animation, among many others. It also offers its original content apart from these.
What’s best is that you don’t even need to create an account to watch the movies. However, there’s no harm in creating an account as it will help you keep track of your watched movies. You can also seamlessly use Sony Crackle over your multiple devices so that you can resume your movie from the same instance where it was paused on some other device. Also, you get captions for all the movies, so you don’t have to put in extra effort.
Crackle lets you stream any movie even when you are looking for other movies. Another important thing to note about Sony Crackle is that it streams videos in high quality so you would need a good internet connection to watch movies without any interruption. You can watch movies on Crackle and also share them on social media.
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Tubi is among the best free movie streaming apps on the list. It is supported on many devices, including Android, iOS, Amazon, Windows, etc. You can also use it on Xbox, Chromecast, Roku, or even your smart TV. Tubi is available everywhere except for the European Union. It has a pleasing black-themed interface and offers movies in genres like action, drama, thriller, comedy, romance, horror, documentary, etc. On Tubi, you can stream a variety of content for free without a subscription. Movies are streamed in high quality, and subtitles are also available. You can resume your movie from when it was last paused.
Tubi also has a newsfeed section that shows the latest news and announcements. The best thing about this app is that here you can find almost every movie or show that you are looking for, thanks to the weekly update. Overall, this a decent app if you want to watch fresh content in high quality.
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Another amazing app for streaming movies and TV shows online is Viewster. This app is available for Android, Roku and iOS users. You can use this app for streaming not just movies and TV shows, but also news, cartoons, documentaries, etc. and for all the anime lovers out there, this app is the one for you. It has a huge collection of anime and which is continuously updated. You can search for your desired videos from the channel menu, browse section, or by directly using the search bar. It has a neat interface, and you are not required to sign up to watch the videos. You can select the required video quality, and you also get subtitles for the videos.
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Here you will find movies dating back to the 1960s. Also, it has some user-generated content as well. It may not be the best one for movies and TV shows because of its narrow range, but for all other stuff like anime, Viewster is amazing. An important feature of Viewster is password protection with parental control features. One drawback of Viewster is its video quality, which may not be as good as the other free streaming apps. Hence, it is not recommended to be used for casting on a big screen.
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Snagfilms has over 5000 movies and is famous for its collection of classic movies and documentaries. It also offers movies and videos based on LGBT. You can use this app on Android, iOS, Amazon, PS4, and Roku. Movies range from as old as the 1920s to as recent as the 2010s. Snagfilms also lets you watch movie trailers. Subtitles are not available on this one, but there other features like fast-forwarding that will compel you to try it. There may be some problem with buffering if you are streaming videos in high quality. Also, fast-forwarding on high qualities may lead to video being stopped.
Note that its American library covers the largest range of videos, so you may want to use it with a VPN. Snagfilms does show ads like other online movie streaming apps, but they are very less. One real plus point about this app is that you can even download the video for offline use. We really need this one, don’t we?
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Popcornflix is yet another awesome & free movie streaming app. There are sections dedicated to new arrivals, Popcornflix originals, and popular movies. you will also find other special sections like kids, entertainment, independent movies, etc. It has a simple interface, and you can stream videos without having to create an account.
A special feature of Popcornflix is that you can add videos to the queue. Another good thing about this app is that there are no ads, unlike most other free streaming apps, so yeah, this one is definitely worth checking out. And yes, for those obsessed with GIFs, this app lets you make GIFs from the videos. Also, you can add comments to parts of videos specifically, which are visible to other users. For these features, however, you will have to create a free account. There might be some issue with buffering, and the video may stop to complete buffering, but overall, it is a really good app.
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Yidio is a free movie and TV aggregate app that lists all the sources which offer the content that you are looking for, so you know exactly where to find it. This app is available on limited devices based on Android, iOS, and Amazon. Filtering movies on Yidio is really easy as you can use filters like premiere date, rating, genre, source, etc. Also, you can hide the videos that you have already watched so that there’s no confusion at all. Yidio covers many genres like classics, science fiction, horror, comedy, action, adventure, documentary, animation, drama, cult movies, etc. It also has a 10-second rewind button, so you don’t need to struggle with video scrubber for a quick replay.
Note that since Yidio is an aggregate app, you may have to download additional source apps for the content you have searched for. While all options on Yidio may not be free as Yidio shares some content from Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., but there’s a “Free” section that will solve the purpose for you. Yidio is great as it makes movie searching and locating extremely easy.
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If you love watching movies in high quality and wouldn’t want to compromise with it, you should try this app for sure. You can stream videos in 1080p and amazing video quality. Movie categories include action, comedy, crime, horror, musicals, foreign, classics, etc. It is supported on many devices with Android, iOS, Windows, PlayStation 4, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and many other devices. The app has a simple and clean interface. New movies are added very often, making Vudu’s collection one of the most extensive ones. While Vudu is a premium paid app, but it also offers many free movies. To watch movies for free, you will have to create a free account. You can find free movies in the section named Movies on Us and New Movies. Note that Vudu is available only in the US so you may need a VPN.
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Pluto TV is supported for a wide range of devices including Android, iOS, Amazon, Windows, Mac, Roku, etc. The available genres include action, comedy, drama, horror, sci-fi, anime, romance, family, etc. It is available only in the USA. Pluto TV offers live movies on Channel 51. It has various channels available for live TV streaming apart from the regular movies and TV shows section. You can stream live TV channels without having to sign up and instantly flip through the channels without buffer time. Its live TV streaming speed is really worth it. Some of the channels are Pluto TV movies, CBSN, FOX sports, Food TV, Crime Network, etc.
A nice feature that Pluto TV offers is that you can even hide some channels if you don’t want to watch any content on them. Apart from this, you can watch movie descriptions which are to be played next. While you can see what content will air over the next few hours, it does provide the content details for the far future. While there are over 100 channels, there is only a limited number of movie channels.
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BBC iPlayer is available for Android, iOS, Amazon, PlayStation 4, and Windows. With its quality programs, it is one of the best video-on-demand services. With BBC iPlayer, you can easily download movies and shows to your device for offline watching. These can be stored on your device for up to 30 days. It has a neat grid layout and offers movie streaming in high quality. With its new Watching feature, you can keep track of what you have viewed and resume from where the video was last paused. You can also continue watching the video on a different device. It also has a 5-second rewind button so no struggling with video scrubber!
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Its advanced options, including tracking viewing habits, creating personalized lists, etc. It also offers fast-forwarding and rewinds options. If you have a slower internet connection, you may experience issues with buffering. Also, live TV streaming quality may not be as good as the on-demand content. Note that this app is available for only the UK market.
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So, these were the 9 best free movie streaming apps that you can use for binge-watching your favourite movies and shows all day without having to spend at all. Download the app that best suits your taste and needs, and you are good to go.