无论您的计算机是旧的还是新的,您都需要它来提供最佳性能来享受您的工作、游戏或媒体流(media streaming)体验。
设备感觉迟缓(device may feel sluggish)的原因有很多,但您可以让它运行得更快。无论您想要加快速度的原因是什么,我们都会分享一些调整以加速Windows 10并充分利用您的设备。
如何调整 Windows 10 以提高计算机的性能(How to Tweak Windows 10 to Improve Your Computer’s Performance)
Windows 10 在现代硬件上运行速度很快,但随着时间的推移,操作系统可能会由于病毒(viruses)、错误、兼容性问题、硬件问题等而开始降级。当 Windows 10 变慢时,您可以做几件事来加速和加速计算机上的Windows 10,而不是完全更换它。
以下是一些简单的硬件和软件调整,无论配置如何,它们都可以显着加速、优化和改进Windows 10 。
1. 检查并安装 Windows 更新(1. Check for and Install Windows Updates)
要充分利用您的计算机,您需要安装最新版本的Windows 10。当您检查Windows更新时,您的 PC 还会搜索最新的设备驱动程序,从而获得更好的性能。
- 要在Windows 10中检查并安装Windows 更新(Windows Updates),请选择开始(Start )>设置( Settings )>更新和安全( Update & Security)。
- 在左侧窗格中选择Windows 更新(Windows Updates),然后选择检查更新(Check for updates)。
- 检查是否有任何可用的更新或待处理的更新,然后选择立即安装(Install now)以安装它们。
重新启动您的计算机并在安装(Reboot)Windows 更新(Windows Updates)后检查它是否运行得更好。
2.只打开你需要的应用程序(2. Open Only the Apps You Need)
要解决此问题并加快Windows 10的运行速度,请关闭您不需要的所有应用程序以及所有未使用的浏览器选项卡或程序,然后查看您的计算机性能是否更好。
如果没有,请选择开始(Start )>电源( Power )>重新启动( Restart)以重新启动计算机,然后仅打开您需要的浏览器选项卡、窗口、程序和应用程序。
如果您的应用程序设计用于在Windows 10中运行的旧 Windows 版本(apps designed to work with older Windows versions),请检查开发人员是否有更新版本或使用程序兼容性疑难解答(Program Compatibility Troubleshooter)来查看哪些应用程序正在影响您的计算机性能。
- 要运行程序兼容性疑难解答(Program Compatibility Troubleshooter),请在搜索框中键入疑难解答并选择(Troubleshoot)疑难解答设置(Troubleshoot settings)。
- 选择其他疑难解答(Additional Troubleshooters)。
- 接下来,选择程序兼容性疑难解答(Program Compatibility Troubleshooter )>运行疑难解答( Run the troubleshooter),然后选择有问题的应用程序或程序。选择下一步(Next)并继续使用疑难解答。
3. 使用 ReadyBoost(3. Use ReadyBoost)
ReadyBoost是Microsoft为Windows Vista开发的磁盘缓存软件。该软件在有限的情况下可能很有用,它允许您使用USB闪存驱动器 (500 MB) 或其他可移动驱动器来帮助提高性能,而无需添加更多RAM或打开计算机。
- 要使用ReadyBoost,请将USB闪存驱动器插入 PC,选择文件资源管理器(File Explorer),右键单击驱动器并选择属性(Properties)。
- 选择ReadyBoost >使用此设备( Use this device)。
注意(Note):如果您的设备无法使用ReadyBoost,Windows 会通知您,然后确定优化内存和加速Windows 10所需的可用空间。但是,如果您在SSD驱动器上安装了Windows 10 , ReadyBoost将无法工作,因为后者已经很快了。
- 选择确定(OK)以保留可用空间供ReadyBoost使用。
4.启用自动页面文件管理(4. Enable Automatic Page File Management)
自动页面文件(page file)管理确保系统可以管理页面文件大小。Windows 使用硬盘上的页面文件区域((paging file area on your hard disk)如内存)并自动管理它以获得更好的性能。
- 要启用自动页面文件管理,请在搜索栏中输入高级系统并选择(advanced system)查看高级系统设置(View advanced system settings)。
- 接下来,在System Properties中选择(System Properties)Advanced选项卡,然后转到Performance部分并选择Settings。
- 在Performance Options部分中选择Advanced选项卡,然后转到Virtual Memory区域并选择Change。
- 接下来,选中自动管理所有驱动器的页面文件大小(Automatically manage paging file size for all drives)旁边的框,然后重新启动计算机。
5. 释放计算机空间(5. Free Up Space on Your Computer)
为了减轻开销,请确保您的计算机有大约 10% 到 15% 的可用空间,以避免由于Windows 10中的存储而导致显着减速。您可以使用内置的磁盘清理实用程序来释放一些空间或卸载不再使用或不需要的应用程序。
要卸载应用程序,请选择开始(Start )>设置( Settings )>应用程序( Apps )>应用程序和功能( Apps & features),然后为要从计算机中删除的每个应用程序选择卸载以(Uninstall)释放一些空间(free up some space)。或者,您可以将一些文件移动到不同的驱动器、云存储(cloud storage)或将它们保存到可移动媒体,如USB 驱动器(USB drive)或其他外部存储。
6. 在 Windows 10 中调整视觉效果以获得最佳性能(6. Adjust Visual Effects in Windows 10 for Best Performance)
Windows 10中有许多视觉效果,包括阴影效果和动画(animations),所有这些看起来都很棒,但会占用系统资源并降低计算机速度。
- 要在Windows 10(Windows 10)中调整视觉效果,请在搜索栏中键入性能(performance ),然后选择调整 Windows 的外观和性能(Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows)。
- 在视觉效果(Visual Effects)选项卡上选择调整以获得最佳性能(Adjust for best performance),然后选择应用(Apply)。
- 重启(Reboot)电脑,调整视觉效果后查看性能是否有所提升。
7. 暂时暂停 OneDrive 同步(7. Pause OneDrive Syncing Temporarily)
在Windows 10中,您可以选择默认保存文件的位置。例如,您可以选择将它们保存在本地计算机上或OneDrive 并同步(OneDrive and sync)文件。这样,只要您连接到互联网,您就可以从任何位置或设备访问您的文件。
保存到 OneDrive(Saving to OneDrive)还会保留文件的备份,以防计算机损坏或丢失。但是,同步可能会降低您的计算机速度,但您可以暂时暂停同步到OneDrive以加快Windows 10的速度。
- 为此,请在通知区域中找到OneDrive,然后选择更多(More )>暂停同步( Pause syncing)。
- 选择要暂停文件同步多长时间,重新启动计算机并检查性能是否有所提高。您始终可以通过选择OneDrive >更多( More )>恢复同步来恢复( Resume syncing)OneDrive同步。
8.禁用启动程序(8. Disable Startup Programs)
- 要禁止启动程序自动启动,请选择开始(Start )>设置( Settings )>应用程序( Apps),然后选择启动(Startup)。
- 在Startup Apps(Startup Apps)区域中找到您要停止的程序并将其设置为Off。
9. 扫描您的计算机以查找病毒和恶意软件(9. Scan Your Computer for Viruses and Malware)
众所周知,病毒和恶意软件会降低计算机的性能。当您的计算机感染病毒或恶意软件时,您可能会注意到硬盘不断工作的声音(sound of your hard disk constantly working),程序意外自动启动并出现意外弹出窗口。
确保您拥有最好的防病毒软件,可以消灭任何病毒或恶意软件(best antivirus that can nuke any virus or malware)并使其保持最新状态。运行(Run)定期扫描并确保您没有安装多个反恶意软件(anti malware)或防病毒软件,以避免软件冲突也会影响您的计算机性能。
10. 切换到新的电源计划(10. Switch to a New Power Plan)
Windows 10 通过不同的电源计划(例如省电(Power Saver)、平衡(Balanced)和高性能(High)计划)优化了电源使用。高性能(High)计划非常适合获得更好的性能,因为它可以让您的计算机使用更多的电源并更快地工作。
- 要更改电源计划,请选择设置(Settings )>系统( System )>电源和睡眠( Power & sleep)。
- 在相关(Related)设置(settings)下选择其他电源(Additional power settings)设置。
- 接下来,选择创建电源计划(Create a power plan),然后选择高性能电源计划(High performance power plan)。
11.禁用搜索索引(11. Disable Search Indexing)
Windows 搜索索引(Windows search indexing)过程可能会占用系统资源并对您的计算机性能产生负面影响。您可以使用这些步骤禁用搜索索引以提高系统性能。
- 选择设置(Settings )>搜索( Search )>搜索 Windows( Searching Windows)。
- 接下来,选择更多搜索索引(More search indexer settings)器设置下的高级搜索索引(Advanced Search Indexer settings)器设置。
- 选择修改(Modify)。
- 接下来,选择显示所有位置(Show all locations)。
- 清除更改选定位置(Change selected locations)区域下的所有选定位置,然后选择确定(OK)。
12. 执行系统还原(12. Perform System Restore)
如果您安装了新的设备驱动程序、系统更新或应用程序并且您的计算机性能开始变慢,您可以使用系统还原(System Restore)将设备恢复到以前的工作状态。
- 要执行系统(System)还原,请搜索创建还原点(Create a restore point),然后选择其结果以打开系统属性(System Properties)应用程序。
- 接下来,选择系统保护(System protection )>系统还原( System Restore),然后选择下一步(Next)。
- 选择最近的还原点,看看这是否有助于解决缓慢的性能问题。
- 选择扫描受影响的程序(Scan for affected programs),然后选择关闭(Close )>下一步( Next )>完成( Finish)。
13.恢复出厂设置您的计算机(13. Factory Reset Your Computer)
如果您已经尝试了上述所有解决方案,但您的计算机性能仍然很差,您可以将计算机恢复出厂设置(factory reset your computer)作为最后的手段。这样做将重新安装操作系统,为您提供Windows 10的干净副本以启动并提高计算机的整体系统性能、电池寿命(battery life)、启动和关闭。
提高计算机的性能(Boost Your Computer’s Performance)
我们希望您能够使用这些Windows 10调整中的任何一个或所有调整来看到计算机整体性能的一些显着改进。如果您有其他用于加速Windows 10的技巧,请在评论中与我们分享。
13 Windows 10 Tweaks for Better Performance
Whether yoυr computer is old or new, you need it tо deliνer optimum performance to enjoy your wоrk, gaming or media streaming experience.
There are many reasons why the device may feel sluggish, but you can make it run faster. Whatever your reason may be for wanting to speed things up, we share some tweaks to speed up Windows 10 and get the most out of your device.
How to Tweak Windows 10 to Improve Your Computer’s Performance
Windows 10 works fast on modern hardware, but over time, the operating system may start degrading due to viruses, bugs, compatibility issues, hardware problems and more. There are several things you can do to speed up and speed up Windows 10 on your computer when it gets slower instead of replacing it altogether.
Here are some simple hardware and software tweaks that can significantly speed up, optimize and improve Windows 10 no matter the configuration.
1. Check for and Install Windows Updates
To get the most out of your computer, you need to install the latest version of Windows 10. As you check for Windows updates, your PC also searches for the latest device drivers, which translates to better performance.
- To check for and install Windows Updates in Windows 10, select Start > Settings > Update & Security.
- Select Windows Updates on the left pane and then select Check for updates.
- Check if there are any updates available or pending updates, and then select Install now to install them.
Reboot your computer and check if it runs better after installing Windows Updates.
2. Open Only the Apps You Need
Too many apps, browsers and tabs or programs open at the same time can slow down your computer and reduce its performance. This is because each app eats up RAM, CPU and GPU performance, disk space and system resources.
To resolve this and speed up Windows 10, close any apps that you don’t need as well as any browser tabs or programs that aren’t in use and see if your computer performs better.
If not, select Start > Power > Restart to restart your computer, and then open only the browser tabs, windows, programs and apps you need.
If you have apps designed to work with older Windows versions running in Windows 10, check whether the developer has an updated version or use the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter to see what apps are affecting your computer’s performance.
- To run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter, type Troubleshoot in the search box and select Troubleshoot settings.
- Select Additional Troubleshooters.
- Next, select Program Compatibility Troubleshooter > Run the troubleshooter and then select the app or program with issues. Select Next and continue with the troubleshooter.
3. Use ReadyBoost
ReadyBoost is a disk caching software by Microsoft, which was developed for Windows Vista. The software may be useful in limited circumstances and allows you to use a USB flash drive (500 MB) or other removable drive to help improve performance and without adding more RAM or opening your computer.
- To use ReadyBoost, insert your USB flash drive into your PC, select File Explorer, right-click the drive and select Properties.
- Select ReadyBoost > Use this device.
Note: Windows will notify you if your device cannot use ReadyBoost, and then determines the free space required to optimize memory and speed up Windows 10. However, ReadyBoost can’t work if you’ve installed Windows 10 on an SSD drive because the latter is already fast.
- Select OK to reserve the free space for ReadyBoost to use it.
4. Enable Automatic Page File Management
Automatic page file management ensures that the system can manage the page file size. Windows uses the paging file area on your hard disk like memory and manages it automatically for better performance.
- To enable automatic page file management, type advanced system in the search bar and select View advanced system settings.
- Next, select Advanced tab in System Properties and then go to the Performance section and select Settings.
- Select Advanced tab in the Performance Options section and then go to Virtual Memory area and select Change.
- Next, select the box next to Automatically manage paging file size for all drives, and then restart your computer.
5. Free Up Space on Your Computer
If there’s limited space on your startup drive, your computer will work harder at finding room to store your temporary files and apps.
Moreover, the system also reserves disk space for virtual memory so when the space gets tight, your computer’s performance will slow down while it tries to manage all the storage tasks.
To ease the overhead, make sure your computer has about 10 to 15 percent of free space to avoid dramatic slowdown due to storage in Windows 10. You can use the built-in disk cleanup utility to free up some space or uninstall apps you no longer use or need.
To uninstall apps, select Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features and then select Uninstall for each app you want to remove from your computer to free up some space. Alternatively, you can move some files to a different drive, cloud storage or save them to removable media like a USB drive or other external storage.
6. Adjust Visual Effects in Windows 10 for Best Performance
There are many visual effects in Windows 10 including shadow effects and animations, all of which look great, but hog system resources and slow down your computer.
- To adjust visual effects in Windows 10, type performance in the search bar and then select Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
- Select Adjust for best performance on the Visual Effects tab and then select Apply.
- Reboot your computer and check whether the performance improves after adjusting the visual effects.
7. Pause OneDrive Syncing Temporarily
In Windows 10, you can choose where to save your files by default. For instance, you can choose to save them locally on your computer or to OneDrive and sync files. This way, you can access your files from any location or device provided you’re connected to the internet.
Saving to OneDrive also keeps backups of your files in case your computer is damaged or gets lost. However, syncing can slow down your computer, but you can pause syncing to OneDrive temporarily to speed up Windows 10.
- To do this, find OneDrive in the notification area and then select More > Pause syncing.
- Select how long you want to pause file syncing, restart your computer and check whether the performance improves. You can always resume OneDrive syncing by selecting OneDrive > More > Resume syncing.
8. Disable Startup Programs
When you power on your computer, you’ll notice that some programs start automatically and run in the background. Such programs slow down your computer, but you can disable them especially for programs you don’t use often as they increase the time Windows takes to start.
- To disable startup programs from starting automatically, select Start > Settings > Apps and then select Startup.
- Find the program you want to stop in the Startup Apps area and set it to Off.
Note: If you turn off a startup program and it still starts automatically when you turn on your computer, run a virus and malware scan.
9. Scan Your Computer for Viruses and Malware
Viruses and malware are known to slow down your computer’s performance. When your computer is infected with viruses or malware, you may notice the sound of your hard disk constantly working, programs unexpectedly start automatically and there are unexpected popups.
Make sure you have the best antivirus that can nuke any virus or malware and keep it up to date. Run regular scans and make sure you don’t install multiple anti malware or antivirus software to avoid software conflicts that also affect your computer’s performance.
10. Switch to a New Power Plan
Windows 10 optimizes power usage through different power plans such as Power Saver, Balanced and High performance plans. The High Performance plan is ideal for better performance as it allows your computer to use more power and work faster.
- To change the power plan, select Settings > System > Power & sleep.
- Select Additional power settings under Related settings.
- Next, select Create a power plan and then select High performance power plan.
Note: If the High performance plan is unavailable, create a custom power plan or change the power mode by clicking the battery icon in the taskbar and select Best performance for better performance.
11. Disable Search Indexing
The Windows search indexing process may hog system resources and negatively impact your computer’s performance. You can disable the search index to improve system performance using these steps.
- Select Settings > Search > Searching Windows.
- Next, select Advanced Search Indexer settings under the More search indexer settings.
- Select Modify.
- Next, select Show all locations.
- Clear all the selected locations under the Change selected locations area and then select OK.
Windows will no longer index the specified locations and your computer’s performance will improve.
12. Perform System Restore
If you installed a new device driver, system update or app and your computer’s performance began to slow down, you can use a System Restore to return the device to a previous working state.
- To perform a System restore, search for Create a restore point and then select its result to open the System Properties application.
- Next, select System protection > System Restore and select Next.
- Choose the most recent restore point and see if that helps resolve the sluggish performance issue.
- Select Scan for affected programs and then select Close > Next > Finish.
Note: A System restore removes system changes, drivers, updates and apps you installed after the restore point was created, but your files will be preserved.
13. Factory Reset Your Computer
If you’ve tried all the above solutions and your computer’s performance is still dismal, you can factory reset your computer as a last resort. Doing this will reinstall the operating system, give you a clean copy of Windows 10 to start from and boost your computer’s overall system performance, battery life, startup and shut down.
Boost Your Computer’s Performance
We hope you were able to see some significant improvements to your computer’s overall performance using any or all of these Windows 10 tweaks. If you have other tricks you use to speed up Windows 10, share them with us in the comments.