如果您在任务管理器(Task Manager)中面临 100%磁盘(Disk)使用率问题,即使您没有执行任何内存密集型任务,请不要担心,因为今天我们将看到解决此问题的方法。此问题不仅限于使用低规格 PC 的用户,因为许多拥有 i7 处理器和 16 GB RAM等最新配置的用户也面临类似问题。
这是一个严重的问题,因为您没有使用任何应用程序,但是当您打开任务管理器(Task Manager)( Ctrl+Shift+Esc ) 时,您会看到磁盘使用率(Disk Usage)接近 100%,这使得您的 PC 速度如此之慢以至于几乎无法使用。当磁盘使用率为 100% 时,即使系统应用程序也无法正常运行,因为没有更多的磁盘使用量可供使用。

解决此问题非常困难,因为没有单个程序或应用程序正在利用所有磁盘使用量,因此无法找出哪个应用程序是罪魁祸首。在某些情况下,您可能会发现导致问题的程序,但在 90% 情况下并非如此。无论如何(Anyway),不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何在下面列出的教程的帮助下在 Windows 10 中的任务管理(Windows 10)器中修复 100%(Task Manager)磁盘使用情况。(Disk Usage)
Windows 10中 100% (Windows 10)CPU 使用率(CPU Usage)的常见原因是什么?
- Windows 10 搜索
- Windows 应用程序通知
- 超取服务
- 启动应用程序和服务
- Windows P2P 更新共享
- 谷歌浏览器预测服务
- Skype 权限问题
- Windows 个性化服务
- Windows 更新和驱动程序
- 恶意软件问题
在Windows 10的(Windows 10)任务管理器(Task Manager)中修复 100%磁盘使用率(Disk Usage)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point),以防万一出现问题。
方法 1:禁用 Windows 搜索(Method 1: Disable Windows Search)
1.打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)。用户可以通过搜索“ cmd”然后按 Enter 来执行此步骤。

2. 在 cmd 中输入以下命令并回车(Enter):
net.exe 停止“Windows 搜索”(net.exe stop “Windows search”)

注意:如果您希望可以使用以下命令启用Windows Search服务,这只会暂时禁用Windows Search服务: (Windows Search)net.exe start “Windows Search”

3.禁用搜索(Search)服务后,检查您的磁盘使用问题是否已解决。(disk usage issue is resolved or not.)
4. 如果您能够fix 100% disk usage in Task Manager那么您需要永久禁用 Windows 搜索。(permanently disable Windows Search.)
5. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入services.msc并按 Enter。

6. 向下滚动并找到 Windows Search 服务(find Windows Search service)。右键单击它并选择属性。(Properties.)

7. 从启动(Startup)类型下拉列表中选择禁用。(Disabled.)

8. 单击应用,然后单击确定(Ok)以保存您的更改。
9. 再次打开pen Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc)并查看系统是否不再使用 100% 的磁盘使用率,这意味着您已经解决了问题。

方法 2:禁用在使用 Windows 时获取提示、技巧和建议(Method 2: Disable Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击系统。(System.)

2. 现在从左侧菜单中单击通知和操作。(Notifications & actions.)
3. 向下滚动直到找到“使用 Windows 时获取提示、技巧和建议。”(“Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows.”)

4. 确保关闭切换(turn off the toggle)以禁用此设置。
5. 重新启动您的 PC,看看您是否能够在 Windows 10 的任务管理器中修复100 %(Windows 10)磁盘(Task Manager)使用情况(Disk Usage)。
方法 3:禁用 Superfetch(Method 3: Disable Superfetch)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R,然后键入services.msc并回车。

2. 向下滚动列表,在列表中找到Superfetch 服务(Superfetch service)。
3. 右键单击 Superfetch并选择属性。(Properties.)

4.首先,点击停止(Stop),将启动类型设置为禁用。(startup type to Disabled.)

5. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改,这可能能够Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
方法 4:禁用 RuntimeBroker(Method 4: Disable RuntimeBroker)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入regedit并按回车键打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。

2. 在注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中导航到以下内容:

3. 在右侧窗格中,双击开始(Start)并将其十六进制值从 3 更改为 4。(Hexadecimal value from 3 to 4.)(值 2(Value 2)表示自动(Automatic),3 表示手动,4 表示禁用)

4. 关闭注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)并重新启动您的 PC 以应用更改。
方法 5:重置虚拟内存(Method 5: Reset Virtual Memory)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入sysdm.cpl并按 Enter 打开系统属性。(System Properties.)

2. 切换到高级选项卡( Advanced tab),然后单击性能下的设置( Settings)按钮。(Performance.)

3. 现在再次切换到性能选项(Performance Options)下的高级选项卡( Advanced tab),然后单击虚拟内存下的(Virtual memory.)“更改”(Change)按钮。

4. 确保取消选中(uncheck)“自动管理所有驱动器的页面文件大小”(Automatically manage paging file size for all drives)。

5. 接下来,在分页文件大小下突出显示您的系统驱动器(通常是 C: 驱动器)并选择自定义(Custom)大小选项。然后为字段设置合适的值:初始大小 (MB) 和最大(Maximum)大小 (MB)。强烈建议避免在此处选择无分页文件选项。
注意:如果您不确定为初始(Initial)大小的值字段设置什么,请使用“所有驱动器的总页面文件大小”部分下的“推荐”中的数字。对于最大(Maximum)大小,不要将值设置得太高,它应该设置为安装的RAM量的 1.5 倍左右。因此,对于运行 8 GB RAM的 PC ,最大大小应为 1024 X 8 X 1.5 = 12,288 MB。
6. 输入合适的值后,单击设置(click Set),然后单击 确定。(OK.)
7. 接下来,清除Windows 10的临时文件( clear the temporary files)。按Windows Key + R然后键入temp并按 Enter。

8. 单击继续( Continue)打开临时文件夹。
9. 选择Temp文件夹中的所有文件或文件(all the files or folders)夹并永久删除它们。(permanently delete them.)
注意:(Note:)要永久删除任何文件或文件夹,您需要按 Shift + Del button.
10. 现在打开任务管理器(Task Manager)( Ctrl+Shift+Esc ),看看您是否能够 Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
方法 6:修复 StorAHCI.sys 驱动程序(Method 6: Fix your StorAHCI.sys driver)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入devmgmt.msc并按 Enter 打开设备管理器。(Device Manager.)

2. 展开 IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers,然后右键单击 AHCI 控制器(right-click on AHCI controller)并选择属性。(Properties.)

3. 切换到驱动程序(Driver)选项卡,然后单击驱动程序详细信息按钮。(Driver Details button.)

4. 如果在驱动程序文件详细信息(Driver File Details)窗口中,您在驱动程序文件字段中看到(Driver)C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\storahci.sys ,则您的系统可能受到Microsoft AHCI 驱动程序中的错误的影响。(bug in Microsoft AHCI driver.)
5. 单击确定(Ok)关闭驱动程序文件详细信息(Driver File Details)窗口并切换到详细信息选项卡。( Details tab.)
6. 现在从属性(Property)下拉列表中选择“设备实例路径(Device instance path)” 。

7. 右键单击值字段内的文本( text present inside Value field)并选择复制(Copy)。将文本粘贴到记事本文件或安全的地方。

8. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入regedit并按 Enter 打开注册表编辑器。(Registry Editor.)

9. 导航到以下注册表路径:
10. 现在在 PCI 下,您需要找到 AHCI Controller(find the AHCI Controller),在上面的示例中(在第 7 步),AHCI Controller的正确值应该是“VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31”。

11. 接下来,上面示例的第二部分(在步骤 7 中)是 3&11583659&0&B8,当您展开“VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31”注册表项时会找到它。(“VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31” registry key.)
12. 再次确保您位于注册表中的正确位置:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ <AHCI Controller>\<Random Number>\
Example: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31\3&11583659&0&B8

Device Parameters > Interrupt Management > MessageSignaledInterruptProperties

14. 确保选择“ MessageSignaledInterruptProperties ”键,然后在右侧窗格中双击MSISupported DWORD。
15 . 将 MSISupported DWORD 的值更改为 0(.Change the value of MSISupported DWORD to 0),然后单击确定。这将关闭( turn off MSI)您系统上的 MSI。

16. 关闭所有内容并重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 7:禁用启动应用程序和服务(Method 7: Disable Startup Apps And Services)
1.同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc key打开任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2.然后切换到启动选项卡(Startup tab)并禁用所有具有高影响的服务。(Disable all the services which have a High impact.)

3. 确保只禁用第 3 方服务。( Disable 3rd party services.)
4. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 8:禁用 P2P 共享(Method 8: Disable P2P sharing)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings)。
2. 从设置窗口单击更新和安全图标。(Update & Security icon.)

3. 接下来,在更新(Update)设置下单击高级选项。(Advanced options.)

4.现在单击“选择更新的交付(Choose how updates are delivered)方式”。

5.确保关闭“从多个地方更新(Updates from more than one place)”的切换开关。

6.重新启动您的 PC 并再次检查您是否能够在 Windows 10 的任务管理器中修复100 %(Windows 10)磁盘(Task Manager)使用情况(Disk Usage)。
方法 9:禁用 ConfigNotification 任务(Method 9: Disable the ConfigNotification task)
1.在Windows搜索栏中键入任务计划程序(Task Scheduler),然后单击任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)。

2.从任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)转到Microsoft而不是Windows,最后选择WindowsBackup。
3.接下来,禁用 ConfigNotification(Disable ConfigNotification)并应用更改。

4.关闭事件查看器(Event Viewer)并重新启动您的 PC,这可能会在Windows 10中的(Windows 10)任务管理器(Task Manager)中修复 100%磁盘使用情况(Disk Usage),如果没有,则继续。
方法 10:在 Chrome 中禁用预测服务(Method 10: Disable Prediction Service in Chrome)
1.打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),然后点击三个垂直点(更多按钮),然后选择设置。(Settings.)


3.然后在隐私和安全下确保禁用“(disable)使用预测服务以更快地加载页面(Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly)”的切换。——

4.完成后,重新启动 PC 以保存更改。
方法 11:运行系统维护疑难解答(Method 11: Run System Maintenance Troubleshooter)
1.按Windows Key + R然后键入 control 并按Enter打开控制面板。(Control Panel.)


3.下一步,单击左窗格中的查看全部(View all)。
4.单击并运行系统维护疑难解答( Troubleshooter for System Maintenance)。

5.疑难解答可能能够 Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
方法 12:更新 Windows 和驱动程序(Method 12: Update Windows and Drivers)
1.按Windows Key + I,然后选择更新和安全。(Update & Security.)

2.然后在更新(Update)状态下单击“检查更新”。(Check for updates.)——

3.如果为您的 PC 找到更新,请安装更新并重新启动您的 PC。
4.现在按Windows Key + R然后输入“ regedit ”并按回车键打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。


6.在许多情况下,更新驱动程序能够在Windows 10的(Windows 10)任务管理器(Task Manager)中修复 100%磁盘使用情况(Disk Usage)。
方法 13:对硬盘进行碎片整理(Method 13: Defragment Hard Disk)
1.在 Windows 搜索栏中键入“碎片整理(defragment)”,然后单击碎片整理和优化驱动器。( Defragment and Optimize Drives.)

4.一旦碎片完成重新启动您的 PC 并检查您是否能够Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows。此过程还可能帮助您修复Windows 10 中的 WaasMedicSVC.exe 高磁盘使用率(WaasMedicSVC.exe High Disk Usage in Windows 10)。
方法 14:运行 CCleaner 和 Malwarebytes(Method 14: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes)
1.下载并安装 CCleaner & Malwarebytes。
2.运行 Malwarebytes(Run Malwarebytes)并让它扫描您的系统以查找有害文件。
4.现在运行“ CCleaner ”,在“Cleaner”部分的“ Windows ”选项卡下,我们建议检查以下要清理的选项:

5.一旦您确定检查了正确的点,只需单击 Run Cleaner,然后让 CCleaner 运行。

7.选择Scan for Issue并允许CCleaner进行扫描,然后单击 Fix Selected Issues。
8.当CCleaner 询问“您想要对注册表的更改进行备份吗?(Do you want backup changes to the registry?)— 选择是。
9.备份完成后,选择Fix All Selected Issues。
10.重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并查看您是否能够Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
方法 15:运行系统文件检查器和 DISM(Method 15: Run System File Checker And DISM)
1.按Windows Key + X然后单击命令提示符(管理员)。( Command Prompt(Admin).)

Sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows (If above fails then try this one)

a) Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
b) Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
c) Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

6.重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并查看您是否能够Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
方法 16:禁用快速启动(Method 16: Disable Fast Startup)
1.按Windows Key + R然后键入 control 并按Enter打开控制面板。(Control Panel.)

2.点击硬件和声音,(Hardware and Sound)然后点击电源选项(Power Options)。

3.然后从左侧窗格中选择“选择电源按钮的功能”。(Choose what the power buttons do.)——

4.现在点击“更改当前不可用的设置”。(Change settings that are currently unavailable.)——

5.取消选中“打开快速启动”(Turn on fast startup)并单击保存更改。

6.重新启动您的 PC,看看您是否能够 Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 17: 100% Disk Usage by Skype
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone并回车。
2.现在右键单击“ Skype.exe”并选择“属性”。(Properties.)

6.切换到安全选项卡(Security tab)并确保突出显示“所有应用(ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES)程序包” ,然后单击编辑。(Edit.)

7.再次确保突出显示“所有应用程序包”,然后选中写入权限。(Write permission.)

8.单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定,然后重新启动 PC 以保存更改。
方法 18:禁用系统和压缩内存进程(Method 18: Disable System and Compressed Memory Process)
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入Taskschd.msc并按 Enter 打开任务计划程序。(Task Scheduler.)

Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > MemoryDiagnostic

4.关闭任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)并重新启动您的电脑。
方法 19:暂时禁用您的防病毒软件(Method 19: Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus Software)
1.右键单击系统托盘中的防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon),然后选择禁用。(Disable.)

2.接下来,选择防病毒软件将保持禁用的时间范围。( Antivirus will remain disabled.)

注意:选择尽可能少的时间,例如 15 分钟或 30 分钟。
3.完成后,再次检查您是否能够在任务管理器中修复 100% 的磁盘使用率。
就是这样,您已经成功学习了How to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10
If you are facіng 100% Disk usage in Task Manager iѕsue even though you are not doing any memorу-intensive task then don’t worry as today we are going to see a way to fix this iѕsue. This issue is not limited to users who have low specs PC as many users whо have the latest cоnfiguration ѕuch аs i7 processor and 16 GB RAM are also facing a similar issue.
This is a serious issue because you are not using any apps but when you open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) you see that Disk Usage is near 100% which makes your PC so slow that it is almost impossible to use. When the disk usage is at 100% even system apps can’t run properly because there is no more disk usage left to utilize.

Troubleshooting this issue is quite difficult as there is no single program or app which is utilizing all the disk usage and therefore, there is no way to find out which app is the culprit. In some cases, you might find the program which is causing the issue but in 90% that won’t be the case. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed tutorial.
What are the common causes of 100% CPU Usage in Windows 10?
- Windows 10 Search
- Windows Apps Notifications
- Superfetch Service
- Startup Apps and Services
- Windows P2P update sharing
- Google Chrome Predication Services
- Skype Permission Issue
- Windows Personalization Services
- Windows Update & Drivers
- Malware Issues
Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Disable Windows Search
1. Open Command Prompt. The user can perform this step by searching for ‘cmd’ and then press Enter.

2. Type the following command into cmd and hit Enter:
net.exe stop “Windows search”

Note: This would only temporarily disable Windows Search service if you want you can enable the Windows Search service using this command: net.exe start “Windows Search”

3. Once the Search service is disabled, check if your disk usage issue is resolved or not.
4. If you’re able to fix 100% disk usage in Task Manager then you need to permanently disable Windows Search.
5. Press Windows Key + R then type services.msc and hit Enter.

6. Scroll down and find Windows Search service. Right-click on it and select Properties.

7. From the Startup type drop-down select Disabled.

8. Click Apply followed by Ok to save your changes.
9. Again open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and see if the system is no longer using 100% of the disk usage which means you have fixed your issue.

Method 2: Disable Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and then click System.

2. Now from the left-hand menu click on Notifications & actions.
3. Scroll down till you find “Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows.”

4. Make sure to turn off the toggle in order to disable this setting.
5. Reboot your PC and see if you’re able to fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 3: Disable Superfetch
1. Press Windows Key + R then type services.msc and hit enter.

2. Scroll down the list and find Superfetch service in the list.
3. Right-click on Superfetch and select Properties.

4. First, click on Stop and set the startup type to Disabled.

5. Reboot your PC to save changes and this may be able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 4: Disable RuntimeBroker
1. Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit enter to open Registry Editor.

2. In Registry Editor navigate to the following:

3. In the right pane, double-click on Start and change it Hexadecimal value from 3 to 4. (Value 2 means Automatic, 3 means manual and 4 means disabled)

4. Close the Registry Editor and reboot your PC to apply changes.
Method 5: Reset Virtual Memory
1. Press Windows Key + R then type sysdm.cpl and hit Enter to open System Properties.

2. Switch to Advanced tab then click on the Settings button under Performance.

3. Now again switch to Advanced tab under Performance Options then click on “Change” button under Virtual memory.

4. Make sure to uncheck “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives“.

5. Next, highlight your system drive (generally C: drive) under Paging file size and select Custom size options. Then set the suitable values for fields: Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB). It is highly recommended to avoid selecting No paging file option here.
Note: If you are not sure what to set for the value field of Initial size, then use the number from “Recommend” under “Total paging file size for all drives” section. For Maximum size, don’t set the value too high and it should be set about 1.5x the amount of RAM installed. So, for a PC running 8 GB of RAM, the maximum size should be 1024 X 8 X 1.5 = 12,288 MB.
6. Once you have Entered the suitable value click Set and then click OK.
7. Next, step would be to clear the temporary files of Windows 10. Press Windows Key + R then type temp and hit Enter.

8. Click on Continue to open the Temp folder.
9. Select all the files or folders present inside the Temp folder and permanently delete them.
Note: To permanently delete any file or folder, you need to press Shift + Del button.
10. Now open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and see if you’re able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 6: Fix your StorAHCI.sys driver
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter to open Device Manager.

2. Expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers and then right-click on AHCI controller and select Properties.

3. Switch to Driver tab then click on the Driver Details button.

4. If in the Driver File Details window, you see the C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\storahci.sys in the Driver files field then your system might be affected by a bug in Microsoft AHCI driver.
5. Click Ok to close the Driver File Details window and switch to Details tab.
6. Now from the Property drop-down select “Device instance path“.

7. Right-click on the text present inside Value field and select Copy. Paste the text into a notepad file or somewhere safe.

8. Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.

9. Navigate to the following registry path:
10. Now under PCI, you need to find the AHCI Controller, in the above example (on step 7) the correct value of AHCI Controller would be “VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31”.

11. Next, the second part of the above example (on step 7) is 3&11583659&0&B8, which you will find when you expand “VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31” registry key.
12. Once again make sure you are at the correct location in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ <AHCI Controller>\<Random Number>\
Example: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A103&SUBSYS_118A1025&REV_31\3&11583659&0&B8

13. Next, under the above key, you need to navigate to:
Device Parameters > Interrupt Management > MessageSignaledInterruptProperties

14. Make sure to select “MessageSignaledInterruptProperties” key and then in right window pane double-click on MSISupported DWORD.
15.Change the value of MSISupported DWORD to 0 and click OK. This would turn off MSI on your system.

16. Close everything and reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 7: Disable Startup Apps And Services
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc key simultaneously to open Task Manager.
2. Then switch to the Startup tab and Disable all the services which have a High impact.

3. Make sure to only Disable 3rd party services.
4. Reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 8: Disable P2P sharing
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings.
2. From Settings windows click on Update & Security icon.

3. Next, under Update settings click Advanced options.

4.Now click “Choose how updates are delivered.”

5.Make sure to turn off the toggle for “Updates from more than one place.”

6.Restart your PC and again check if you’re able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 9: Disable the ConfigNotification task
1.Type Task Scheduler in Windows search bar and click on Task Scheduler.

2.From Task Scheduler go to Microsoft than Windows and finally select WindowsBackup.
3.Next, Disable ConfigNotification and apply changes.

4.Close Event Viewer and restart your PC and this may Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10, if not then continue.
Method 10: Disable Prediction Service in Chrome
1.Open Google Chrome and then click on the three vertical dots (more button) then select Settings.

2.Scroll down and click on Advanced.

3.Then under Privacy and security make sure to disable the toggle for “Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly.”

4.Once finished, restart your PC to save changes.
Method 11: Run System Maintenance Troubleshooter
1.Press Windows Key + R then type control and hit Enter to open Control Panel.

2.Search Troubleshoot and click on Troubleshooting.

3.Next, click on View all in the left pane.
4.Click and run the Troubleshooter for System Maintenance.

5.The Troubleshooter may be able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 12: Update Windows and Drivers
1.Press Windows Key + I and then select Update & Security.

2.Then under Update status click on “Check for updates.”

3.If an update is found for your PC, install the update and reboot your PC.
4.Now press Windows Key + R then type “regedit” and hit enter to open Device Manager.

5.Make sure there is no yellow exclamation mark and update drivers which are outdated.

6.In many cases updating drivers was able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 13: Defragment Hard Disk
1.In Windows Search bar type “defragment” and then click on Defragment and Optimize Drives.
2.Next, select all the drives one by one and click on Analyze.

3.If the percentage of fragmentation is above 10% then make sure to select the drive and click on Optimize (This process can take some time so be patient).
4.Once fragmentation is done restart your PC and check if you’re able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10. This process might also assist you to fix WaasMedicSVC.exe High Disk Usage in Windows 10.
Method 14: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes
1.Download and install CCleaner & Malwarebytes.
2.Run Malwarebytes and let it scan your system for harmful files.
3.If malware is found it will automatically remove them.
4.Now run CCleaner and in the “Cleaner” section, under the Windows tab, we suggest checking the following selections to be cleaned:

5.Once you’ve made certain the proper points are checked, simply click Run Cleaner, and let CCleaner run its course.
6.To clean your system further select the Registry tab and ensure the following are checked:

7.Select Scan for Issue and allow CCleaner to scan, then click Fix Selected Issues.
8.When CCleaner asks “Do you want backup changes to the registry?” select Yes.
9.Once your backup has completed, select Fix All Selected Issues.
10.Restart your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 15: Run System File Checker And DISM
1.Press Windows Key + X then click on Command Prompt(Admin).

2.Now type the following in the cmd and hit enter:
Sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c:\ /offwindir=c:\windows (If above fails then try this one)

3.Wait for the above process to finish and once done restart your PC.
4.Again open cmd and type the following command and hit enter after each one:
a) Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
b) Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
c) Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

5.Let the DISM command run and wait for it to finish.
6.Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 16: Disable Fast Startup
1.Press Windows Key + R then type control and hit Enter to open Control Panel.

2.Click on Hardware and Sound then click on Power Options.

3.Then from the left window pane select “Choose what the power buttons do.”

4.Now click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable.”

5.Uncheck “Turn on fast startup” and click on Save changes.

6.Restart your PC and see if you’re able to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10.
Method 17: 100% Disk Usage by Skype
1.Press Windows key + R then type “C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone” and hit enter.
2.Now right-click on “Skype.exe” and select Properties.

6.Switch to the Security tab and make sure to highlight “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES” then click Edit.

7.Again make sure “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES” is highlighted then checkmark Write permission.

8.Click Apply followed by Ok and then restart your PC to save changes.
Method 18: Disable System and Compressed Memory Process
1.Press Windows Key + R then type Taskschd.msc and hit Enter to open Task Scheduler.

2.Navigate to the following path:
Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > MemoryDiagnostic
3.Right-click on RunFullMemoryDiagnostic and select Disable.

4.Close Task Scheduler and restart your PC.
Method 19: Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus Software
1.Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.

2.Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.

Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible for example 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3.Once done, again check if you’re able to fix the 100% disk usage in task manager.
That’s it you have successfully learned How to Fix 100% Disk Usage In Task Manager In Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.