Do you get the DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook when you are attempting to connect to a network? No need to worry! Through this guide, you are going to learn how to fix DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook.
什么是 Chromebook?(What is a Chromebook? )Chromebook 中的 DHCP 查找失败错误是什么?(What is DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook?)
Chromebook是新一代计算机,旨在以比现有计算机更快、更轻松的方式执行任务。它们在Chrome 操作系统(Operating System )上运行,该操作系统包括Google的最佳功能以及云存储和增强的数据保护。
动态主机配置协议(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol),缩写为DHCP,是一种在互联网上进行设备配置的机制。它分配 IP 地址并允许使用默认网关,以促进 IP 网络上各种设备之间的快速流畅连接。连接到网络时会弹出此错误。这基本上意味着您的设备(在本例中为Chromebook)无法从DHCP服务器检索与 IP 地址相关的任何信息。

如何修复(Fix DHCP Lookup)Chromebook中的DHCP 查找失败错误(Error)
(What causes DHCP Lookup Failed )是什么导致Chromebook 中的(in Chromebook?)DHCP 查找失败错误?(error )
VPN – VPN会掩盖您的 IP 地址,并可能导致此问题。
Wi-Fi 扩展器——(Wi-Fi extenders –) 它们通常不能很好地与Chromebook(Chromebooks)结合使用。
Modem/Router Settings - 这也会导致连接问题并导致DHCP 查找(DHCP Lookup)失败错误。
过时的 Chrome 操作系统(Outdated Chrome OS)– 使用任何操作系统的过时版本必然会在相关设备上产生问题。
方法一:更新 Chrome 操作系统(Method 1: Update Chrome OS)
不时更新您的 Chromebook 是修复与Chrome 操作系统(Chrome OS)相关的任何错误的好方法。这将使操作系统与最新软件保持一致,并且还可以防止故障和崩溃。您可以通过以下方式升级固件来纠正与 Chrome 操作系统相关的(Chrome OS-related)问题:
1. 要打开通知(Notification)菜单,请单击右下角的时间( Time)图标。
2. 现在,单击齿轮( gear)图标以访问Chromebook 设置(Chromebook Settings)。
3. 从左侧面板中,选择标题为About Chrome OS的选项。
4. 单击检查更新(Check for updates)按钮,突出显示。

方法二:重启 Chromebook 和路由器(Method 2: Restart Chromebook and router)
1. 首先,关闭(turn off)Chromebook。
2.关闭(Turn off)调制解调器/路由器并将其与电源断开。(disconnect)
5. 现在,打开(turn on)Chromebook 并将其连接(connect)到 Wi-Fi 网络。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10 中未为 WiFi 启用修复 DHCP(Fix DHCP is not enabled for WiFi in Windows 10)
方法 3:使用 Google 名称服务器或自动名称服务器(Method 3: Use Google Name Server or Automatic Name Server)
如果设备无法与DHCP服务器或(DHCP)DNS 服务器(DNS server)上的 IP 地址交互,设备将显示DHCP查找错误。因此,您可以使用Google 名称(Google Name)服务器或自动名称服务器(Server)来解决此问题。让我们看看如何做到这一点:
选项 1:使用 Google 名称服务器(Option 1: Using Google Name Server)
1.从通知菜单(Notification menu )导航到Chrome 网络设置(Chrome Network settings),如方法 1(Method 1)中所述。
2. 在网络设置(Network settings)下,选择Wi-Fi选项。
3. 单击您无法连接的网络(network)旁边的可用右箭头。(right arrow)
4.向下滚动(Scroll)以找到并选择名称服务器(Name server)选项。
5. 单击下拉(drop-down)框并从给定菜单中选择Google 名称服务器,如图所示。(Google Name Servers )

选项 2:使用自动名称服务器(Option 2: Using Automatic Name Server)
1. 如果使用Google Name Server后(Google Name Server)DHCP查找失败错误仍然存在,请重新启动(restart)Chromebook。
2. 现在,像之前一样进入网络设置(Network Settings)页面。
3. 向下滚动到名称服务器(Name Servers )标签。这一次,从下拉菜单中选择自动名称服务器。(Automatic Name Servers)为清楚起见,请参阅上面给出的图片。
选项 3:使用手动配置(Option 3: Using Manual Configuration )
1. 如果使用任一服务器都无法解决此问题,请再次进入网络设置。(Network Settings)
2. 在这里,关闭自动(automatically)配置 IP 地址(Configure IP address) 选项,如图所示。

3. 现在,手动设置 Chromebook IP 地址。(Chromebook IP address manually.)
方法 4:重新连接到 Wi-Fi 网络(Method 4: Reconnect to the Wi-fi network)
修复Chromebook中(Chromebook)DHCP查找失败错误的另一种简单方法是将其与 Wi-Fi 网络断开连接,然后重新连接。
1. 单击Chromebook屏幕右下角的Wi-Fi符号。(Wi-Fi)
2. 选择您的Wi-Fi网络名称。点击 设置(Settings)。

3. 在网络设置窗口中,断开(Disconnect)网络。
4.重新启动(Restart)您的 Chromebook。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 上的受限访问或无连接 WiFi(Fix Limited Access or No Connectivity WiFi on Windows 10)
方法5:改变Wi-Fi网络的频段(Method 5: Change Frequency Band of the Wi-Fi network)
您的计算机可能不支持路由器提供的 Wi-Fi 频率。但是,如果您的服务提供商支持此更改,您可以手动更改频率设置以满足网络的频率标准。让我们看看如何做到这一点:
1. 启动Chrome并导航到路由器网站(router website)。登录(Log in)您的帐户。
2. 导航到无线设置(Wireless Settings)选项卡并选择更改频段(Change Band )选项。
3.如果默认设置为2.4GHz ,则选择(2.4GHz)5GHz,反之亦然。

4. 最后,保存(save)所有更改并退出。
方法6:增加网络地址的DHCP范围(Method 6: Increase DHCP range of Network Address)
我们观察到,从 wi-fi 网络中删除某些设备或手动增加设备数量限制有助于纠正此问题。这是如何做到的:
1. 在任何 网络浏览器(web browser)中,导航到您的路由器网站(router website)并使用您的凭据登录。(log in)
2. 进入DHCP 设置(DHCP settings)选项卡。
3. 扩大DHCP IP 范围(DHCP IP range)。

方法 7:禁用 VPN 以修复 Chromebook 中的 DHCP 查找失败错误
(Method 7: Disable VPN to fix DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook
1. 右键单击 VPN 客户端。(VPN client.)
2.关闭(Toggle)VPN,如图所示。( off)

3. 或者,如果不再需要,您可以将其卸载。(uninstall)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 无法访问修复站点,找不到服务器 IP(Fix Site Can’t Be Reached, Server IP Could Not Be Found)
Method 8: Connect without Wi-Fi Extender and/or Repeater
在扩展Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)连接范围时,Wi-Fi 扩展器或中继器非常有用。但是,这些设备也已知会导致某些错误,例如DHCP查找错误。因此,请确保您直接从路由器连接到Wi-Fi 。
方法 9:使用 Chromebook 连接诊断
(Method 9: Use Chromebook Connectivity Diagnostics
如果您仍然可以连接到DHCP服务器并且仍然收到相同的错误消息,Chromebook附带了一个内置的连接(Connectivity) 诊断(Diagnostics)工具,可以帮助您诊断和解决连接问题。以下是您可以使用它的方法:
1. 在开始菜单(Start Menu)中搜索诊断。
2.从搜索结果中单击Chromebook 连接(Chromebook Connectivity) 诊断。(Diagnostics)
3. 单击运行诊断链接( Run Diagnostics link)开始运行测试。

4. 应用一一进行以下测试:
5. 允许该工具诊断问题。连接诊断工具将执行各种测试并纠正问题(rectify issues)(如果有)。
方法 10:删除所有首选网络(Method 10: Remove all Preferred Networks)
Chromebook OS与任何其他操作系统一样,保留网络凭据以允许您连接到同一网络,而无需每次都输入密码。随着我们连接到更多 Wi-Fi 网络,Chromebook会不断存储越来越多的密码。它还根据过去的连接和数据使用情况创建首选网络列表。这会导致网络填充(network stuffing)。因此,建议删除这些已保存的首选网络并检查问题是否仍然存在。请按照以下步骤执行相同操作:
1. 转到屏幕上的状态区域(Status Area)并单击网络(Network)图标,然后选择设置(Settings)。
2. 在Internet 连接(Internet Connection)选项中,您将找到一个Wi-Fi网络。点击它。
3. 然后,选择首选网络(Preferred Networks)。此处将显示所有已保存网络的完整列表。

4. 当您将鼠标悬停在网络名称上时,您会看到一个X标记。单击它以删除(remove)首选网络。

6. 重复此过程以单独(individually)删除(delete)每个首选网络。
7. 清除列表后,通过验证密码连接到所需的Wi-Fi网络。(Wi-Fi)
方法 11:重置路由器以修复 Chromebook 中的 DHCP 查找失败错误
(Method 11: Reset the Router to fix DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook
1.打开(Turn on)你的路由器/调制解调器
2. 找到重置(Rese)按钮。它是一个位于路由器背面或右侧的小按钮,如下所示:

3. 现在,用纸别针/安全别针 按下复位按钮。(reset )
4.等待路由器完全重置大约 30 秒。(Wait for the router to reset completely for approximately 30 seconds.)
5.最后,打开(turn on)路由器,重新连接Chromebook。
方法 12:联系 Chromebook 客户支持(Method 12: Contact Chromebook Customer Support)
如果您已尝试上述所有方法,仍无法解决查找问题,请联系官方客服。您还可以从Chromebook 帮助中心(Chromebook Help center)获得更多信息。
我们希望您能够修复 Chromebook 上的 DHCP 查找失败错误( fix the DHCP lookup failed error on Chromebook)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。有任何疑问/建议吗?将(Drop)它们放在下面的评论部分。
How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook
Do you get the DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook when you are attempting to connect to a network? No need to worry! Through this guide, you are going to learn how to fix DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook.
What is a Chromebook? What is DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook?
Chromebook is a new generation of computers that are designed to execute tasks in a manner that is quicker and easier than the existing computers. They run on Chrome Operating System that includes the finest features of Google along with cloud storage, and enhanced data protection.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, abbreviated as DHCP, is a mechanism for device configuration on the internet. It allocates IP addresses and allows default gateways to facilitate quick and smooth connections between various devices on the IP network. This error pops up while connecting to a network. It basically means that your device, in this case, Chromebook, is not able to retrieve any information related to IP addresses from the DHCP server.

How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook
What causes DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook?
There are not many known causes of this issue. However, some of them are:
VPN – VPN masks your IP address and may cause this issue.
Wi-Fi extenders – They generally don’t gel well with Chromebooks.
Modem/Router Settings – This too, will cause connectivity problems and result in DHCP Lookup failed error.
Outdated Chrome OS – Using an outdated version of any operating system is bound to create problems on the associated device.
Let’s get to fixing this error with the easiest and quickest methods explained below.
Method 1: Update Chrome OS
Updating your Chromebook from time to time is a great way to fix any errors related to Chrome OS. This would keep the operating system in tune with the latest software and will also prevent glitches and crashes. You can rectify Chrome OS-related issues by upgrading the firmware as:
1. To open the Notification menu, click on the Time icon from the bottom-right corner.
2. Now, click the gear icon to access Chromebook Settings.
3. From the left panel, select the option titled About Chrome OS.
4. Click the Check for updates button, as highlighted.

5. Restart the PC and see whether the DHCP lookup issue is resolved.
Method 2: Restart Chromebook and router
Restarting devices is an efficient way to fix minor errors, as it gives your device time to reset itself. Hence, in this method, we are going to restart both, router and Chromebook to possibly fix this issue. Just follow these simple steps:
1. First, turn off the Chromebook.
2.Turn off the modem/router and disconnect it from the power supply.
3. Wait a few seconds before you reconnect it to the power source.
4. Wait for the lights on the modem/router to stabilize.
5. Now, turn on the Chromebook and connect it to the Wi-Fi network.
Verify if the error DHCP lookup failed in Chromebook is fixed. If not, try the next solution.
Also Read: Fix DHCP is not enabled for WiFi in Windows 10
Method 3: Use Google Name Server or Automatic Name Server
The device will display the DHCP lookup error if it is unable to interact with the DHCP server or IP addresses on a DNS server. Therefore, you can use the Google Name server or Automatic Name Server to solve this problem. Let’s see how to do this:
Option 1: Using Google Name Server
1. Navigate to Chrome Network settings from the Notification menu as explained in Method 1.
2. Under Network settings, select the Wi-Fi option.
3. Click on the right arrow available next to the network to which you are unable to connect.
4. Scroll down to locate and select the Name server option.
5. Click the drop-down box and choose Google Name Servers from the given menu, as shown.

Check whether the issue has been rectified by reconnecting it to the Wi-Fi network.
Option 2: Using Automatic Name Server
1. If the DHCP lookup failed error persists even after utilizing Google Name Server, restart the Chromebook.
2. Now, proceed to the Network Settings page as you did earlier.
3. Scroll down to the Name Servers label. This time, choose Automatic Name Servers from the drop-down menu. Refer to pic given above for clarity.
4. Reconnect to the Wi-Fi- network and verify if the DHCP problem has been resolved.
Option 3: Using Manual Configuration
1. If using either server didn’t solve this problem, go to the Network Settings once again.
2. Here, toggle off the Configure IP address automatically option, as depicted.

3. Now, set the Chromebook IP address manually.
4. Restart the device and reconnect.
The DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook error should be fixed by now.
Method 4: Reconnect to the Wi-fi network
Another easy method to fix DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook is to disconnect it from your Wi-Fi network and reconnect it afterward.
Let’s see how you can do this:
1. Click the Wi-Fi symbol in the lower right corner of the Chromebook screen.
2. Select your Wi-Fi network name. Click on Settings.

3. In the Network Settings window, Disconnect the network.
4. Restart your Chromebook.
5. Finally, connect it to the same network and continue using the device as usual.

Move to the next method if this does not fix the DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook.
Also Read: Fix Limited Access or No Connectivity WiFi on Windows 10
Method 5: Change Frequency Band of the Wi-Fi network
It is possible that your computer doesn’t support the Wi-Fi frequency that your router offers. However, you can change frequency settings manually to meet the frequency standards of the network, if your service provider supports this change. Let’s see how to do this:
1. Launch Chrome and navigate to the router website. Log in to your account.
2. Navigate to the Wireless Settings tab and select the Change Band option.
3. Choose 5GHz, if the default setting was 2.4GHz, or vice versa.

4. Lastly, save all changes and exit.
5. Restart your Chromebook and connect to the network.
Check whether the DHCP issue is now rectified..
Method 6: Increase DHCP range of Network Address
We observed that removing certain devices from the wi-fi network or manually increasing the number of devices limit helped rectify this issue. Here’s how to do it:
1. In any web browser, navigate to your router website and log in with your credentials.
2. Proceed to the DHCP settings tab.
3. Expand the DHCP IP range.
For example, if the higher range is, expand it to, as shown.

4. Save the changes and exit the webpage.
If the error DHCP lookup failed still pops up, you could try any of the succeeding methods.
Method 7: Disable VPN to fix DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook
If you use a proxy or a VPN to connect to the internet, it may cause conflict with the wireless network. Proxy and VPN have been known to cause DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook on numerous occasions. You can turn it off temporarily to fix it.
1. Right-click on the VPN client.
2. Toggle off the VPN, as highlighted.

3. Alternatively, you can uninstall it, if it is no longer needed.
Also Read: Fix Site Can’t Be Reached, Server IP Could Not Be Found
Method 8: Connect without Wi-Fi Extender and/or Repeater
Wi-fi extenders or repeaters are great when it comes to extending the Wi-Fi connectivity range. However, these devices have also been known to cause certain errors like the DHCP lookup error. Therefore, make sure that you connect to Wi-Fi straight from the router.
Method 9: Use Chromebook Connectivity Diagnostics
If you can still connect to the DHCP server and are still getting the same error message, Chromebook comes with an in-built Connectivity Diagnostics tool that will assist you in diagnosing and resolving connectivity issues. Here’s how you can use it:
1. Search for diagnostics in the Start Menu.
2. Click on the Chromebook Connectivity Diagnostics from the search results.
3. Click the Run Diagnostics link to start running the tests.

4. The app performs the following tests one by one:
- Captive portal
- Firewall
- Google Services
- Local network
5. Allow the tool to diagnose the issue. The connection diagnostics tool will perform a variety of tests and rectify issues if any.
Method 10: Remove all Preferred Networks
Chromebook OS, like any other operating system, retains network credentials to allow you to connect to the same network without entering the password every time to do so. As we connect to more Wi-Fi networks, Chromebook keeps storing more & more passwords. It also creates a list of preferred networks depending on past connections and data usage. This causes network stuffing. Hence, it is advisable to remove these saved preferred networks and check if the issue persists. Follow the steps given below to do the same:
1. Go to the Status Area on your screen and click the Network Icon then select Settings.
2. Within the Internet Connection option, you will find a Wi-Fi network. Click on it.
3. Then, select Preferred Networks. A complete list of all saved networks will be shown here.

4. When you hover over the names of the network, you will see an X mark. Click on it to remove the preferred network.

6. Repeat this process to delete each Preferred Network individually.
7. Once the list is cleared, connect to the desired Wi-Fi network by verifying the password.
This should solve the DHCP lookup failed issue. If it doesn’t, proceed to the next solution.
Method 11: Reset the Router to fix DHCP Lookup Failed error in Chromebook
The DHCP problem might be caused by corrupt firmware on your router/modem. In such cases, you can always reset the router by pressing the reset button of the router. This restores the router to default settings and might fix the DHCP lookup failed in Chromebook error. Let’s see how to do it:
1. Turn on your router/modem
2. Locate the Reset button. It is a tiny button located on the backside or right-hand side of the router and looks like this:

3. Now, press the reset button with a paper pin/safety pin.
4. Wait for the router to reset completely for approximately 30 seconds.
5. Finally, turn on the router and reconnect Chromebook.
Now check if you’re able to fix DHCP lookup failed error in Chromebook.
Method 12: Contact Chromebook Customer Support
If you have tried all of the methods listed above and are still unable to resolve the lookup problem, you should contact official customer support. You can also receive more information from the Chromebook Help center.
We hope you were able to fix the DHCP lookup failed error on Chromebook. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Have any queries/suggestions? Drop them in the comment section below.