Destiny 2是一款多人射击游戏,在当今的游戏玩家中非常受欢迎。Bungie Inc开发了这款游戏并于 2017 年发布。它现在与PlayStation 4/5和Xbox型号– One/X/SWindows计算机上可用。由于它是一款仅限在线游戏,因此您需要在您的设备上建立稳定且高速的互联网连接才能玩它。许多用户在他们的Windows(Windows)系统上玩此游戏时报告了一些问题,主要是:错误代码Broccoli和错误代码Marionberry。继续阅读以了解有关Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli及其修复方法的更多信息。
如何(How to Fix )在 Windows 10 上修复(Error Code Broccoli on Windows 10)命运 2错误代码西兰花(Destiny 2 )
以下是玩《命运2(Destiny 2)》时出现此错误的一般原因:
超频 GPU:(Overclocked GPU: )所有图形处理(Graphics Processing)单元都设置为以设备制造商设置的称为基本速度(base speed)的特定速度运行。在某些GPU(GPUs)上,用户可以通过将GPU速度提高到高于基本速度的水平来提高性能。但是,超频GPU可能会导致Broccoli错误。
全屏故障:(Full-screen glitch:)如果您使用的是NVIDIA GeForce GPU,您更有可能遇到Destiny 2错误代码Broccoli。
过时(Outdated Windows version:)的 Windows 版本:如果Windows操作系统在过时的版本上运行,则系统不会更新PC 上的GPU驱动程序。(GPU)您需要确保安装了最新版本的Windows。
Corrupted/Outdated Graphics card drivers:如果您 PC 上的显卡驱动程序过时或损坏,可能会出现Destiny 2(Destiny 2)错误代码Broccoli 。命运 2(Destiny 2)需要兼容的显卡和更新的显卡驱动程序,以便您的游戏体验流畅且无错误。
要修复Destiny 2错误代码Broccoli,请逐一尝试下面编写的方法,为您的Windows 10系统找到可能的解决方案。
(Method 1: Run Game in Windowed Mode (NVIDIA)
此方法仅适用于使用NVIDIA GeForce Experience玩《命运2(Destiny 2) 》的情况。由于GeForce Experience可能会强制游戏进入全屏(Full-screen)模式,从而导致错误代码Broccoli。请按照以下步骤强制游戏以窗口模式(Windowed Mode)运行:
1. 启动 NVIDIA GeForce Experience应用程序。
2. 转到主页(Home)选项卡,然后从屏幕上显示的游戏列表中选择命运 2 。(Destiny 2)
3. 向下滚动并单击工具图标(Tool icon)以启动设置。
4. 单击自定义设置(Custom Settings)下的显示模式(Display Mode),然后从下拉菜单中 选择窗口化。(Windowed )
5. 最后,单击应用(Apply)以保存更改。
6. 启动Destiny 2并从此处启用全屏模式。(Full-screen mode)请参阅(Refer)下图中突出显示的部分。
方法 2:更新 Windows(Method 2: Update Windows)
开发人员将错误代码命名为Broccoli ,以表明与(Broccoli)显卡(Graphics)驱动程序和Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)的不一致。如果显卡驱动程序更新由您 PC 上的Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务处理,则必须确保没有任何Windows更新处于挂起状态。按照给定的步骤更新Windows:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入更新。(Updates)从搜索结果中启动Windows 更新设置,如图所示。(Windows Update settings)
2. 如图所示,单击右窗格中的检查更新(Check for updates)。
注意:(Note:)在更新过程中,您的 PC 可能需要多次重启。每次重新启动后,返回Windows 更新(Windows Update)设置以安装所有可用更新。
该过程完成后,启动Destiny 2并查看游戏是否在没有Broccoli错误的情况下启动。如果不是,则可能是显卡(Graphics)驱动程序存在问题,将在后续方法中处理。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )Windows Updates Stuck? Here are a few things you could try!
方法三:重新安装显卡驱动(Method 3: Reinstall Graphics Card Drivers)
如果上述方法对您不起作用,您需要更新PC 上的显卡(Graphics)驱动程序,以消除驱动程序损坏和/或过时的问题。这可能会解决Destiny 2错误代码Broccoli。
- 使用设备管理器(Device Manager)更新显卡驱动程序。
- 通过手动重新安装驱动程序来更新驱动程序。
选项 1:自动更新显卡驱动程序(Option 1: Automatically Update Graphics Card Drivers)
1.在Windows 搜索框中键入(Windows search)设备管理器(Device manager)并从那里启动应用程序。
2. 单击显示适配器(Display adapters )旁边的向下箭头(downward arrow)将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的显卡驱动程序,然后从下拉菜单中选择更新驱动程序,如下所示。(Update driver)
4. 在随后的弹出框中,单击标题为自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)的选项,如下所示。
5.等待(Wait)您的 PC 安装更新的驱动程序(如果找到)。
6. 重启电脑并启动游戏。
选项 2:通过重新安装手动更新驱动程序(Option 2: Manually Update Drivers by Reinstallation)
重新安装 AMD 显卡驱动程序(Reinstall AMD Graphic Drivers)
1. 从这里 下载 AMD Cleanup Utility 。(Download AMD Cleanup Utility)
2. 下载文件后,右键单击它并选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator.)
3.在AMD Cleanup Utility弹出框点击Yes进入(Yes)Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)。
4. 进入安全模式(Safe Mode)后,按照屏幕上的说明完成卸载过程。
5. AMD Cleanup Utility将完全删除AMD驱动程序,而不会在您的系统上留下剩余文件。当然,如果有任何损坏的AMD文件,它们也会被删除。该过程完成后,您的机器将自动重新启动(restart)。点击这里(Click here)阅读更多。
6. 访问AMD 官方网站(official AMD website)并单击屏幕底部显示的立即下载选项,为您的 PC 下载最新的驱动程序。(Download Now)
7. 在AMD Radeon Software Installer上,单击推荐版本(Recommended Version )以确定最适合您 PC 上的AMD硬件的驱动程序。(AMD)安装(Install)它们。
8. 按照屏幕上的说明完成安装。完成后,重新启动计算机(restart the computer)并享受命运 2 的乐趣。
重新安装 NVIDIA 显卡(Reinstall NVIDIA Graphics Cards)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search )框中键入添加或删除程序,然后从搜索结果中启动它,如图所示。(Add or remove programs)
2. 单击屏幕右侧相关设置(Related settings)下的程序和功能。(Programs and Features)
3. 单击更改视图(Change your view)图标旁边的向下箭头,如图所示。(downward arrow)
4. 从列表中选择详细信息(Details)以查看应用程序以及发布者的名称、安装日期和安装的版本。
5. 选择NVIDIA(NVIDIA)发布的应用程序和程序的所有实例。右键单击(Right-click)每个并选择Uninstall。
注意:(Note:)或者,您也可以使用Display Driver Uninstaller来卸载NVIDIA GeForce。
6.完成后重新启动(Restart) 计算机(the computer)。
7.然后,访问英伟达官网(Nvidia official website),点击下载(Download),下载最新的GeForce Experience。
8. 单击下载的文件以运行(Run)设置实用程序。
9. 接下来,登录(log in)到您的Nvidia帐户并单击“驱动程序(Drivers)”选项卡。安装所有推荐的驱动程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在 Windows 10 上未检测到显卡(Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10)
方法 4:关闭游戏模式(Method 4: Toggle off Game Mode)
游戏模式(Game Mode)的Windows 10功能可以提升 PC 的游戏体验和性能。尽管如此(Nevertheless),许多用户报告说禁用此功能是一个潜在的Destiny 2错误代码Broccoli修复。以下是在Windows 10系统中关闭游戏模式的方法:(Game Mode)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中输入游戏模式设置。(Game mode settings )单击(Click)右侧窗口中的打开(Open)。
2.关闭游戏模式(Game Mode off),如下所示。
(Method 5: Check Integrity of Destiny 2 Files (For Steam)
如果您使用 Steam 玩《天命 2(Destiny 2)》,则需要验证游戏文件的完整性,以便安装的游戏版本与 Steam 服务器上可用的最新版本匹配。在此处阅读我们关于如何验证 Steam 上游戏文件完整性的指南。(How to Verify the Integrity of Game Files on Steam here.)
方法 6:启用多 GPU 设置(如果适用)
(Method 6: Enable Multi-GPU settings (If applicable)
如果您使用两个显卡并且面临Destiny 2 Broccoli错误,则此方法适用。这些设置允许 PC 组合多个图形卡并使用组合图形处理能力。按照列出的步骤启用NVIDIA和AMD的上述设置,视情况而定。
对于英伟达(For NVIDIA)
1. 右键单击桌面(Desktop)并选择 NVIDIA 控制面板(NVIDIA Control Panel)。
2. 单击NVIDIA 控制面板(NVIDIA Control Panel)左侧窗格中的配置 SLI、环绕声、PhysX(Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX)。
3. 单击SLI 配置(SLI configuration)下的最大化 3D 性能(Maximize 3D performance)。保存(Save)更改。
注意:(Note:)可扩展链路接口(Link Interface)( SLI ) 是NVIDIA多 GPU 设置的品牌名称。
4.重新启动(Restart) 系统(your system)并启动游戏以检查问题是否已解决。
对于 AMD(For AMD)
1. 右键单击您的桌面(Desktop),然后单击AMD Radeon Software。
2. 单击AMD 软件(AMD Software)窗口右上角的设置图标。(Settings icon)
3. 接下来,转到图形(Graphics)选项卡。
4. 向下滚动到高级(Advanced)部分并打开AMD Crossfire以启用多 GPU 设置。
注意:(Note:) CrossFire 是AMD多 GPU 设置的品牌名称。
5.重启(Restart)电脑,(he PC)启动命运2(Destiny 2)。检查您是否能够修复Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli。
方法 7:更改命运 2 的图形设置(Method 7: Change Graphic Settings on Destiny 2)
除了修改与GPU相关的图形设置之外,您还可以在游戏本身中进行类似的修改。这将有助于避免因图形不一致而引起的问题,例如Destiny 2错误代码Broccoli。以下是在《命运 2(Destiny 2)》中更改图形设置的方法:
1.在您的 PC 上启动命运 2 。(Destiny 2)
2. 单击打开设置(Open Settings)以查看可用设置。
3. 接下来,单击左窗格中的视频选项卡。(Video)
4. 接下来,从 Off 到On选择(On.)Vsync 。
5. 然后,启用 Framerate Cap(Enable Framerate Cap)并从下拉菜单中将其设置为72 ,如下图所示。(72)
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复由于 D3D 设备丢失而导致虚幻引擎退出的问题(Fix Unreal Engine Exiting Due To D3D Device Being Lost)
方法八:更改游戏属性(Method 8: Change Game Properties)
1. 启动文件资源管理器并转到C: > Program files (x86).
2.打开命运2文件夹(Destiny 2 folder)。右键单击游戏的.exe 文件(.exe file),然后选择Properties。
3. 接下来,转到“属性(Properties)”窗口中的“安全(Security)”选项卡。单击(Click)标题为Edit的选项。
4. 确保为所有用户启用完全控制(Full control),如下所示。
5. 单击Apply > OK 以保存上面突出显示的更改。
6.接下来,切换到兼容性选项卡并选中标题(Compatibility)为以管理员身份运行此程序(Run this program as an administrator)的选项旁边的框。
7. 然后,单击更改高 DPI 设置(Change high DPI settings ),如图突出显示。
8. 在此处选中Program DPI下的框。单击确定(OK)以保存设置。
方法9:将命运2设置为高优先级(Method 9: Set Destiny 2 as High Priority)
为确保CPU资源预留给《命运2 》游戏玩法,您需要在(Destiny 2)任务管理器(Task Manager)中将其设置为高优先级任务。当您的 PC 更喜欢为Destiny 2使用(Destiny 2)CPU时,游戏崩溃的可能性较小。按照以下步骤确定命运 2(Destiny 2)的优先级,然后在Windows 10上修复命运 2(Destiny 2)错误代码 Broccoli(Error Code Broccoli):
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入任务管理器。(Task Manager)通过单击打开(Open)从搜索结果中启动它。
2. 转到任务管理器(Task Manager)窗口中的详细信息(Details)选项卡。
3. 右键单击 Destiny 2并单击Set priority > High,如给定图片中所述。
4. 对、Steam或您用于启动Destiny 2的任何应用程序重复相同的过程。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中更改 CPU 进程优先级(How to Change CPU Process Priority in Windows 10)
(Method 10: Reinstall Destiny 2
1. 在重新安装(Reinstallation)图形(Graphics)驱动程序期间,按照方法 3(Method 3)中的说明启动添加或删除程序(Add or remove programs)窗口。
2.如图所示,在Search this list文本框中输入Destiny 2 。
3.点击搜索结果中的命运2(Destiny 2),然后选择卸载(Uninstall)。
5.启动 Steam(Launch Steam)或您用来玩游戏的应用程序并重新安装 Destiny 2(reinstall Destiny 2)。
您的 PC 上的损坏(Corrupt)游戏文件(如果有)现在已被删除,并且命运 2(Destiny 2) 西兰花(Broccoli)错误代码已更正。
方法 11:运行 Windows 内存诊断(Method 11: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic)
如果上述错误仍然存在,则您的计算机可能存在硬件问题。要诊断这些问题,请实施此方法。Windows 内存诊断(Windows Memory Diagnostic)应用程序将扫描您计算机的硬件组件以搜索问题。例如,如果您 PC 上的RAM出现故障,诊断应用程序将提供有关它的信息,以便您检查或更换RAM 。同样,我们将运行此工具来诊断影响游戏玩法的系统硬件问题。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入Windows 内存诊断。(Windows Memory Diagnostic)从这里打开它。
2. 单击立即重新启动并在弹出窗口中检查问题(推荐) 。(Restart now and check for problems (recommended) )
3. 计算机将重新启动(restart)并开始诊断。
4. 该过程完成后,计算机将重新启动。(reboot)
5. 要查看诊断信息,请转到事件查看器(Event Viewer),如图所示。
6.从事件查看器(Event Viewer)窗口的左窗格导航到Windows Logs > System
7. 单击右侧“操作”窗格中的“查找” (Actions)。(Find)
8.输入 MemoryDiagnostic(MemoryDiagnostic)并选择Find Next。
9. 检查事件查看器(Event Viewer)窗口中显示的有关故障硬件(faulty hardware)的信息(如果有)。
10. 如果发现硬件有缺陷,请技术人员检查或更换(get it checked or replaced)。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以在 Windows 10 笔记本电脑/台式机上修复 Destiny 2 错误代码 Broccoli 。(fix Destiny 2 error code Broccoli)请让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
Fix Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli
Destiny 2 is a multiplayer shooting game that is hugely popular amongst gamers today. Bungіe Inc developed this game and released it іn 2017. It is now available on Windows computers along with PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox models – One/X/S. Since it is an online-only game, you would require a stable аnd high-speed internet connection on your device to plaу it. Many users reported some issυеs while playing this game on their Windows systems, maјorly: error code Broccoli and error code Marionberry. Keep reading to learn more about Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli and the methods to fix it.
How to Fix Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli on Windows 10
Here are the general reasons why this error occurs while playing Destiny 2:
Overclocked GPU: All Graphics Processing Units are set to run at a particular speed called the base speed which is set by the device manufacturer. On some GPUs, users can boost their performance by increasing the GPU speed to a level higher than the base speed. However, overclocking the GPU may cause the Broccoli error.
Full-screen glitch: You are more likely to face Destiny 2 error code Broccoli if you are using NVIDIA GeForce GPU.
Outdated Windows version: If the Windows operating system is working on an outdated version, then the system will not update the GPU drivers on the PC. You need to ensure that you have the latest version of Windows installed.
Corrupted/Outdated Graphics card drivers: The Destiny 2 error code Broccoli can occur if the graphic drivers on your PC are outdated or corrupt. Destiny 2 requires compatible graphics card and updated graphics card drivers so that your gaming experience is smooth and error-free.
To fix Destiny 2 error code Broccoli, try the methods written below, one-by-one, to find a possible solution for your Windows 10 system.
Method 1: Run Game in Windowed Mode (NVIDIA)
This method is applicable only if you use NVIDIA GeForce Experience to play Destiny 2. Since GeForce Experience might force the game into Full-screen mode, leading to error code Broccoli. Follow the steps below to force the game to run in Windowed Mode instead:
1. Launch the NVIDIA GeForce Experience application.
2. Go to the Home tab and select Destiny 2 from the list of games displayed on the screen.
3. Scroll down and click on the Tool icon to launch settings.
4. Click on Display Mode under Custom Settings and select Windowed from the drop-down menu.
5. Lastly, click on Apply to save the changes.
6. Launch Destiny 2 and enable Full-screen mode from here instead. Refer highlighted section in the pic below.
Method 2: Update Windows
The developers named the error code Broccoli to indicate the inconsistencies with the Graphics card drivers and Windows OS. If the graphics card driver updates are handled by the Windows Update service on your PC, it is necessary to ensure that no Windows updates are pending. Follow the given steps to update Windows:
1. Type Updates in Windows search box. Launch the Windows Update settings from the search result, as shown.
2. Click on Check for updates from the right pane, as depicted.
3 Wait for Windows to search for and install any pending updates.
Note: Your PC may need to restart several times during the update process. Return to Windows Update settings to install all available updates, after every restart.
After the process is complete, launch Destiny 2 and see if the game launches without Broccoli error. If not, there may be issues with Graphics card drivers which will be dealt with in succeeding methods.
Also Read: Windows Updates Stuck? Here are a few things you could try!
Method 3: Reinstall Graphics Card Drivers
If the above methods did not work for you, you need to update Graphics card drivers on your PC to eliminate the issue of corrupt and/or outdated drivers. This can possibly resolve Destiny 2 error code Broccoli.
Given below are two options:
- update graphics card drivers using Device Manager.
- update the drivers by reinstalling them manually.
Option 1: Automatically Update Graphics Card Drivers
1. Type Device manager in the Windows search box and launch the app from there.
2. Click on the downward arrow next to Display adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on your Graphics card driver and select Update driver from the drop-down menu, as depicted below.
4. In the pop-up box that follows, click on the option titled Search automatically for drivers, as highlighted below.
5. Wait for your PC to install updated drivers if any are found.
6. Restart the computer and launch the game.
If the above option did not work, you need to manually update the graphics card drivers by reinstalling them on your computer. Read below to do so.
Option 2: Manually Update Drivers by Reinstallation
This process has been explained for users of AMD graphic cards and NVIDIA graphics cards. If you use any other graphics card, ensure to follow the correct steps to reinstall those.
Reinstall AMD Graphic Drivers
1. Download AMD Cleanup Utility from here.
2. Once the file is downloaded, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.
3. Click on Yes on the AMD Cleanup Utility pop-up box to enter Windows Recovery Environment.
4. Once in Safe Mode, follow the instructions on the screen to complete the uninstallation process.
5. The AMD Cleanup Utility will completely remove AMD drivers without leaving leftover files on your system. Of course, if there are any corrupt AMD files, those will be removed too. After the process is complete, your machine will restart automatically. Click here to read more.
6. Visit the official AMD website and click on the Download Now option displayed at the bottom of the screen, to download the latest drivers for your PC.
7. On the AMD Radeon Software Installer, click on Recommended Version to determine the most suitable drivers for the AMD hardware on your PC. Install them.
8. Follow the instruction on-screen to finish the installation. Once done, restart the computer and enjoy playing Destiny 2.
Reinstall NVIDIA Graphics Cards
1. Type Add or remove programs in the Windows search box and launch it from the search result, as shown.
2. Click on Programs and Features under Related settings from the right side of the screen.
3. Click on the downward arrow next to Change your view icon as shown.
4. Select Details from the list to view apps along with the name of the publisher, date of installation, and the version installed.
5. Select all instances of apps and programs published by NVIDIA. Right-click on each and select Uninstall.
Note: Alternately, you can use Display Driver Uninstaller to uninstall NVIDIA GeForce as well.
6. Restart the computer once done.
7. Then, visit the Nvidia official website and click on Download to download the latest GeForce Experience.
8. Click on the downloaded file to Run the set-up utility.
9. Next, log in to your Nvidia account and click on the Drivers tab. Install all the recommended drivers.
Also Read: Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10
Method 4: Toggle off Game Mode
The Windows 10 feature of Game Mode can boost the gaming experience and performance of your PC. Nevertheless, many users have reported that disabling this feature is a potential Destiny 2 error code Broccoli fix. Here’s how you can turn off Game Mode in Windows 10 systems:
1. Type Game mode settings in the Windows search box. Click on Open from the right window.
2. Toggle the Game Mode off as shown below.
Method 5: Check Integrity of Destiny 2 Files (For Steam)
If you use Steam to play Destiny 2, you need to verify the integrity of game files so that the installed version of the game matches the latest version available on Steam servers. Read our guide on How to Verify the Integrity of Game Files on Steam here.
Method 6: Enable Multi-GPU settings (If applicable)
This method is applicable if you use two graphic cards and are facing the Destiny 2 Broccoli error. These settings allow the PC to combine multiple graphic cards and use combined graphics processing power. Follow the listed steps to enable the said settings for NVIDIA and AMD, as the case may be.
1. Right-click on the Desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.
2. Click on Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX, from the left pane of the NVIDIA Control Panel.
3. Click on Maximize 3D performance under SLI configuration. Save the changes.
Note: The Scalable Link Interface (SLI) is the brand name for the NVIDIA multi-GPU setting.
4. Restart your system and launch the game to check if the issue is resolved.
1. Right-click on your Desktop and click on AMD Radeon Software.
2. Click on the Settings icon from the top right corner of the AMD Software window.
3. Next, go to the Graphics tab.
4. Scroll down to the Advanced section and toggle on AMD Crossfire to enable multi-GPU settings.
Note: CrossFire is the brand name for the AMD multi-GPU setting.
5. Restart the PC, and launch Destiny 2. Check if you’re able to fix Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli.
Method 7: Change Graphic Settings on Destiny 2
In addition to modifying graphics settings associated with GPU, you can do similar modifications in the game itself. This will help avoid issues arising out of graphics inconsistency like Destiny 2 error code Broccoli. Here’s how to alter graphics settings in Destiny 2:
1. Launch Destiny 2 on your PC.
2. Click on Open Settings to view the available settings.
3. Next, click on the Video tab from the left pane.
4. Next, select Vsync from Off to On.
5. Then, Enable Framerate Cap and set it to 72 from the drop-down, as illustrated below.
6. Save the settings and launch the game.
Also Read: Fix Unreal Engine Exiting Due To D3D Device Being Lost
Method 8: Change Game Properties
You can change settings for the executable file of the game to potentially fix the Broccoli error code. Follow the given steps to do the same.
1. Launch File Explorer and go to C: > Program files (x86).
Note: If you have installed the game elsewhere, navigate to the appropriate directory.
2. Open the Destiny 2 folder. Right-click on the .exe file of the game and select Properties.
Note: Below is an example shown using Steam.
3. Next, go to the Security tab in the Properties window. Click on the option titled Edit.
4. Ensure that Full control is enabled for all users, as depicted below.
5. Click on Apply > OK to save changes as highlighted above.
6. Next, switch to the Compatibility tab and check the box next to the option titled Run this program as an administrator.
7. Then, click on Change high DPI settings as shown highlighted.
8. Here check the box under Program DPI. Click on OK to save the settings.
Method 9: Set Destiny 2 as High Priority
To ensure that the CPU resources are reserved for Destiny 2 gameplay, you need to set it as a high-priority task in Task Manager. When your PC prefers to utilize the CPU for Destiny 2, there are lesser chances that the game will crash. Follow these steps to prioritize Destiny 2 and in turn, fix Destiny 2 Error Code Broccoli on Windows 10:
1. Type Task Manager in Windows search box. Launch it from the search result by clicking Open.
2. Go to the Details tab in the Task Manager window.
3. Right-click on Destiny 2 and click on Set priority > High, as explained in the given pic.
4. Repeat the same process for, Steam, or any application that you use to launch Destiny 2.
Also Read: How to Change CPU Process Priority in Windows 10
Method 10: Reinstall Destiny 2
There might be corrupt installation files or game files. To clean your system of corrupt game files, you need to reinstall the game, as follows:
1. Launch Add or remove programs window as explained in Method 3 during Reinstallation of Graphics drivers.
2. Type Destiny 2 in the Search this list text box, as shown.
3. Click on Destiny 2 in the search result and select Uninstall.
Note: Below is an example is given using Steam.
4. Wait for the game to be uninstalled.
5. Launch Steam or the application that you use to play games and reinstall Destiny 2.
Corrupt game files on your PC, if any, are now deleted and the Destiny 2 Broccoli error code rectified.
Method 11: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic
In case, the said error still persists, there is a probability of hardware problems with your computer. To diagnose these problems, implement this method. The Windows Memory Diagnostic app will scan the hardware components of your computer to search for problems. For example, if the RAM on your PC is malfunctioning, the diagnostic app will give information about it so that you can get the RAM checked or replaced. Similarly, we shall run this tool to have problems diagnosed with system hardware that is affecting gameplay.
1. Type Windows Memory Diagnostic in the Windows search box. Open it from here.
2. Click on Restart now and check for problems (recommended) in the pop-up window.
3. The computer will restart and begin the diagnostics.
Note: The process may take a while. Do not switch off the machine during the process.
4. The computer will reboot when the process is complete.
5. To view the diagnostic information, go to Event Viewer, as shown.
6. Navigate to Windows Logs > System from the left pane of the Event Viewer window.
7. Click on Find from the Actions pane on the right-hand side.
8. Type MemoryDiagnostic and select Find Next.
9. Check the Event Viewer window for information displayed about faulty hardware, if any.
10. If the hardware is found to be defective, get it checked or replaced by a technician.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Destiny 2 error code Broccoli on your Windows 10 laptop/desktop. Do let us know which method worked the best for you. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.