辐射(Fallout)错误:无法定位(Could)或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 问题通常发生在您更新或安装Windows操作系统的新版本时。当Games for Windows Live程序未正确安装和/或下载到您的计算机时,这种情况会更频繁地发生。尽管《辐射》(Fallout)曾经是一款流行的游戏,但它在很大程度上已经过时了。然而,一些用户仍然是这款游戏的真正爱好者。如果您是其中之一并面临此问题,请阅读本指南以修复Windows 10 PC上的Fallout 3 (Fix Fallout 3)Ordinal 43 Not Found错误。
如何修复 Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found 错误?(How to Fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found Error?)
许多原因导致 Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 could not be located or Not Found问题在您的系统中,例如:
(Games for Windows Live is not Installed: )未安装适用于Windows Live 的游戏(Games):如前所述,当您的系统中未安装和下载适用于Windows Live的游戏时,您可能会遇到辐射错误(Fallout Error):无法(Could)定位或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 问题。您需要这个,因为游戏的编程方式是所有功能只有在安装了Games for Windows Live程序文件时才会激活。
DLL 文件损坏或丢失:(The DLL Files are Corrupt or Missing: )如果您的系统有任何损坏或丢失的DLL文件(例如 xlive.dll),您将遇到辐射错误(Fallout Error):无法(Could)定位或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 。
新的不兼容驱动程序:(New Incompatible Drivers: )有时,如果您在系统中安装或更新的新驱动程序与游戏不兼容,您可能会遇到辐射错误。(Fallout)
Windows的新版本:(New Versions of Windows: )我们都知道《辐射3》(Fallout 3)是2008年推出的,所以距离游戏发布已经有很长一段时间了。有时,游戏无法适应较新版本的操作系统(System)。
下面列出了一些修复Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found错误的有效方法。
方法 1:为 Windows Live 安装游戏(Method 1: Install Games for Windows Live)
这个游戏很古老,因此,许多用户的系统中没有安装Games for Windows Live软件。Windows 10 不支持该软件,但您实际上需要.dll 文件(.dll file)的程序。以下是修复 Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found 错误的方法:(Here’s how to fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error:)
1.在您的 Windows 计算机上下载并安装(Download and install) Games for Windows Live软件。
2. 双击下载的文件,即gfwlivesetup.exe,如图所示。
4. 您不需要运行该工具,因为xlive.dll 文件(xlive.dll file)将在您的系统中可用。
注意:(Note:)在此步骤中,您可能会遇到安装失败显示,尝试从服务器获取信息时发生网络错误。检查您的网络连接并重试。(A network error occurred while attempting to get information from the server. Check your network connection and retry.)如果这样做,请访问日志文件以了解错误背后的原因,然后单击支持(Support)以获得可能的解决方案。为清楚起见,请参阅给定的图片。
最后,启动游戏并检查辐射(Fallout)错误:无法(Could)定位或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 现在是否已修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows Live Mail 无法启动(Fix Windows Live Mail won’t start)
(Method 2: Download DLL File
如果安装Games for Windows Live程序不起作用,请下载相应的DLL文件并将其放置在游戏的安装文件夹中,如下所示:
1.点击这里(Click here)搜索和下载各种大小的.dll文件。
注意(Note):我们建议您在系统中下载3.5.92.0版本(version) 的文件,如图所示。
2. 单击下载(Download )按钮并等待几秒钟(few seconds)。
3. 现在,导航到下载(Downloads )文件夹并双击xlive zip 文件(file)以提取其内容。
4. 右键单击 xlive.dill文件并选择Copy,如图所示。
5.接下来将复制的文件粘贴(paste the copied file)到游戏的安装文件夹中。
选项 1:如果您通过 Steam 安装 Fallout 3(Option 1: If you installed Fallout 3 through Steam)
1. 启动Steam并导航到LIBRARY。
2. 现在,单击HOME并在此处搜索Fallout 3。
3. 右键单击 Fallout 3游戏并选择Properties...选项。
4. 现在,导航到LOCAL FILES选项卡并单击Browse...选项以在您的计算机上搜索本地文件。
5.将xlive.dll文件(xlive.dll )粘贴(Paste )到安装文件夹中。
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common
选项 2:如果您使用 DVD 安装它(Option 2: If you installed it using a DVD)
1. 进入搜索(Search)菜单并输入Fallout 3。
2. 现在,右键单击搜索结果,然后单击打开文件位置(Open File Location),如图所示。
3. 现在,安装文件夹(installation folder )在屏幕上打开。右键单击(Right-click)屏幕上的任意位置并粘贴您在方法的(paste )步骤 4(Step 4)中复制的xlive.dll文件。
现在,运行游戏并检查这是否可以修复辐射错误:无法定位或找不到序数 43。( fix Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found.)如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法三:以兼容模式运行游戏(Method 3: Run the Game in Compatibility Mode)
很少有用户建议,当您以管理员权限运行游戏时,Windows 10上的(Windows 10)辐射(Fallout)错误:无法(Could)定位或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 问题已得到解决。因此,请按照下面提到的步骤来实现相同的:
1. 右键单击桌面上的辐射 3 快捷方式(Fallout 3 shortcut ),然后单击属性(Properties)。
2. 在属性(Properties)窗口中,切换到兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。
3. 现在,选中标有以管理员身份运行此程序(Run this program as an administrator)的框。
4. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在辐射 4 中添加额外点数(How to Add Perk Points in Fallout 4)
Method 4: Update/Reinstall your Drivers
为了修复 Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found 错误( fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error),请尝试将驱动程序更新到最新版本。如果错误仍然存在,您也可以尝试重新安装显卡驱动程序。
方法 4A:更新驱动程序(Method 4A: Update Drivers)
1. 点击 Windows 键(Windows key)并在搜索栏中输入设备管理器。(Device Manager)现在,从搜索结果中打开设备管理器,如图所示。(Device Manager)
2. 在这里,双击显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。
3. 现在,右键单击您的显卡驱动程序(your video card driver),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4. 在这里,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )以查找并安装更新的驱动程序。
5. 未更新的驱动程序将更新到最新版本。否则,将显示以下消息。
方法 4B:重新安装驱动程序(Method 4B: Reinstall Drivers)
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager )并像之前一样展开显示适配器(Display adapters )。
2. 现在,右键单击显卡驱动程序(video card driver)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device),如突出显示的那样。
3. 现在,屏幕上将显示警告提示。选中“删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)”框,然后单击“卸载(Uninstall)”进行确认。
4. 现在,访问制造商的网站并下载(download)最新版本的显卡驱动程序。例如 AMD Radeon(AMD Radeon)、NVIDIA或Intel。
5. 然后,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)安装驱动程序并运行可执行文件。( run the executable.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Fallout 4 Mods 不起作用(Fix Fallout 4 Mods Not Working)
方法 5:执行系统还原(Method 5: Perform System Restore)
您可能会遇到辐射错误(Fallout Error):Windows更新后无法(Could)定位或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 问题。在这种情况下,如果游戏太旧而无法与最新版本的Windows兼容,请执行系统还原。
1. 按Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 然后,输入msconfig并按Enter打开 系统配置。( System Configuration.)
3. 切换到第二个选项卡,即启动(Boot )选项卡。
4. 在这里,选中Boot options 下的(Boot )Safe boot框,然后单击OK,如图所示。
5.在显示的提示中单击重新启动(Restart )或退出而不重新启动来确认您的选择。(Exit without restart)您的系统现在将以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动。
6. 接下来,通过在Windows 搜索( the Windows search )栏中搜索cmd来启动(cmd )命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
7. 点击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如图。
8. 键入rstrui.exe并按Enter 键(Enter)。
9.系统还原(System Restore )窗口将会出现。在这里,单击下一步,(Next, )如图所示。
10. 最后,单击“完成(Finish )”按钮确认还原点。
系统将恢复到以前的辐射(Fallout)错误:无法(Could)定位或未找到(Found)序数 43(Ordinal 43) 不再出现的状态。如果问题仍然存在,请尝试后续解决方案来修复 Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found 错误。(fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error.)
方法 6:重新安装 Steam(Method 6: Reinstall Steam)
1. 转到开始(Start )菜单并键入应用程序(Apps)。现在,单击第一个选项Apps & features。
2. 在列表中输入并搜索Steam并选择它。
3. 最后点击卸载(Uninstall),如下图。
4、如果程序已从系统中删除,您可以再次搜索确认。您将收到一条消息,我们在此处找不到任何可显示的内容。仔细检查您的搜索条件(We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria)。
5.在您的系统上下载并安装 Steam 。(Download and install Steam)
6. 前往我的下载(My downloads )并双击SteamSetup将其打开。
7. 在这里,单击下一步按钮(Next button),直到您在屏幕上看到安装位置。(Install)
8. 现在,使用Browse...选项选择(Browse… )目标(destination )文件夹,然后单击Install。
9. 等待安装完成,然后单击Finish,如图所示。
10.稍等片刻(Wait),直到 Steam 中的所有软件包都安装到您的系统中。
现在,您已成功在系统上重新安装 Steam。下载(Download)Fallout 3 并检查问题是否已修复。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found Error on your Windows 10 laptop/desktop。让我们知道哪种方法效果最好。另外,如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found Error
The Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Nоt Found рroblem usuаlly occurs when you updаte or install a new version of your Windows operating system. This hapрens more frequently whеn the Games for Windowѕ Live program is not correсtly inѕtalled and/or downloaded to your computer. Although Fallout was once а popυlar game, it has largеly become outdаted. Yet, some users remain true lovers of this game. If уou are one of these and facing this problem, then read this gυide to Fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error on Windows 10 PC.
How to Fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found Error?
Many reasons cause Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found issue in your system, such as:
Games for Windows Live is not Installed: As mentioned earlier when the Games for Windows Live is not installed and downloaded in your system, there are higher chances that you might encounter Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found issue. You need this since the game was programmed in such a way that all the functionalities will be active only if the Games for Windows Live program files are installed.
The DLL Files are Corrupt or Missing: If your system has any corrupt or missing DLL files (say xlive.dll), you will encounter Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found.
New Incompatible Drivers: Sometimes, you might face the Fallout error if the new drivers you have installed or updated in your system are incompatible with the game.
New Versions of Windows: We all know that Fallout 3 was launched in the year 2008. Therefore, it has been a very long time since the game was released. Sometimes, it becomes incompatible for the game to adapt to the newer versions of the Operating System.
Listed below are a few effective methods to fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error.
Method 1: Install Games for Windows Live
This game is ancient, and thus, many users do not have Games for Windows Live software installed in their system. Windows 10 does not support the software, but you actually require the program for the .dll file. Here’s how to fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error:
1. Download and install Games for Windows Live software on your Windows computer.
2. Double-click on the downloaded file i.e. gfwlivesetup.exe as shown.
3. Now, wait for few seconds till the system retrieves information about the game and finishes the installation.
4. You don’t need to run the tool as xlive.dll file will be available in your system now.
Note: In this step, you may encounter an installation failure displaying, A network error occurred while attempting to get information from the server. Check your network connection and retry. If you do, then visit the log files to know the reasons behind the error and click on Support to attain possible solutions. Refer given pic for clarity.
Finally, launch the game and check if the Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found is fixed now.
Also Read: Fix Windows Live Mail won’t start
Method 2: Download DLL File
If installing the Games for Windows Live program didn’t work, then download the corresponding DLL file and place it in the installation folder of the game, as instructed below:
1. Click here to search and download .dll files in various sizes.
Note: We suggest that you download the version file in your system, as shown.
2. Click on the Download button and wait a few seconds.
3. Now, navigate to the Downloads folder and double-click on the xlive zip file to extract its contents.
4. Right-click on the xlive.dill file and select Copy, as illustrated.
5. Next paste the copied file to the installation folder of the game.
Option 1: If you installed Fallout 3 through Steam
1. Launch Steam and navigate to LIBRARY.
2. Now, click on HOME and search for Fallout 3 here.
3. Right-click on the Fallout 3 game and select the Properties… option.
4. Now, navigate to the LOCAL FILES tab and click on the Browse… option to search for local files on your computer.
5. Paste the xlive.dll file into the installation folder.
Note: The default location for all the Steam game files is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common
Option 2: If you installed it using a DVD
1. Go to the Search menu and type Fallout 3.
2. Now, right-click on the search result and click on Open File Location, as shown.
3. Now, the installation folder opens on the screen. Right-click anywhere on the screen and paste the xlive.dll file you have copied in Step 4 of the method.
Now, run the game and check if this could fix Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found. If not, try the next fix.
Method 3: Run the Game in Compatibility Mode
Few users suggested that when you run the game with administrative privileges, the Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found issue on Windows 10 was resolved. So, follow the below-mentioned steps to implement the same:
1. Right-click on the Fallout 3 shortcut on the desktop and click on Properties.
2. In the Properties window, switch to the Compatibility tab.
3. Now, check the box marked Run this program as an administrator.
4. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Also Read: How to Add Perk Points in Fallout 4
Method 4: Update/Reinstall your Drivers
In order to fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error, try updating the drivers to the latest version. If the error persists, you can also try to re-install the video card driver.
Method 4A: Update Drivers
1. Hit the Windows key and type Device Manager in the search bar. Now, open Device Manager from your search results, as shown.
2. Here, double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Now, right-click on your video card driver and click on Update driver, as depicted below.
4. Here, click on Search automatically for drivers to locate and install updated drivers.
5. The drivers will be updated to the latest version if they are not updated. Or else, the following message will be displayed.
Method 4B: Reinstall Drivers
1. Launch Device Manager and expand Display adapters as earlier.
2. Now, right-click on the video card driver and select Uninstall device, as highlighted.
3. Now, a warning prompt will be displayed on the screen. Check the box Delete the driver software for this device and confirm the same by clicking on Uninstall.
4. Now, visit the manufacturer’s website and download the latest version of the video card driver. e.g. e.g. AMD Radeon, NVIDIA, or Intel.
5. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver and run the executable.
Note: While installing a new video card driver, your system may reboot several times.
Also Read: Fix Fallout 4 Mods Not Working
Method 5: Perform System Restore
You could encounter Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found issue after a Windows update. In this case, perform a system restore if the game is too old to be compatible with the latest versions of Windows.
1. Press Windows + R keys to open Run dialog box.
2. Then, type msconfig and hit Enter to open System Configuration.
3. Switch to the second tab i.e. Boot tab.
4. Here, check Safe boot box under Boot options and click on OK, as depicted.
5. Confirm your choice by clicking on either Restart or Exit without restart in the displayed prompt. Your system will now boot in Safe Mode.
6. Next, launch Command Prompt by searching cmd in the Windows search bar.
7. Click Run as administrator, as shown.
8. Type rstrui.exe and hit Enter.
9. The System Restore window will appear. Here, click on Next, as depicted.
10. Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button.
The system will be restored to the previous state where Fallout Error: The Ordinal 43 Could not be Located or Not Found doesn’t appear anymore. In case the issue still persists, try the succeeding solutions to fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found error.
Method 6: Reinstall Steam
Any common glitches associated with a software program can be resolved when you uninstall the application entirely from your system and reinstall it again. Here is how to implement the same.
1. Go to the Start menu and type Apps. Now, click on the first option, Apps & features.
2. Type and search Steam in the list and select it.
3. Finally, click on Uninstall, as shown below.
4. If the program has been deleted from the system, you can confirm by searching it again. You will receive a message, We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria.
5. Download and install Steam on your system.
6. Go to My downloads and double-click on SteamSetup to open it.
7. Here, click on the Next button until you see the Install location on the screen.
8. Now, choose the destination folder by using the Browse… option and click on Install.
9. Wait for the installation to be completed and click on Finish, as depicted.
10. Wait for a while until all the packages in Steam are installed in your system.
Now, you have successfully reinstalled Steam on your system. Download Fallout 3 and check if the issue is fixed now.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Fallout 3 Ordinal 43 Not Found Error on your Windows 10 laptop/desktop. Let us know which method worked the best. Also, if you have any queries or suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.