蓝牙(Bluetooth)是一种无线形式的无线电通信,设计用于在不同类型的设备之间短距离传输数据。蓝牙(Bluetooth)使用与 Wi-Fi 802.11b 和 802.11g 标准相同的 2.4 GHz工作无线电频率,但所需的功率要少得多。简而言之,蓝牙(Bluetooth)无线通信距离短、数据传输速度慢,而且功耗低。
蓝牙(Bluetooth)无线电有四种主要类型:从1(Class 1)类到4 类(Class 4):
- 1 类(Class 1 )蓝牙(Bluetooth)用于工业环境。它提供了最远 100 米(328 英尺)的范围,但它使用了相当多的电力 - 100 mW。
- 2 类(Class 2 )蓝牙(Bluetooth)是最常见的,尤其是在移动设备中,因为它仅使用 2.5 mW 的功率并提供长达 10 米(33 英尺)的范围。
- Class 3使用 1 mW 的功率并提供仅 1 米(3.3 英尺)的范围。
- 4 级(Class 4 )可使用最大 0.5 mW 的功率,范围小于 0.5 米(1.64 英尺)。
- 智能手机-(Smartphones)蓝牙(Bluetooth)最常见的用途是允许智能手机相互通信、与计算机和其他设备(如耳机或便携式扬声器)通信。
- 笔记本电脑和平板电脑(Laptops and tablets)- 许多平板电脑和笔记本电脑也有蓝牙(Bluetooth)无线电芯片。您可以使用它们连接移动键盘、鼠标、无线耳机和其他小工具。
- 游戏机(Gaming consoles)-蓝牙(Bluetooth)也可以在游戏机上找到。例如,任天堂 Wii(Nintendo Wii)和索尼 PlayStation控制器通过(Sony PlayStation)蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接到各自的控制台。
- 其他设备(Other devices)- 无线家庭娱乐系统、音响汽车系统、心率监测器等个人健康设备或Nike+训练鞋也可以使用蓝牙,不胜枚举。
蓝牙(Bluetooth)规范随着时间的推移而变化,获得新的功能和功能,并适应现代要求。但是,蓝牙(Bluetooth)版本已正式成为由蓝牙特别兴趣小组(Bluetooth Special Interest Group)( SIG ) 创建的标准,该联盟由全球 30,000 多家公司组成,我们将在本文后面讨论。目前,有五个主要的蓝牙(Bluetooth)版本:
- 蓝牙 1(Bluetooth 1) - 最初有很多问题,但后来的迭代蓝牙 1.1(Bluetooth 1.1)和蓝牙 1.2(Bluetooth 1.2)修复了其中的许多问题。使用它可以达到的最快数据传输速度是 721 kbit/s。
- 蓝牙 2(Bluetooth 2) - 于 2004 年发布,能够实现高达 2.1 Mbit/s的数据传输。2007年7月26(July 26)日,蓝牙2.1(Bluetooth 2.1)出现,安全性更高,配对体验更佳。
- 蓝牙 3(Bluetooth 3)于 2009 年4 月 21(April 21)日推出,并承诺理论数据传输速度高达 24 Mbit/s。今天在一些低端智能手机和蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备上仍然可以找到蓝牙 3 。(Bluetooth 3)
- 蓝牙 4(Bluetooth 4) -当今设备中最常用的蓝牙标准是(Bluetooth)蓝牙(Bluetooth)4.0。它是对蓝牙 3.0(Bluetooth 3.0)的改进,在保持相同传输速度的同时提供更低的功耗。它于 2010 年6 月 30(June 30)日被采用。如今,市场上的大多数设备仍在使用此版本或其以下更新之一:蓝牙(Bluetooth)4.1 或蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)。蓝牙 4.1于 2013 年 12 月 4(Bluetooth 4.1 )日问世。它增加了对 4G LTE的共存支持,这意味着蓝牙(Bluetooth)传输不再干扰其他无线技术。蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)于 2014 年 12 月 2日发布,具有主要为物联网(Internet of Things)设计的新功能,例如改进的安全性和互联网连接(使用蓝牙 4.2 的智能传感器或设备可以通过互联网发送和接收数据)。
- 蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5) - 迄今为止最新的蓝牙(Bluetooth)标准。蓝牙(Bluetooth)5 于 2016 年6 月 16(June 16)日发布,与蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)一样,它主要侧重于添加为物联网(Internet of Things)设计的新功能。最重要的是,它还使蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接使用更少的能量,同时提高了它们的速度并扩大了它们的范围。具有蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5)的设备理论上可以以高达 2 Mbps的突发速度传输数据,传输距离可达 800 英尺(240 米)。蓝牙 5.1 和 5.2(Bluetooth 5.1 and 5.2)更新也已于2019 年(December 2019)1 月(January)和12 月发布,分别添加了更快的连接启动和LE Audio(低能耗音频(Low Energy Audio))等新功能。
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)旨在允许设备在短距离(约 10 米)内进行无线通信。相比之下,Wi-Fi允许的范围更广(几十米到几百米)。
- 可以同时通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接的设备数量是有限的。Wi-Fi 允许更多数量的同时连接的设备。
- 两个设备可以通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)以简单的方式直接连接。当涉及到Wi-Fi时,您通常需要第三个设备(如无线路由器或无线接入点)来执行相同的操作。
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)仅需少量电力即可运行。Wi-Fi的附加好处,例如更高的覆盖范围和数据传输速度,转化为更高的功耗。
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)安全协议不如Wi-Fi上可用的协议先进。
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)仅允许设备之间的短距离通信
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接提供的带宽很低
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)安全性不是很好,Wi-Fi更安全
- 蓝牙连接有时会在没有任何明显原因的情况下断开
- 不同版本的蓝牙(Bluetooth)可能相互不兼容(例如,具有蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5)的设备可能无法连接到蓝牙 3(Bluetooth 3)设备)
检查您的 PC 是否具有蓝牙(Bluetooth)的一种快速方法是尝试启用它。在Windows 10中,您可以从操作中心(Action Center)或设置(Settings)应用程序快速完成。我们涵盖了本指南中的所有步骤:如何在 Windows 10 上打开蓝牙:5 种方式(How to turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10: 5 ways)。如果您在 PC 上找到本教程中介绍的设置,则表示您有蓝牙。
检查您的 PC 是否具有蓝牙(Bluetooth)的另一种方法是验证设备管理器(Device Manager)中是否列出了此类芯片。打开设备管理器(Open Device Manager)并查找名为Bluetooth的条目。如果你找到它,那么你的电脑有蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
(Bluetooth)Windows 10设备管理器(Device Manager)中列出的蓝牙芯片
如何在 PC 上获取蓝牙?
几乎所有智能手机和平板电脑都包含蓝牙(Bluetooth)。它也可以在大多数现代笔记本电脑上找到。然而,在台式电脑上,蓝牙(Bluetooth)芯片并不常见。您想知道如何在您的 PC 上安装蓝牙吗?(Bluetooth)您(Did)的老师是否问过您诸如“描述计算机可以启用蓝牙(Bluetooth)的三种方式?”之类的问题。🙂 以下是所有答案:
如果您的 PC 或设备没有蓝牙(Bluetooth),您可以使用以下方式之一使其启用蓝牙(Bluetooth):
- 购买蓝牙 USB(Bluetooth USB)适配器并将其插入PC 或设备上的空闲USB端口(USB)
- 通常,蓝牙(Bluetooth)芯片内置在Wi-Fi PCI卡中,因此您可以购买无线适配器卡并将其安装在台式 PC 或笔记本电脑上。
- 虽然现在很少见,但您也可以购买 Wi-Fi +蓝牙 ExpressCard(Bluetooth ExpressCard)模块,如果它们支持此类模块,您可以将其安装在一些较旧的笔记本电脑上。
在使 PC启用蓝牙(Bluetooth-enabled)的所有三个选项中,最常见的方法是使用蓝牙 USB(Bluetooth USB)适配器。这种适配器几乎可以在任何科技商店中找到,包括亚马逊(Amazon)。
用于 PC 的蓝牙 USB 适配器
购买蓝牙 USB(Bluetooth USB)加密狗时,请注意其支持的蓝牙(Bluetooth)版本。你应该得到一个至少与蓝牙 4(Bluetooth 4)一起工作的,最好是蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5)。较便宜的USB适配器仅支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)版本 3 甚至 2.1,而不是较新的版本。更昂贵的适配器倾向于为最新版本提供支持。
以下是一些帮助您开始搜索蓝牙 USB(Bluetooth USB)适配器的建议:用于 PC 的 TP-Link USB 蓝牙适配器 (UB400)(TP-Link USB Bluetooth Adapter for PC(UB400))和ASUS USB-BT500 蓝牙 5.0 USB 适配器(ASUS USB-BT500 Bluetooth 5.0 USB Adapter)。
安装此类设备通常是即插即用的体验。Windows 检测到蓝牙 USB(Bluetooth USB)适配器并自动安装其驱动程序。然后,您就可以开始使用该设备了。
Windows 10 安装了蓝牙(Bluetooth)适配器
在您的计算机上安装并运行蓝牙后(Bluetooth),您应该会在任务栏的通知区域中看到它的蓝色图标。蓝牙(Bluetooth)也应该在快速操作(Quick actions)和设置(Settings)应用程序中可用。
(Bluetooth)Windows 10任务栏中显示的蓝牙图标
接下来,如果您想了解更多关于蓝牙(Bluetooth)的一般知识、详细规格和用途,我们推荐蓝牙特别兴趣小组(Bluetooth Special Interest Group)( SIG ) 创建的网站:蓝牙技术网站(Bluetooth Technology Website)。在那里,您可以找到很多有用的信息。
蓝牙(Bluetooth)由瑞典公司Ericsson于 1994 年发明。自 1998 年以来,该标准一直由蓝牙特别兴趣小组(Bluetooth Special Interest Group)( SIG ) 管理,该组织负责监督蓝牙标准的制定以及(Bluetooth)蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术和商标向制造商的许可。
蓝牙特别兴趣组(Bluetooth Special Interest Group)( SIG )(SIG)组织专注于开发标准、设计新版本、改进规范和保护蓝牙(Bluetooth)商标。蓝牙 SIG(Bluetooth SIG)不制造或销售支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)的产品。这由属于该集团的公司处理。
如果一家公司对授权蓝牙(Bluetooth)技术感兴趣,它必须成为蓝牙 SIG(Bluetooth SIG)的成员。这还涉及经过严格的认证过程。
“蓝牙”是SIG组织最初成立时的代号。它的灵感来自于 10 世纪的丹麦国王 Harald Blåtand(Danish King Harald Blåtand),即英语中的(English)Harold Bluetooth。他是第一位在现在的挪威(Norway)、瑞典(Sweden)和丹麦(Denmark)部分地区联合交战派系的国王。如果您想了解更多关于他和他的事迹,您应该查看他的维基百科(Wikipedia)条目:Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson。
What is Bluetooth? How to get Bluetooth on a PC -
Many people visiting our website are interested in tutorials about using Bluetooth technology. If you want to know what Bluеtooth is, the different versions оf implementations that exist, how Bluetooth came to life, and how to get Bluetooth on a computer with Windows, read this article. We promise that it will prоve to be an еxcitіng and useful read.
What is Bluetooth in simple terms?
Bluetooth is a wireless form of radio communication designed for transferring data over short-range distances, between different types of devices. Bluetooth uses the same 2.4 GHz operating radio frequency as the Wi-Fi 802.11b and 802.11g standards but needs a lot less power to do it. In simple words, Bluetooth wireless communication has a short range, slow data transfer rates, but also low power usage.
What types of Bluetooth are there?
There are four main types of Bluetooth radios: from Class 1 to Class 4:
- Class 1 Bluetooth is used in industrial environments. It provides a range of up to 100 meters (328 feet), but it uses quite a bit of electrical power - 100 mW.
- Class 2 Bluetooth is the most common, especially in mobile devices, as it uses only 2.5 mW of power and provides a range of up to 10 meters (33 feet).
- Class 3 uses 1 mW of power and provides a range of only 1 meter (3.3 feet).
- Class 4 can use a maximum of 0.5 mW of power and has a range of less than 0.5 meters (1.64 feet).
On what devices is Bluetooth used?
Bluetooth technology is used in many different types of devices. Some of the devices that have Bluetooth radio chips are not even close to what we would think of as Bluetooth-enabled.
Among many other types of devices, you can find Bluetooth in:
- Smartphones - The most common use of Bluetooth is to allow smartphones to communicate with each other, with computers, and other devices such as headsets or portable speakers.
- Laptops and tablets - Many tablets and notebooks also have Bluetooth radio chips. You can use them to connect mobile keyboards, mice, wireless headphones, and other gadgets.
- Gaming consoles - Bluetooth can also be found on gaming consoles. For example, the Nintendo Wii and the Sony PlayStation controllers are linked to their respective consoles through Bluetooth.
- Other devices - Bluetooth can also be used by wireless home entertainment systems, audio car systems, personal health devices such as heart rate monitors, or Nike+ training shoes, and the list goes on.
Bluetooth illustration
What versions of Bluetooth standards are there?
Bluetooth specifications change over time, getting new powers and features, and adjusting to the modern requirements. However, Bluetooth versions are formalized into standards created by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), an alliance made of over 30,000 companies worldwide which we discuss later in this article. At the moment, there are five main Bluetooth versions:
- Bluetooth 1 - initially had many issues, but the later iterations, Bluetooth 1.1 and Bluetooth 1.2, fixed many of them. The fastest data transmission speed you could achieve with it was 721 kbit/s.
- Bluetooth 2 - was released in 2004 and was capable of data transmissions of up to 2.1 Mbit/s. On July 26, 2007, Bluetooth 2.1 appeared, which had better security and offered a superior pairing experience.
- Bluetooth 3 - was launched on April 21, 2009 and promised theoretical data transfer speeds of up to 24 Mbit/s. Bluetooth 3 is still found today on some of the low-end smartphones and Bluetooth devices.
- Bluetooth 4 - the most common Bluetooth standard used in today's devices is Bluetooth 4.0. It is an improvement over Bluetooth 3.0, providing lower power consumption while keeping the same transfer speed. It was adopted on June 30, 2010. Today, most devices on the market are still using this version or one of its following updates: Bluetooth 4.1 or Bluetooth 4.2. Bluetooth 4.1 came out on December 4th, 2013. It added coexistence support for 4G LTE, which meant that Bluetooth transmissions no longer interfered with other wireless technologies. Bluetooth 4.2 was released on December 2nd, 2014 and came with new features designed mainly for the Internet of Things, such as improved security and internet connectivity (smart sensors or devices that use Bluetooth 4.2 can send and receive data over the internet).
- Bluetooth 5 - the latest Bluetooth standard to date. Bluetooth 5 was released on June 16, 2016 and, just like Bluetooth 4.2, it focuses mainly on adding new features designed for the Internet of Things. On top of that, it also makes the Bluetooth connections use less energy, while improving their speed and extending their range. Devices with Bluetooth 5 can theoretically transfer data at up to 2 Mbps in bursts and over distances of up to 800 feet (240 meters). Bluetooth 5.1 and 5.2 updates have also been released in January and December 2019, respectively, adding new features such as faster connection initiation and LE Audio (Low Energy Audio).
What is the difference between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth?
Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are ways of transferring data wirelessly. However, the differences between them are significant:
- Bluetooth is designed to allow devices to communicate wirelessly over short distances (about 10 meters). In contrast, Wi-Fi allows for a much broader range (tens to hundreds of meters).
- The number of devices that can connect via Bluetooth simultaneously is limited. Wi-Fi allows for a much higher number of simultaneously connected devices.
- Two devices can connect via Bluetooth directly, in a simple manner. When it comes to Wi-Fi, you usually need a third device, like a wireless router or wireless access point, to do the same.
- Bluetooth requires only a small amount of power to run. The added benefits of Wi-Fi, such as higher coverage and data transfer speed, translate into much higher power consumption.
- Bluetooth security protocols are not as advanced as the ones available on Wi-Fi.
What are the disadvantages of Bluetooth?
You probably understood by now that Bluetooth is a form of wireless communication between devices and using it has some downsides. Here are the most prominent ones:
- Bluetooth only allows for short-range communication between devices
- The bandwidth offered by Bluetooth connections is low
- Bluetooth security is not great, and Wi-Fi is much more secure
- Bluetooth connections can sometimes drop without any obvious reason
- Different versions of Bluetooth might not be compatible with each other (for example, a device with Bluetooth 5 might not be able to connect to a Bluetooth 3 device)
Should Bluetooth be left on all the time?
The answer to this question is a mixed one, in our opinion. It all depends on whether you leave Bluetooth on permanently on a device that is plugged into a power socket or on a device that runs on a battery. Why is that? Well, as long as Bluetooth is enabled on your device, it continuously scans for other available Bluetooth-enabled devices to connect to. That means that the Bluetooth chip in your device permanently draws electrical power to run. If your device is plugged into an electric socket, that is not a problem. However, if you keep Bluetooth active on a battery-powered device such as a smartphone or tablet, it is going to drain your battery a bit faster.
Furthermore, Bluetooth does not excel in terms of security, and each moment you keep it on means you are at risk of being hacked. In conclusion, we do not recommend keeping Bluetooth on all the time. If you are not currently using it, it would be better if you turn Bluetooth off.
Does my PC have Bluetooth?
Are you wondering whether your PC has Bluetooth or not? Finding out is easy, and there is more than one way to do it:
A fast method to check if your PC has Bluetooth is by trying to enable it. In Windows 10, you can do it quickly from the Action Center or the Settings app. We covered all the steps in this guide: How to turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10: 5 ways. If you find the settings presented in this tutorial on your PC, then it means you have Bluetooth on it.
An alternative method to check whether your PC has Bluetooth is to verify whether such a chip is listed in Device Manager. Open Device Manager and look for an entry called Bluetooth. If you find it, then your PC has Bluetooth.
Bluetooth chip listed in Device Manager on Windows 10
How to get Bluetooth on a PC?
Bluetooth is included in almost every smartphone and tablet. It is also found on most modern laptops. However, on desktop computers, Bluetooth chips are not as commonly found. Do you want to know how to get Bluetooth on your PC? Did your teacher ask you something like "describe three ways in which a computer can become Bluetooth enabled?". 🙂 Here are all the answers:
If your PC or device does not have Bluetooth, you can make it Bluetooth-enabled using one of these means:
- Buy a Bluetooth USB adapter and plug it into a free USB port on your PC or device
- Usually, Bluetooth chips are built into Wi-Fi PCI cards, so you can buy a wireless adapter card and mount it on your desktop PC or laptop.
- Although rare these days, you could also buy a Wi-Fi + Bluetooth ExpressCard module that you can mount on some older notebooks if they support such modules.
Out of all three options to make a PC Bluetooth-enabled, the most common way is by using a Bluetooth USB adapter. Such adapters can be found in almost any tech shop, including Amazon.
A Bluetooth USB adapter for PCs
When purchasing a Bluetooth USB dongle, please pay attention to the Bluetooth version it supports. You should get one that works with at least Bluetooth 4, preferably Bluetooth 5. The cheaper USB adapters provide support only for Bluetooth version 3 or even 2.1 and not the newer versions. The more expensive adapters tend to provide support for the latest versions.
Here are a couple of recommendations to get you started in your search for Bluetooth USB adapters: TP-Link USB Bluetooth Adapter for PC(UB400) and ASUS USB-BT500 Bluetooth 5.0 USB Adapter.
Installing such devices is generally a plug-and-play experience. Windows detects the Bluetooth USB adapter and installs its drivers automatically. Then, you can start using the device.
Windows 10 installed a Bluetooth adapter
If that does not happen, you need to look for the installation disc packaged with the device or search for drivers on the manufacturer's website.
Once Bluetooth is installed and working on your computer, you should see its blue icon in the notification area on your taskbar. Bluetooth should also become available in the Quick actions and the Settings app.
Bluetooth icon shown in Windows 10's taskbar
If it is not there, the installation was not performed correctly, or you do not have a Bluetooth device.
Do you want to learn more about what is Bluetooth and how to use it (further reading)?
We have several tutorials on our website to learn more about Bluetooth and how to use this technology to transfer data between devices. You can get directly to them using these links:
Next, if you want to learn even more things about Bluetooth in general, its detailed specifications, and uses, we recommend the website created by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG): Bluetooth Technology Website. There, you can find lots of useful information.
How Bluetooth came to life (a concise history)
Bluetooth was invented by the Swedish company Ericsson in 1994. Since 1998, the standard has been managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) - a body that oversees the development of Bluetooth standards and the licensing of the Bluetooth technologies and trademarks to manufacturers.
Bluetooth Special Interest Group
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) organization is focused on developing the standard, designing new versions, improving specifications, and protecting the Bluetooth trademarks. The Bluetooth SIG does not manufacture or sell Bluetooth enabled products. This is handled by the companies that are part of the group.
If a company is interested in licensing Bluetooth technologies, it must become a member of the Bluetooth SIG. This also involves going through a rigid certification process.
"Bluetooth" was the codename of the SIG organization when it was first formed. It is inspired by the 10th century Danish King Harald Blåtand - or Harold Bluetooth in English. He was the first king who united warring factions in parts of what is now Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. If you would like to learn more about him and his deeds, you should check his Wikipedia entry: Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson.
Harald Bluetooth Gormsson
How do you use Bluetooth?
Before closing this tutorial, we are curious to know how you are using Bluetooth on your computers and devices. Do you connect Bluetooth devices like portable speakers or headsets to your laptop or smartphone? Comment below, and let's talk about Bluetooth and how you use this technology.