当您的计算机使用Google发送自动查询时,您是否遇到过此问题?好吧,这是许多用户报告的常见问题,当您收到错误消息“我们很抱歉,但您的计算机或网络可能正在发送自动查询”时可能会很烦人。为了保护我们的用户,我们现在无法处理您的请求。(We’re sorry, but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.)' 当Google(Google)在您的计算机上检测到异常活动并阻止您在线搜索时,您会收到此错误消息。收到此错误消息后,您将无法使用Google搜索并在屏幕上获取验证码表格来检查您是否是人类。但是,有一个解决方案可以修复您的计算机,可能会发送自动查询。(fix your computer may be sending automated queries.)查看本指南中的方法以在您的计算机上修复此错误消息。
修复计算机的 9 种方法可能正在发送自动查询(9 Ways to Fix your Computer may be Sending Automated Queries)
计算机发送自动查询的原因(The Reason behind your computer sending automated queries)
Google声明此错误消息是由于您计算机上安装的任何程序执行的可疑自动搜索查询或由于您计算机上的某些恶意软件和其他入侵者造成的。由于Google会检测到您的 IP 地址向(Google)Google发送自动流量,因此它可能会限制您的 IP 地址并阻止您使用Google搜索。
我们列出了可以帮助您 修复计算机的方法可能会发送自动查询:(fix your computer may be sending automated queries:)
方法一:换个浏览器试试(Method 1: Try Another Browser)
此外,您还可以获得内置功能,例如防病毒、反跟踪功能和内置VPN工具,可用于欺骗您的位置。VPN很有帮助,因为它可以帮助您隐藏Google在您的计算机发送自动查询时检测到的真实 IP 地址。
但是,如果您喜欢使用Chrome浏览器并且不想安装其他浏览器,您可以使用Mozilla Firefox,直到您修复您的计算机可能会发送验证码自动问题。 (fix your computer may be sending a captcha automated issue. )
方法 2:在您的计算机上运行防病毒扫描(Method 2: Run an Antivirus Scan on your Computer)
由于恶意软件或病毒可能是在您的计算机上发送自动查询的原因。如果您想知道 如何阻止您的计算机发送自动查询(how to stop your computer from sending automated queries),那么您应该做的第一件事就是在您的计算机上运行恶意软件或防病毒扫描。市场上有几种防病毒软件。但我们建议使用以下防病毒软件来运行恶意软件扫描。
a) Avast Antivirus:如果您不想为高级计划付费,可以下载此软件的免费版本。该软件非常棒,可以很好地找到您计算机上的任何恶意软件或病毒。您可以从他们的官方网站(official website.)下载Avast Antivirus 。
b) Malwarebytes: 您的另一个选择是Malwarebytes,这是一个免费版本,用于在您的计算机上运行恶意软件扫描。您可以轻松摆脱计算机中不需要的恶意软件。
1. 启动软件并在您的计算机上运行全面扫描。这个过程可能需要时间,但你必须要有耐心。
2. 扫描后,如果有任何恶意软件或病毒,请确保将其删除。
3.删除不需要的恶意软件(removing unwanted malware)和病毒后,重新启动计算机,您可能能够解决谷歌(Google)验证码问题。
方法 3:删除不需要的注册表项(Method 3: Delete Unwanted Registry Items)
通过删除不需要的项目来清理注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)可以为某些用户修复计算机上的自动查询错误。
1. 第一步是打开运行对话框。您可以使用开始菜单(Start menu)中的搜索栏,也可以使用快捷键Windows键 + R 启动运行(Run)。
2. 弹出运行对话框后,输入Regedit并回车。
3.当您收到消息提示“您要允许此应用程序对您的设备进行更改”时,(‘Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device.’)单击“是”。(Click YES)
4. 在注册表编辑器中,转到计算机> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE并选择软件。(Software.)
5. 现在,向下滚动并单击 Microsoft。(click on Microsoft.)
6. 在 Microsoft 下,选择 Windows。(select Windows.)
7. 单击CurrentVersion,然后单击运行。(RUN.)
8. 这是注册表(Registry)项的完整位置:
9. 导航到该位置后,您可以删除不需要的条目,但以下内容除外:
- 与您的防病毒软件相关的条目
- 安全健康
- 一个驱动器
- IAStorlcon
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Chrome 会自动打开新标签页(Fix Chrome Keeps Opening New Tabs Automatically)
方法 4:从您的计算机中删除可疑进程(Method 4: Delete Suspicious Processes from your Computer)
您计算机上的某些随机进程可能会向Google发送自动查询,从而阻止您使用Google搜索功能。但是,很难识别计算机上的可疑或不可信进程。因此,如果您想知道如何阻止您的计算机发送自动查询,(how to stop your computer from sending automated queries,)您必须遵循您的直觉并从系统中删除可疑进程。
1. 转到您的开始菜单(Start menu)并在搜索栏中键入任务管理器。(type Task Manager)或者,右键单击开始菜单(right-click on your Start menu)并打开任务管理器。
2. 确保通过单击(clicking on More details)屏幕底部的更多详细信息展开窗口(Window)以访问所有选项。
3. 单击顶部的进程选项卡,您将看到计算机上正在运行的进程列表。(Process tab)
4. 现在,从列表中识别异常进程并通过右键单击访问属性来检查它们。(right-click to access the Properties.)
5.从顶部转到详细信息选项卡,并(Details tab)检查(check the details)产品名称和版本等详细信息。如果进程没有产品名称或版本,则可能是可疑进程。
6. 要删除该进程,请单击常规选项卡(General tab)并检查位置。(check the Location.)
7. 最后,导航到该位置并从您的计算机中卸载该程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 从 Web 浏览器中删除广告软件和弹出广告(Remove Adware and Pop-up Ads from Web Browser)
方法 5:清除谷歌浏览器上的 Cookie (Method 5: Clear Cookies on Google Chrome )
有时,清除Chrome浏览器上的 cookie 可以帮助您解决错误“您的计算机可能正在发送自动查询”(“Your computer may be sending automated queries”)。
1. 打开您的Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser),然后单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点。(three vertical dots)
2. 进入设置。(Settings.)
3. 在设置中,向下滚动并转到隐私和安全。(Privacy and security.)
4. 单击清除浏览数据。(Clear browsing data.)
5. 勾选Cookies 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data.)旁边的复选框。
6. 最后,单击窗口底部的清除数据(Clear data)。
方法 6:卸载不需要的程序(Method 6: Uninstall Unwanted Programs)
1. 单击开始菜单并在搜索栏中搜索设置(search for Settings)。或者,您可以使用快捷键Windows key + I打开设置。
2.从您的屏幕中选择应用程序选项卡。(Apps tab)
3. 现在,在应用程序和功能部分下,您将看到计算机上安装的应用程序列表。
4. 选择您不使用的应用程序并单击鼠标左键。
5. 最后,单击卸载(click on Uninstall)以删除该应用程序。
方法 7:清洁驱动器(Method 7: Clean Your Drive)
1. 右键单击开始菜单(on your Start menu)并选择运行(Run)。或者,您也可以使用快捷键Windows键 + R 打开“运行”(Run)对话框并键入%temp%.
2.点击(Hit)回车,一个文件夹将在您的文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中打开。在这里,您可以通过单击顶部名称旁边的复选框来(clicking the checkbox next to Name at the top. )选择所有文件。(select all the files)或者,使用Ctrl + A选择所有文件。
3. 现在,按(press the delete key)键盘上的删除键删除所有垃圾文件。
4. 单击左侧面板中的“这台电脑”(‘This PC’)。
5.右键单击本地磁盘 (C;)( right-click on Local disk (C;)) ,然后从菜单中单击属性。(Properties)
5.从顶部选择常规选项卡,(General tab)然后单击“磁盘清理”。(click on ‘Disk Cleanup.’)
6. 现在,在“要删除的文件”下,(‘Files to delete,’)选中除下载之外的所有选项旁边的复选框。
7. 点击清理系统文件(Clean-up system files)。
8. 最后,单击确定。(OK.)
就是这样; 您的系统将删除所有垃圾文件。重新启动计算机以检查您是否可以使用Google搜索。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中删除临时文件(How To Delete Temporary Files In Windows 10)
方法8:解决验证码(Method 8: Solve the Captcha)
当您的计算机发送自动查询时,Google会要求您解决验证码以识别人类而不是机器人。 解决( Solving) 验证码将帮助您绕过谷歌(Google)限制,您将能够正常使用谷歌(Google)搜索。
方法 9:重置您的路由器(Method 9: Reset Your Router)
1. 拔下路由器并等待大约 30 秒。
2. 30 秒后,插入路由器并按下电源按钮。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently asked questions (FAQs))
Q1。如果我的计算机正在发送自动查询怎么办?(Q1. What to do if my computer is sending automated queries?)
Q2。为什么我会从 Google 收到以下错误消息?它说:我们很抱歉…………但是您的计算机或网络可能正在发送自动查询。为了保护我们的用户,我们现在无法处理您的请求。(Q2. Why am I getting the following error message from Google? It says: We’re sorry… … but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复您的计算机可能会发送自动查询(fix your computer may be sending automated queries)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Your computer may be sending automated queries
Have you experienced the issue whеn your computer sends automated queries using Google? Well, thіs is a common issue reported by many uѕers, and it can be annoying whеn you get an error messagе ‘We’re sorry, but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.’ You will get this error message when Google detects a strange activity on your computer and prevents you from searching online. After getting this error message, you will not be able to use the Google search and get captcha forms on your screen to check if you are human. However, there is a solution to fix your computer may be sending automated queries. Check out the methods in this guide to fix this error message on your computer.
9 Ways to Fix your Computer may be Sending Automated Queries
The Reason behind your computer sending automated queries
Google states that this error message is due to doubtful automated search queries performed by any program installed on your computer or due to some malware and other intruders on your computer. Since Google detects your IP address sending automated traffic to Google, it may restrict your IP address and prevent you from using Google search.
We are listing down the ways that can help you fix your computer may be sending automated queries:
Method 1: Try Another Browser
Somehow, if your computer is sending automated queries using Google, then you can use another browser. There are several reliable and secure browsers available in the market, and one such example is Opera. You can easily install this browser, and you have the option of importing your Chrome bookmarks.
Moreover, you get in-built features such as antivirus, anti-tracking features, and a built-in VPN tool that you can use to spoof your location. The VPN can be helpful, as it can help you hide your real IP address that Google detects when your computer sends automated queries.
However, if you like using your Chrome browser and don’t want to install another browser, you can use Mozilla Firefox until you fix your computer may be sending a captcha automated issue.
Method 2: Run an Antivirus Scan on your Computer
Since malware or a virus can be the reason behind sending automated queries on your computer. If you are wondering how to stop your computer from sending automated queries, then the first thing that you should do is running a malware or antivirus scan on your computer. There are several antivirus software available in the market. But we recommend the following antivirus software to run a malware scan.
a) Avast Antivirus: You can download the free version of this software if you don’t want to pay for a premium plan. This software is pretty great and does a decent job finding any malware or viruses on your computer. You can download Avast Antivirus from their official website.
b) Malwarebytes: Another option for you is Malwarebytes, a free version for running malware scans on your computer. You can easily get rid of unwanted malware from your computer.
After installing any one of the above-mentioned software, follow these steps:
1. Launch the software and run a full scan on your computer. The process may take time, but you have to be patient.
2. After the scan, if there is any malware or virus, make sure you remove them.
3. After removing unwanted malware and viruses, restart your computer and you may be able to resolve the Google captcha issue.
Method 3: Delete Unwanted Registry Items
Cleaning the Registry Editor by removing unwanted items could fix the automated queries error on your computer for some users.
1. The first step is to open the run dialog box. You can use the search bar in your Start menu, or you can use the shortcut Windows key + R to launch Run.
2. Once the run dialog box pops up, type Regedit and press enter.
3. Click YES when you get the message prompt saying ‘Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device.’
4. In the registry editor, Go to computer> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and select Software.
5. Now, scroll down and click on Microsoft.
6. Under Microsoft, select Windows.
7. Click on CurrentVersion and then RUN.
8. Here is the complete location of the Registry key:
9. After navigating to the location, you can delete the unwanted entries except the following:
- Entries related to your antivirus software
- SecurityHealth
- OneDrive
- IAStorlcon
You have the option of deleting the entries related to Adobe or Xbox gaming in case you don’t want these programs to run on startup.
Also Read: Fix Chrome Keeps Opening New Tabs Automatically
Method 4: Delete Suspicious Processes from your Computer
There are chances that some random processes on your computer may be sending automated queries to Google, preventing you from using the Google search feature. However, it is difficult to identify the suspicious or untrustworthy processes on your computer. Therefore, if you are wondering how to stop your computer from sending automated queries, you have to follow your instincts and remove the suspicious processes from your system.
1. Go to your Start menu and type Task Manager in the search bar. Alternatively, make a right-click on your Start menu and open Task Manager.
2. Make sure you expand the Window to access all the options by clicking on More details at the bottom of the screen.
3. Click on the Process tab at the top, and you will see the list of processes running on your computer.
4. Now, identify unusual processes from the list and examine them by making a right-click to access the Properties.
5. Go to the Details tab from the top, and check the details like product name and version. If the process does not have a product name or version, it may be a suspicious process.
6. To remove the process, click on the General tab and check the Location.
7. Finally, navigate to the location and uninstall the program from your computer.
Also Read: Remove Adware and Pop-up Ads from Web Browser
Method 5: Clear Cookies on Google Chrome
Sometimes, clearing the cookies on your Chrome browser can help you resolve the error “Your computer may be sending automated queries”.
1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen.
2. Go to Settings.
3. In the setting, scroll down and go to Privacy and security.
4. Click on Clear browsing data.
5. Tick the checkbox next to Cookies and other site data.
6. Finally, click on Clear data from the bottom of the Window.
Method 6: Uninstall Unwanted Programs
There may be several programs on your computer that are unwanted, or you don’t use much. You can uninstall all these unwanted programs as they may be why the automated queries error on Google. However, before uninstalling the programs, you can note them down if you ever want to re-install them on your computer. Follow these steps to uninstall unwanted programs from your computer:
1. Click on your Start menu and search for Settings in the search bar. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Windows key + I to open settings.
2. Select the Apps tab from your screen.
3. Now, under the apps and features section, you will see the list of apps installed on your computer.
4. Select the app that you don’t use and make a left-click.
5. Finally, click on Uninstall to remove the app.
Similarly, you can repeat these steps to remove multiple programs from your system.
Method 7: Clean Your Drive
Sometimes, when you install software or an application, some unwanted files are stored in temporary folders in your drive. These are junk or leftover files that are of no use. Therefore, you can clear your drive by removing the junk files.
1. Right-click on your Start menu and select Run. Alternatively, you can also use the shortcut Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box and type %temp%.
2. Hit enter, and a folder will open in your File Explorer. Here you can select all the files by clicking the checkbox next to Name at the top. Alternatively, use Ctrl + A to select all the files.
3. Now, press the delete key on your keyboard to get rid of all the junk files.
4. Click on ‘This PC’ from the panel on the left.
5. Make a right-click on Local disk (C;) and click on Properties from the menu.
5. Select the General tab from the top and click on ‘Disk Cleanup.’
6. Now, under ‘Files to delete,’ select the checkboxes next to all the options except for downloads.
7. Click on Clean-up system files.
8. Finally, click on OK.
That’s it; your system will remove all the junk files. Restart your computer to check whether you can use Google search.
Also Read: How To Delete Temporary Files In Windows 10
Method 8: Solve the Captcha
When your computer sends automated queries, Google will ask you to solve the captcha to identify humans and not a bot. Solving the captcha will help you bypass the Google restrictions, and you will be able to use the Google search normally.
Method 9: Reset Your Router
Sometimes, your network may be sending automated queries on your computer, and resetting your router can help you fix the error.
1. Unplug your router and wait for about 30 seconds.
2. After 30 seconds, plug in your router and press the power button.
After resetting your router, check whether you were able to resolve the issue.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Q1. What to do if my computer is sending automated queries?
If your computer is sending automated queries or traffic to Google, then you can change your browser or try solving the captcha on Google to bypass the restrictions. Some random software or application may be responsible for sending the automated queries on your computer. Therefore, uninstall all the unused or suspicious applications from your system and run an antivirus or malware scan.
Q2. Why am I getting the following error message from Google? It says: We’re sorry… … but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.
When you get the error message relating to automated queries on Google, then it means that Google is detecting a device on your network that may be sending automated traffic to Google, which is against the terms and conditions.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix your computer may be sending automated queries. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.