鼠标是计算机中最重要的组件之一。您的系统有一个滚轮,您可以通过该滚轮快速向上或向下滚动以在页面和文档中导航。大多数情况下,滚动工作流畅而精细。然而,有时您的鼠标滚轮可能会出现异常行为。例如,您的鼠标滚轮上下跳动或滚动方式错误。在本指南中,我们将讨论修复Windows 10 PC 中鼠标滚轮无法正常滚动问题的各种方法。

修复鼠标滚轮无法正确滚动的 8 种方法(8 Ways to Fix Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly)
初步故障排除(Preliminary Troubleshooting)
1.重新启动您的 PC:(Reboot your PC: )这种简单的久经考验的技术可以轻松解决小故障和错误。
2. 尝试将鼠标连接到系统中的其他 USB 端口(different USB port)。您的端口可能存在错误,这可能会触发鼠标上下滚动问题。
3.如果您使用的是无线鼠标,请用新电池更换旧电池。(Replace the old batteries)
4. 最后,尝试在记事本(Notepad)或Microsoft Word等其他程序中滚动鼠标。(some other program)如果它有效,那么您正在使用的应用程序可能存在问题。
方法 1:清洁鼠标(Method 1: Clean your Mouse)
1.只需将空气(Just blow air)吹入滚轮周围的间隙即可。
2. 如果这不起作用,则在吹气时转动滚轮。(rotate your scroll wheel)
3.您也可以使用橡胶气泵清洁器(rubber air pump cleaner)将空气吹入间隙。
4. 或者,您可以使用压缩空气清洁器(compressed air cleaner )清洁鼠标的通风孔。

方法 2:更新鼠标驱动程序(Method 2: Update Mouse Drivers)
1. 点击 Windows键并在搜索栏中输入(search bar)设备管理器(Device Manager )。
2. 现在, 从搜索结果中打开设备管理器,如图所示。(Device Manager)

3. 单击鼠标和其他指针设备(Mice and other pointing devices) 旁边的右箭头(right arrow)。
4. 现在,右键单击鼠标(your mouse) (HID 兼容鼠标)((HID-compliant mouse))并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver),如图所示。

5. 接下来,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )以允许Windows自行搜索最新的驱动程序。

6B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,屏幕将显示:已安装适用于您设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。单击关闭(Close )以退出窗口。

7.重启电脑(Restart the computer),查看鼠标滚轮上下跳动问题是否解决。
注意:(Note: )如果更新您的驱动程序没有为您提供修复,请右键单击鼠标(mouse)并导航到Properties。接下来,切换到驱动程序(Driver )选项卡并选择回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver )选项。最后,单击确定(OK )并重新启动系统。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上修复鼠标延迟(How to Fix Mouse Lag on Windows 10)
方法 3:重新安装鼠标驱动程序(Method 3: Reinstall Mouse Drivers)
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager )并使用上述步骤展开鼠标和其他指针设备。(Mice and other pointing devices )
2. 右键单击 HID-Compliant 鼠标(HID-Compliant mouse)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device),如下图所示。

3. 单击卸载(Uninstall)确认屏幕上显示的警告提示。

4. 从制造商的网站(manufacturer’s website.)手动下载设备上的驱动程序 。
5. 然后,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)安装驱动程序并运行可执行文件。
6. 最后,重启你的电脑(restart your PC),鼠标应该可以正常工作了。
方法 4:更改鼠标滚动设置(Method 4: Change Mouse Scroll Settings)
(You can fix mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue)您可以通过更改一次滚动的行数设置(number of lines scrolled at a time)来修复鼠标滚轮无法正确滚动的问题。更改此设置后,您应该不会遇到鼠标上下滚动的问题。请按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1. 点击 Windows键并从此处启动控制面板。(Control Panel)

2. 双击鼠标(Mouse),如下图。

3. 切换到鼠标属性(Mouse Properties)窗口中的滚轮(Wheel )选项卡。
4. 现在,在Vertical Scrolling(Vertical Scrolling)下的The following number of lines at time(The following number of lines at a time)中将数值设置为5 或以上(5 or above)。

5. 最后,单击应用(Apply )>确定(OK )以保存更改。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何修复 iCUE 未检测到设备(How to Fix iCUE Not Detecting Devices)
方法 5:键入时禁用指针(Method 5: Disable Pointer While Typing)
鼠标(Mouse)上下滚动问题也可能是由于指针引起的。您可以通过禁用“键入时隐藏指针(Hide pointer while typing)”设置来解决此问题,如下所示:
1. 导航到Control Panel > Mouse settings ,就像您在上一个方法中所做的那样。
2. 切换到指针选项选项卡并取消选中在键入(Pointer Options )时隐藏指针(Hide pointer while typing)框,如突出显示的那样。

3. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
方法 6:运行鼠标(Method 6: Run Mouse )疑难解答(Troubleshooter)
强烈建议使用内置的Windows疑难解答来查找和修复(Windows)Windows PC上的硬件或软件的任何问题。以下是如何通过运行鼠标疑难解答来修复鼠标滚轮无法正确滚动的问题:
1. 启动控制面板(Control panel )并将查看方式(View by )选项设置为大图标(Large icons)。
2. 现在,选择设备和打印机(Devices and Printers )选项,如图所示。

3. 在这里,右键单击鼠标(your mouse)并选择疑难解答(Troubleshoot)。


另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复光标或鼠标指针在 Chrome 浏览器中消失(Fix Cursor Or Mouse Pointer Disappear In Chrome Browser)
Method 7: Update Application/Browser (If applicable)
如果您仅在使用特定应用程序或 Google Chrome 浏览器(specific application or Google Chrome browser)时遇到鼠标上下滚动问题,请更新该应用程序或浏览器并检查该问题是否已解决。
方法 8:禁用平板电脑模式(如果适用)(Method 8: Disable Tablet Mode (If applicable))
如果您仅在查看网页或滚动文档(view a web page or scroll the document)时遇到鼠标滚轮无法正常滚动的问题,请尝试禁用平板电脑模式。您可能不小心打开了该功能。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索平板电脑模式以管理这些设置。(tablet mode)

2. 在平板电脑设置(Tablet Settings)窗口中,单击更改其他平板电脑设置(Change additional tablet settings)。
3.关闭(toggle OFF)平板电脑模式的切换开关,(Tablet mode,)如突出显示的那样。

专业提示:(Pro Tip:)您还可以使用本文中提到的方法来解决以下问题:
- 鼠标一直冻结
- 鼠标左键不起作用
- 鼠标右键不起作用
- 鼠标滞后问题等
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决鼠标滚轮无法正常滚动的问题(fix the mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。请(Feel)随时在下面的评论部分中提出您的疑问和建议。
Fix Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly
The mouse is one of the most important components of уour computer. Your syѕtem has a wheel through which you can quicklу scroll υp or down to naνigate within pages and documents. Most of thе time, the ѕcrolling works smooth and fine. Yet, sometimеѕ your mouse wheel may behave erratically. For еxample, your mouse scroll wheel jumps up and down or scrolls in the wrong way. In this guide, we will discuss various methods to fix mousе wheel not scrоlling properly issue in Windоws 10 PC.

8 Ways to Fix Mouse Wheel Not Scrolling Properly
Your mouse wheel usually jumps when you scroll it downwards. Both desktops and laptops encounter the same issue. It can be due to multiple reasons like issues in drivers, or laptop touchpad, or the mouse itself. Hence, before moving to the methods, let us first try out the basic troubleshooting steps listed below.
Preliminary Troubleshooting
1. Reboot your PC: This simple tried and tested technique easily resolves minor glitches and errors.
2. Try to connect your mouse to a different USB port in your system. There may be an error with your port, which may trigger a mouse scroll up and down problem.
3. Replace the old batteries with new ones, if you are using a wireless mouse.
4. Lastly, try scrolling the mouse in some other program like Notepad or Microsoft word. If it works, then there might be a problem with the application you are using.
Method 1: Clean your Mouse
Usually, dust starts accumulating in the gaps of the scroll wheel when you haven’t used your mouse for a long time. This will trigger scrolling issues, and you can simply fix this by blowing air into the gaps of the scroll wheel.
Note: You need not open the mouse and clean it. Be careful not to damage any internal components of the mouse.
1. Just blow air into the gaps around the scroll wheel.
2. If that does not work out, then rotate your scroll wheel when you blow the air.
3. You can also use a rubber air pump cleaner to blow air into the gaps.
4. Alternately, you can use a compressed air cleaner to clean the vents in your mouse.

Method 2: Update Mouse Drivers
You could fix the problems associated with the mouse by updating the Mouse drivers, as explained below:
1. Hit the Windows key and type Device Manager in the search bar.
2. Now, open Device Manager from the search results, as shown.

3. Click on the right arrow next to Mice and other pointing devices.
4. Now, right-click on your mouse (HID-compliant mouse) and select Update driver, as illustrated.

5. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers to allow Windows to search for the latest drivers, on its own.

6A. Now, the drivers will update to the latest version, if they are not updated.
6B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays: The best drivers for your device are already installed. Click on Close to exit the window.

7. Restart the computer and check if the mouse scroll wheel jumps up and down issue is fixed.
Note: If updating your driver does not give you a fix, then right-click on the mouse and navigate to Properties. Next, switch to the Driver tab and select the Roll Back Driver option. Finally, click on OK and restart your system.
Also Read: How to Fix Mouse Lag on Windows 10
Method 3: Reinstall Mouse Drivers
If updating Mice drivers or rolling back the updates hasn’t worked for you, then reinstalling them afresh is your best bet.
1. Launch the Device Manager and expand Mice and other pointing devices using the steps mentioned above.
2. Right-click on the HID-Compliant mouse and select Uninstall device, as depicted below.

3. Confirm the warning prompt displayed on the screen by clicking Uninstall.

4. Manually download the drivers on your device from the manufacturer’s website.
5. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver and run the executable.
Note: When installing a new driver on your device, your system may reboot several times.
6. Finally, restart your PC and the mouse should function fine.
Method 4: Change Mouse Scroll Settings
You can fix mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue by altering the number of lines scrolled at a time setting. After changing this setting, you should not face the mouse scroll up and down problem. Follow the below-mentioned steps to do so:
1. Hit the Windows key and launch Control Panel from here.

2. Double-click on Mouse, as shown below.

3. Switch to the Wheel tab in the Mouse Properties window.
4. Now, set the numerical value to 5 or above in The following number of lines at a time under Vertical Scrolling.

5. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Also Read: How to Fix iCUE Not Detecting Devices
Method 5: Disable Pointer While Typing
Mouse scroll up and down problem might also be caused due to pointer. You can fix this by disabling the Hide pointer while typing setting, as follows:
1. Navigate to Control Panel > Mouse settings as you did in the previous method.
2. Switch to the Pointer Options tab and uncheck the box Hide pointer while typing, as highlighted.

3. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Method 6: Run Mouse Troubleshooter
It is highly recommended to use the in-built Windows troubleshooter to find and fix any problems with the hardware or software on your Windows PC. Here’s how to fix mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue by running mouse troubleshooter:
1. Launch Control panel and set the View by option to Large icons.
2. Now, select the Devices and Printers option as shown.

3. Here, right-click on your mouse and select Troubleshoot.

4. Wait for your system to complete the troubleshooting process and fix problems, if any.

Finally, check if the mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue is fixed now.
Also Read: Fix Cursor Or Mouse Pointer Disappear In Chrome Browser
Method 7: Update Application/Browser (If applicable)
If you face the mouse scroll up and down problem only when you use a specific application or Google Chrome browser, update the said application or browser that and check if the said issue has been resolved.
Method 8: Disable Tablet Mode (If applicable)
If you face the mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue only when you view a web page or scroll the document, try disabling the tablet mode. You might have turned on the feature accidentally.
1. Search for tablet mode in the Windows search bar to manage these settings.

2. In the Tablet Settings window, click on Change additional tablet settings.
3. Turn the toggle OFF for Tablet mode, as shown highlighted.

Pro Tip: You can also use the methods mentioned in this article to fix the following problems:
- Mouse keeps freezing
- Mouse left click is not working
- Mouse right-click is not working
- Mouse lagging issue etc.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix the mouse wheel not scrolling properly issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Feel free to drop your queries and suggestions in the comments section below.