技术使您可以轻松地将计算机或移动设备无线连接到打印机(connect a computer or mobile device to a printer)并打印文件。无论您使用的是计算机、手机还是平板电脑,我们都会向您展示如何打印来自Gmail、Yahoo、Outlook和其他主要电子邮件服务提供商(email service providers)的电子邮件。

如何从 Gmail 打印电子邮件(How to Print an Email from Gmail)
Computer (Windows/Mac)
- 找到(Find)并打开您要打印的电子邮件,然后选择更多(More)(三个点)。

- 选择打印(Print)。

- 您会在新窗口中看到您的电子邮件消息的预览。如果您使用的是 Windows PC,请 选择打印。(Print)

- 在Mac上,在“(Mac)打印”对话框(Print dialog)中选择打印机选项,然后选择“打印(Print)” 。

- 如果电子邮件在同一对话中有回复,您仍然可以将它们全部打印出来。打开电子邮件对话并选择右上角的全部(all)打印图标。(Print)

在您的Android手机或平板电脑上,如果(Android)Gmail应用程序不工作 ,您可以通过Gmail应用程序或网络浏览器打印来自Gmail的电子邮件。(Gmail)
- 启动Gmail应用程序并点击您要打印的电子邮件。
- 点击电子邮件右上角的更多(More)(省略号)。

- 接下来点击打印(Print)。

- 如果要打印包含多封电子邮件的电子邮件对话,请点击并打开电子邮件对话,然后点击电子邮件窗口右上角的更多(More )(右上角的省略号)>打印全部(Print all)。

您还可以通过Gmail应用程序或网络浏览器在 iPhone/iPad 上打印来自Gmail的电子邮件。(Gmail)
- 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上启动Gmail应用程序,然后点击要打印的电子邮件。
- 点击电子邮件右上角的更多(More)(省略号)。

- 接下来,点击打印(Print)。

- 您还可以打印包含多封电子邮件或回复的电子邮件对话。只需点按即可打开对话,然后点按更多(More)>全部打印(Print all)。

注意(Note):如果您无法打印来自Gmail的电子邮件,发件人可能启用了Gmail 机密(Gmail Confidential)。这是一项Gmail功能,可防止其他用户打印电子邮件和附件。
Yahoo Mail使您可以轻松地从计算机或移动设备打印电子邮件,并保存硬拷贝打印输出以供离线使用。
- 在新的浏览器窗口或选项卡中打开Yahoo Mail,登录并选择要打印的邮件。
- 选择电子邮件中的打印。(Print)您也可以选择更多(More)>打印(Print)。

- 接下来,选择页数、份数、布局、纸张大小和其他选项。

- 设置打印选项后,选择打印(Print)。

Outlook 是Microsoft Office用户的默认电子邮件服务,附带桌面客户端、移动应用程序和适用于 Web 的Outlook.com(以前称为Hotmail)。
在线展望(Outlook Online)
如果您从 Web 上的Outlook(Outlook)访问电子邮件,则可以使用打印机友好的选项来打印电子邮件。
- 打开您要打印的电子邮件,然后选择顶部的 更多(省略号)。(More)

- 选择打印(Print)。

- 如果您使用的是 PC,请在新窗口中 选择“打印”。(Print)

- 在Mac上,选择布局、方向、要打印的页面和份数,然后选择打印(Print)。

展望应用(Outlook App)
Outlook应用程序提供了一种简单方便的方式来随时随地访问您的电子邮件。您还可以使用 Android 或 iOS 设备上的应用程序打印电子邮件(print email messages using the app on your Android or iOS device)。
- 在您的计算机上启动Outlook并打开您要打印的电子邮件。选择文件(File)>打印(Print)。或者,在 PC 上按Ctrl + P或在 Mac 上按(P)Command + P打开打印(Print)菜单。

- 如果您想立即打印电子邮件,请选择更多(More)>自定义工具栏(Customize toolbar)。

- 将“打印(Print)”按钮拖到工具栏菜单,然后选择“完成”(Done)以将“打印(Print)”按钮添加到Outlook工具栏。选择打印(Print)以打印您的电子邮件。

- 选择打印(Print)。

邮件应用(Mail App)
Mail应用程序是 macOS 和 iOS 用户的默认电子邮件服务提供商。从Mail(Mail)应用程序打印电子邮件与使用其他电子邮件客户端一样简单。
- 从 Dock 中的Launchpad启动Mail,然后选择要打印的电子邮件。
- 从菜单选项中 选择文件(File)>打印。(Print)

- 接下来,选择打印机、页数和打印份数,然后选择打印(Print)。

从 iPhone 或 iPad 上的Mail(Mail)应用程序打印与Mac略有不同。
- 打开邮件(Mail)应用程序,然后点击要打印的电子邮件。
- 在电子邮件窗口中,点击返回箭头(back arrow)。

- 点击打印(Print)

- 如果有任何附件,您可以点击它们以查看它们,然后点击共享(Share)按钮。

- 点击打印(Print)。

从任何地方打印电子邮件(Print an Email from Anywhere)
有打印问题?查看我们的打印指南,例如如何在打印机打印空白页时进行修复(how to fix it when your printer is printing blank pages)、如何对无线打印机(how to troubleshoot wireless printers)进行故障排除或如何对常见的打印机问题进行故障排除(how to troubleshoot common printer issues)。
How to Print an Email from Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and More
Technology has made it easу for you to wirelessly connect a computer or mobile device to a printer and print your file. Whether you’re using a computer, phone, or tablet, we’ll show you how to print an email from Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and other major email service providers.

How to Print an Email from Gmail
If you use Gmail on your computer or your mobile device via the Gmail app, you can print an email in a few quick steps.
Computer (Windows/Mac)
There’s no Gmail app for computers, but you can open Gmail on your web browser and print an individual email message or all messages in an email thread/conversation.
- Find and open the email message you want to print and then select More (three dots).

- Select Print.

- You’ll see a preview of your email message appear in a new window. Select Print if you’re using a Windows PC.

- On a Mac, select the printer options in the Print dialog box and then select Print.

- If the email has replies within the same conversation, you can still print them all together. Open the email conversation and select the Print all icon at the top right side.

On your Android phone or tablet, you can print an email from Gmail through the Gmail app or your web browser if the Gmail app is not working.
- Launch the Gmail app and tap on the email you want to print.
- Tap More (ellipsis) on the top right side of the email.

- Next tap Print.

- If you want to print an email conversation with multiple emails, tap and open the email conversation and then tap More (ellipsis at the upper right side) > Print all in the top right side of the email window.

Note: If the Print option isn’t available, update the Gmail app and try again.
You can also print an email from Gmail on your iPhone/iPad via the Gmail app or on your web browser.
- Launch the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad and tap on the email message you want to print.
- Tap More (ellipsis) on the top right side of the email.

- Next, tap Print.

- You can also print an email conversation with multiple emails or replies. Just tap to open the conversation and then tap More > Print all.

Note: If you can’t print an email from Gmail, the sender may have enabled Gmail Confidential. This is a Gmail feature that prevents other users from printing email messages and attachments.
If you want to print an attachment, you can download it to your local storage, open it with a suitable app or program, and then choose the Print option.
Yahoo Mail makes it easy for you to print email messages from your computer or mobile device and save the hard copy printout for offline use.
- Open Yahoo Mail in a new browser window or tab, sign in, and select the message you want to print.
- Select the Print in the email message. You can also select More > Print.

- Next, select the number of pages, copies, layout, paper size, and other options.

- Once you’ve set your printing options, select Print.

If there are any attachments to the email and you’d like to print those too, download them to your computer or mobile device. Open and print the files using your device’s printing interface.
Outlook is the default email service for Microsoft Office users that comes with a desktop client, mobile app, and Outlook.com (formerly Hotmail) for the web.
Outlook Online
If you’re accessing your email messages from Outlook on the web, there’s a printer-friendly option for you to print an email message.
- Open the email message you’d like to print and select More (ellipsis) at the top.

- Select Print.

- If you’re using a PC, select Print in the new window.

- On a Mac, select the layout, orientation, pages to print, and the number of copies, and then select Print.

Note: You can’t print all email attachments from Outlook.com. Open each attachment and print them out individually.
Outlook App
The Outlook app offers an easy and convenient way to access your email messages on the go. You can also print email messages using the app on your Android or iOS device.
- Launch Outlook on your computer and open the email you want to print. Select File > Print. Alternatively, press Ctrl + P on a PC or Command + P on your Mac to open the Print menu.

- If you want to print the email instantly, select More > Customize toolbar.

- Drag the Print button to the toolbar menu and then select Done to add the Print button to the Outlook toolbar. Select Print to print your email.

- Select Print.

Mail App
Mail app is the default email service provider for macOS and iOS users. Printing an email from the Mail app is just as straightforward as with other email clients.
You can use the Mail app on your Mac to print an email message.
- Launch Mail from the Launchpad in the dock and then select the email you want to print.
- Select File > Print from the menu options.

- Next, select the printer, number of pages, and print copies, and then select Print.

Printing from the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad is a bit different from a Mac.
- Open the Mail app and tap on the email message you want to print.
- In the email window, tap the back arrow.

- Tap Print

- If there are any attachments, you can tap on them to view them, and then tap the Share button.

- Tap Print.

Print an Email from Anywhere
When you need a hard copy of a particular email message or conversation, you can print it out and keep it for future reference.
If you just want to print the email to read offline, you can save it on paper and opt to increase the font size in your browser or email app, or just save your email as a PDF file.
Have printing problems? Check out our printing guides, such as how to fix it when your printer is printing blank pages, how to troubleshoot wireless printers, or how to troubleshoot common printer issues.
Were you able to print an email using the steps in this guide? Leave a comment below if it was useful.