如果您面临随机关机或重启,请不要担心,因为有时Windows会重启或关闭 PC 以安装重要更新,防病毒软件(Antivirus)会这样做以保护您的系统免受病毒或恶意软件感染等。但如果随机关机或重启频繁那么这可能是一个问题。想象一下您的计算机每小时随机关闭,这是用户面临的一个非常烦人的问题。
大多数计算机设计为在系统温度达到 70 到 100摄氏度(Celsius)时自动关闭。换句话说,如果您的 PC 过热,那么这可能是随机关机的根本原因。但是这个问题不仅限于一个原因,计算机随机关闭的原因可能有多种。
您面临此问题的其他一些原因是电源故障 ( PSU )、硬件故障、UPS问题、病毒或恶意软件感染、系统文件可能已损坏等。无论如何(Anyway),不要浪费任何时间让我们看看如何在下面列出的故障排除指南的帮助下修复计算机随机关闭。(Fix Computer Shuts Down Randomly)
如何修复计算机随机关闭(How to Fix Computer Shuts Down Randomly)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
方法 1:检查过热问题(Method 1: Check for Overheating issues)
如果您的CPU长时间运行过热,可能会给您带来很多麻烦,包括突然关机、系统崩溃甚至CPU故障。虽然CPU(CPU)的理想温度是室温,但在短时间内仍然可以接受稍高的温度。因此,您需要检查您的计算机是否过热,您可以按照本指南(following this guide)进行操作。
如果计算机过热,则计算机(Computer)肯定会因过热问题而关闭。在这种情况下,您需要维修您的 PC,因为过多的灰尘可能会阻塞散热孔,或者您的 PC 风扇无法正常工作。在任何情况下,您都需要将 PC 带到服务维修中心进行进一步检查。
方法二:检查电源(Method 2: Check Power Supply)
电源(Power Supply)故障或故障通常是计算机(Computer)随机关闭的原因。由于未满足硬盘的功耗,无法获得足够的电量运行,随后可能需要多次重启电脑,才能从PSU获取足够的电量。在这种情况下,您可能需要用新电源更换电源,或者您可以借用备用电源来测试是否是这种情况。
如果您最近安装了新硬件,例如显卡,那么PSU可能无法提供显卡所需的必要电源。只需(Just)暂时卸下硬件,看看是否能解决问题。如果问题得到解决,那么为了使用显卡,您可能需要购买更高电压的电源装置(Power Supply Unit)。
方法 3:删除最近安装的硬件和软件(Method 3: Remove recently installed Hardware and Software)
如果您最近安装了新硬件,那么您可能会因为这个新硬件而面临随机关机,要解决此问题,只需从您的 PC 中删除所有最近添加的硬件。同样,还要确保卸载您最近可能添加的任何软件或程序。
卸载最近安装的更新(Uninstall Recently Installed Updates)
要卸载最近安装的程序,首先需要进入安全模式(enter the Safe Mode),然后按照以下步骤操作:
1.通过使用搜索栏搜索来打开控制面板。(Control Panel)
2. 现在从控制面板(Control Panel)窗口单击程序。( Programs.)
3. 在程序和功能(Programs and Features)下,单击查看已安装的更新。(View Installed Updates.)
4. 在这里您将看到当前安装的Windows更新列表。
5. 卸载可能导致问题的最近安装的Windows更新,卸载此类更新后,您的问题可能会得到解决。(Windows)
方法 4:禁用快速启动(Method 4: Disable Fast Startup)
快速启动(Fast Startup )是一项功能,可在您启动 PC 或关闭 PC 时提供更快的启动时间。(boot)这是一个方便的功能,适用于那些希望他们的 PC 快速工作的人。在全新的 PC 中,此功能默认启用,但您可以随时禁用它。
大多数用户的 PC 存在一些问题,然后在他们的 PC 上启用了快速启动功能。(Fast Startup)事实上,许多用户通过简单地在他们的系统上禁用快速启动来解决(disabling Fast Startup)计算机(Computer)随机关闭问题。
方法 5:运行 CCleaner 和 Malwarebytes(Method 5: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes)
1. 下载并安装CCleaner & Malwarebytes。
2.运行 Malwarebytes(Run Malwarebytes)(Run Malwarebytes) 并让它扫描您的系统以查找有害文件。
4. 现在运行 CCleaner ,在“Cleaner”部分,在Windows选项卡下,我们建议检查以下要清理的选项:
5. 确定检查了正确的点后,只需单击Run Cleaner, 然后让 CCleaner 运行。
6. 要清理您的系统,请进一步选择注册表(Registry)选项卡并确保选中以下内容:
7. 选择Scan for Issue并允许CCleaner进行扫描,然后单击Fix Selected Issues。
8. 当 CCleaner 询问“您想要对注册表的更改进行备份吗?(Do you want backup changes to the registry?)” 选择是。
9. 备份完成后,选择Fix All Selected Issues。
10.重新启动您的PC以保存更改,这将修复计算机随机关闭的问题(Fix Computer shuts down randomly issue),如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 6:在设备管理器中更新未知设备驱动程序(Method 6: Update Unknown Device Drivers in Device Manager)
Windows用户面临的最常见问题是无法在设备管理器(Device Manager)中为未知设备找到正确的驱动程序。我们都去过那里,我们知道处理未知设备是多么令人沮丧,所以去这篇文章在设备管理器中查找未知设备的驱动程序(this post to find drivers for unknown devices in Device Manager)。
方法七:重装显卡驱动(Method 7: Reinstall Graphics Card Driver)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入devmgmt.msc并按Enter打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2.展开显示(Expand Display)适配器,然后右键单击您的NVIDIA显卡并选择卸载。( Uninstall.)
3. 如果要求确认,请选择是(Yes)。
4. 按Windows Key + X,然后选择控制面板。(Control Panel.)
5. 从控制面板单击卸载程序。( Uninstall a Program.)
6.接下来,卸载所有与Nvidia相关的东西。(uninstall everything related to Nvidia.)
7. 重新启动系统以保存更改并再次(again download the setup )从制造商的网站(manufacturer’s website)下载设置。
8. 确定已删除所有内容后,再次尝试安装驱动程序( try installing the drivers again)。设置应该可以正常工作,您将能够 修复计算机随机关闭问题。 (Fix the Computer shuts down randomly issue. )
方法 8:禁用 Windows 自动重启功能(Method 8: Disable Windows Automatic Restart Feature)
(Blue Screen)当系统无法启动导致您的计算机(Computer)重新启动或随机关闭时,会发生蓝屏死机(Death)( BSOD ) 错误。(BSOD)简而言之,发生系统故障后,Windows 10 会自动重启您的 PC 以从崩溃中恢复。大多数情况下,简单的重启就能恢复您的系统,但在某些情况下,您的 PC 可能会进入重启循环。这就是为什么您需要 在 Windows 10 中禁用系统故障时自动重启(disable automatic restart on system failure in Windows 10)才能从重启循环中恢复。
方法 9:更改电源选项(Method 9: Change Power Options)
1. 在 Windows 搜索中键入control ,然后从搜索结果中单击控制面板。(Control Panel)
2. 在控制面板下,导航至Hardware and Sound > Power Options.
3. 现在在电源(Power)选项下单击当前活动电源计划旁边的更改计划设置。(Change plan settings)
4. 接下来,单击更改高级电源设置。(Change advanced power settings.)
5. 向下滚动并展开处理器电源管理。(Processor power management.)
6. 现在单击最小处理器状态(Minimum processor state)并将其设置为低状态,例如 5% or 0%.
7. 单击应用,然后单击确定。
8.重新启动您的PC以保存更改,看看您是否能够修复计算机随机关闭问题。(fix Computer shuts down randomly issue.)
方法 10:运行 Memtest86 和 Driver Verifier(Method 10: Run Memtest86 and Driver Verifier)
测试内存是否有问题(Test RAM for Bad Memory)
您的 PC是否(Are)遇到问题,尤其是计算机随机关闭问题(e Computer shuts down randomly issue)?RAM有可能导致您的 PC 出现问题。随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)( RAM ) 是您 PC 中最重要的组件之一,因此每当您的 PC 遇到问题时,您应该在 Windows 中测试您的计算机 RAM 是否存在内存问题(test your Computer’s RAM for bad memory in Windows)。如果在您的RAM(RAM)中发现坏内存扇区,那么为了解决计算机随机关闭问题(resolve Computer shuts down randomly issue),您需要更换RAM。
运行驱动程序验证程序(Run Driver Verifier)
仅当您可以正常登录Windows时,此方法才有用,而不是在安全模式下。接下来,确保创建一个系统还原点。运行驱动程序验证程序(Driver Verifier) 以修复计算机在 Windows 10 问题上随机关闭。(Fix Computer shuts down randomly on Windows 10 issue.)这将消除可能发生此错误的任何冲突的驱动程序问题。
方法 11:将 BIOS 重置为默认设置(Method 11: Reset BIOS to default settings)
1. 关闭您的笔记本电脑,然后打开它,同时按 F2、DEL 或 F12( press F2, DEL or F12)(取决于您的制造商)进入BIOS 设置。( BIOS setup.)
2. 现在您需要找到重置选项以加载默认配置(load the default configuration),它可能被命名为重置(Reset)为默认值、加载(Load)出厂默认值、清除BIOS设置、加载(Load)设置默认值或类似名称。
3. 用箭头键选择它,按Enter,然后确认操作。您的BIOS现在将使用其默认设置。(default settings.)
4. 登录Windows后,查看是否能够修复计算机随机关闭问题。(fix Computer shuts down randomly issue.)
方法 12:ATX 重置(Method 12: ATX Resetting)
1 . 关闭笔记本电脑(. Power off your laptop)的电源,然后拔下电源线,等待几分钟。
2. 现在从后面取出电池( remove the battery)并按住电源按钮 15-20 秒。
3. 现在插入电源线(your power cord)(不应插入电池)并尝试启动笔记本电脑。
4. 如果它正常启动然后再次关闭你的笔记本电脑。放入电池并再次启动您的笔记本电脑。
如果问题仍然存在,请再次关闭笔记本电脑,拔下电源线和电池。按住(Press)电源按钮 15-20 秒,然后插入电池。打开笔记本电脑的电源,这应该可以解决问题。
方法 13:更新 BIOS(Method 13: Update BIOS)
BIOS代表基本输入(Basic Input)和输出系统(Output System),它是存在于 PC 主板上的一个小内存芯片中的一个软件,用于初始化 PC 上的所有其他设备,如CPU、GPU等。它充当计算机的硬件及其操作系统,例如Windows 10。
建议将BIOS更新作为计划更新周期的一部分,因为更新包含功能增强或更改,这将有助于保持您当前的系统软件与其他系统模块兼容,并提供安全更新和提高稳定性。BIOS更新无法自动进行。如果您的系统具有过时的BIOS,则可能导致计算机随机关闭问题。(Computer shuts down randomly issue.) 因此,建议更新 BIOS(So it is advised to update BIOS)以解决计算机关闭问题。
注意:(Note: )执行BIOS更新是一项关键任务,如果出现问题,可能会严重损坏您的系统,因此建议专家监督。
方法 14:清理内存槽(Method 14: Clean Memory Slot)
尝试将RAM切换到另一个内存插槽中,然后尝试仅使用一个内存,看看是否可以正常使用PC。此外,清洁内存插槽通风口只是为了确保并再次检查这是否解决了问题。在(Afte)此之后确保清洁电源单元,因为通常灰尘会落在它上面,这可能会导致Windows 10随机冻结或崩溃。
方法 15:刷新或重置 Windows 10(Method 15: Refresh or Reset Windows 10)
注意:(Note:)如果您无法访问您的 PC,请重新启动您的 PC 几次,直到您开始自动修复。(Automatic Repair. )然后导航到 Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全图标。( the Update & Security icon.)
2. 从左侧菜单中选择恢复。( Recovery.)
3. 在重置此 PC(Reset this PC)下,单击“开始(Get Started)使用”按钮。
4. 选择保留我的文件(Keep my files)选项。
5. 对于下一步,您可能会被要求插入Windows 10安装介质,因此请确保您已准备好。
6. 现在,选择您的Windows版本,然后仅单击安装 Windows 的驱动器(on only the drive where Windows is installed)>删除我的文件。(Just remove my files.)
7. 单击重置按钮。( Reset button.)
8. 按照屏幕上的说明完成重置。
就是这样,我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决计算机随机关闭(fix Computer Shuts Down Randomly)问题,但如果您对这篇文章仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分询问他们。
Computer Shuts Down Randomly? 15 Ways to Fix It
If you’re facing random shutdowns or restarts then don’t worry as sоmetimes Windows restarts or shutdown PC to install important updates, Antivirus do thiѕ to protect your system from virus or malware infection, etc. But if the random ѕhutdowns or restarts arе frequent then this mіght be a problem. Imagine your computer shuts down randomly every hour, well that іs a very annoying issue which uѕers are facing.
Most of the computers are design to shut down automatically if the temperature of the system reaches anywhere from 70 to 100 degrees Celsius. In other words, if your PC is overheating then that might be the root cause of the random shutdowns. But this issue is not just limited to one cause, there can be a variety of reasons as to why the computer shuts down randomly.
Why does my computer turn off without warning?
Some of the other causes due to which you’re facing this issue is faulty power supply (PSU), hardware failure, problem with UPS, virus or malware infection, system files might be corrupted, etc. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix Computer Shuts Down Randomly with the help of the below-listed troubleshooting guide.
How to Fix Computer Shuts Down Randomly
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Check for Overheating issues
If your CPU runs too hot for a very long time, it may cause you a lot of trouble, including sudden shutdown, system crash or even a CPU failure. While the ideal temperature for CPU is room temperature, a little higher temperature is still acceptable for a short time period. So you need to check if your computer is overheating or not, you can do that by following this guide.
If the computer overheats then the Computer definitely shuts down due to overheating issues. In this case either you need to service your PC as heats vents might be blocked due to excessive dust or your PC fans are not working correctly. In any case, you will need to take the PC to the service repair center for further inspection.
Method 2: Check Power Supply
A faulty or failing Power Supply is generally the cause for the Computer randomly shutting down. Because the power consumption of the hard disk is not met, it won’t get enough power to run, and subsequently, you may need to restart the PC several times before it can take the adequate power from PSU. In this case, you may need to replace the power supply with a new one or you could borrow a spare power supply to test if this is the case here.
If you have recently installed new hardware such as a video card then chances are the PSU is not able to deliver the necessary power needed by the graphic card. Just temporarily remove the hardware and see if this fixes the issue. If the issue is resolved then in order to use the graphic card you may need to purchase a higher voltage Power Supply Unit.
Method 3: Remove recently installed Hardware and Software
If you have recently installed new hardware then you might be facing random shutdowns because of this new hardware and to fix the issue just remove any recently added hardware from your PC. Similarly, also make sure to uninstall any software or program which you might have added recently.
Uninstall Recently Installed Updates
To uninstall the recently installed programs, first, you need to enter the Safe Mode and then follow the below steps:
1. Open Control Panel by searching for it using the search bar.
2. Now from the Control Panel window click on Programs.
3. Under Programs and Features, click on View Installed Updates.
4. Here you will see the list of currently installed Windows updates.
5. Uninstall the recently installed Windows updates which might be causing the issue and after uninstalling such updates your problem may be solved.
Method 4: Disable Fast Startup
Fast Startup is a feature that provides faster boot time when you start your PC or when you shut down your PC. It is a handy feature and works for those who want their PCs to work fast. In fresh new PCs, this feature is enabled by default but you can disable it anytime you want.
Most of the users had some issues with their PC then the Fast Startup feature is enabled on their PC. In fact, many users have resolved the Computer shuts down randomly issue by simply disabling Fast Startup on their system.
Method 5: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes
1. Download and install CCleaner & Malwarebytes.
2. Run Malwarebytes and let it scan your system for harmful files.
3. If malware is found it will automatically remove them.
4. Now run CCleaner and in the “Cleaner” section, under the Windows tab, we suggest checking the following selections to be cleaned:
5. Once you’ve made certain the proper points are checked, simply click Run Cleaner, and let CCleaner run its course.
6. To clean your system further select the Registry tab and ensure the following are checked:
7. Select Scan for Issue and allow CCleaner to scan, then click Fix Selected Issues.
8. When CCleaner asks “Do you want backup changes to the registry?” select Yes.
9. Once your backup has completed, select Fix All Selected Issues.
10. Restart your PC to save changes and this would Fix Computer shuts down randomly issue, if not then continue with the next method.
Method 6: Update Unknown Device Drivers in Device Manager
The most common problem a Windows user faces is unable to find the right drivers for unknown devices in Device Manager. We all have been there and we know how frustrating it can get dealing with unknown devices, so go to this post to find drivers for unknown devices in Device Manager.
Method 7: Reinstall Graphics Card Driver
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
2. Expand Display adapters and then right-click on your NVIDIA graphic card and select Uninstall.
3. If asked for confirmation select Yes.
4. Press Windows Key + X then select Control Panel.
5. From Control Panel click on Uninstall a Program.
6. Next, uninstall everything related to Nvidia.
7. Reboot your system to save changes and again download the setup from the manufacturer’s website.
8. Once you are sure that you have removed everything, try installing the drivers again. The setup should work without any problems and you will be able to Fix the Computer shuts down randomly issue.
Method 8: Disable Windows Automatic Restart Feature
Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error occurs when the system fails to start causing your Computer to restart or shuts down randomly. In short, after a system failure occurs, Windows 10 automatically restart your PC to recover from the crash. Most of the time a simple restart is able to recover your system but in some cases, your PC might get into a restart loop. That’s why you need to disable automatic restart on system failure in Windows 10 in order to recover from the restart loop.
Method 9: Change Power Options
1. Type control in Windows Search then click on Control Panel from the search result.
2. Under Control Panel navigate to Hardware and Sound > Power Options.
3. Now under Power options click on Change plan settings next to your currently active power plan.
4. Next, click on Change advanced power settings.
5. Scroll down and expand Processor power management.
6. Now click Minimum processor state and set it to a low state such as 5% or 0%.
Note: Change the above setting both for plugged in and battery.
7. Click Apply followed by OK.
8. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to fix Computer shuts down randomly issue.
Method 10: Run Memtest86 and Driver Verifier
Test RAM for Bad Memory
Are you experiencing a problem with your PC, especially the Computer shuts down randomly issue? There is a chance that RAM is causing a problem for your PC. Random Access Memory (RAM) is one of the most essential components of your PC therefore whenever you experience some problems in your PC, you should test your Computer’s RAM for bad memory in Windows. If bad memory sectors are found in your RAM then in order to resolve Computer shuts down randomly issue, you will need to replace your RAM.
Run Driver Verifier
This method is only useful if you can log into your Windows normally not in the safe mode. Next, make sure to create a System Restore point. Run Driver Verifier in order Fix Computer shuts down randomly on Windows 10 issue. This would eliminate any conflicting driver issues due to which this error can occur.
Method 11: Reset BIOS to default settings
1. Turn off your laptop, then turn it on and simultaneously press F2, DEL or F12 (depending on your manufacturer) to enter into BIOS setup.
2. Now you’ll need to find the reset option to load the default configuration and it may be named as Reset to default, Load factory defaults, Clear BIOS settings, Load setup defaults, or something similar.
3. Select it with your arrow keys, press Enter, and confirm the operation. Your BIOS will now use its default settings.
4. Once you’re logged into Windows see if you’re able to fix Computer shuts down randomly issue.
Method 12: ATX Resetting
Note: This process generally applies to laptops, so if you have a computer then leave this method.
1. Power off your laptop then remove the power cord, leave it for a few minutes.
2. Now remove the battery from behind and press & hold the power button for 15-20 seconds.
Note: Do not connect the power cord just yet, we will tell you when to do that.
3. Now plug in your power cord (battery should not be inserted) and trying booting up your laptop.
4. If it’s boot properly then again turn off your laptop. Put in the battery and again start your laptop.
If the problem is still there again turn off your laptop, remove the power cord & battery. Press & hold the power button for 15-20 seconds and then insert the battery. Power on the laptop and this should fix the issue.
Method 13: Update BIOS
BIOS stands for Basic Input and Output System and it is a piece of software present inside a small memory chip on the PC’s motherboard which initializes all the other devices on your PC, like the CPU, GPU, etc. It acts as an interface between the computer’s hardware and its operating system such as Windows 10.
It is recommended to update BIOS as a part of your scheduled update cycle as the update contains feature enhancements or changes that will help to keep your current system software compatible with other system modules as well as provide security updates and increased stability. BIOS updates cannot take place automatically. And if your system has outdated BIOS then it can lead to Computer shuts down randomly issue. So it is advised to update BIOS in order to fix the computer shutting down the issue.
Note: Performing BIOS updates is a critical task and if something goes wrong it can seriously damage your system, therefore, expert supervision is recommended.
Method 14: Clean Memory Slot
Note: Don’t open your PC as it may void your warranty, if you don’t know what to do please take your laptop to the service center.
Try to switch RAM in another memory slot then try using only one memory and see if you can use the PC normally. Also, clean memory slot vents just to be sure and again check if this fixes the issue. Afte this makes sure to clean the power supply unit as generally dust settles on it which can cause random freezes or crashes of Windows 10.
Method 15: Refresh or Reset Windows 10
Note: If you can’t access your PC then restart your PC a few times until you start Automatic Repair. Then navigate to Troubleshoot > Reset this PC > Remove everything.
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on the Update & Security icon.
2. From the left-hand menu select Recovery.
3. Under Reset this PC click on the “Get Started” button.
4. Select the option to Keep my files.
5. For the next step you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.
6. Now, select your version of Windows and click on only the drive where Windows is installed > Just remove my files.
7. Click on the Reset button.
8. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the reset.
That’s it, we hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Computer Shuts Down Randomly issue but if you still have any queries regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment section.