如果你面对的是 Aw,Snap!尝试在Google Chrome中访问网站时,您来对地方了,以解决问题。如果你面对的是 Aw,Snap!谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome Error)经常出现错误,这是一个需要故障排除的问题。但是,如果您偶尔遇到此错误,那么没问题,您可以放心地忽略此错误。Aw, Snap! Error on Chrome!当您尝试访问的网页意外崩溃并且您别无选择只能关闭浏览器时,Chrome 上的错误基本上会发生。
Aw, Snap!
Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. To continue, reload or go to another page.
即使您有活动的 Internet 连接,并且错误本身并没有提供有关该错误的正确信息,也会发生上述错误。但是在搜索了很多之后,这些是 Aw, Snap的可能原因!错误:
- (Temporary Website Unavailability)服务器(Server)临时网站不可用
- 不兼容或损坏的Chrom扩展
- 恶意软件或病毒感染
- 损坏的 Chrome 配置文件
- 过时的 Chrome 版本
- 防火墙阻止网站
- 内存损坏或损坏
- 沙盒模式
现在,这些是似乎造成 Aw, Snap的可能原因!谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)上的错误。为了修复此错误,您需要对上述所有可能的原因进行故障排除,因为可能对一个用户有用的东西可能对另一个用户不起作用。因此,不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何使用下面列出的故障排除指南在 Chrome 上实际修复 Aw Snap 错误。(Fix Aw Snap Error on Chrome)
修复Google Chrome(Google Chrome)上的Aw Snap 错误(Fix Aw Snap Error)的15种(Ways)方法
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
方法一:重新加载网站(Method 1: Reload the Website)
解决此问题的最简单方法是重新加载您尝试访问的网站。查看您是否能够在新选项卡中访问其他网站,然后尝试再次重新加载出现“ Aw Snap 错误(Aw Snap error)”的网页。
此外,请确保在尝试重新加载指定网页之前关闭所有其他选项卡。由于谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)占用大量资源并且一次运行多个标签可能会导致此错误。
方法2:重启你的电脑(Method 2: Reboot your PC)
虽然 PC 中的许多问题可以通过简单地重新启动 PC 来解决,但为什么不尝试同样的方法来解决这个问题。“Aw Snap”错误似乎可以通过简单地重新启动您的设备来解决,但根据您的系统配置,此方法可能对您有效,也可能无效。
此外,如果您仍然无法加载该网站,请尝试使用另一台 PC 或您朋友的 PC 检查他们在访问同一网页时是否也遇到类似问题。如果是这种情况,则无需担心,因为该问题与服务器端有关,您可以放心,直到网站管理员解决了该问题。
方法三:清除 Chrome 浏览历史(Method 3: Clear Chrome Browsing History)
1. 打开谷歌浏览器,按Ctrl + Shift + Del打开历史记录。
2. 或者,单击三点图标(菜单(Menu))并选择更多工具,然后单击清除浏览数据。 (Clear browsing data. )
3. 选中/勾选浏览历史记录(Browsing History)、Cookie(Cookies)和其他站点数据以及缓存(Cached)的图像和文件旁边的框。
4. 单击时间范围(Time Range)旁边的下拉菜单并选择所有时间(All time)。
5. 最后,单击清除数据(Clear Data)按钮。
6. 关闭浏览器并重新启动 PC。
方法 4:禁用应用程序和扩展程序(Method 4: Disable Apps and Extensions)
1. 点击菜单按钮,然后点击更多工具(More Tools)。从更多工具子菜单中,单击 扩展(Extensions)。
3.禁用所有扩展(disabled all the extensions)后,重新启动Chrome并检查是否能够修复 Chrome 上的 Aw Snap 错误。( fix Aw Snap error on Chrome.)
4. 如果是这样,则错误是由扩展之一引起的。要查找有故障的扩展程序,请一一打开它们并在找到后卸载罪魁祸首扩展程序。
方法 5:将 Chrome 重置为出厂设置(Method 5: Reset Chrome to Factory Settings)
1.打开Chrome设置(Settings )向下滚动找到高级设置(Advanced Settings)并点击它。
2. 在重置(Reset)和清理下,清理“将设置恢复为原始默认值”。(‘Restore settings to their original defaults’.)
3. 在随后的弹出框中,仔细阅读说明以了解重置 chrome 会发生什么,并通过单击重置设置(Reset Settings)确认操作。
方法6:更新谷歌浏览器(Method 6: Update Google Chrome)
1.打开 Chrome(Open Chrome)并点击右上角的“自定义和控制 Google Chrome”(‘Customize and control Google Chrome’)菜单按钮(三个垂直点)。
2. 点击菜单底部的帮助 ,在(Help )帮助(Help)子菜单中点击 关于谷歌浏览器(About Google Chrome)。
3、关于Chrome(About Chrome)页面打开后,会自动开始检查更新,下方会显示当前版本号。
4.如果有新的 Chrome 更新可用,它将自动安装。(If a new Chrome update is available, it will be automatically installed. )只需按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
这会将Google Chrome更新到其最新版本,这可以帮助您修复 Aw Snap Google Chrome 错误。( fix Aw Snap Google Chrome Error.)
方法 7:更改隐私设置(Method 7: Change Privacy Settings)
1.再次(Again)打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),然后打开设置。(Settings.)
2. 向下滚动直到找到 隐私和安全(Privacy and Security)部分。
3. 现在在隐私(Privacy)和安全(Security)下确保选中或打开以下选项:
- 使用 Web 服务帮助解决导航错误
- 使用预测服务来帮助完成在地址栏中输入的搜索和URL(URLs)
- 使用预测服务更快地加载页面
- 保护(Protect)您和您的设备免受危险网站的侵害
- 自动向 Google 发送使用情况统计信息和崩溃报告
4.重新启动 Google Chrome(Restart Google Chrome)并查看您是否能够修复 Google Chrome 上的 Aw Snap 错误。(Fix Aw Snap Error on Google Chrome.)
方法 8:禁用硬件加速(Method 8: Disable Hardware Acceleration)
1. 首先,启动Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome browser)并点击浏览器窗口右上角的三个点。( three dots)
2. 现在转到设置(Settings)选项,然后转到高级(Advanced)设置。
3. 您将在“高级设置”的“(Advanced Settings)系统(System)”列中找到“可用时使用硬件加速”( ‘Use hardware acceleration when available’)选项。
4.在这里你必须关闭切换来禁用硬件加速(disable the Hardware Acceleration)。
4.重新启动 Chrome(Restart Chrome),这应该可以帮助您修复Chrome 上的 Aw Snap 错误。(Aw Snap Error on Chrome.)
方法 9:运行 CCleaner 和 Malwarebytes(Method 9: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes)
1. 下载并安装CCleaner & Malwarebytes。
2.运行 Malwarebytes(Run Malwarebytes)(Run Malwarebytes)并让它扫描您的系统以查找有害文件。如果发现恶意软件,它将自动删除它们。
3. 现在运行 CCleaner 并选择Custom Clean。
4. 在自定义清理下,选择Windows 选项卡(Windows tab),然后确保选中默认值并单击分析(Analyze)。
5.分析完成后,确保您确定要删除要删除的文件。(Once Analyze is complete, make sure you’re certain to remove the files to be deleted.)
6. 最后,点击Run Cleaner按钮,让CCleaner运行。
7. 要进一步清理您的系统,请选择注册表选项卡(select the Registry tab),并确保选中以下内容:
8. 点击Scan for Issues按钮并允许CCleaner扫描,然后点击Fix Selected Issues按钮。
9. 当 CCleaner 询问“您要备份对注册表的更改吗?(Do you want backup changes to the registry?)”选择是( select Yes)。
10. 备份完成后,单击修复所有选定问题(Fix All Selected Issues)按钮。
11. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 10:运行 Windows 内存诊断(Method 10: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic)
1. 在Windows搜索栏中输入内存并选择“ Windows 内存诊断”。(Windows Memory Diagnostic.)”
2. 在显示的选项集中选择“立即重新启动并检查问题。(Restart now and check for problems.)”
3. 之后Windows将重新启动以检查可能的 RAM 错误,并希望显示您在 Google Chrome 上遇到 Aw Snap 错误的可能原因。( why you are facing the Aw Snap error on Google Chrome.)
4. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 11:暂时禁用防病毒和防火墙(Method 11: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall)
有时,防病毒(Antivirus)程序可能会导致 Chrome 出现 Aw Snap 错误(Aw Snap error on Chrome ),为了验证此处不是这种情况,您需要在有限的时间内禁用防病毒软件,以便检查防病毒软件关闭时错误是否仍然出现。
1. 右键单击系统托盘中的防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon)并选择禁用。(Disable.)
2. 接下来,选择防病毒软件将保持禁用的时间范围。( Antivirus will remain disabled.)
注意:选择尽可能少的时间,例如 15 分钟或 30 分钟。
3. 完成后,再次尝试连接以打开Google Chrome并检查错误是否解决。
4. 从开始菜单(Start Menu)搜索栏搜索控制面板,点击打开 控制面板。( Control Panel.)
5. 接下来,单击系统和安全,( System and Security)然后单击Windows 防火墙。(Windows Firewall.)
6. 现在从左侧窗格中单击打开或关闭 Windows 防火墙。( Turn Windows Firewall on or off.)
7.选择关闭 Windows 防火墙并重新启动您的 PC。(Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC.)
再次尝试打开Google Chrome并访问之前显示(Google Chrome)Aw Snap 错误 (Aw Snap error. )的网页 。如果上述方法不起作用,请确保按照完全相同的步骤再次打开防火墙。( turn on your Firewall again.)
方法12:使用谷歌浏览器官方清理工具(Method 12: Use Google Chrome Offical Cleanup Tool)
官方的 Google Chrome 清理工具( Google Chrome Cleanup Tool) 有助于扫描和删除可能导致 chrome 出现问题的软件,例如崩溃、异常的启动页面或工具栏、您无法摆脱的意外广告或以其他方式改变您的浏览体验。
方法 13:为 Chrome 创建新的用户配置文件(Method 13: Create a New User Profile for Chrome)
注意:如果没有从(Note:) 任务管理器结束进程,(Task Manager)请(Make)确保Chrome完全关闭。
1. 按Windows Key + R然后键入以下内容并按 Enter:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
2. 现在将默认文件夹(Default folder)返回到另一个位置,然后删除该文件夹。
3. 这将删除您所有的 chrome 用户数据、书签、历史记录、cookie 和缓存。
4.单击(Click on your user icon) 右上角三个垂直点符号旁边显示的用户图标。
5. 点击与其他人一致的小齿轮,(small gear in line)打开管理人员(Manage People)窗口。
6. 单击 窗口右下角的添加人员按钮。(Add person)
7. 输入新 chrome 配置文件的名称并为其选择头像。完成后,单击添加(Add)。
方法 14:禁用沙盒模式(Method 14: Disable Sandbox mode)
1. 确保Chrome未运行,或打开任务管理器(Task Manager)并结束Google Chrome进程。
2. 现在在桌面上找到Chrome快捷方式,然后右键单击它并选择属性。(Properties.)
3. 切换到快捷方式选项卡并在引号后的目标字段中(Target)添加–no-sandbox 或-no-sandbox 。(add –no-sandbox or -no-sandbox)
注意:(Note:)仅在引号后添加一个空格,然后在末尾添加 -no-sandbox。
4. 单击应用,然后单击确定。
5.再次(Again)从此快捷方式打开Google Chrome ,它将在禁用沙箱的情况下打开。(Google Chrome)
方法 15:重新安装 Chrome(Method 15: Reinstall Chrome)
最后,如果上述方法均无效,并且您确实需要修复 Aw Snap Chrome 错误,(you really need to fix Aw Snap Chrome Error,)请考虑重新安装浏览器。在您卸载应用程序之前,请务必将您的浏览数据与您的帐户同步。
1.在搜索栏中输入Control Panel并在搜索返回时按 Enter 以启动控制(Control)面板。
2. 在控制面板中,单击程序和功能(Programs and Features)。
3. 在“程序和功能”窗口(Programs and Features window)中找到 Google Chrome并右键单击它。选择卸载(Uninstall)。
4. 将出现一个要求您确认的用户帐户控制弹出窗口。单击是以(Click on yes)确认您的操作。
5. 重新启动您的 PC,然后再次下载最新版本的 Google Chrome(download the latest version of Google Chrome)。
为你推荐:(Recommended for you:)
就是这样,您已成功修复 Google Chrome 上的 Aw Snap 错误,(Fix Aw Snap error on Google Chrome) 但如果您对这篇文章仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Aw Snap Error on Google Chrome
If you’re fаcing the Aw, Snap! while trying to access a website in Google Chrome then you are at the right place in order to fix the issue. If you’re facing the Aw, Snap! Google Chrome Error frequently then it’s an issue that needs troubleshooting. But if you’re facing this error once in a while then no problem, you can safely ignore this error. The Aw, Snap! Error on Chrome basically occurs when the webpage you’re trying to access unexpectedly crashes and you have no other option than to close your browser.
Aw, Snap!
Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. To continue, reload or go to another page.
The above error occurs even though you have an active internet connection and the error itself doesn’t give proper information about the error. But after searching around a lot these are the possible cause of Aw, Snap! Error:
- Temporary Website Unavailability from the Server
- Incompatible or corrupted Chrom Extensions
- Malware or virus infection
- Corrupted Chrome profile
- Outdated Chrome version
- Firewall Blocking Websites
- Bad or damaged Memory
- Sandbox mode
Now, these are the possible causes that seem to create the Aw, Snap! error on Google Chrome. In order to fix this error, you need to troubleshoot all the above possible causes because what might work for one user might not work for another. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Aw Snap Error on Chrome with the below-listed troubleshooting guide.
15 Ways to Fix Aw Snap Error on Google Chrome
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Reload the Website
The easiest fix for this issue is reloading the website which you were trying to access. See if you’re able to access other websites in a new tab and then try to again reload the web page which is giving the “Aw Snap error“.
If the particular website is still not loading then close the browser and again open it. Then again try to visit the website which was earlier giving the error and this may be able to resolve the issue.
Also, make sure to close all the other tabs before trying to reload the specified web page. As Google Chrome takes a lot of resources and running many tabs at once may lead to this error.
Method 2: Reboot your PC
While many issues in PC can be fixed by simply restarting your PC, so why not try the same for this issue. “Aw Snap” error seems to fix by simply restarting your device but this method may or may not work for you depending upon your system configuration.
Also, if you’re still not able to load the website then try using another PC or your friend’s PC to check if they also face a similar issue while accessing the same web page. If this is the case then no need to worry, as the issue is related to the server-side and you can simply relax until the issue is fixed by the website administrator.
Method 3: Clear Chrome Browsing History
1. Open Google Chrome and press Ctrl + Shift + Del to open History.
2. Or else, click on the three-dot icon (Menu) and select More Tools then click on Clear browsing data.
3. Check/tick the box next to Browsing History, Cookies, and other site data and Cached images and files.
4. Click on the drop-down menu next to Time Range and select All time.
5. Finally, click on the Clear Data button.
6. Close your browser and restart your PC.
Method 4: Disable Apps and Extensions
1. Click on the menu button and then More Tools. From the More Tools sub-menu, click on Extensions.
2. A web page listing all the extensions you have installed on your Chrome browser will open up. Click on the toggle switch next to each one of them to turn them off.
3. Once you have disabled all the extensions, restart Chrome and check if you’re able to fix Aw Snap error on Chrome.
4. If it does, the error was caused due to one of the extensions. To find the faulty extension, turn them on one by one and uninstall the culprit extension once found.
Method 5: Reset Chrome to Factory Settings
1. Open Chrome Settings scroll down to find Advanced Settings and click on it.
2. Under Reset and clean up, clean on ‘Restore settings to their original defaults’.
3. In the pop-up box that follows, read the note carefully to understand what resetting chrome will transpire and confirm the action by clicking on Reset Settings.
Method 6: Update Google Chrome
1. Open Chrome and click on the ‘Customize and control Google Chrome’ menu button (three vertical dots) at the top right corner.
2. Click on Help at the bottom of the menu, and from the Help sub-menu, click on About Google Chrome.
3. Once the About Chrome page opens, it will automatically start checking for updates, and the current version number will be displayed below it.
4. If a new Chrome update is available, it will be automatically installed. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
This will update Google Chrome to its latest build which could help you fix Aw Snap Google Chrome Error.
Method 7: Change Privacy Settings
1. Again open Google Chrome and then open Settings.
2. Scroll down till you find the Privacy and Security section.
3. Now under Privacy and Security make sure the following options are checked or turned ON:
- Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors
- Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar
- Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly
- Protect you and your device from dangerous sites
- Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google
4. Restart Google Chrome and see if you are able to Fix Aw Snap Error on Google Chrome.
Method 8: Disable Hardware Acceleration
1. First, launch the Google Chrome browser and click on the three dots available on the top right of the browser window.
2. Now go to the Settings option and then Advanced Settings.
3. You will find the ‘Use hardware acceleration when available’ option in the System column in the Advanced Settings.
4. Here you have to turn off the toggle to disable the Hardware Acceleration.
4. Restart Chrome and this should help you in fixing Aw Snap Error on Chrome.
Method 9: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes
1. Download and install CCleaner & Malwarebytes.
2. Run Malwarebytes and let it scan your system for harmful files. If malware is found it will automatically remove them.
3. Now run CCleaner and select Custom Clean.
4. Under Custom Clean, select the Windows tab then make sure to checkmark defaults and click Analyze.
5. Once Analyze is complete, make sure you’re certain to remove the files to be deleted.
6. Finally, click on the Run Cleaner button and let CCleaner run its course.
7. To further clean your system, select the Registry tab, and ensure the following are checked:
8. Click on the Scan for Issues button and allow CCleaner to scan, then click on the Fix Selected Issues button.
9. When CCleaner asks “Do you want backup changes to the registry?” select Yes.
10. Once your backup has completed, click on the Fix All Selected Issues button.
11. Restart your PC to save changes.
Method 10: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic
1. Type memory in the Windows search bar and select “Windows Memory Diagnostic.”
2. In the set of options displayed select “Restart now and check for problems.”
3. After which Windows will restart to check for possible RAM errors and will hopefully display the possible reasons as to why you are facing the Aw Snap error on Google Chrome.
4. Reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 11: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall
Sometimes the Antivirus program can cause Aw Snap error on Chrome and in order to verify this is not the case here, you need to disable your antivirus for a limited time so that you can check if the error still appears when the antivirus is off.
1. Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.
2. Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.
Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible for example 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3. Once done, again try to connect to open Google Chrome and check if the error resolves or not.
4. Search for the control panel from the Start Menu search bar and click on it to open the Control Panel.
5. Next, click on System and Security then click on Windows Firewall.
6. Now from the left window pane click on Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
7. Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC.
Again try to open Google Chrome and visit the web page which was earlier showing the Aw Snap error. If the above method doesn’t work make sure to follow the exact same steps to turn on your Firewall again.
Method 12: Use Google Chrome Offical Cleanup Tool
The official Google Chrome Cleanup Tool helps in scanning and removing software’s that may cause the problem with chrome such as crashes, unusual startup pages or toolbars, unexpected ads you can’t get rid of, or otherwise changing your browsing experience.
Method 13: Create a New User Profile for Chrome
Note: Make sure Chrome is completely closed if not end its process from Task Manager.
1. Press Windows Key + R then type the following and hit Enter:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
2. Now back the Default folder to another location and then delete this folder.
3. This would delete all of your chrome user data, bookmarks, history, cookies, and cache.
4. Click on your user icon displayed at the top right corner next to the three vertical dots symbol.
5. Click on the small gear in line with Other people to open the Manage People window.
6. Click on the Add person button present at the bottom right of the window.
7. Type in a name for your new chrome profile and select an avatar for it. When you are done, click on Add.
Method 14: Disable Sandbox mode
1. Make sure that Chrome isn’t running, or open Task Manager and end the Google Chrome process.
2. Now find the Chrome shortcut on your desktop then right-click on it and select Properties.
3. Switch to the Shortcut tab and add –no-sandbox or -no-sandbox in the Target field after the quotes.
Note: Only add an empty space after quotes and then -no-sandbox at the end.
4. Click Apply followed by OK.
5. Again open Google Chrome from this shortcut and it will open with sandbox disabled.
Method 15: Reinstall Chrome
Finally, if none of the above-mentioned methods worked and you really need to fix Aw Snap Chrome Error, consider reinstalling the browser. Before you uninstall the application, be sure to sync your browsing data with your account.
1. Type Control Panel in the search bar and press enter when the search returns to launch the Control panel.
2. In Control Panel, click on Programs and Features.
3. Locate Google Chrome in the Programs and Features window and right-click on it. Select Uninstall.
4. A user account control pop-up asking for your confirmation will appear. Click on yes to confirm your action.
5. Restart your PC then again download the latest version of Google Chrome.
Recommended for you:
That’s it you have successfully Fix Aw Snap error on Google Chrome but if you still have any questions regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment section.