Discord是最好的VoIP(互联网协议(Internet Protocol)语音(Voice))应用程序之一,它永远改变了游戏社区。这是一个了不起的平台,可让您与朋友和志趣相投的人建立联系。您可以聊天、通话、共享图像、文件、在群组中闲逛、进行讨论和演示等等。它功能丰富,界面超酷,而且基本上完全免费使用。

Discord 文本格式综合指南(A Comprehensive Guide to Discord Text Formatting)
是什么让 Discord 文本格式成为可能?(What makes Discord Text Formatting Possible?)
Discord 文本格式入门(Getting Started with Discord Text Formatting)
使您的文本在 Discord 中加粗(Make your text Bold in Discord)
在Discord上聊天时,您经常觉得需要强调特定的单词或语句。表示重要性的最简单方法是将文本加粗。在Discord上(Discord)这样做(Doing)非常简单。您需要做的就是在文本前后加上双星号 (**)。
例如**This text is in bold**

使您的文本在 Discord 中变为斜体(Make your text Italicized in Discord)
您还可以让您的文本在Discord聊天中以斜体显示(略微倾斜)。为此,只需将文本包含在一对单个星号 (*) 之间。与粗体不同,斜体只需要一个星号而不是两个。
例如,键入以下内容:*This text is in italics*将使文本在聊天中显示为斜体。

同时使您的文本既粗体又斜体(Make your Text both Bold and Italicized at the same time)
现在如果你想结合这两种效果,那么你需要使用三个星号。用三个星号 (***)开始(Start)和结束你的句子,然后你就被排序了。
在 Discord 中为您的文本添加下划线(Underline your Text in Discord)
在这种情况下,您需要的特殊字符是下划线 (_)。为了给文本的一部分加下划线,在其开头和结尾处放置双下划线 (__)。双下划线之间的文本将在文本中显示为下划线。
例如,输入“ __This section __ will be underlined ”将使“ This section ”在聊天中显示为下划线。

在 Discord 中创建删除线文本(Create Strikethrough Text in Discord)
列表中的下一项是创建删除线文本。如果您想删除句子中的某些单词,只需在短语前后添加波浪号 (~~) 两次即可。
例如 ~~This text is an example of strikethrough.~~

当您键入以下内容并按 Enter 键时,您会看到在聊天中出现的整个句子中已经画了一条线。
如何组合不同的 Discord 文本格式(How to Combinbe Different Discord Text Formatting)
1.粗体和下划线(Bold and underlined)(双(Double)下划线后跟双星号): __**Add text here**__

2.斜体和下划线(Italicized and Underlined)(双(Double)下划线后跟一个星号):__*Add text here*__

3.粗体、斜体和下划线(Bold, italicized, and underlined)(双(Double)下划线后跟三个星号): __***Add text here***___

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在 Discord 上听不到人的声音(2021 年)(Fix Can’t Hear People on Discord (2021))
如何规避不和谐的文本格式(How to Circumvent Discord Text Formatting)
您需要做的就是在每个字符前添加一个反斜杠 (),这将确保特殊字符显示在聊天中。
例如,如果您键入: \_\_\*\*Print this message as it is\*\*\_\_,它将与句子前后的下划线和星号一起打印。

高级不和谐文本格式(Advanced Discord Text Formatting)
在 Discord 中创建代码块(Creating Code Blocks in Discord)
创建代码块非常简单。您需要的唯一字符是反引号 (*)。您会在Esc(Esc)键下方找到此键。要创建单行代码块,您需要在行前后添加一个反引号。但是,如果要创建多行代码块,则需要在行首和行尾放置三个反引号(“*)。下面给出了单行和多行代码块的示例:-
单行代码块:(Single line code block:)
`This is an example of a single line code block`

多行代码块:(Multi-line code block:)
```This is an example of the multi-line code block

它将显示为 __is **。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Discord (2021) 上修复无路由错误(How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2021))
在 Discord 中创建彩色文本(Create Colored Text in Discord)
如前所述,在Discord中没有直接创建彩色文本的方法。相反,我们将使用一些巧妙的技巧和技巧来为我们的文本获得所需的颜色。我们将利用 Highlight.js 中包含的语法(Highlight.js)高亮(syntax highlighting)功能来创建彩色文本。
现在Discord严重依赖在后台运行的复杂Javascript程序(包括Highlight.js)。尽管Discord本身没有任何文本颜色更改功能,但在后台运行的Javascript引擎却可以。这就是我们要利用的。我们将通过在开头添加一个小的编程语言引用来欺骗Discord,使其认为我们的文本是一个代码片段。Javascript具有针对不同语法的预设颜色代码。这称为语法突出显示(Syntax Highlighting)。我们将使用它来突出显示我们的文本。
1. Discord 中的文本为红色(1. Red Color for Text in Discord)
为了创建在聊天室中显示为红色的文本,我们将使用“ Diff语法突出显示。”(” All)您需要做的就是在代码块的开头添加单词 'diff' 并以连字符 (-) 开始句子。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
- This text will be red

2. Discord 中的文本为橙色(2. Orange Color for Text in Discord)
对于橙色,我们将使用“CSS 语法高亮”。请注意,您需要将文本括在方括号 ([]) 中。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
[This text will be orange]

3. 不和谐文本的黄色(3. Yellow Color for Text in Discord)
这可能是最简单的一个。我们将使用“ Fix syntax highlighting”将我们的文本染成黄色。您不需要在代码块中使用任何其他特殊字符。只需(Simply)以“修复”一词开始代码块,就是这样。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
This text will be yellow

4. Discord 中文本的绿色(4. Green Color for Text in Discord)
您可以使用“css”和“diff”语法高亮显示绿色。如果您使用的是“CSS”,那么您需要将文本写在引号内。对于“差异”,您必须在文本前添加一个加号 (+)。下面给出了这两种方法的示例。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
“This text will be green.”

示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
+This text will be green
如果你想要更深的绿色阴影,那么你也可以使用“bash 语法高亮”。只需(Just)确保将文本括在引号内即可。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
"This text will be dark green"
另请阅读:(Also read:) Discord 未打开?修复 Discord 的 7 种方法不会打开问题(Discord Not Opening? 7 Ways To Fix Discord Won’t Open Issue)
5. Discord 中文本的蓝色(5. Blue Color for Text in Discord)
蓝色可以使用“ini 语法高亮”来获得。实际文本需要用方括号 ([]) 括起来。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
[This text will be blue]

您也可以使用 css 语法高亮,但它有一定的限制。您将无法在单词之间添加空格。相反,您需要将句子输入为由下划线分隔的一长串单词。此外,您需要在句子的开头添加一个点 (.)。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
6.突出显示文本而不是着色(6. Highlight text instead of coloring it)
我们上面讨论的所有语法高亮技术都可以用来改变文本的颜色。但是,如果您只是想突出显示文本而不给它着色,那么您可以使用“Tex 语法。” 除了(” Apart)以 'tex' 开头的代码块外,您还需要以美元符号开头的句子。
示例代码块:(Sample code block:)
$This text will simply be highlighted

总结不和谐的文本格式(Wrapping Up Discord Text Formatting)
您可以在互联网上轻松找到许多免费的Markdown教程和备忘单。事实上,Discord本身已经为用户添加了官方 Markdown 指南(Official Markdown guide)。
A Comprehensive Guide to Discord Text Formatting
Disсord is one of the best VoIP (Voice over Internеt Prоtocol) apps that forever transformed thе gaming communitу. It is an amazing platform that allows you to connect with your friends and like-minded people. You can chat, call, share imagеs, files, hang out in groups, carry out discussions and presentations, and so much more. It is jаm-packed with featυres, has an uber-cool interface, and most essentially completely free to use.
Now the first few days at Discord seem a little overwhelming. There is so much going on that it’s difficult to comprehend. One of the things that must have caught your attention is the ostentatious chat room. Seeing people with all kinds of cool tricks like typing in bold, italics, strikethroughs, underline, and even in color makes you curious about how to do the same. Well, in that case, today is your lucky day. You have landed on a detailed and comprehensive guide to Discord text formatting. Starting from the basics to the cool and funky stuff, we are going to cover it all. So, without any further ado, let us get started.

A Comprehensive Guide to Discord Text Formatting
What makes Discord Text Formatting Possible?
Before we begin with the cool tricks, let’s take a moment to understand and appreciate the technology that makes it possible to have a captivating chat room. Discord uses a smart and efficient engine called “Markdown” to format its text.
Although Markdown was originally created for basic text editors and online forums and platforms, it soon found its way to a number of apps, including Discord. It is capable of formatting words and sentences into bold, italicized, underlined, etc., by interpreting special characters like an asterisk, tilde, backslash, etc., placed before and after the word, phrase, or sentence.
Another interesting feature of Discord text formatting is that you can add color to your text. The credit for this goes to a neat little library called Highlight.js. Now one thing that you need to understand is that Highlight.js does not allow you to directly select the desired color for your text. Instead, we need to employ several hacks like syntax coloring methods. You can create a code block in Discord and use a preset syntax highlighting profile to make the text look colorful. We will discuss this in detail later in this article.
Getting Started with Discord Text Formatting
We will be starting off our guide with the basics, i.e., bold, italics, underlined, etc. As mentioned earlier, text formatting like this is handled by Markdown.
Make your text Bold in Discord
While chatting on Discord, you often feel the need to stress upon a particular word or a statement. The easiest way to indicate importance is to make the text bold. Doing so is really simple on Discord. All that you need to do is put double-asterisk (**) before and after the text.
For e.g. **This text is in bold**
When you hit enter or send after typing, the entire sentence within asterisk will appear to be bold.

Make your text Italicized in Discord
You can also make your text appear in italics (slightly slanted) on Discord chat. To do so, simply encase the text between a pair of single asterisks(*). Unlike bold, italics only requires a single asterisk instead of the two.
For e.g. Typing out the following: *This text is in italics* will make the text appear italicized in the chat.

Make your Text both Bold and Italicized at the same time
Now if you want to combine both the effects, then you need to use three asterisks. Start and end your sentence with three asterisks (***), and you are sorted.
Underline your Text in Discord
Another great way to draw attention to a specific detail is by underlining the text. For example, the date or timings of an event that you do not want your friends to forget. Well, fear not, Markdown has you covered.
The special character that you need in this case is the underscore (_). In order to underline a section of the text place double underscore (__) at its start and end. The text between the double underscores will appear underlined in the text.
For e.g., Typing out “ __This section__ will be underlined” will make “This section” appear underlined in the chat.

Create Strikethrough Text in Discord
The next item on the list is creating strikethrough text. If you would like to cross out certain words in a sentence, simply add the tilde (~~) sign twice before and after the phrase.
For e.g. ~~This text is an example of strikethrough.~~

When you type the following and hit enter, you will see that a line has been drawn through the entire sentence when it appears in chat.
How to Combinbe Different Discord Text Formatting
Just like we combined bold and italics earlier, it is possible to incorporate other effects as well. For example, you can have an underlined and bold text or a strikethrough italicized text. Given below is the syntax for creating various combined text formats.
1. Bold and underlined (Double underscore followed by a double asterisk): __**Add text here**__

2. Italicized and Underlined (Double underscore followed by a single asterisk): __*Add text here*__

3. Bold, italicized, and underlined (Double underscore followed by a triple asterisk): __***Add text here***___

Also Read: Fix Can’t Hear People on Discord (2021)
How to Circumvent Discord Text Formatting
By now you must have understood that special characters like an asterisk, tilde, underscore, etc., are an important part of Discord text formatting. These characters are like instructions for Markdown as to what kind of formatting it needs to do. However, at times these symbols could be a part of the message and you want them to be displayed as-is. In this case, you are basically asking Markdown to treat them as any other character.
All that you need to do is add a backslash (\) in front of every character and this will ensure that the special characters are displayed in the chat.
For example, if you type: \_\_\*\*Print this message as it is\*\*\_\_ it will be printed along with the underscores and asterisks before and after the sentence.

Take note that the backslashes at the end are not necessary, and it will still work if you add backslashes only in the beginning. Additionally, if you are not using underscore then you can simply add one backslash at the beginning of the sentence (for e.g. \**Print the asterisks) and it will get the job done.
With that, we come to the end of basic Discord text formatting. In the next section, we will discuss some of the more advanced stuff like creating code blocks and of course writing messages in color.
Advanced Discord Text Formatting
The basic Discord text formatting requires only a few special characters like an asterisk, backslash, underscore, and tilde. With that, you can bold, italicize, strikethrough, and underline your text. With a little practice, you will get used to them pretty easily. After that, you can proceed with more advanced stuff.
Creating Code Blocks in Discord
A code block is a collection of lines of code enclosed in a text box. It is used to share snippets of code with your friends or team members. The text contained in a code block gets sent without any kind of formatting and is displayed exactly as it is. This makes it an effective way to share multiple lines of text that has asterisk or underscore, as Markdown will not read these characters as indicators for formatting.
Creating a code block is pretty simple. The only character that you need is a backtick (`). You will find this key just below the Esc key. To create a single line code block, you need to add a single backtick before and after the line. However, if you want to create a multi-line code block, then you need three backticks (“`) placed at the beginning and end of the lines. Given below are examples of single and multi-line code blocks:-
Single line code block:
`This is an example of a single line code block`

Multi-line code block:
```This is an example of the multi-line code block

You can add different lines and symbols ***
It will appear as it __is **.
Without any changes“`
Also Read: How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2021)
Create Colored Text in Discord
As mentioned earlier, there is no direct way to create colored text in Discord. Instead, we are going to use some clever tricks and hacks to get the desired color for our texts. We will be exploiting the syntax highlighting feature included in Highlight.js to create colored text.
Now Discord relies heavily on complex Javascript programs (including Highlight.js), which are running in the background. Although Discord natively does not have any color-changing capability for its text, the Javascript engine running in the background does. This is what we are going to take advantage of. We are going to trick Discord into thinking that our text is a code snippet by adding a small programming language reference in the beginning. Javascript has a preset color code for different syntax. This is known as Syntax Highlighting. We are going to use this to highlight our text.
Before we start painting our chat room, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. In order to get any kind of colored text, you need to enclose the text in multi-line code blocks using three backticks. At the start of each code block, you need to add the specific syntax highlighting code that will determine the color of the contents of the code block. For every color, there is a different syntax highlighting that we are going to use. Let’s discuss these in detail.
1. Red Color for Text in Discord
In order to create a text that appears red in the chat room, we will be using the “Diff syntax highlighting.” All that you need to do is add the word ‘diff’ at the beginning of the code block and start the sentence with a hyphen (-).
Sample code block:
- This text will be red

2. Orange Color for Text in Discord
For orange, we will be using the “CSS syntax highlighting”. Take note that you need to enclose the text within square brackets ([]).
Sample code block:
[This text will be orange]

3. Yellow Color for Text in Discord
This is probably the easiest one. We will be using the “Fix syntax highlighting” to color our text yellow. You do not need to use any other special character within the code block. Simply start the code block with the word ‘fix,’ and that’s it.
Sample code block:
This text will be yellow

4. Green Color for Text in Discord
You can get green color using both the ‘css’ and ‘diff’ syntax highlighting. If you are using ‘CSS’ then you need to write the text within quotation marks. For ‘diff’, you have to add a plus (+) sign before the text. Given below are samples for both of these methods.
Sample code block:
“This text will be green.”

Sample code block:
+This text will be green
If you want a darker shade of green, then you can also use the “bash syntax highlighting”. Just make sure that the text is enclosed within quotes.
Sample code block:
"This text will be dark green"
Also read: Discord Not Opening? 7 Ways To Fix Discord Won’t Open Issue
5. Blue Color for Text in Discord
The blue color can be attained using the “ini syntax highlighting”. The actual text needs to be enclosed within square brackets([]).
Sample code block:
[This text will be blue]

You can also use css syntax highlighting but it has certain limitations. You won’t be able to add spaces between words. Instead, you need to enter the sentence as a long string of words separated by an underscore. Also, you need to add a dot (.) at the beginning of the sentence.
Sample code block:
6. Highlight text instead of coloring it
All the syntax highlighting techniques that we discussed above can be used to change the color of the text. However, if you simply want to highlight the text and not color it, then you can use the “Tex syntax.” Apart from beginning the block code with ‘tex’, you need to start the sentence with a dollar sign.
Sample code block:
$This text will simply be highlighted

Wrapping Up Discord Text Formatting
With that, we have more or less covered all the important Discord text formatting tricks that you will need. You can further explore more tricks by referring to Markdown tutorials and online videos that demonstrate another advanced formatting that you can do using Markdown.
You will easily find a number of Markdown tutorials and cheat sheets for free on the internet. In fact, Discord itself has added an Official Markdown guide for the benefit of users.
With that, we come to the end of this article on a comprehensive guide to discord text formatting. We hope that you find this information helpful. Discord text formatting is really a cool thing to learn. Mixing up normal texts with bold, italics, and underlined ones can break the monotony.
In addition to that, if your entire gang learns color coding, then you can make the chat rooms look aesthetically pleasing and interesting. Although creating colored text comes with some limitations as you need to follow some syntax protocols in some cases, you will get used to it soon. With a little practice, you will be able to use the right syntax without referring to any guide or cheat sheet. So, without any further delay, get practicing.