每当您阅读有关显示器的信息或购买电视或计算机显示器等显示器时,您肯定会听说过可以判断显示器主要质量和性能的各种参数。分辨率(Resolution)、刷新率(Refresh Rate)、纵横比(Aspect Ratio)和像素密度——(Pixel Density –)所有这些参数都是获得适当、更清晰、颜色饱和度适当的图像所必需的。显示器对游戏玩家来说是最有价值的。每秒处理的帧数(Frames)越好,游戏看起来就越流畅。
什么是分辨率(Resolution)、刷新率(Refresh Rate)、纵横比(Aspect Ratio)、像素密度(Pixel Density)

显示器的尺寸是通过显示器的 2 个对角对角之间的距离的物理尺寸来衡量的。这通常以英寸或厘米为单位。但这并不能让我们判断显示器的质量。因此(Hence),我们需要知道显示器的确切水平和垂直尺寸。这仅由分辨率表示。水平排列的像素数乘以垂直排列的像素数就是显示器的分辨率。这意味着显示器内部的像素数越高,图像质量越好,显示的图像越清晰。但情况并非完全如此。我们将进一步讨论。

- 2560 x 1440 (1440p)
- 1920 x 1080(全高清(FHD)或全高清(Full HD)或 1080p)
- 1600 x 900
- 1024 x 768
- 1280 x 720(高清或 720p)
打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)。导航到此路径,System > Display。在这里,您可以从名为Scale and Layout(Scale and Layout.)的部分下的下拉菜单中更改分辨率 。
显示器的像素密度(Pixel Density)由显示器上每英寸显示的像素数表示。屏幕上的像素总数是显示器水平排列和垂直排列的像素的乘积。这是显示器的分辨率。例如,对于全高清(Full HD)显示器,显示器上的像素数为 1920 * 1080,即 2073600 像素。 (2073600 Pixels. )现在,显示器的实际像素密度是通过这个公式计算的,
Pixel Density= Root((Horizontal Number of Pixel^2) + (Vertical Number of Pixel^2))/The Size of the Screen
因此(Hence),对于15 英寸大小的 1080p全高清显示器,(Full HD)
Square Root of((1920)^2 + (1080)^2)/15
这将等于 146.86 PPI或 146.86 Pixels Per Inch。
显示器的纵横比(Aspect Ratio)是显示器上像素的水平和垂直排列的比率。这意味着显示器的分辨率决定了同一显示器的纵横比。因此(Hence),全高清分辨率(Full HD Resolution)为 1920 x 1080 的*显示器,纵横比为 16:9。我们在显示器中看到的其他真正著名的纵横比如下:
纵横比越大,图像的物理空间以及虚拟足迹和视口就越大。PC 和笔记本电脑(Laptops)最著名的纵横比是 16:9 和 4:3。虽然对于手机来说,16:9 被认为很常见,但最近,18:9 类别在行业中成为趋势。
这个术语是不言自明的。这是显示器改变显示器上图像的能力。最常见的刷新率是 50Hz 和 60Hz。这也可以计算为 50 FPS(每秒帧数(Frames))和 60 FPS。这意味着当设置为 60Hz 或 60 FPS时,显示器可以在显示器中显示 60 个不同的图像实例。这意味着显示器的刷新率越高,图像在屏幕上显示的过渡就越平滑。
您可以根据您在Windows 10上的选择进行设置,如下所示 -
打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings),然后导航到System > Display > Advanced Display Settings > Display AdapterX 的显示适配器属性 。这里,X 表示您的计算机正在使用的显示编号。

将打开一个带有显示器属性的新迷你窗口。切换到名为 Monitor 的选项卡。 (Monitor. )现在,您可以切换显示器的刷新率(Refresh Rate)。
Resolution, Refresh Rate, Aspect Ratio and Pixel Density of a display
Whenever you read about a display or got out in to shop for displays like a TV or a monitor for a computer, you would have definіtely heаrd about various parameters upon which the main quality and performance of the display might be judged. Resolution, Refresh Rate, Aspect Ratio, and Pixel Density – all these all parameters are mandatory to get a proper, crіsper, and properly сolor-satυrated imagе. The display is most valuable fоr gamers. The better the Frames its processes per second, the smoother the gameplay looks.
Let us just check out these terms in a bit detail.
What is Resolution, Refresh Rate, Aspect Ratio, Pixel Density

Pixel is the smallest element that can be displayed on a screen. It is nothing but a dot on the screen. The clusters of these dots light up together to form a picture on the display.
Now, let us start with the Resolution.
The size of a display is measured by the physical size of the distance between 2 diagonally opposite corners of a display. This is usually measured in either inches or centimeters. But that does not do any justice of enabling us to judge the quality of the display. Hence, we need to know the exact horizontal and vertical dimensions of the display. This is simply denoted by the resolution. The number of pixels arranged horizontally by the number of pixels arranged vertically is the resolution of the display. This means that the number of pixels inside the display, the better will be the picture quality and the clearer the picture displayed would be. But that is not entirely the case. We will discuss that further.

Some of the common display resolutions found on the displays are as follows:
- 2560 x 1440 (1440p)
- 1920 x 1080 (FHD or Full HD or 1080p)
- 1600 x 900
- 1024 x 768
- 1280 x 720 (HD or 720p)
You can change the resolution of your display by following these steps,
Open Windows Settings. Navigate to this path, System > Display. Here you can change the resolution from the drop-down menu under the section called, Scale and Layout.
Pixel Density
Pixel Density of a display is denoted by the fact that the number of pixels displayed per inch on the display. The total number of pixels on the screen is the product of the horizontally arranged and the vertically arranged pixels of the display. This is the resolution of the display. For example, for a Full HD display, the number of pixels on the display is 1920 * 1080 which comes out to be 2073600 Pixels. Now, the actual pixel density of a display is calculated by this formula,
Pixel Density= Root((Horizontal Number of Pixel^2) + (Vertical Number of Pixel^2))/The Size of the Screen
Hence, for a 1080p Full HD display of 15 inches in size would be,
Square Root of((1920)^2 + (1080)^2)/15
This will equal to 146.86 PPI or 146.86 Pixels Per Inch.
Hence, the number of pixels that are present on a display which is smaller in its physical footprint, the clearer the image would be.
Aspect Ratio
The Aspect Ratio of a display is the ratio of the horizontal and the vertical arrangement of pixels on the display. This means that the resolution of a display decides what aspect ratio of the same display would be. Hence, a` display with a Full HD Resolution of 1920 x 1080, the aspect ratio would be of a 16:9. Other really famous aspect ratios that we get to see in displays are as follows:
- 4 : 3
- 16: 10
- 18: 9
- 19: 9
- 19.5: 9
The more the aspect ratio is, the larger is the physical, as well as the virtual footprint and viewport of the image, would be. The most famous aspect ratios for PCs and Laptops are 16: 9 and 4 : 3. While, for mobile phones 16: 9 was considered to be common but recently, the 18: 9 category is trending in the industry.
Refresh Rate
This term is self-explanatory. It is the ability of the display by which it changes the images on the display. The most commonly found refresh rates are 50Hz and 60Hz. This can also be calculated as 50FPS (Frames per second) and 60 FPS. This means that the display can show up 60 different instances of an image in a display when set to 60Hz or 60 FPS. This means that more the Refresh Rate of a display would be, the smoother the transition of the image would be displayed on the screen.
You can set it according to your choice on Windows 10 as follows-
Open Windows Settings, and navigate to System > Display > Advanced Display Settings > Display Adapter properties for Display X. Here, X denotes the display number that your computer is using.

A new mini window with the properties of your display will open up. Switch to the tab called Monitor. And now, you can toggle the Refresh Rate for your display.
There are various software that claims to have the ability to toggle these hardware-dependent features using the software aspect of a computer. But they are limited in functionality. They cannot deliver quality due to the limitations forced by the real hardware. Hence, using them for long, might not give your proper experience as intended.