最常见的一个是“无法连接到 Netflix”弹出窗口。这可能会导致应用程序经常崩溃,在启动时仅加载空白或黑屏,不断导致应用程序出现故障并导致您无法播放您喜欢的电影或电视节目。此错误的原因可能是互联网连接不良或不稳定、服务本身已关闭、外部硬件故障(external hardware malfunctions)等等。其中大部分可以在家里轻松修复,只需一点点努力。
在本文中,我们介绍了普遍适用的错误解决方案。以及为特定设备定制的方法,包括三星智能电视(Samsung Smart TVs)、Xbox One游戏机、PlayStation(PlayStations)和Roku设备。
修复 Netflix 错误“无法连接到 Netflix”(Fix Netflix Error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”)
Netflix可在各种平台上使用,从笔记本电脑到智能电视(TVs),从 iPad 到Xbox One 游戏机(Xbox One consoles),但所有的故障排除过程或多或少都是相同的。无论您使用什么类型的设备,这些通用解决方案都可以全面修复有故障的应用程序。
由于Netflix需要强大而稳定的互联网连接才能顺利运行,因此检查其强度似乎是显而易见的第一步。确保Wi-Fi或蜂窝网络连接已打开。此外,请确保飞行模式不是无意中激活( Airplane mode isn’t unintentionally active)的。您可以尝试使用其他应用程序来排除您的设备出现互联网问题的可能性。
方法 2:重新启动 Netflix
要求某人重新启动他们的设备可能感觉像是陈词滥调,并且可能是给出的最过度使用的故障排除建议,但它通常是最有效的解决方案。重新启动设备通过关闭所有可能会降低设备速度的打开的后台应用程序来提高性能。它通常可以修复任何有故障的应用程序或任何其他系统问题。完全关闭设备并拔下电源线(如果有)。让它静置几分钟,等待魔法发生,然后再次使用它。启动 Netflix 并检查您是否能够修复 Netflix 错误“无法连接到 Netflix”。(Launch Netflix and check if you’re able to fix Netflix error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”. )
方法 4:检查Netflix本身是否没有关闭
Netflix有时会遇到可能导致此错误的服务中断。您可以通过访问Down Detector(Down Detector)并检查您所在地区的状态来轻松检查服务是否已关闭。如果这是问题所在,那么您无能为力,只能等到问题从他们的最后得到解决。
方法 5:重新启动网络
如果设备无法正确连接到Wi-Fi,则可能是Wi-Fi连接存在问题。尝试重新启动Wi-Fi 路由器(Wi-Fi router)以解决此问题。
完全关闭路由器和调制解调器。拔下电源线,让它们静置几分钟,然后再重新插入。电源恢复后,请等待指示灯开始正常闪烁。在您的设备上启动Netflix并检查错误是否仍然存在。如果错误仍然出现然后解决 Internet 连接问题(troubleshoot Internet connection problems)。
方法 6:更新您的Netflix应用程序
方法 8:重新安装Netflix应用程序
通常删除 Netflix 配置文件(deleting the Netflix profile)和应用程序,然后重新安装它可以解决您遇到的任何问题。您可以通过长按其图标然后选择卸载或转到设置应用程序并从那里卸载应用程序来直接从设备中删除该应用程序。
从相关的应用商店重新下载它并检查您是否能够修复Netflix错误“无法连接到Netflix ”。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Netflix App 无法在 Windows 10 上运行的 9 种方法(9 Ways to Fix Netflix App Not Working On Windows 10)
方法 9:退出所有设备
1. 打开Netflix网站,我们建议您在笔记本电脑或台式机上打开网页,因为它使过程非常简单。
2. 在右上角,单击您的个人资料图标。从下拉菜单中,选择“帐户”(‘Account’)。
3. 在帐户菜单的“设置”(‘Settings’)部分下,单击“退出所有设备”(‘Sign out of all devices’)。
4. 再次单击“退出”(Sign Out’)进行确认。
方法 10:更新您的操作系统
可能(May)是智能手机、平板电脑、游戏机或智能电视(Smart TVs),您必须始终尝试使他们的系统与最新的操作系统保持同步。包括Netflix(Netflix)在内的某些应用程序可能与当前规格不兼容。更新还可以修复可能阻碍设备或应用程序性能的任何错误。
方法 11:咨询您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)
如果您已经尝试了上述所有方法并且问题不在于网络或应用程序,则问题可能出在您的Internet 服务提供商 (IPS)(Internet Service Provider (IPS))上,这超出了您的控制范围。拿起(Pick)您的电话,给服务提供商打电话,并描述您的问题。
修复(Fix Unable)三星智能(Samsung Smart)电视上的无法连接到Netflix 错误(Netflix Error)
智能电视(Smart TVs)以无需任何额外硬件即可直接安装应用程序而闻名,三星智能电视(Samsung Smart TVs)也不例外。Smart TV 上有一个官方的Netflix应用程序,但不幸的是,它因其问题而臭名昭著。下面列出了一些对电视进行故障排除和解决Netflix问题的方法。
定期重置您的设备可以为它创造奇迹。首先,关闭电视并拔下电视机电源约 30 秒。这使一切都可以完全重置并重新开始。再次打开它并检查问题是否已解决。
方法 2:禁用三星 Instant(Samsung Instant) On
三星的 Instant On 功能(Samsung’s Instant On feature)可以帮助您的电视快速启动,但它也因偶尔会与已安装的应用程序发生冲突而闻名。只需(Simply)将其关闭即可解决问题。
要禁用此功能,请打开“设置”,(Settings’)然后找到“常规”(‘General’)并单击“Samsung Instant On”将其关闭。
方法 3:执行硬重置
修复(Fix Unable)Xbox One控制台(Console)上的无法连接到Netflix 错误(Netflix Error)
尽管Xbox One主要是一款游戏机,但它作为流媒体系统也非常出色。如果一般解决方案没有帮助,您可以尝试下面提到的修复。
方法 1:检查Xbox Live是否已关闭
主机的许多应用程序和功能都依赖于Xbox Live在线服务,如果服务关闭,它们可能无法运行。
要检查这一点,请访问Xbox Live 官方状态网页并验证(Xbox Live Official Status Web Page)Xbox One 应用(Xbox One Apps. )旁边是否有绿色复选标记。此复选标记表示应用程序是否运行顺利。如果存在,则问题是由其他原因引起的。
如果没有复选标记,则Xbox Live的一部分已关闭,您将不得不等待它重新联机。这可能需要几分钟到几个小时,所以请耐心等待。
方法 2:退出Xbox One Netflix应用程序
按下控制器中央的圆圈X按钮以调出菜单/指南,然后从您最近使用的应用程序列表中选择Netflix。突出显示后,点击控制器上的三行菜单按钮,然后继续从弹出菜单中按“退出” 。(‘Quit’)给应用程序几分钟,然后重新打开Netflix以检查问题是否已解决。
修复(Fix Unable)PS4控制台上的无法连接到Netflix 错误(Netflix Error)
与上面提到的Xbox One一样,PlayStation 4也可以运行流媒体应用程序。除了一般方式之外,还有另外两种方式值得一试。
方法一:检查PlayStation Network服务是否关闭
如果 PSN 的在线服务出现故障,可能会导致某些应用程序无法正常运行。您可以通过访问PlayStation 状态页面(PlayStation status page)查看服务状态。如果勾选了所有框,您可以继续下一步。如果不是,您将不得不等到服务再次备份。
方法 2:关闭并重新打开您的PS4 Netflix应用程序
即使您在游戏之间切换或使用其他应用程序,PlayStation 4 应用程序仍将继续在后台运行。(PlayStation 4)关闭打开的应用程序不仅可以提高性能,还可以修复您可能遇到的任何错误和问题。
要关闭应用程序,请在主屏幕上突出显示Netflix应用程序时按控制器上的(Netflix)“选项”(‘Options’)按钮。一个新的弹出窗口将会到来;点击“关闭应用程序”(‘Close Application’)。现在您可以像往常一样自由地重新打开应用程序。
修复 Roku 上的 Netflix 错误
Roku是一种数字媒体播放器,可让您将媒体从 Internet 流式传输到电视机。在Roku上修复(Roku)Netflix的最佳解决方案是停用连接,然后再次重新激活它。此过程可能因模型而异,下面列出了解决每个模型中的问题的方法。
对于 Roku 1
按控制器上的“主页”(‘Home’)按钮,然后单击“设置”(‘Settings’)菜单。导航到“Netflix 设置”(‘Netflix Settings’),在此处找到并单击“禁用”(‘Disable’)选项。
对于 Roku 2
当您在“主菜单”(‘Home Menu’)中时,突出显示Netflix应用程序并按遥控器上的“开始”( ‘Start’ )键。在以下菜单中,单击“删除频道”(‘Remove Channel’),然后再次确认您的操作。
适用于 Roku 3、Roku 4 和 Rokuṣ TV
进入(Enter)Netflix应用程序,将光标向左移动,然后打开菜单。单击(Click)“设置”(‘Settings’)选项,然后退出(sign out)。重新登录(Sign)并检查问题是否已解决。
如果上述一切都失败了,您可以随时联系Netflix寻求进一步帮助。您还可以在@NetflixHelps 上使用适当的设备信息发布问题。
就是这样,我希望上述指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Netflix 错误(Fix Netflix Error)“无法连接到 Netflix(Unable to Connect to Netflix) ”。但是,如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Netflix Error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”
Netflix is one of the most popular video streaming services on the surface of the earth, but with its popularіty comes its own set of problems. Τhe service may be famous for its massive catalogue of movies and TV shows but it is also infamous fоr сertain isѕuеs and the frustrations its users occasionallу face.
One of the most common ones is the “Unable to Connect to Netflix” pop up. This can cause the application to crash frequently, load only a blank or black screen on startup, constantly cause the application to malfunction and result in you not being able to stream your favourite movie or TV show. The reason for this error can be a bad or unstable internet connection, the service itself is down, external hardware malfunctions and more. Most of which can be easily fixed at home with a little effort.
In this article, we have covered tried and tested solutions for the error which are universally applicable. As well as methods tailored to specific devices including Samsung Smart TVs, Xbox One consoles, PlayStations, and Roku devices.
Fix Netflix Error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”
Netflix is available across various platforms from laptops to smart TVs and iPads to Xbox One consoles, but the troubleshooting process for all remains more or less the same. These general solutions may fix a faulty application across the board no matter what type of device you are using.
Method 1: Check your internet connection
As Netflix requires a strong and stable internet connection to function smoothly, checking its strength seems like the obvious first step. Be sure that the Wi-Fi or cellular connection is switched on. Also, ensure that the Airplane mode isn’t unintentionally active. You can try using other applications to rule out the possibility of having an internet problem on your device.
Method 2: Relaunch Netflix
Some glitches in the Netflix application itself can lead to the said error. Closing it down and then reopening the application just might do the magic. Check if the app is able to load normally this way.
Method 3: Restart your device
Asking someone to restart their device may feel like a cliche and probably is the most overused troubleshooting advice given, but it is usually the most efficient solution. Restarting the device improves performance by closing down all the open background applications that may be slowing down the device. It often fixes any faulty applications or any other system problems. Turn the device off completely and unplug the power cable (if any). Leave it alone for a couple of minutes and wait for the magic to happen before using it again. Launch Netflix and check if you’re able to fix Netflix error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”.
Method 4: Check if Netflix isn’t itself down
Occasionally Netflix experiences a service outage that can cause this error. You can easily check if the service is down by visiting Down Detector and checking its status in your region. If this is the issue, then there is nothing you can do but wait until it is fixed from their end.
Method 5: Reboot your network
If the device isn’t being able to connect to the Wi-Fi correctly, there might be a problem with the Wi-Fi connection. Try rebooting the Wi-Fi router to solve this issue.
Completely turn off the router and modem. Unplug the power cords and leave them alone for a few minutes before plugging them back in. Once the power supply is restored, wait until the indicator light starts blinking normally. Launch Netflix on your device and check if the error still persists. If the error still comes then troubleshoot Internet connection problems.
Method 6: Update your Netflix Application
Bugs in the application itself can lead to this error, and updating your application is the best and only way to kill these bugs. The latest version of the application may be required for smooth functioning or for connecting to the Netflix servers for media streaming. Go to the app store and check for any software updates.
Method 7: Login and log out of the application
Logging out of your account from the device and logging back in can also help solve the problem. This will reset the app settings on your device and provide a fresh start.
Method 8: Re-install Netflix application
Often deleting the Netflix profile and application and then reinstalling it will fix any problem experienced by you. You can directly delete the application from your device by long-pressing its icon and then selecting uninstall or by heading over to the settings application and uninstalling the application from there.
Re-download it from the relevant app store and check if you’re able to fix Netflix error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”.
Also Read: 9 Ways to Fix Netflix App Not Working On Windows 10
Method 9: Sign out of all devices
Even if your membership plan allows for it, using your account on multiple devices can occasionally cause server problems. Server problems can cause conflicts due to various users and logging out of all your devices could be the potential fix.
Keep in mind that you will be logged out of all your devices and will have to individually log into each device again. The signing out process is quite easy and explained below:
1. Open the Netflix website, we recommend that you open the webpage on either a laptop or desktop as it makes the process incredibly simple.
2. In the top right corner, click on your profile icon. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Account’.
3. In the Accounts menu, under the ‘Settings’ section, click on ‘Sign out of all devices’.
4. Again, click on ‘Sign Out’ to confirm.
After a few minutes, log back into your device again and check if the problem is fixed.
Method 10: Update your Operating System
May it be smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, or Smart TVs, you must always try to keep their system up to date with the latest operating system. Some applications including Netflix may not be compatible with the current specifications. Updates can also fix any bugs that may be hindering the device’s or application’s performance.
Method 11: Check with your Internet Service Provider
If you have tried all the above-mentioned methods and the issue isn’t with the network or application, the problem may be with your Internet Service Provider (IPS), which is out of your control. Pick up your phone, give the service provider a call, and describe your problem.
Fix Unable to Connect to Netflix Error on Samsung Smart TV
Smart TVs are known for allowing applications to be directly installed on them without needing any additional hardware, Samsung Smart TVs are no different. An official Netflix app is available on the Smart TV, but unfortunately, it is infamous for its problems. Listed below are a few methods to troubleshoot your television and solve the Netflix issue.
Method 1: Resetting your TV
Periodically resetting your device can work wonders for it. Firstly, turn off your television and unplug your TV set for about 30 seconds. This allows everything to completely reset and start afresh. Turn it back on again and check if the issue is solved.
Method 2: Disable Samsung Instant On
Samsung’s Instant On feature may help your TV start quickly, but it is also known for occasionally causing conflicts with the installed applications. Simply turning it off may solve the problem.
To disable this feature, open ‘Settings’ then locate ‘General’ and click on ‘Samsung Instant On’ to turn it off.
Method 3: Perform a hard reset
If nothing mentioned above works, performing a hard reset will be your last option. A hard reset will return your TV to its factory setting by resetting all the changes and preferences, and therefore, allowing you to start afresh.
To begin this process, you need to call Samsung’s technical support team and ask the remote management team to perform a hard reset on your Smart TV set.
Fix Unable to Connect to Netflix Error on Xbox One Console
Even though Xbox One is primarily a gaming console, it acts quite well as a streaming system too. If the general solutions weren’t helpful, you can try the below-mentioned fixes.
Method 1: Check if Xbox Live is down
Many applications and features of the console are dependent on Xbox Live online service, and they might not function if the service is down.
To check for this, visit Xbox Live Official Status Web Page and verify if there is a green checkmark next to Xbox One Apps. This checkmark denotes if the application is working smoothly. If it is present then the problem is caused by something else.
If the checkmark is absent, then a part of Xbox Live is down and you will have to wait until it comes back online. This may take anywhere from just a couple of minutes to a few hours, so be patient.
Method 2: Quit the Xbox One Netflix application
Quitting and re-opening the application is the oldest trick in the book, but it is the most effective one.
Press the circle X button present at the center of your controller to bring up the menu/guide and select Netflix from the list of your recently used applications. Once it is highlighted, hit the menu button with three lines on your controller and then proceed to press ‘Quit’ from the pop-up menu. Give the application a couple of minutes and then reopen Netflix to check if the problem has been resolved.
Fix Unable to Connect to Netflix Error on PS4 console
Like the above mentioned Xbox One, PlayStation 4 can run streaming applications as well. Apart from the general way, there are two additional ones that are worth a shot.
Method 1: Check if the PlayStation Network service is down
If the PSN’s online service is down, it could be preventing some applications from working smoothly. You can check the service status by visiting the PlayStation status page. If all the boxes are ticked, you can move on to the next step. If it isn’t, you will have to wait until the service is back up again.
Method 2: Close and reopen your PS4 Netflix app
The PlayStation 4 application will continue to run in the background even if you switch between games or use another application. Shutting down the open apps will not only improve the performance but also fix any bugs and issues you may be experiencing.
To close the application, press the ‘Options’ button on your controller when the Netflix application is highlighted on the home screen. A new pop up will arrive; click on ‘Close Application’. Now you are free to reopen the application as you usually would.
Fix Netflix Error on a Roku
Roku is a digital media player that allows you to stream media from the internet to your TV set. The best solution to fix Netflix on Roku is to deactivate the connection and then reactivating it again. This process can differ from one model to the next, listed below are the methods to fix the problem in each one.
For Roku 1
Press the ‘Home’ button on your controller and click on the ‘Settings’ menu. Navigate yourself to ‘Netflix Settings’, here find and click on the ‘Disable’ option.
For Roku 2
When you are in the ‘Home Menu’, highlight the Netflix application and press the ‘Start’ key on your remote. In the following menu, click on ‘Remove Channel’ and then again confirm your action.
For Roku 3, Roku 4 and Rokuṣ TV
Enter the Netflix application, move your cursor to the left, and open the menu. Click on the ‘Settings’ option and then sign out. Sign back in and check if the issue has been fixed.
If everything mentioned above fails, you can always contact Netflix for further assistance. You can also tweet the problem at @NetflixHelps with the appropriate device information.
That’s it, I hope the above guide was helpful and you were able to Fix Netflix Error “Unable to Connect to Netflix”. But if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment section.