最近,我不得不扔掉尘土飞扬的 12 年旧电脑机箱(computer case),买一个新的。我想要一个可以容纳许多 PCI-Express 卡和多个存储单元的机箱。我还希望它有一个干净优雅的设计,有适当的冷却,并且不会让太多的噪音(noise get)通过。经过几天的研究,我决定购买酷冷至尊 MasterCase MC600P(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)。这是一个中塔式机箱,从许多角度来看都很突出。阅读这篇评论,看看它提供了什么:
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P:它适合谁?
- 喜欢干净、优雅美学的成年人
- 想要为其 PC 使用定制水冷的人
- 需要兼容多个主板制造商的 RGB-Sync 标准的机箱的用户
- 想要省钱建造风冷 PC 的人,使用带有多个内置风扇的机箱
- 需要高度可调外壳的用户,可以轻松管理 PC 内的电缆
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P有很多优点:
- 简约的整体设计,看起来很棒
- 用这种机箱组装一台 PC 是一种令人满意的体验
- 出色的模块化设计,可让您随意调整
- 有足够的空间容纳您需要插入 PC 的所有东西
- 它适用于许多 RGB 同步标准
- 这种情况下,电缆管理变得容易
- 顶部面板上没有 USB Type-C,也没有重置按钮(Reset)
- 不包括RGB风扇。但是,捆绑这些会增加价格
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P是一款价格合理的杰作。它不是您能买到的最便宜的电脑机箱(computer case),但很难找到价格相近的更好选择。我们喜欢它的美学、模块化设计、用它来构建您的 PC 是多么令人愉快,以及它有多么丰富的实用配件,适合具有不同需求的不同用户。Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P是构建具有定制液体冷却(custom liquid cooling)的 PC以及想要省钱并坚持(money and stick)使用空气冷却解决方案的人们的绝佳选择。如果您不想让华丽的RGB 机箱(RGB case)照亮您的房间,而您更喜欢使用静音、外观低调的机箱,Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P是您应该购买的。你会和我们一样喜欢这个案子!
拆箱Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P
您可以想象,MC600P 装(MC600P)在一个又大又重的盒子里。一方面,您会看到案例的图片,而其他人则列出了有关其技术特性和特性的信息。
即使是中塔式,在将(Mid-tower)MasterCase MC600P 开箱(MasterCase MC600P)取出时,您也可能需要他人的帮助。一个简洁的方面(neat aspect)是MC600P放置在一个大袋子中,您可以使用该袋子将机箱随身携带。也许是参加与您的朋友组织的LAN 聚会(LAN party),或者参加比赛?
将其从包中取出并移除其他包装元素后,您就可以看到Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P 了(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)。有一本用户手册向您展示了如何将所有东西安装在机箱内。我们建议您在阅读之前不要开始构建 PC。
在机箱内,您会发现一个带有酷冷至尊徽标的盒子,里面装有您在(Cooler Master logo)PC 构建过程中(PC-building process)所需的所有螺钉、电缆、板和其他配件。你应该把它放在手边,这样你就可以构建你的 PC。
另一个不错的选择是您还可以获得一块大布来清洁钢化玻璃侧面板(glass side panel)和外壳外部。
拆箱 Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P 需要两个人。然而,这个过程是一种令人满意的体验,并且酷冷至尊提供了丰富的配件包,以便您可以尽快开始构建您的 PC。(It takes two people to unbox the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P. However, the process is a satisfying experience, and Cooler Master offers a generous bundle of accessories so that you can get started with building your PC as soon as possible.)
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P采用简洁的一体式设计。都是黑色的,看起来很严肃。它的一侧有一个边到边的钢化玻璃侧面板(glass side panel),可让您在 PC 内部看到广阔的视野,以展示您的计算机组件。在设计方面,它非常适合同时也是游戏玩家的成年人,但对年轻人购买的华丽外壳皱眉,里面装满了太多的RGB灯。
面板光滑、齐平且美观。此外,它们由塑料制成,而底盘由钢制成。机箱的每个角落都有薄通风口以提供通风。您可以稍微向上弹出顶部和前面板(top and front panels)以获得更多冷却选项,以便更多空气进入机箱内。
前面板上只有Cooler Master 徽标(Cooler Master logo),它隐藏了您 PC 中可能拥有的任何蓝光驱动器。(Blu-Ray drive)前面板、顶部面板和后面板被磁化到机箱上。您可以通过类似于按下按钮的方式将它们取出。前面板底部有一个RGB 落地灯(floor lamp),可以连接到具有RGB能力(RGB capability)的主板。MasterCase MC600P的一个很酷的特性是它兼容来自ASUS、MSI、ASRock和Gigabyte的所有(Gigabyte)RGB标准。因此,它应该适用于所有RGB主板。
在机箱的后端,有一个 140 毫米的排气风扇(exhaust fan),以及用于插入 PC 的不同卡的七个后护罩。如果您是一位想要获得终极游戏能力的游戏爱好者,那么有足够的空间容纳两张视频卡。还有一个用于安装电源(power supply)的支架。
在电源下方(power supply),有一个空气过滤器(air filter),可以轻松滑入和滑出外壳。在MC600P的底部,您可以看到将其稳定地固定在您放置它的表面上的支脚。此外,它们留下了相当大的空间将地板与机箱底部分开。这样,您的 PC 组件就不会直接接触地板上的灰尘或意外溅水。
磁化面板锁安装在弹簧上,如果您需要更多进气(air intake),您可以提升前面板和顶部面板。您还可以添加最多三个散热器:在顶部面板、前面板和背面。该机箱还为用于液体冷却系统的储液器提供了空间,使其成为所有类型 PC 用户的多功能选择。在顶部面板上,您还可以找到隐藏在旋转面板下方的几个端口和按钮:两个 USB 3.1 端口、两个USB 2.0端口、电源(Power)按钮、一个用于控制外壳上的灯的按钮、一个麦克风插孔另一个用于耳机。
如下图所示,MasterCase MC600P采用双腔设计,将电源(power supply)和电缆与其他组件隔离开来。这样可以更轻松地管理电缆。使用机箱内的夹扣式面板,可以将硬盘和光驱的支架放置在您希望的任何位置。还有两个固态硬盘盒,有四个安装位置:两个在电源(power supply)顶部,两个在主板托盘(motherboard tray)后面。如果您没有足够的配件,您也可以单独购买一些:显卡支架(card holder),两个或三个硬盘的笼子,SSD驱动器的额外口袋等。
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P可与所有主板格式兼容:E- ATX、ATX、Micro ATX和Mini ITX。为了提供这种灵活性,箱子相当大而且很重。它的长x 宽(x width) x 高(x height)为 21.4 x 9.2 x 21.4 英寸或 544 x 235 x 548 毫米,重 34.6 磅或 15.7 公斤。
如果您想阅读本产品的所有技术规格,请转至MasterCase MC600P 规格(MasterCase MC600P Specifications)或阅读产品说明书(Product Sheet)。
使用Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)构建和使用您的 PC
使用Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)构建 PC绝对是一种享受。将所有东西都放在箱子里时,您会注意到设计该产品的公司对细节的关注和专业知识。您觉得您正在处理一个高级外壳,该外壳经过专业设计,可提供灵活性、适当的气流和低噪音。
MasterCase MC600P内部的所有东西都贴有精美的标签,以便您准确了解如何放置和拧紧主板和其他组件。如果您还阅读了手册,则使用此机箱构建 PC 应该没有问题。
我喜欢我能够将SSD驱动器安装在(SSD)主板托盘(motherboard tray)背面的方式,这样它们就可以保持凉爽,远离显卡(video card)和其他组件产生的热量。此外,背板很好地隐藏了您使用的电缆。在它的后面,还有三个 Velcro 系带,可帮助您的电缆固定到位。因此,即使您不太注意电缆管理, (cable management)MC600P看起来也很干净漂亮。
由于采用夹扣式面板,插入光驱和硬盘既快速又简单。此外,还有足够的空间放置大型视频卡(video card)以及高大的冷却器。显卡(video card)的间隙为16.2 英寸或 412 毫米(不含 3.5 英寸硬盘笼(HDD cage))和 11.6 英寸或 296 毫米(带硬盘笼(HDD cage))。处理器的间隙为 7.4 英寸或 190 毫米。
即使它采用单片式设计,磁化前面板也可以让您轻松访问您的蓝光驱动器(Blu-Ray drive)(如果您有的话)。前面板打开的宽度足以让您将光盘插入驱动器,而蓝光驱动器(Blu-Ray drive)托盘不会碰到面板。
我没有RGB 主板(RGB motherboard),因此无法连接和测试机箱底部的RGB 灯条(RGB strip)。钢化玻璃侧面板(glass side panel)看起来很光滑,让您可以快速查看 PC 内部的情况。这是一个漂亮的案例,即使没有RGB 照明(RGB lighting)。
钢化玻璃面板(glass panel)有一个金属底座,可以放在底盘上。一个巧妙的技巧(neat trick)是你可以用硬币打开玻璃面板(glass panel),它可以在没有任何支撑的情况下保持一定角度。当您需要听到 PC 运行时的声音并解决问题时,这很有用。
在使用酷冷至尊 MasterCase MC600P(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)的两周时间里,在写这篇评测之前,我没有遇到任何问题,除了顶部面板上没有USB Type C 端口。(USB Type C port)MC600P看起来(MC600P)很漂亮,很高兴用它来构建 PC。该机箱可有效冷却系统并确保适当的气流,并且组件彼此分开。
您对酷冷至尊 MasterCase MC600P(Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P)有何看法?
现在您知道我们喜欢MasterCase MC600P。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对该产品的看法。另外,如果您已经拥有它,请分享您的经验,以便其他人更多地了解此案例。在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P review: Gorgeous, silent, and well designed!
Recently, I had to ditch my dusty twelve-year-old computer case and buy a new one. I wanted a case that hаs spacе for many PCI-Express cards and several storage units. I аlso wanted it to have a clean and elegant design, with proper сooling, and without letting too much noise get thrоugh. After a few days of research, I decіded to buy the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P. It is а mid-tower case that stands out from many рerspectives. Rеad this reviеw and ѕee what it has to offer:
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P: Who is it good for?
This product is a good choice for the following types of users:
- Adults who love clean, elegant aesthetics
- People who want to use custom water cooling for their PCs
- Users who want a case that is compatible with RGB-Sync standards from multiple motherboard manufacturers
- People who want to save money building air-cooled PCs, with a case that has multiple built-in fans
- Users who desire a highly-adjustable case, that makes it easy to manage the cables inside their PC
Pros and cons
The Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P has more than a few good things about it:
- Minimalistic and monolithic design that looks great
- Building a PC with this case is a satisfying experience
- Excellent modular design that allows you to adjust anything you wish
- There is plenty of room for everything you need to plug inside your PC
- It works with many RGB-Sync standards
- Cable management is made easy by this case
There are a few downsides to consider:
- No USB Type-C, and no Reset button on the top panel
- No RGB fans included. However, bundling those would have increased the price
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P is a masterpiece, at a reasonable price. It is not the cheapest computer case that you can buy, but it is difficult to find better similarly-priced options. We love its aesthetics, the modular design, how pleasant it is to build your PC with it, and how well stocked it is with useful accessories, for different users with diverse needs. Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P is a great choice both for building PCs with custom liquid cooling and for people who want to save money and stick to air cooling solutions. If you do not want a flashy RGB case lighting up your room, and you prefer sticking with a silent, discreet-looking case, Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P is what you should buy. You are going to love this case as much as we did!
Unboxing the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P
As you can imagine, the MC600P comes in a huge, heavy box. On one side, you see a picture of the case, while the others list information about its technical features and characteristics.
Even though it is a Mid-tower, you may need help from another person, when taking the MasterCase MC600P out of the box. One neat aspect is that the MC600P is placed in a large bag that you can use to carry the case anywhere you wish. Maybe to a LAN party organized with your friends, or to a competition?
After you take it out of the bag and remove the other packaging elements, you get to see the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P. There is a user manual that shows you how to mount everything inside the case. We recommend that you do not start building the PC until you have read it.
Inside the case, you find a box with the Cooler Master logo on it, containing all the screws, cables, plates, and other accessories you need for the PC-building process. You should keep this at hand so that you can build your PC.
Another nice touch is that you also get a large cloth for cleaning up the tempered glass side panel, and the outside of the case.
It takes two people to unbox the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P. However, the process is a satisfying experience, and Cooler Master offers a generous bundle of accessories so that you can get started with building your PC as soon as possible.
Hardware specifications and design
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P has a clean, monolithic design. It is all black and serious-looking. On one side it has an edge-to-edge tempered glass side panel that gives a broad view inside your PC to showcase the components of your computer. Design-wise, it is perfect for an adult who is also a gamer, but frowns at the flashy cases that youngsters buy, filled with too many RGB lights.
The panels are smooth, flush, and good looking. Also, they are made from plastic, while the chassis is made from steel. There are thin vents on each corner of the case to provide ventilation. You can pop the top and front panels up slightly for even more cooling options so that more air gets inside the case.
The front panel features only the Cooler Master logo on it, and it hides any Blu-Ray drive you may have inside your PC. The front, top, and rear panels are magnetized to the chassis. You can take them out with a push similar to the press of a button. On the bottom of the front panel, there is an RGB floor lamp, that you can connect to a motherboard with RGB capability. One cool feature of the MasterCase MC600P is the fact that it is compatible with all the RGB standards from ASUS, MSI, ASRock, and Gigabyte. Therefore, it should work well with all RGB motherboards.
On the rear end of the case, there is a 140mm exhaust fan, and seven back shields for different cards that you plug into your PC. There is plenty of room for two video cards if you are a gaming enthusiast who wants the ultimate power for gaming. There is also a bracket for mounting the power supply.
Under the power supply, there is an air filter, which slides in and out of the case with ease. On the bottom of the MC600P, you see the feet that keep it steady on the surface where you are placing it. Also, they leave quite a bit of room to separate the floor from the bottom of the case. This way, your PC components are never in direct contact with the dust on the floor or with accidental water spills.
Behind the front panel, there are intake dust filters and two 140mm fans. Just like the fan on the back, they do not have RGB lighting. However, you can purchase RGB fans and replace them with ease.
The magnetized panel-locks are mounted on springs, allowing you to elevate the front and top panels if you need more air intake. You can also add up to three radiators: on the top panel, the front panel, and the back. The case also offers room for the reservoirs used for liquid-cooling systems, making it a versatile choice for all types of PC users. On the top panel, you also find a couple of ports and buttons, hidden under a pivoting panel: two USB 3.1 ports, two USB 2.0 ports, the Power button, a button for controlling the lights on the case, a jack for the microphone and another one for headphones.
As you can see below, MasterCase MC600P has a dual-chamber design that isolates the power supply and the cables from the rest of the components. This makes it easier to manage your cables. The cages for hard disks and optical drives can be positioned anywhere you wish, using the clip-and-click panels inside the case. There are also two solid-state drive pockets with four mounting positions: two on top of the power supply, and two behind the motherboard tray. If you do not have enough accessories, you can also purchase some separately: a graphics card holder, a cage for two or three hard disks, additional pockets for your SSD drives, etc.
Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P can work with all motherboard formats: E-ATX, ATX, Micro ATX, and Mini ITX. To provide this flexibility, the case is quite large and heavy. It is 21.4 x 9.2 x 21.4 inches or 544 x 235 x 548mm in length x width x height, and it weighs 34.6 pounds or 15.7 kg.
If you want to read all the technical specifications of this product, go to MasterCase MC600P Specifications or read the Product Sheet.
Building and using your PC with Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P
Building a PC with the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P is an absolute pleasure. While placing everything inside the case, you notice the attention to detail and the expertise of the company designing this product. You feel that you are dealing with a premium case, expertly designed to provide flexibility, proper air-flow, and little noise.
Everything inside the MasterCase MC600P is nicely labeled so that you know exactly how to place and screw the motherboard, and other components. If you also read the manual, you should have no problems in building your PC with this case.
I loved how I was able to mount the SSD drives on the back of the motherboard tray, so that they remain cooler, away from the heat generated by the video card and the other components. Also, the back plate does a nice job of hiding the cables that you use. Behind it, there are also three Velcro-ties which help your cables stay in place. As a result, the MC600P looks clean and nice even if you do not pay much attention to cable management.
Plugging the optical drives and the hard disks is fast and easy, due to the clip-and-click panels. Also, there is plenty of room for large video cards, as well as tall coolers. The clearance for the video card is 16.2 inches or 412 mm without the 3.5" HDD cage, and 11.6 inches or 296 mm with the HDD cage. The clearance for the processor is 7.4 inches or 190mm.
Even though it has a monolithic design, the magnetized front panel makes it easy to access your Blu-Ray drive, if you have one. The front panel opens wide enough for you to insert a disc into the drive, without the Blu-Ray drive tray hitting the panel.
I did not have an RGB motherboard, and therefore, I could not connect and test the RGB strip on the bottom of the case. The tempered glass side panel looks slick and allows you to see what is going on inside your PC quickly. It is a beautiful case, even without RGB lighting.
The tempered glass panel has a metallic base that allows it to rest on the chassis. One neat trick is that you can open the glass panel using a coin, and it can stay at an angle without any support. This is useful when you need to hear how your PC sounds when running, and to troubleshoot problems.
In the two weeks of using the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P, before writing this review, I did not encounter any problems, except for the lack of a USB Type C port on the top panel. The MC600P looks beautiful, and it was a pleasure to build the PC with it. The case is efficient in cooling the system and ensuring proper airflow, with components that are separated from one another.
What is your opinion of the Cooler Master MasterCase MC600P?
Now you know that we like MasterCase MC600P. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion about this product. Also, if you already have it, share your experience with it, so that others know more about this case. Comment below and let's discuss.