近年来,AMD在台式机处理器和显卡方面一直处于上升趋势。它登上了阶梯,从一家销售价格比英特尔(Intel)弱的处理器的公司转变为一家为我们提供令人印象深刻的锐龙 CPU(Ryzen CPUs)的公司。它们在单核性能和多线程方面都与英特尔(Intel)一样快。然而,尽管英特尔(Intel)在过去几年一直在努力跟上AMD,但在 2022 年不再如此。第 12 代“Alder Lake”英特尔(Intel)酷睿处理器现在再次改变市场,与AMD的Zen 3 Ryzen竞争(Ryzen)家庭至上。Team Red和Team Blue现在都提供出色的台式机CPU阵容(CPU),因此选择其中之一比以往任何时候都更加困难。在Intel(Intel)与AMD站立中哪个(Which)更好?您应该购买AMD Ryzen 5000处理器还是第 12代 Intel Core(Gen Intel Core)?阅读并找出:
AMD和Intel都有强大的处理器。毫无疑问。但是,在规格方面,它们之间存在一些差异。虽然英特尔(Intel)在过去几乎总是在技术进步方面处于领先地位,而AMD在过去几年中使其黯然失色,但如今两家公司似乎同样先进。AMD已切换到Zen 3 处理器的(Zen 3 processors)7 纳米(7-nanometer)制造工艺。与此同时,英特尔(Intel)在 2021 年底推出的第 12代酷睿(Gen Core)处理器切换到 10 纳米。
AMD 的Zen 3架构用于Ryzen 5000处理器,由多达两个核心复合芯片 ( CCD ) 组成。另一方面,英特尔的Alder Lake 12 Gen Core处理器采用混合架构,使该公司能够制造同时包含高性能内核和节能内核的 CPU,类似于智能手机上的处理器。(CPUs)
所有这些都为 AMD 的Ryzen(Ryzen)处理器和英特尔(Intel)的同类产品带来了一系列好处。一方面,由于制造工艺更小,锐龙 CPU 通常每平方毫米的晶体管密度增加(略高于两倍),产生的热量更少((Ryzen CPUs usually have an increased density of transistors per mm² (just over double), generate less heat ()更低的 TDP(lower TDP)(lower TDP) ),并且比类似的英特尔 CPU需要更少的电力。(), and require less electricity)
另一方面,英特尔第 12 代酷睿处理器能够将其高性能内核用于要求苛刻的任务(例如游戏),并将其高效内核用于要求不高的任务( Intel 12 Gen Core processors are able to use their high-performance cores for demanding tasks (like games for example) and their efficient cores for the less demanding ones)。这意味着英特尔(Intel)处理器的性能、热量和TDP可能会因您的操作而有很大差异。例如,当您在办公室工作时,它们可以保持凉爽和节能,并且当您运行密集型应用程序(如游戏或视频编辑应用程序)时,它们可以以消耗更多电力和产生更多热量为代价显着提高自身性能.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 与Intel Core i7-12700K
英特尔拥有提供具有(Intel has)令人难以置信的单核速度(incredible single-core speeds)的台式机处理器的传统,第 12代酷睿系列(Gen Core)也是如此。例如,有些达到甚至超过 5.0GHz(over 5.0GHz)。然而,AMD 处理器也不甘落后,(AMD processors are not far behind, )达到了几乎相似的单核速度和性能。
AMD 的 Zen 3 架构使Ryzen 5000处理器能够deliver high boost clocks, up to 19% more IPC (instructions per cycle/clock) than previous Zen 2 Rzyen 3000 processors, and a lower cache latency。
然而,与第 11代酷睿 CPU(Gen Core CPUs)相比,英特尔第 12 代酷睿( Intel’s 12th Gen Core )系列的 similar 19% increase in instructions per cycle/clock ,而且新的混合架构提供了令人难以置信的性能水平,超过了 AMD 的 Ryzen 5000 处理器(the new hybrid architecture delivers incredible levels of performance, more than what AMD’s Ryzen 5000 processors can)。这是我们根据 AMD 当前的处理器阵容、技术规格和零售价编制的表格:
AMD Ryzen 5000处理器规格、功能和价格
在高速缓存方面,7 纳米光刻技术允许AMD在其Ryzen处理器上捆绑比英特尔(Intel)更多的缓存。在整个AMD Ryzen 5000系列中,我们获得了 8 到 96 MB 的3 级(Level 3)高速缓存内存。然而,英特尔(Intel)也不甘落后,其Alder Lake CPU的(Alder Lake CPUs)Smart Cache内存从 12 MB 增加到 30 MB 。而且,虽然AMD在高端处理器上的表现更好,但在您查看入门级型号时,英特尔是第一。(Intel)
AMD 与 Intel 处理器:特点
大多数Zen 3 AMD Ryzen处理器,除了几个入门级型号外,都支持PCI Express 4.0。但是,所有 Intel 最新的Gen 12 Core处理器都支持PCI Express 5.0!自然,这意味着该处理器系列提供了更多带宽。(more bandwidth)借助英特尔第 12 代 CPU,您可以从未来兼容PCIe 5 的(PCIe)高端显卡(With Intel’s 12th Gen CPUs, you get the best performance possible from future high-end graphics cards)中获得最佳性能。另一方面,两家公司的处理器均提供 PCI Express 4(PCI Express 4 is available on the processors of both companies),这意味着无论您使用的是锐龙 5000 还是第 12代酷睿(Gen Core)处理器,您都可以从目前市场上最快的显卡和固态硬盘中受益。最后,如果您想让您的计算机适应未来的发展,您最好为第 12 代英特尔酷睿做好准备。(Intel)
关于内存支持,AMD 的 Zen 3 Ryzens 和英特尔的第 12 代酷睿处理器都支持运行在 3200 MHz 的 DDR4 RAM。但是,英特尔的第 12 代酷睿 CPU 也可以使用 4800MHz 的 DDR5( both AMD’s Zen 3 Ryzens and Intel’s 12th Gen Core processors support DDR4 RAM running at 3200 MHz. However, Intel’s 12th Gen Core CPUs can also use DDR5 at 4800MHz)。AMD的Ryzen 5000处理器不行!请看下表,了解英特尔(Intel)第 12代酷睿(Gen Core)处理器提供的产品以及它们今天的实际价格:
英特尔酷睿 12(INTEL Core 12) 代(Gen)处理器规格、功能和价格
最后,英特尔酷睿和 AMD 锐龙处理器都集成了图形芯片(there are both Intel Core and AMD Ryzen processors that have integrated graphics chips)。例如,在为办公室工作而构建的某些计算机配置中,这可能很方便,因此,在这种情况下,无论您选择Intel还是AMD ,这都取决于个人喜好。
AMD Ryzen与英特尔(Intel)处理器:价格和价值
任何人最关心的问题之一可能是哪些处理器提供更好的单位价值?尽管对于日常工作来说,AMD和Intel处理器都是绝佳的选择,但入门级和主流AMD Ryzen处理器的价格通常低于旧的第 11代 Intel CPU(Gen Intel CPUs)。然而,如今,事情已经不是那么清楚了。英特尔以具有竞争力的价格推出了第 12 代酷睿处理器,AMD 紧随其后为其 Ryzen 5000 大幅降价。(Intel launched its 12 Gen Core processors at competitive prices, and AMD soon followed with major price cuts for their Ryzen 5000s.)
如果您想构建一台用于办公室工作的计算机,您可能不需要或想要最好的性能,并且您可能会找到更便宜的AMD Ryzen 5000处理器捆绑包。但是,英特尔(Intel)入门级处理器也可以做到这一点。因此,在我们看来,在构建办公电脑时,您当时能找到的价格应该是您在英特尔(Intel)和AMD之间进行选择的一个因素。
但是,如果您正在寻找的是性能,那么就目前的单价而言,英特尔 CPU 是一个更好的选择(Intel CPUs are a better choice in terms of price per value )。对于生产力和多线程应用程序,您可能需要更高端的CPU ,AMD 的(CPU)Ryzen 9和英特尔的Core i9-12900 处理器之间的关系有些模糊。但是,如果您还希望获得最大的游戏性能并让您的 PC 经受住未来的考验,我们会毫不犹豫地选择英特尔(if you also want maximum gaming performance and to future-proof your PC, we’d say choose Intel without hesitation)。
如果您想比较Intel和AMD同类产品的阵容,请查看以下CPU比较表。(CPU)我们试图涵盖两家公司当前台式机处理器的所有基本细节,包括来自亚马逊英特尔商店(Amazon Intel Store)和亚马逊 AMD 商店(Amazon AMD Store)的实际价格(在亚马逊(Amazon)上没有CPU的情况下,我们提到了制造商的建议零售价) ,希望能帮助您做出明智的决定:
注意:(NOTE:)总体定价也很重要,成本会根据您所支持的团队而变化。如果您想要最高性能,您需要购买一块英特尔 Z690(Intel Z690)主板,它可以为您提供最好的产品,包括DDR5支持。但是,还有更实惠的选择,包括仅在DDR4上运行的与 Intel 兼容的主板。AMD目前排在第二位,尽管他们的新处理器应该会在今年年底到来。我们将看看它是否能再次从蓝队(Team Blue)手中夺取桂冠。
AMD 与英特尔处理器:游戏
最后,游戏并没有混淆:英特尔的第 12 代处理器的单核性能是一流的,比 AMD 的 Ryzen 5000 更好。(Intel’s 12th Gen processors’ single-core performance is top-notch and better than what you get from AMD’s Ryzen 5000s.)虽然Ryzen 5000处理器并没有落后太多,而且还提供出色的多线程性能,但 Intel 的更好。虽然我们建议您从预算范围开始寻找并从那里开始,但如果您想要性能,您可能应该选择英特尔(you should probably choose an Intel)处理器,无论您是在寻找高端还是主流CPU。
我们认为,这些是您应该了解的有关 2022 年AMD 锐龙(AMD Ryzen)处理器和英特尔酷睿 CPU(Intel Core CPUs)的基本信息。你更喜欢哪些(Which),为什么?无论您的品牌忠诚度在哪里,您认为哪家公司制造了当今最好的台式机处理器?AMD还是英特尔(Intel)?使用下面的评论部分与我们联系,让我们知道您的意见。
AMD vs. INTEL in 2022: Which CPUs are better?
In recent уеars, AMD has been on the rise when it comes to desktop processors and graphics cards. It steppеd up on the ladder and turned from a company that sold affordable processors, weaker than Intel’s, into a company that gave us the seriously impressive Ryzen CPUs. Theу’re just as fast as Intel’s, both in single-core performancе and multi-threading. However, although Intel struggled tо keep up with AMD during the past few years, thаt’ѕ no longer true in 2022. The 12th generation “Alder Lake” Intel Corе proceѕsors are now changing the market once again, competing wіth AMD’s Zen 3 Ryzen family for supremacy. Both Team Red and Team Blue are now offering excellent desktop CPU lineups, so choosing one against the other is mоre difficult than ever. Which is better in the Intel vs. AMD standup? Should you buy an ΑMD Ryzen 5000 processor or a 12th Gen Intel Core? Read on and find out:
Intel vs. AMD processors: Manufacturing process, heat, and power consumption
Both AMD and Intel have capable processors; there’s no question about it. However, when it comes to specs, there are some differences between them. While Intel was almost always first in technological advances in the past, with AMD overshadowing it in the last couple of years, today both companies seem equally advanced. AMD has switched to the 7-nanometer manufacturing process for Zen 3 processors. At the same time, Intel switched to 10-nanometer for their 12th Gen Core processors, launched at the end of 2021.
AMD’s Zen 3 architecture, used for the Ryzen 5000 processors, is composed of up to two core complex dies (CCD). On the other hand, Intel’s Alder Lake 12 Gen Core processors utilize a hybrid architecture that allows the company to make CPUs that can simultaneously include high-performance cores and power-efficient cores, similar to the processors found on smartphones.
All that leads to a series of benefits for both AMD’s Ryzen processors and their Intel counterparts. On one hand, because of the smaller manufacturing process, Ryzen CPUs usually have an increased density of transistors per mm² (just over double), generate less heat (lower TDP), and require less electricity than similar Intel CPUs.
On the other hand, Intel 12 Gen Core processors are able to use their high-performance cores for demanding tasks (like games for example) and their efficient cores for the less demanding ones. This means that Intel processors' performance, heat, and TDP can vary a lot depending on what you’re doing. They can stay cool and power-efficient when you’re doing office work, for instance, and they can significantly increase their own performance at the cost of more power consumed and more heat created when you run intensive applications, like games or video editing applications.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X vs. Intel Core i7-12700K
AMD vs. Intel processors: Performance
Intel has a tradition of delivering desktop processors with incredible single-core speeds, and that’s true for the 12th Gen Core lineups as well. Some reach and even go over 5.0GHz, for example. However, AMD processors are not far behind, reaching almost similar single-core speeds and performance.
AMD’s Zen 3 architecture makes Ryzen 5000 processors able to deliver high boost clocks, up to 19% more IPC (instructions per cycle/clock) than previous Zen 2 Rzyen 3000 processors, and a lower cache latency.
However, Intel’s 12th Gen Core lineup also features a similar 19% increase in instructions per cycle/clock compared to the 11th Gen Core CPUs, and the new hybrid architecture delivers incredible levels of performance, more than what AMD’s Ryzen 5000 processors can. Here’s a table we compiled with AMD’s current processor lineup, their technical specifications, and retail prices:
AMD Ryzen 5000 processors specs, features, and prices
When it comes to cache memory, the 7-nm lithography allows AMD to bundle more of it on its Ryzen processors than Intel can. Throughout the AMD Ryzen 5000 lineup, we get between 8 to 96 MB of Level 3 cache memory. However, Intel is not far behind, its Alder Lake CPUs getting from 12 to 30 MB of Smart Cache memory. And, while AMD stands better on higher-end processors, Intel is first when you look at entry-level models.
AMD vs. Intel processors: Features
Most of the Zen 3 AMD Ryzen processors, except for a couple of entry-level models, feature support for PCI Express 4.0. However, all of Intel’s latest Gen 12 Core processors come with support for PCI Express 5.0! Naturally, that means a whole lot more bandwidth is available on this processor lineup. With Intel’s 12th Gen CPUs, you get the best performance possible from future high-end graphics cards that will be PCIe 5-compatible. On the other hand, PCI Express 4 is available on the processors of both companies, meaning that you can benefit from the fastest graphics cards and solid-state drives currently on the market, regardless of whether you use a Ryzen 5000 or a 12th Gen Core processor. In the end, if you want to futureproof your computer, you’d be better prepared with an Intel Core from the 12th generation.
Regarding memory support, both AMD’s Zen 3 Ryzens and Intel’s 12th Gen Core processors support DDR4 RAM running at 3200 MHz. However, Intel’s 12th Gen Core CPUs can also use DDR5 at 4800MHz. AMD’s Ryzen 5000 processors can’t! Take a look at the table below to see what Intel’s 12 Gen Core processors offer and what their real prices are today:
INTEL Core 12 Gen processors specs, features, and prices
Finally, there are both Intel Core and AMD Ryzen processors that have integrated graphics chips. That can be handy in some computer configurations built for office work, for example, so, in this case, it comes down to personal preference whether you choose Intel or AMD.
AMD Ryzen vs. Intel processors: Price and value
One of the most important questions on anyone’s lips is probably which processors offer a better price per value? Although for regular daily work, both AMD and Intel processors are excellent choices, entry-level and mainstream AMD Ryzen processors usually had lower prices than older 11th Gen Intel CPUs. However, nowadays, things are no longer that clear. Intel launched its 12 Gen Core processors at competitive prices, and AMD soon followed with major price cuts for their Ryzen 5000s.
If you want to build a computer for office work, you might not need or want the best of the best in terms of performance, and you might find cheaper bundles with AMD Ryzen 5000 processors. However, that’s also possible with Intel entry-level processors. So, in our opinion, when building office computers, the prices you can find at that moment should be a factor in your choice between Intel and AMD.
But, if what you’re looking for is performance, Intel CPUs are a better choice in terms of price per value right now. For productivity and multithreaded applications, where you’ll probably want a higher-end CPU, things are a bit blurry between AMD’s Ryzen 9 and Intel’s Core i9-12900 processors. However, if you also want maximum gaming performance and to future-proof your PC, we’d say choose Intel without hesitation.
Check the following CPU comparison table if you’d like to compare the lineups of Intel and AMD equivalents. We tried to cover all the essential details of both companies’ current desktop processors, including real-world prices from the Amazon Intel Store and Amazon AMD Store (where a CPU is not available on Amazon, we’ve mentioned the manufacturer suggested retail price), hoping to help you make an informed decision:
NOTE: Overall pricing is essential too, and costs change depending on what team you’re siding with. If you want top performance, you’ll need to invest in an Intel Z690 motherboard that gives you the best of the best, including DDR5 support. However, there are more affordable options, including Intel-compatible motherboards that run on DDR4 only. AMD is in second place right now, although new processors from them should arrive by the end of the year. We’ll see whether it can steal the crown again from Team Blue.
AMD vs. Intel processors: Gaming
Finally, things are not mixed up for gaming at all: Intel’s 12th Gen processors’ single-core performance is top-notch and better than what you get from AMD’s Ryzen 5000s. Although the Ryzen 5000 processors are not very far behind, and also deliver excellent multi-thread performance, Intel’s are better. While we do advise you to start looking in your budget bracket and go on from there, if performance is what you want, you should probably choose an Intel processor, regardless of whether you’re searching for a high-end or mainstream CPU.
What processor will you choose for your next desktop computer? Intel or AMD?
In our opinion, these are the essential things you should know about 2022’s AMD Ryzen processors and Intel Core CPUs. Which ones do you like more, and why? Regardless of where your brand loyalty sits, which company do you think makes the best desktop processors these days? AMD or Intel? Use the comments section below to get in touch with us and let us know your opinion.