如果您运行Windows 10的 PC变得缓慢或经常滞后,那么您来对地方了,因为今天我们将彻底解决这个问题。尽管Windows 10是目前最好的操作系统之一,但随着时间的推移,它变得越来越慢,现在您的 PC 滞后很多,更糟糕的是它突然死机。您会注意到,当您安装新的Windows副本时,与当前状态相比,系统速度要快得多。
现在 PC 卡顿或速度慢的问题通常是由Windows 10下的性能问题引起的,但有时也可能是由于内存 ( RAM ) 损坏、硬盘损坏、病毒或恶意软件等引起的。所以不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何实际操作借助下面列出的方法为慢速Windows 10 PC播种。
加速慢速Windows 10 PC的15种方法(Ways)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
方法 1:禁用动画并调整以获得最佳性能(Method 1: Disable Animation and adjust for best performance)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入sysdm.cpl并按Enter打开System Properties。
2. 切换到高级选项卡(Advanced tab),然后单击性能下的设置(Settings)。(Performance.)
3. 在视觉效果下勾选“调整以获得最佳性能(Adjust for best performance)”将自动禁用所有动画。(disable all the animations.)
4. 单击应用,然后单击确定。
5. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并查看您是否能够 加速慢速 Windows 10 PC。(Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.)
方法 2:禁用不必要的启动程序(Method 2: Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs)
1.同时Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc键打开任务管理器(Task Manager),然后切换到启动。(Startup.)
2. 从列表中选择您不使用的程序,然后单击禁用按钮。(Disable button.)
3. 对每个不必要的程序执行此操作,因为您一次只能禁用一个程序。
4.关闭任务管理器(Close Task Manager)并重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 3:运行 CCleaner 和 Malwarebytes(Method 3: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes)
1. 下载并安装 CCleaner & Malwarebytes。
2. 运行 Malwarebytes(Run Malwarebytes)(Run Malwarebytes)并让它扫描您的系统以查找有害文件。如果发现恶意软件,它将自动删除它们。
3. 现在运行 CCleaner 并选择 Custom Clean。
4. 在自定义清理下,选择 Windows 选项卡(Windows tab)并勾选默认值,然后单击 分析(Analyze)。
5. 分析完成后,确保您确定要删除要删除的文件。(Once Analyze is complete, make sure you’re certain to remove the files to be deleted.)
6. 最后,点击 Run Cleaner 按钮,让CCleaner运行。
7. 要进一步清理您的系统,请 选择注册表选项卡(select the Registry tab),并确保选中以下内容:
8. 点击 Scan for Issues 按钮并允许CCleaner扫描,然后点击 Fix Selected Issues 按钮。
9. 当 CCleaner 询问“您要备份对注册表的更改吗?(Do you want backup changes to the registry?)” 选择是( select Yes)。
10. 备份完成后,单击 修复所有选定问题(Fix All Selected Issues) 按钮。
11. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 4:运行磁盘清理和错误检查(Method 4: Run Disk Cleanup and Error Checking)
1. 转到这台电脑或我的电脑,然后右键单击 C: 驱动器以选择属性。(Properties.)
2. 现在从属性(Properties)窗口中,单击 容量下的磁盘清理。(Disk Cleanup)
3. 计算磁盘清理将释放多少空间(how much space Disk Cleanup will free.)需要一些时间。
4. 现在点击描述下方底部的清理系统文件(Clean up system files)。
5. 在下一个窗口中,确保选择Files to delete下的所有内容,然后单击 OK 运行Disk Cleanup。注意:(Note:)我们正在寻找“以前的 Windows 安装(Previous Windows Installation(s))”和“临时 Windows 安装文件(Temporary Windows Installation files)”(如果可用),请确保它们已被选中。
6.等待(Wait)磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup)完成,看看是否可以加速慢速 Windows 10 PC, (Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC, )如果不能,则继续。
7.打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)。用户可以通过搜索“cmd”然后按 Enter 来执行此步骤。
8. 在 cmd 窗口中键入以下命令并按Enter:
chkdsk C: /f /r /x
注意:(Note:)在上面的命令中 C: 是我们要检查磁盘的驱动器,/f 代表一个标志,它 chkdsk 允许修复与驱动器相关的任何错误,/r 让 chkdsk 搜索坏扇区并执行恢复和/x 指示检查磁盘在开始该过程之前卸载驱动器。
9. 它将要求在下次系统重新启动时安排扫描,键入 Y(type Y)并按 Enter。
方法 5:禁用快速启动(Method 5: Disable Fast Startup)
1. 按Windows Key + R然后键入 control 并按Enter打开控制面板。(Control Panel.)
2. 点击硬件和声音,(Hardware and Sound)然后点击电源选项(Power Options)。
3. 然后从左侧窗格中选择“选择电源按钮的功能”。(“Choose what the power buttons do.“)
4. 现在点击“更改当前不可用的设置”。(“Change settings that are currently unavailable.“)
5. 取消勾选“开启快速启动(Turn on fast startup)”并点击保存更改。
6. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并查看您是否能够 加速慢速 Windows 10 PC。( Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.)
方法 6:更新驱动程序(Method 6: Update Drivers)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入devmgmt.msc并按Enter打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 接下来,确保右键单击(right-click)旁边带有黄色感叹号的任何设备。
3. 选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver),然后单击自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件。(Search automatically for updated driver software.)
4. 更新后,重新启动您的电脑,看看您是否能够解决问题。
5. 如果没有,请再次右键单击并选择更新驱动程序。(Update Driver.)
6. 这次,选择“浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序软件。(Browse my computer for driver software.)”
7. 然后单击“让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中进行选择。(Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.)”
8. 从列表中选择适当的驱动程序,然后单击下一步(Next)。
9. 重新启动您的 PC,看看您是否能够加速慢速 Windows 10 PC。(Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.)
方法 7:运行系统维护(Method 7: Run System Maintenance)
1.从开始菜单搜索栏搜索(Start Menu)控制面板(control panel),点击打开 控制面板(Control Panel)。
2. 现在点击系统和安全。(System and Security.)
3. 接下来,单击安全和维护。(Security and Maintenance.)
4.展开维护(Expand Maintenance)并在自动维护(Automatic Maintenance)下单击“开始维护(Start maintenance)”。
5.让系统维护(System Maintenace)运行并查看您是否能够加速慢速 Windows 10 PC(Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC),如果不能,则继续。
方法 8:对硬盘进行碎片整理(Method 8: Defragment Your Hard Disk)
1.在Windows 搜索框中键入(Windows Search)碎片整理(Defragment),然后单击碎片整理和优化驱动器。(Defragment and Optimize Drives.)
3. 同样,对于所有列出的驱动器,单击优化。(Optimize.)
注意:(Note:)请勿对SSD 驱动器进行碎片整理(Defrag SSD Drive),因为它可能会缩短其使用寿命。
4. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并查看您是否能够 加速慢速 Windows 10 PC(Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC),如果不能,则继续。
方法 9:运行系统维护疑难解答(Method 9: Run System Maintenance Troubleshooter)
1.从开始菜单搜索栏搜索(Start Menu)控制面板(control panel),点击打开 控制面板(Control Panel)。
2.搜索疑难解答(Search Troubleshoot)并单击疑难解答。(Troubleshooting.)
3. 接下来,单击左窗格中的查看全部。
4. 单击并运行系统维护疑难解答( Troubleshooter for System Maintenance)。
5.疑难解答程序可能能够加快速度较慢的Windows 10 PC。
方法 10:禁用不需要的扩展(Web 浏览器)(Method 10: Disable Unwanted Extensions (Web Browser))
扩展是 chrome 中一个方便的功能,可以扩展其功能,但您应该知道,这些扩展在后台运行时会占用系统资源。简而言之,即使特定扩展未在使用中,它仍会使用您的系统资源。因此,最好删除您之前可能已安装的所有不需要的/垃圾扩展。
1. 打开谷歌浏览器,然后在地址中输入chrome://extensions并按 Enter。
2. 现在首先禁用所有不需要的扩展,然后单击删除图标将其删除。
3.重新启动 Chrome(Restart Chrome),看看这是否有助于使您的 PC 更快。
方法 11:更改页面文件大小(Method 11: Change PageFile Size)
1.在Windows 搜索框中键入(Windows Search)性能(performance),然后单击“调整 Windows 的外观和性能”。(Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.)”
2. 切换到高级(Advanced)选项卡,然后单击虚拟内存下的( Virtual Memory.)更改(Change)按钮。
3.取消选中“自动管理所有驱动程序的页面文件大小”。(“Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers.”)
4. 突出显示安装Windows 10的驱动器,然后选择自定义大小。(Custom size.)
5. 设置字段的推荐值:初始大小 (MB) 和最大大小 (MB)。( Recommended values for fields: Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB).)
6.点击 OK(Click OK),然后点击Apply ,然后点击OK
7.重新启动您的 PC,看看您是否能够 加速慢速 Windows 10 PC。(Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.)
方法 12:禁用 Windows 10 提示(Method 12: Disable Windows 10 Tips)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击系统。(System.)
2. 从左侧菜单中,选择通知和操作。(Notifications & actions.)
3.关闭“(Turn Off)在使用 Window 时获取提示、技巧和建议(Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Window)”的切换。
4. 重新启动您的电脑。
方法 13:将电源计划设置为高性能(Method 13: Set your Power Plan to High Performance)
1. 右键单击电源图标(Power icon),然后选择电源选项。(Power Options.)
2. 单击显示附加计划(Show additionals plans)并选择高性能。(High Performance.)
3. 关闭设置并重新启动您的电脑。
方法 14:关闭搜索索引(Method 14: Turn Off Search Indexing)
1. 在 Windows Search 中键入index,然后单击Indexing Options。
2. 单击修改(Modify)并单击显示所有位置。(Show all locations.)
3. 确保取消选中所有磁盘驱动器,然后单击确定。(uncheck all of your disk drives and click OK.)
4. 然后单击关闭(Close)并重新启动您的 PC。另外,请查看您是否能够加速慢速 Windows 10 PC(Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC),如果不能,则继续。
方法 15:添加更多 RAM 和 SSD(Method 15: Add more RAM and SSD)
如果您的 PC 仍然运行缓慢并且尝试了所有其他选项,您可能需要考虑添加更多RAM。请(Please)移除旧RAM,然后安装新RAM以提高系统性能。
但是,如果您仍然面临偶尔的滞后或系统冻结,那么您也可以考虑添加一个外部 SSD 来加速您的 PC。
就是这样,您已成功启动慢速 Windows 10 PC(Seed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC),但如果您对这篇文章仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
15 Ways to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC
If your PC running Windows 10 is becoming slow or constantly lagѕ, you’re at the right place as today wе will fix the issue аltogether. Although Windows 10 is one of the best-operating syѕtems out there, with tіmе it has become slow and now your PC lags a lot, worse of all it freezes sυddenly. You will notice that when you installed a new copy оf Windоws, thе system was a lot faster аs compared to the current state.
Now the lagging or slow PC issue is generally caused by performance issues under Windows 10, but sometimes it can also be caused by bad memory (RAM), damaged hard disk, virus or malware etc. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Seed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC with the help of below-listed methods.
15 Ways to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Disable Animation and adjust for best performance
1. Press Windows Key + R then type sysdm.cpl and hit Enter to open System Properties.
2. Switch to Advanced tab then click on Settings under Performance.
3. Under Visual Effects checkmark “Adjust for best performance” would automatically disable all the animations.
4. Click Apply, followed by OK.
5. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.
Method 2: Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open Task Manager and then switch to Startup.
2. From the list, select the programs you don’t use and then click on the Disable button.
3. Do this for every unnecessary program, as you will only be able to disable one program at a time.
4. Close Task Manager and reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 3: Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes
1. Download and install CCleaner & Malwarebytes.
2. Run Malwarebytes and let it scan your system for harmful files. If malware is found, it will automatically remove them.
3. Now run CCleaner and select Custom Clean.
4. Under Custom Clean, select the Windows tab and checkmark defaults and click Analyze.
5. Once Analyze is complete, make sure you’re certain to remove the files to be deleted.
6. Finally, click on the Run Cleaner button and let CCleaner run its course.
7. To further clean your system, select the Registry tab, and ensure the following are checked:
8. Click on the Scan for Issues button and allow CCleaner to scan, then click on the Fix Selected Issues button.
9. When CCleaner asks “Do you want backup changes to the registry?” select Yes.
10. Once your backup has completed, click on the Fix All Selected Issues button.
11. Restart your PC to save changes.
Method 4: Run Disk Cleanup and Error Checking
1. Go to This PC or My PC and right-click on the C: drive to select Properties.
2. Now from the Properties window, click on Disk Cleanup under capacity.
3. It will take some time to calculate how much space Disk Cleanup will free.
4. Now click Clean up system files in the bottom under Description.
5. In the next window, make sure to select everything under Files to delete and then click OK to run Disk Cleanup. Note: We are looking for “Previous Windows Installation(s)” and “Temporary Windows Installation files” if available, make sure they are checked.
6. Wait for Disk Cleanup to complete and see if you can Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC, if not then continue.
7. Open Command Prompt. The user can perform this step by searching for ‘cmd’ and then press Enter.
8. In the cmd window type the following command and hit Enter:
chkdsk C: /f /r /x
Note: In the above command C: is the drive on which we want to check disk, /f stands for a flag which chkdsk the permission to fix any errors associated with the drive, /r let chkdsk search for bad sectors and perform recovery and /x instructs the check disk to dismount the drive before beginning the process.
9. It will ask to schedule the scan in the next system reboot, type Y and hit enter.
Please keep in mind that CHKDSK process can take up a lot of time as it has to perform many system-level functions, so be patient while it fixes system errors and once the process is finished it will show you the results.
Method 5: Disable Fast Startup
1. Press Windows Key + R then type control and hit Enter to open Control Panel.
2. Click on Hardware and Sound then click on Power Options.
3. Then from the left window pane select “Choose what the power buttons do.“
4. Now click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable.“
5. Uncheck “Turn on fast startup” and click on Save changes.
6. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.
Method 6: Update Drivers
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
2. Next, make sure to right-click on any device with a yellow exclamation mark next to it.
3. Select Update Driver and then click on Search automatically for updated driver software.
4. After the update, restart your PC and see if you’re able to fix the issue.
5. If not, then again right-click and select Update Driver.
6. This time, select “Browse my computer for driver software.”
7. Then click on “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.”
8. Select the appropriate driver from the list and click Next.
Note: It’s recommended you try the above process with each listed device driver.
9. Reboot your PC and see if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.
Method 7: Run System Maintenance
1. Search for the control panel from the Start Menu search bar and click on it to open the Control Panel.
2. Now click on System and Security.
3. Next, click on Security and Maintenance.
4. Expand Maintenance and under Automatic Maintenance click on “Start maintenance“.
5. Let System Maintenace runs and sees if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC, if not then continue.
Method 8: Defragment Your Hard Disk
1. Type Defragment in the Windows Search box then click on Defragment and Optimize Drives.
2. Select the drives one by one and click Analyze.
3. Similarly, for all the listed drives click Optimize.
Note: Don’t Defrag SSD Drive as it may reduce its life.
4. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC, if not then continue.
Method 9: Run System Maintenance Troubleshooter
1. Search for the control panel from the Start Menu search bar and click on it to open the Control Panel.
2. Search Troubleshoot and click on Troubleshooting.
3. Next, click on view all in the left pane.
4. Click and run the Troubleshooter for System Maintenance.
5. The Troubleshooter may be able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.
Method 10: Disable Unwanted Extensions (Web Browser)
Extensions are a handy feature in chrome to extend its functionality, but you should know that these extensions take up system resources while they run in the background. In short, even though the particular extension is not in use, it will still use your system resources. So it’s a good idea to remove all the unwanted/junk extensions you might have installed earlier.
1. Open Google Chrome then type chrome://extensions in the address and hit Enter.
2. Now first disable all the unwanted extensions and then delete them by clicking on the delete icon.
3. Restart Chrome and see if this help in making your PC faster.
Method 11: Change PageFile Size
1. Type performance in the Windows Search box and then click on “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.”
2. Switch to the Advanced tab and then click the Change button under Virtual Memory.
3. Uncheck “Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers.”
4. Highlight the drive on which Windows 10 is installed and then select the Custom size.
5. Set the Recommended values for fields: Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB).
6. Click OK, then click Apply followed by OK
7.Restart your PC and see if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC.
Method 12: Disable Windows 10 Tips
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on System.
2. From the left-hand menu, select Notifications & actions.
3. Turn Off the toggle for “Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows.”
4. Restart your PC.
Method 13: Set your Power Plan to High Performance
1. Right-click on Power icon then selects Power Options.
2. Click on Show additionals plans and select High Performance.
3. Close Settings and restart your PC.
Method 14: Turn Off Search Indexing
1. Type index in Windows Search then clicks on Indexing Options.
2. Click on Modify and click on Show all locations.
3. Make sure to uncheck all of your disk drives and click OK.
4. Then click Close and reboot your PC. Also, see if you’re able to Speed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC, if not then continue.
Method 15: Add more RAM and SSD
If your PC is still running slow and have tried all other options, you may need to consider adding more RAM. Please remove the old RAM and then install the new RAM’s to increase your system performance.
But if you are still facing the occasional lags or system freezes, then you may also consider adding an external SSD to speed up your PC.
That’s it you have successfully Seed Up a Slow Windows 10 PC but if you still have any questions regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.