CPU负责处理所有数据并管理您的所有命令和操作。由于(Due)CPU负责的所有脑力工作,它有时会变热。现在,如果您的CPU长时间运行过热,可能会给您带来很多麻烦,包括突然关机、系统崩溃甚至CPU故障。虽然CPU的理想温度是室温,但在短时间内稍微高一点的温度还是可以接受的。不用担心,使用风扇速度控制器软件(adjusting fan speeds using Fan Speed Controller Software)可以通过调整风扇速度来冷却 CPU。但是,首先,您将如何找出您的热度CPU究竟是什么?因此,您的CPU(CPU)有一些“温度计” 。让我们看两个这样的应用程序,它们会告诉你你的CPU(CPU)的温度到底是多少。

如何在 Windows 10 中检查 CPU 温度(How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10)
Core Temp是免费提供的基本CPU温度监控应用程序。它是一个轻量级的应用程序,可以让您监控每个核心的温度,并且可以实时看到温度变化。您可以从 alcpu 网站下载它(download it from alcpu website)。要使用核心温度,
1.从给定站点下载 Core Temp 。(Download Core Temp)
2. 启动下载的文件进行安装。确保取消选中任何选项以下载其他额外软件。(uncheck any option to download other extra software with it.)
3. 安装后,您将能够在系统托盘中看到不同的核心温度。要查看它们,请单击任务栏上的向上箭头( upward arrow)。

4. 您将看到与系统中所有处理器的内核总数一样多的温度(many temperatures as the total number of the core of all the processors)。
5.右键单击任何温度(Right-click on any temperature),然后单击Show/Hide以显示或隐藏详细信息。

6. Show 选项(Show option)将打开一个新窗口,您将在其中看到有关您的 CPU(see more information about your CPU)的更多信息,例如型号、平台等。对于每个单独的内核,您将看到它的最高和最低温度(maximum and minimum temperatures),随着您使用的不同,它会不断变化程序和应用程序。

7. 在此窗口的底部,您将找到一个名为 ' Tj 的值。最大(Tj. Max)'。该值是您的 CPU 应达到的最高温度限制(maximum temperature limit that your CPU shall reach)。理想情况下,实际CPU温度应低于此值。
8.您还可以根据需要自定义其设置(customize its settings)。为此,请单击“选项(Options)”,然后选择“设置(Settings)”。

9. 在设置窗口中,您将看到几个选项,如temperature polling/logging intervals, logging on startup, start with Windows, etc.

10. 在“显示(Display)”选项卡下,您可以自定义核心温度显示设置(you can customize the Core Temp display settings),如字段颜色。您还可以选择以华氏度(Fahrenheit)查看温度或隐藏任务栏按钮等选项。

11. 要自定义通知区域的可见内容,请转到“通知区域(Notification Area)”选项卡。选择是要单独查看所有内核的温度,(see temperatures of all the cores individually)还是只需要查看每个处理器的最高内核温度。( maximum core temperature per processor.)

12. 此外,Core Temp 具有过热保护功能( Overheat Protection feature),可在您的CPU自动运行过热时为您提供保护。为此,单击“选项(Options)”并选择“过热保护(Overheat protection)”。
13.选中(Check)“启用过热保护(Enable overheat protection)”复选框。

14. 您可以选择何时收到通知(you want to be notified),甚至决定在达到临界温度时是否让系统进入睡眠、休眠或关闭。( sleep, hibernate or shut down when a critical temperature is reached.)
请注意(Note),Core Temp显示的是您的核心温度,而不是CPU温度。虽然CPU温度是实际的温度传感器,但它往往仅在较低温度下更准确。在更高的温度下,当温度对我们来说更为关键时,核心温度是一个更好的指标。(core temperature is a better metric.)
HWMonitor:在 Windows 10 中检查您的 CPU 温度(HWMonitor: Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10)
对于那些需要更好地了解系统温度的人来说,HWMonitor是您应该尝试的高效应用程序。使用HWMonitor,您可以检查CPU和显卡、主板、硬盘等的温度。只需从本网站下载(download it from this website)即可。如果您下载 zip 文件,则无需安装。只需(Just)提取文件并双击.exe文件即可运行它。

您将能够看到所有系统详细信息以及CPU温度。请注意,HWMonitor 显示核心温度和CPU温度。
什么温度是安全的?(What Temperatures are Safe?)
一旦知道了 CPU 的温度,就应该知道它是否可以安全运行。虽然不同的处理器具有不同的允许温度限制,但以下是您应该了解的一般近似温度范围。
低于 30 摄氏度:(Below 30 degree Celsius:)您的 CPU 运行良好。
30 度到 50 度:(30 degrees to 50 degrees:)您的CPU处于理想状态(室温在 40摄氏度(Celsius)左右)。
50 度到 60 度:(50 degrees to 60 degrees:)这个温度适合稍高的室温。
60 度到 80 度:(60 degrees to 80 degrees:)对于负载温度,任何低于 80 度的温度都可以正常工作。但是,如果温度持续升高,您应该收到警告。
80 度到 90 度:(80 degrees to 90 degrees:)在这些温度下,您应该担心。应避免CPU(CPU)在这些温度下运行时间过长。注意超频、灰尘堆积和风扇故障等原因。
90 度以上:(Above 90 degrees:)这些温度非常危险,您应该考虑关闭系统。
如何保持处理器凉爽?(How to keep the Processor cool?)
- 使用计算机时,请将其置于凉爽通风的环境中。您应该确保它没有被封闭在狭小的空间中。
- 保持系统清洁。不时清除灰尘以实现有效冷却。
- 验证所有风扇是否工作正常。如果您确实需要超频或者您的CPU经常变热,请考虑安装更多风扇。
- 考虑重新涂抹导热膏,这样可以将热量从处理器中转移出去。
- 重新安装 CPU 散热器。
使用上述应用程序和方法,您可以监控或检查您的CPU温度,并防止高温可能导致的任何问题。除了(Apart)Core Temp和HWMonitor之外,还有许多其他应用程序可用于监控CPU温度,例如HWInfo、Open Hardware Monitor等。
我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,现在您可以轻松地在 Windows 10 中检查您的 CPU 温度(Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10),但是如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10
The CPU is responsible for processing all the data and for managing all your commands and operations. Due to all the brain-work that a CPU is responsible for, it sometіmes gets heated up. Now, if your CPU runs too hot for a vеry long time, it may cause you a lot of trouble, including sudden shutdown, system crаsh or even a CPU failυre. While the CPU’s ideal temperature is room temperature, a little higher temрerature is still acceptable for a short time period. Don’t fret, and the CPU can be coоled down by adjusting fan speeds using Fan Speed Controller Software. But, how would you, in the first place, find out how hot your CPU actually is? So, there are a few “thermometers” for your CPU. Let us see two of such apps, which will tell you what exactly your CPU’s temperature is.

How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10
Core Temp: Monitor Your Computer’s CPU Temperature
Core Temp is the basic CPU temperature monitoring app that is available for free. It is a lightweight app that enables you to monitor the temperature of each core, and the temperature variations can be seen in real-time. You can download it from alcpu website. To use core temp,
1. Download Core Temp from the given site.
2. Launch the downloaded file to install it. Make sure that you uncheck any option to download other extra software with it.
3. Once installed, you will be able to see the different core temperature in your system tray. To see them, click on the upward arrow on your taskbar.

4. You will see as many temperatures as the total number of the core of all the processors in your system.
5. Right-click on any temperature and click on Show/Hide to show or hide the details.

6. The Show option will open a new window where you will see more information about your CPU like the model, platform, etc. For every individual core, you will see its maximum and minimum temperatures, which will keep on changing as you use different programs and applications.

7. At the bottom of this window, you will find a value named ‘Tj. Max’. This value is the maximum temperature limit that your CPU shall reach. Ideally, the actual CPU temperature should be lower than this value.
8. You can also customize its settings as per your needs. For that, click on ‘Options’ and then select ‘Settings’.

9. In the settings window, you will see several options like temperature polling/logging intervals, logging on startup, start with Windows, etc.

10. Under the ‘Display’ tab, you can customize the Core Temp display settings like field colours. You can also choose to view the temperature in Fahrenheit or hide taskbar button, among other options.

11. To customize what is visible at your notification area, move on to ‘Notification Area’ tab. Select if you want to see temperatures of all the cores individually or if you only require to see the maximum core temperature per processor.

12. Additionally, Core Temp has Overheat Protection feature to save you when your CPU is running too hot automatically. For this, click on ‘Options’ and select ‘Overheat protection’.
13. Check the ‘Enable overheat protection’ checkbox.

14. You can choose when you want to be notified and even decide if you want your system to be put to sleep, hibernate or shut down when a critical temperature is reached.
Note that Core Temp shows your core temperature and not CPU temperature. While CPU temperature is the actual temperature sensor, it tends to be more accurate at lower temperatures only. At higher temperatures, when the temperature is rather more critical to us, core temperature is a better metric.
HWMonitor: Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10
For those of you who need a better picture of your system temperatures, HWMonitor is an efficient app you should try. With HWMonitor, you can check temperatures of your CPU and your graphics card, motherboard, hard drives, etc. Just download it from this website. If you download the zip file, there is no need for installation. Just extract the files and double click on the .exe file to run it.

You will be able to see all the system details along with CPU temperatures. Note that HWMonitor shows both core temperature as well as CPU temperature.
What Temperatures are Safe?
Once you know your CPU’s temperature, you should know if it is safe for operation or not. While different processors have different permissible temperature limits, here are general approximate temperature ranges that you should know about.
Below 30 degree Celsius: Your CPU is working too well.
30 degrees to 50 degrees: Your CPU is under ideal conditions (for a room temperature around 40 degree Celsius).
50 degrees to 60 degrees: This temperature is fine for slightly higher room temperatures.
60 degrees to 80 degrees: For load temperatures, anything below 80 degrees works fine. However, you should be warned if the temperature is continuously increasing.
80 degrees to 90 degrees: At these temperatures, you should be concerned. CPU running too long at these temperatures should be avoided. Look out for reasons like overclocking, dust build-up and faulty fans.
Above 90 degrees: These are extremely dangerous temperatures, and you should consider shutting down your system.
How to keep the Processor cool?
The processor performs best when it is cool. To ensure your processor stays cool, consider the following:
- Keep your computer in a cool and ventilated environment while using it. You should ensure that it is not enclosed in tight and close spaces.
- Keep your system clean. Remove dust from time to time to allow efficient cooling.
- Verify if all the fans are working fine. Consider installing more fans if you really need to overclock or if your CPU turns quite hot frequently.
- Consider re-applying thermal paste, which allows heat to be transferred away from the processor.
- Re-install your CPU cooler.
Using the above-mentioned apps and methods, you can monitor or check your CPU temperature and prevent any trouble that high temperatures may cause. Apart from Core Temp and HWMonitor, there are many other apps that you can use to monitor CPU temperature like HWInfo, Open Hardware Monitor, etc.
I hope this article was helpful and now you can easily Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.