几天前,我们的一位读者问了我们一个有趣的问题:“有没有一个地方可以让我检查 Windows 声音什么时候播放?” . 虽然我们已经展示了如何在Windows中自定义(Windows)声音方案(sound scheme),但我们没有讨论何时播放每个系统声音(system sound)。这就是为什么我们决定在Windows播放每个系统声音时回答这个(system sound)问题和细节(question and detail)。让我们(Let)开始吧:
注意:(NOTE:)如果您想了解如何更改Windows使用的声音,请阅读本教程:如何自定义Windows 计算机(Your Windows Computer)上使用的声音方案(Sound Scheme)。
健全(A Sound Scheme)的计划中包含哪些计划(Program)事件?
您可以从“控制面板”中的“(Control Panel)声音(Sound)”窗口自定义Windows 计算机使用的声音方案(sound scheme)。您将通过以下方式获得它:"Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Personalization -> Sounds"。
在Sound窗口中,您会注意到一个名为Program Events的部分。

在那里你会发现一个相当长的事件列表。如果您使用声音方案(sound scheme),则这些事件中的大多数都分配了声音。这意味着无论何时发生程序事件(program event),都会播放相应的声音。例如,当您的笔记本电脑或设备电池电量(laptop or device battery)不足时,您会听到严重电池警报(Critical Battery Alarm)声。

这些节目事件(Program Events)分为小节。默认情况下,您应该具有三个类别:Windows、文件资源管理器(Windows, File Explorer)和Windows 语音识别(Windows Speech Recognition)。它们包括使用Windows、文件资源管理器(Windows, File Explorer)和语音识别(Speech Recognition)时播放的声音。

Windows包括它自己的一些程序事件。他们的名字大多是不言自明的,但有些更难理解。这是在Windows中播放(Windows)默认系统(default system)声音的时间:
星号- 显示(Asterisk)弹出警报(popup alert)时播放的声音,如警告消息(warning message)。
日历提醒- 发生(Calendar Reminder)日历(Calendar)事件时播放的声音。
严重电池警报(Critical Battery Alarm)- 当您的电池达到其临界水平时播放的声音。
紧急停止(Critical Stop)- 发生致命错误时播放的声音。
默认哔声(Default Beep)- 播放此声音的原因有多种,具体取决于您的操作。例如,如果您在关闭活动窗口之前尝试选择父窗口,它将播放。(parent window)
桌面邮件通知(Desktop Mail Notification)- 当您在桌面电子邮件客户端(desktop email client)中收到消息时播放的声音。
设备连接(Device Connect)- 将设备连接到计算机时播放的声音。例如,当您插入记忆棒(memory stick)时。
设备断开连接(Device Disconnect)- 当您将设备与计算机断开连接时播放的声音。
设备连接失败(Device Failed to Connect)- 当您尝试连接的设备发生故障时播放的声音。
感叹号- 当您尝试执行(Exclamation)Windows不支持的操作时播放的声音。
即时消息通知(Instant Message Notification)- 当您收到即时消息时播放的声音。
电池电量不足警报(Low Battery Alarm)- 电池电量不足时播放的声音。
Message Nudge - 当您在即时消息中收到BUZZ时播放的声音。(BUZZ)
新传真通知(New Fax Notification)- 当您通过传真调制解调器接收传真时播放的声音。
新邮件通知(New Mail Notification)- 当您收到电子邮件消息时播放的声音。
新短信通知(New Text Message Notification)- 当您收到短信时播放的声音。
NFP 完成(NFP Completion)-在您的Windows 设备(Windows device)和另一台设备之间通过NFC传输数据完成时播放的声音。
NFP 连接(NFP Connection)- 当您的Windows(Windows device)设备通过NFC连接到另一台设备时播放的声音。
通知(Notification)- 显示来自程序或应用程序的(program or app)默认通知(default notification)时播放的声音。
系统通知- 显示(System Notification)系统通知(system notification)时播放的声音。
有很多人喜欢在他们的 Windows 设备上发生某些事情时听到声音。虽然设置或自定义声音方案是一项简单的工作,但您可能不知道所有可以自定义的声音是怎么回事。希望(Hopefully)我们的指南提供了您需要了解的所有信息。如果您对此主题有任何疑问,请随时使用下面的评论表提问。
When Is Each Sound From A Windows Sound Scheme Played?
Α few days аgo, one of our readers asked us an interesting quеstion: "is there a place where I can check when does a Windows sound play?". While we have shown how to customize the sound scheme in Windows, we did not talk about when each system sound is played. That's why we decided to answer this question and detail when each system sound is played by Windows. Let's get started:
NOTE: If you want to learn how to change the sounds used by Windows, read this tutorial: How To Customize The Sound Scheme Used On Your Windows Computer.
What Are The Program Events That Are Included In A Sound Scheme?
You can customize the sound scheme used by your Windows computer from the Sound window, found in the Control Panel. You will get to it by going to: "Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Personalization -> Sounds".
In the Sound window you'll notice a section called Program Events.

There you'll find a rather long list of events. If you use a sound scheme, most of these events have a sound assigned. That means that whenever a program event occurs, its corresponding sound is played. For example, when your laptop or device battery is low on power you'll hear the Critical Battery Alarm sound.

These Program Events are divided into subsections. By default, you should have three categories: Windows, File Explorer and Windows Speech Recognition. They include sounds that are played when using Windows, File Explorer and Speech Recognition.

Depending on the software that you installed on your device, other sections might also be available. When software developers program an application, they can create program events that trigger sound alerts. These sound alerts let users know that something happens on their computers. For example, a developer writing an email application can program it to automatically play a sound whenever a new message is received or sent. If an application was programmed to offer this kind of feature, you'll see all its program events displayed in the Sound window.
When Are All These Sounds Played?
Windows includes some program events of its own. Their names are mostly self-explanatory but some are harder to understand. Here's when the default system sounds are played in Windows:
Asterisk - the sound that is played when a popup alert is displayed, like a warning message.
Calendar Reminder - the sound that is played when a Calendar event is taking place.
Critical Battery Alarm - the sound that is played when your battery reaches its critical level.
Critical Stop - the sound that is played when a fatal error occurs.
Default Beep - this sound is played for multiple reasons, depending on what you do. For example, it will play if you try to select a parent window before closing the active one.
Desktop Mail Notification - the sound that is played when you receive a message in your desktop email client.
Device Connect - the sound that is played when you connect a device to your computer. For example, when you insert a memory stick.
Device Disconnect - the sound that is played when you disconnect a device from your computer.
Device Failed to Connect - the sound that is played when something happened with the device that you were trying to connect.
Exclamation - the sound that is played when you try to do something that is not supported by Windows.
Instant Message Notification - the sound that is played when you receive an instant message.
Low Battery Alarm - the sound that is played when the battery is running low.
Message Nudge - the sound that is played when you receive a BUZZ in an instant message.
New Fax Notification - the sound that is played when you receive a fax via your fax-modem.
New Mail Notification - the sound that is played when you receive an email message.
New Text Message Notification - the sound that is played when you receive a text message.
NFP Completion - the sound that is played when the transfer of data via NFC between your Windows device and another device is completed.
NFP Connection - the sound that is played when your Windows device is connecting to another device via NFC.
Notification - the sound that is played when a default notification from a program or app is displayed.
System Notification - the sound that is played when a system notification is displayed.
There are a lot of people who like to hear sounds when something happens on their Windows devices. While setting or customizing a sound scheme is a simple job, you may not know what's up with all the sounds that can be customized. Hopefully our guide has offered all the information that you needed to know. If you have questions on this subject, don't hesitate to ask using the comments form below.