CyberGhost VPN是世界上最受欢迎的VPN 服务(VPN service)之一。此外,它是最容易使用和最实惠的一种。由于美国取消了网络中立规则,(USA)以及世界各地的其他立法变化,隐私和安全(privacy and security)变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。CyberGhost的VPN 服务(VPN service)能胜任保护您隐私的任务吗?从这篇详细的评论中找出:
注意:(NOTE:)有兴趣购买CyberGhost VPN的用户在购买18 个月计划时可以享受 77 % discount更多细节,在这里(here)。
CyberGhost VPN:它对谁有好处?
CyberGhost VPN是一项出色的服务,适用于以下人群:
- (Desire privacy and security)在使用互联网时渴望隐私和安全
- 想要(Want)绕过审查并访问(censorship and access)全球互联网上的任何可用资源
- 需要不保留其网络浏览(web browsing)活动日志的VPN 服务(VPN service)
- 想要一个适用于所有平台的易于使用的VPN 应用程序(VPN app)
CyberGhost VPN 有很多优势:
- 它提供稳定的 VPN 连接
- 它可用于解锁流媒体服务和洪流应用程序
- 它易于在 PC、智能手机和其他设备上使用
- 它可以自动执行某些任务,例如Wi-Fi 保护(Wi-Fi Protection)
- 包括有用的额外功能,例如WiFi 保护(WiFi protection)模块、数据压缩和广告拦截功能
- 它不会保留您的活动日志
- 它可用于无线路由器以保护您的整个网络
- 它不像过去那样提供任何免费计划
- 如果您的互联网连接(internet connection)速度很快(200 Mbps或更高),您的连接速度(connection speed)可能会受到严重的负面影响(我们只在Windows中遇到过这种情况)
CyberGhost在网络安全领域以可靠和快速的(CyberGhost)VPN 服务(VPN service)而闻名。Windows 应用程序(Windows app)和Android/iOS应用程序都带有简洁的用户界面。CyberGhost VPN还包括一系列附加功能,例如防止有害网站、阻止广告和在线跟踪。这些功能对于VPN 服务(VPN service)来说是一个受欢迎的奖励。除了安全之外,CyberGhost还提供稳定的VPN连接,在使用(VPN)智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)时不会减慢您的速度。我们注意到的唯一显着下降的互联网速度是(internet speed)Windows,我们有一个 1 Gbps 的互联网连接(internet connection)。如果您的互联网连接(internet connection)速度低于 200 Mbps,CyberGhost对您的速度的影响应该没有我们的案例那么明显。总而言之,CyberGhost VPN是一项出色的服务,我们向所有愿意投资隐私的人推荐它。
在Windows、Android和 iOS上下载和安装CyberGhost VPN
(Downloading)在Windows(Windows)以及Android或 iOS 设备上下载和安装CyberGhost很容易。在Windows中,您必须下载一个小的可执行文件,启动它并完成安装向导(installation wizard)。只需(Just)确保在安装过程中,您同意安装 CyberGhost 需要的虚拟网络(CyberGhost)适配器。(network adapter)
在Android设备上,您必须使用Play 商店(Play Store)来查找和下载CyberGhost VPN。该应用程序适用于任何运行Android 4.1及更高版本的智能手机或平板电脑。(smartphone or tablet)当您运行它时,请确保您允许它创建VPN连接。否则,它无法工作。
CyberGhost VPN还提供适用于 iOS 的应用程序,您可以在iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)上使用它。您可以通过以下链接从App Store获取它: (App Store)CyberGhost VPN。它适用于任何运行 iOS 9.3 及更高版本的 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch。下载、安装和启动应用程序后,CyberGhost会要求您允许它在您的设备上启动VPN连接。就像(Just)在Windows 和 Android(Windows and Android)上一样,你必须给它这个权限。
我们对 CyberGhost VPN 的第一印象是积极的。在 Windows、Android 和 iOS 中,下载和安装其应用程序是一个简单的过程。(Our first impressions of CyberGhost VPN are positive. Downloading and installing its apps is a straightforward process, both in Windows, Android and iOS.)
使用适用于 Windows 的 CyberGhost VPN
启动CyberGhost 应用程序(CyberGhost app)后,您会看到它的主窗口,该窗口显示在桌面系统托盘附近。(system tray)CyberGhost的中央控制台乍一看简单明了,尽管它确实提供了对更高级功能的访问。现在,您可以查看您是否连接到VPN 服务器(VPN server),如果没有,您可以连接到服务器。为此,请单击或点击控制台中间的电源(Power)按钮,CyberGhost VPN会立即连接到您可用的最佳服务器位置(Best server location),这意味着最接近和最快的服务器。
但是,您也可以通过打开“连接到”("Connect to")列表并从中选择来选择要连接的服务器。
如果您想访问CyberGhost中可用的所有功能和服务器,请单击或点击指向左侧的小箭头,然后会显示完整尺寸的用户界面(user interface)。正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的,这比默认控制台(default console)更全面。
用户界面包括六种不同的VPN配置文件、规则和功能,以及您的帐户和设置(account and settings)的链接。这些配置文件连接到相同的VPN 服务(VPN service),但它们旨在满足不同的用例。您可以使用搜索来寻找合适的服务器,但您也可以通过连接到适合您需求的最佳服务器并启用所需的安全功能,轻松选择安全、可靠和匿名的 Web 浏览体验。
收藏夹(Favorites)可让您访问您最喜欢的服务器列表,而“所有服务器”("All servers")部分显示并允许您连接到CyberGhost激活的任何国家的任何服务器。在撰写这篇评论时,Cyber(CyberGhost) Ghost 在 61 个不同的国家维护了 3081 台服务器(3081 servers, in 61 different countries)。
“用于洪流”("For torrenting")为您提供了具有合适的 P2P 兼容VPN服务器的国家列表,并确保安全和匿名下载。
“用于流媒体”("For streaming")列表包括允许您使用在某些国家/地区不可用的流媒体服务的服务器。您可以在每个条目下方看到以小文本编写的服务器优化的流媒体服务。
然后,“连接功能("Connection features)”部分可用于启用或禁用额外功能,例如阻止恶意网站、广告和在线跟踪,以及启用数据压缩和自动 HTTPS 重定向(compression and automate HTTPS redirect)。
用户界面(user interface)的最后一部分称为智能规则(Smart rules)。这可以让您配置CyberGhost的客户端来执行诸如系统启动(system startup)时自动启动、自动连接、自动保护Wi-Fi网络等操作。
与VPN 服务器(VPN server)建立连接后,您可以查看有关服务器的信息、您当前的IP 地址(IP address)(由CyberGhost替换)和连接时间(connection time)。如果您单击或点击当前服务器左下角的小按钮,您还可以查看有关连接的统计信息。
Windows 版 CyberGhost VPN 的界面简单易用,同时还让您可以快速访问更高级的设置和功能。它提供了友好的用户体验,我们相信初学者和更多技术用户都会喜欢。(The interface of CyberGhost VPN for Windows is simple and easy to use, while also giving you fast access to more advanced settings and features. It offers a friendly user experience that we are sure that both beginners and more technical users will like.)
将CyberGhost VPN用于移动设备(Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS))
适用于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)的CyberGhost VPN 应用程序与适用于(CyberGhost VPN apps)Windows的应用程序类似。连接到最适合您的服务器很容易:只需按下电源(Power)按钮。
您还可以通过点击屏幕底部“连接到”("Connect to")字段旁边的小箭头来选择要连接的服务器。然后,您可以从选项列表中选择您想要的VPN 服务器(VPN server),或者您最喜欢的服务器。
Windows and Android/iOS apps之间的唯一区别是后者没有针对种子下载优化的服务器VPN列表。但是,这不是您在 Android 设备上通常需要的。
我们还想指出一项有趣的功能,它同时存在于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)中:Wi-Fi 自动防护(Wi-Fi Auto-Protect)。它允许您在连接到无线网络时自动启动VPN 连接。(VPN connection)这是一项有用的功能,可以提高您在移动时的安全性。
适用于 Android 和 iOS 的 CyberGhost VPN 应用程序相似且简单。它们看起来和工作都很好。他们的用户界面易于理解和使用。(The CyberGhost VPN apps for Android and iOS are similar and simple. They both look and work well. Their user interfaces are easy to understand and use.)
Cyberghost 在哪里有服务器?
CyberGhost提供具有无限带宽和流量(bandwidth and traffic)、AES 256 位加密、“最高速度”、DNS 和 IP 泄漏保护(DNS and IP leak protection)、无日志、OpenVPN、L2TP-IPsec 和 PPTP 协议的(L2TP-IPsec and PPTP protocols)订阅包,最多可同时连接七台设备、应用程序适用于Windows、Mac、iOS、Android、Linux和一些路由器,最重要的是,可以访问全球 3000 多台服务器。
CyberGhost在以下61个国家拥有服务器:阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)、阿根廷(Argentina)、奥地利(Austria)、澳大利亚(Australia)、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(Bosnia and Herzegovina)、比利时(Belgium)、保加利亚(Bulgaria)、巴西(Brazil)、白俄罗斯(Belarus)、加拿大(Canada)、瑞士(Switzerland)、智利(Chile)、哥伦比亚(Colombia)、哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)、塞浦路斯(Cyprus)、捷克共和国(Czech Republic)、德国(Germany)、丹麦(Denmark)、爱沙尼亚(Estonia),西班牙(Spain),芬兰(Finland),法国(France)、英国(United Kingdom)、希腊(Greece)、香港(Hong Kong)、克罗地亚(Croatia)、匈牙利(Hungary)、印度尼西亚(Indonesia)、爱尔兰(Ireland)、以色列(Israel)、印度(India)、冰岛(Iceland)、意大利(Italy)、日本(Japan)、肯尼亚(Kenya)、韩国(South Korea)、立陶宛(Lithuania)、卢森堡(Luxembourg)、拉脱维亚(Latvia)、摩尔多瓦(Moldova)、马其顿(Macedonia)、墨西哥(Mexico)、马来西亚(Malaysia)、荷兰(Netherlands)、挪威(Norway),新西兰(New Zealand)、巴基斯坦(Pakistan)、波兰(Poland)、葡萄牙(Portugal)、罗马尼亚(Romania)、塞尔维亚(Serbia)、瑞典(Sweden)、新加坡(Singapore)、斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、泰国(Thailand)、台湾(Taiwan)、乌克兰(Ukraine)、美国(United) 、越南(Vietnam)和南非(South Africa)。_(States)
Windows 上的 CyberGhost 有多快?
使用CyberGhost等VPN 服务(VPN service)时,您在互联网上更安全,您的隐私也受到保护。但是,通过VPN连接也意味着您必须牺牲一些速度,因为涉及另一台服务器。您没有直接连接到互联网。为了检查 CyberGhost VPN(CyberGhost VPN)对我们的互联网连接速度(connection speed)有多大影响,我们使用流行的Speedtest.net服务进行了几次测试。
我们在台式计算机(desktop computer)上使用我们的互联网连接,连接到我们的互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)。然后,我们在罗马尼亚(Romania)(我们的祖国(home country))、德国(Germany)(同一大陆的另一个国家)和美国(USA)(不同大陆的另一个国家)的服务器上运行SpeedTest 。我们写下了结果。然后,我们在罗马尼亚(Romania)、德国(Germany)和美国(USA)使用VPN服务器打开了Cyberghost。我们在相同的SpeedTest服务器上运行相同的SpeedTest以查看我们的速度CyberGhost开启。查看下表(table below),了解CyberGhost对您的互联网连接速度的影响。
无论您使用什么服务器,连接到 VPN 服务时下载和上传速度都会下降:这是正常现象,因为您不再直接连接到互联网,而是中间有另一台服务器。然而,看起来最显着的速度下降发生在我们自己的国家。原因是我们拥有的高速互联网速度:1 Gbps。CyberGhost VPN 的服务器可能没有针对如此高的速度进行校准。(No matter what server you use, download and upload speeds drop when connected to a VPN service: this is normal, as you are no longer connected directly to the internet, but have another server in the middle. However, it looks like the most significant speed drop is in our own country. The reason is the high internet speed that we have: 1 Gbps. CyberGhost VPN's servers probably are not calibrated for such high speeds.)
CyberGhost 在移动设备( Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS) )上的速度有多快?
为了了解CyberGhost VPN 应用程序(CyberGhost VPN app)在多大程度上影响了我们在移动设备上的互联网速度,我们还在华为 P10 lite(Huawei P10 lite)和 iPhone SE上使用Speedtest.net运行了一些基准测试。(两部智能手机都连接到覆盖良好的无线网络。(wireless network)
我们在连接到WiFi并关闭 CyberGhost 的情况下运行 SpeedTest,使用来自罗马尼亚(CyberGhost)、(SpeedTest)德国(Romania)和美国(Germany)的服务器(USA)。如您所见,使用Android智能手机或平板电脑时,速度的下降要小得多。
然后我们在我们的 iPhone SE 上进行了相同的测量,在同一个WiFi 网络(WiFi network)上,关闭CyberGhost,然后打开它。您会看到类似的图片,其中的数字几乎相同。令人惊讶的是,在某些情况下,您在使用VPN时可以获得比不使用时更高的互联网速度。当我们连接到德国的(Germany)VPN时,我们就是这种情况,这个国家离我们很近。
当使用带有 Android 和 iOS 的移动设备时,CyberGhost 会对您的互联网连接速度产生很小的负面影响。(When using a mobile device with Android and iOS, CyberGhost has a small negative impact on the speed of your internet connection.)
我们喜欢CyberGhost VPN 服务(CyberGhost VPN service)。它的应用程序在Windows、Android和 iOS 上非常出色,而且他们的 VPN 服务器提供了良好的速度。在结束此评论之前,我们想了解您对CyberGhost的看法。您会考虑购买此VPN 服务(VPN service)吗?如果您正在使用它,您对它的体验如何?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见或您的用户体验。
Review CyberGhost: One of the best VPNs money can buy
CyberGhost VPN is оne of the most popular VPN servicеs in the world. Also, it is one of the easiest to use and one of the most аffordable. Due to the elimination of Net Neutrаlity rules in the USA, and other legislative changes around the world, privacy and security have become more critical than ever. Is CybеrGhost's VPN service uр to the task of protecting your privacy? Find out from this detailed review:
NOTE: Users interested in purchasing CyberGhost VPN, can benefit from a 77% discount, when they purchase an 18 months plan. More details, here.
CyberGhost VPN: Who is it good for?
CyberGhost VPN is an excellent service for people who:
- Desire privacy and security while using the internet
- Want to bypass censorship and access any resource available on the internet, globally
- Need a VPN service that does not keep logs of their web browsing activities
- Want an easy-to-use VPN app for all platforms
Pros and cons
CyberGhost VPN has many strengths:
- It offers stable VPN connections
- It can be used for unblocking streaming services and torrent apps
- It is easy to use on PCs, smartphones, and other devices
- It can automate certain tasks like Wi-Fi Protection
- Includes useful extra features such as the WiFi protection module, data compression, and an ad-blocking feature
- It does not keep logs of your activity
- It can be used on wireless routers to protect your entire network
There are some downsides to CyberGhost as well:
- It does not offer any free plans, as it used to in the past
- If you have a fast internet connection (200 Mbps or higher), you may experience a significant negative impact on your connection speed (we only experienced this in Windows)
CyberGhost is well-known in the world of cybersecurity for being a reliable and fast VPN service. Both the Windows app and the Android/iOS apps come with clean and simple user interfaces. CyberGhost VPN also includes a series of additional features, like protection from harmful websites, the blocking of ads and online tracking. These features are a welcome bonus for a VPN service. Besides being secure, CyberGhost also offers stable VPN connections that do not slow you down while using your smartphone or tablet. The only significant drops in internet speed that we noticed were on Windows, where we had a 1 Gbps internet connection. If your internet connection is below 200 Mbps, CyberGhost's impact on your speed should be less noticeable than in our case. All in all, CyberGhost VPN is an excellent service, and we recommend it to everyone willing to invest in their privacy.
Downloading and installing CyberGhost VPN on Windows, Android, and iOS
Downloading and installing CyberGhost is easy on Windows, as well as on Android or iOS devices. In Windows, you have to download a small executable file, launch it and go through the installation wizard. Just make sure that, during the installation, you agree to install the virtual network adapter that CyberGhost needs.
On Android devices, you have to use the Play Store to find and download CyberGhost VPN. The app works on any smartphone or tablet that runs Android 4.1 and higher. When you run it, make sure that you permit it to create VPN connections. Otherwise, it cannot work.
CyberGhost VPN also offers an app for iOS which you can use on your iPhone or iPad. You can get it from the App Store, following this link: CyberGhost VPN. It works on any iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, that runs iOS 9.3 and higher. After downloading, installing and launching the app, CyberGhost asks you to allow it to launch VPN connections on your device. Just like on Windows and Android, you have to give it this permission.
Our first impressions of CyberGhost VPN are positive. Downloading and installing its apps is a straightforward process, both in Windows, Android and iOS.
Using CyberGhost VPN for Windows
Upon launching the CyberGhost app, you are greeted by its main window, which shows up on near the system tray on your desktop. CyberGhost's central console is simple and straightforward at first sight, although it does offer access to more advanced features. For now, you can see whether or not you are connected to a VPN server, and you can connect to a server, if you are not. To do so, click or tap the Power button in the middle of the console, and CyberGhost VPN immediately connects to the Best server location available to you, which means the closest and fastest server for you.
However, you can also select the server you want to connect to, by opening the "Connect to" list and choosing it from there.
If you want access to all the features and servers available in CyberGhost, click or tap the small arrow that points to the left, and the full-size user interface shows up. As you can see in the screenshot below, this is more comprehensive than the default console.
The user interface includes six different VPN profiles, rules, and features, as well as links for your account and settings. The profiles connect to the same VPN service, but they are designed to meet different use cases. You can use search for fitting servers, but you can also easily choose a safe, secure and anonymous web browsing experience, by connecting to the best servers adequate to your needs and by enabling the safety features that you want.
The Favorites give you access to the list of your favorite servers, while the "All servers" section shows and lets you connect to any server from any of the countries where CyberGhost activates. At the time of writing this review, CyberGhost maintained 3081 servers, in 61 different countries.
The "For torrenting" gives you a list of countries that have suitable P2P-compatible VPN servers, and ensure secure and anonymous downloads.
The "For streaming" list includes the servers which let you use streaming services that are not available in some countries. You can see the streaming services for which the servers are optimized written in small text underneath each entry.
Then, the "Connection features" is a section which you can use to enable or disable extra features such as blocking malicious websites, ads, and online tracking, as well as enable data compression and automate HTTPS redirect.
The last section in the user interface is called Smart rules. This one lets you configure CyberGhost's client to do things such as start automatically on system startup, auto-connect, automatically protect Wi-Fi networks, and so on.
Once a connection is established to a VPN server, you can see information about the server, your current IP address (replaced by CyberGhost) and connection time. You can also see statistics about the connection if you click or tap on the small button from the bottom-left corner of the current server.
The interface of CyberGhost VPN for Windows is simple and easy to use, while also giving you fast access to more advanced settings and features. It offers a friendly user experience that we are sure that both beginners and more technical users will like.
Using CyberGhost VPN for mobile devices (Android and iOS)
The CyberGhost VPN apps for Android and iOS are a similar to the one for Windows. Connecting to the server that is best for you is easy: just press the Power button.
You can also choose the server to which you connect, by tapping the small arrow next to the "Connect to" field on the bottom of the screen. Then, you can select the VPN server that you want from the list of options, or your favorite servers.
The only difference between the Windows and Android/iOS apps is that in the latter there are no VPN lists of servers optimized for torrenting. However, this is not something you usually need on an Android-powered device.
There is also one interesting feature that we would like to point out, and which is present in both Android and iOS: Wi-Fi Auto-Protect. It lets you automatically start a VPN connection whenever you connect to wireless networks. It is a useful feature that can enhance your safety when you are mobile.
The CyberGhost VPN apps for Android and iOS are similar and simple. They both look and work well. Their user interfaces are easy to understand and use.
Where does Cyberghost have servers?
CyberGhost offers subscription packages with unlimited bandwidth and traffic, AES 256-BIT encryption, the "highest possible speed", DNS and IP leak protection, no logs, OpenVPN, L2TP-IPsec and PPTP protocols, simultaneous connections on up to seven devices, apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and some routers, and, most importantly, access to over 3000 servers worldwide.
CyberGhost has servers in the following 61 countries: Albania, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Belarus, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Hong Kong, Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, India, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Moldova, Macedonia, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, Thailand, Taiwan, Ukraine, United States, Vietnam, and South Africa.
How fast is CyberGhost on Windows?
When using a VPN service like CyberGhost, you are safer on the internet, and your privacy is protected. However, connecting through VPN also means that you must sacrifice some speed, as there is another server involved. You are not directly connected to the internet. To check how much CyberGhost VPN affects our internet connection speed, we ran a couple of tests using the popular service.
We used our internet connection on a desktop computer, connected to our Internet Service Provider. Then, we ran SpeedTest on servers in Romania (our home country), Germany (another country on the same continent), and the USA (a different country on a different continent). We wrote down the results. Then, we turned on Cyberghost using VPN servers in Romania, Germany, and the USA. We ran the same SpeedTest, on the same SpeedTest servers, to see the speed that we had with CyberGhost turned on. Take a look at the table below, to get a picture of the impact CyberGhost has on the speed of your internet connection.
No matter what server you use, download and upload speeds drop when connected to a VPN service: this is normal, as you are no longer connected directly to the internet, but have another server in the middle. However, it looks like the most significant speed drop is in our own country. The reason is the high internet speed that we have: 1 Gbps. CyberGhost VPN's servers probably are not calibrated for such high speeds.
How fast is CyberGhost on mobile devices (Android and iOS)?
To get an idea of how much the CyberGhost VPN app affects our internet speed on mobile devices, we also ran a few benchmarks using on a Huawei P10 lite and an iPhone SE. Both smartphones were connected to a wireless network with good coverage.
We ran SpeedTest while connected to WiFi and with CyberGhost turned off, using servers from, Romania, Germany, and the USA. As you can see, the decrease in speed is a lot smaller when using Android smartphones or tablets.
We then made the same measurements on our iPhone SE, on the same WiFi network, with CyberGhost turned off, and then with it turned on. You see a similar picture, with almost the same numbers. Surprisingly, in some situations, you can get higher internet speeds when you are using the VPN than when you are not. This was the case for us when we connected to a VPN in Germany, a country reasonably close to ours.
When using a mobile device with Android and iOS, CyberGhost has a small negative impact on the speed of your internet connection.
What is your opinion about CyberGhost?
We like the CyberGhost VPN service. Its apps are excellent on Windows, Android, and iOS, and their VPN servers offer good speeds. Before closing this review, we would like to get your opinion about CyberGhost. Would you consider purchasing this VPN service? If you are using it, what is your experience with it? Share your opinion or your user experience, in the comments section below.