数据安全和数据隐私(Data security and data privacy)是当今越来越热门的话题,因此,越来越多的公司提供旨在保护您的数据的安全存储设备。一个这样的例子是新的金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000),这是一种USB 3.1 记忆棒(memory stick),它使用军用级 256 位AES 硬件(AES hardware)加密来保护存储在其上的所有数据。该设备的另一个很酷的方面是它还包括一个物理键盘,您可以使用该键盘输入为您的驱动器设置的访问PIN 码。(PIN code)几天来,我们有幸使用和测试了这个小设备,现在我们准备分享我们的经验。如果您想购买一套安全的USB 闪存(USB flash)为您自己或您的组织开车,您绝对应该阅读这篇评论。
金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)采用简单的塑料包装,您必须将其剪开才能拿到内容物。在里面(Inside),您会找到USB 记忆(USB memory)棒、金属套和一张纸板(paper cardboard),上面印有快速用户指南(user guide)和保修详情。
金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)是USB 3.1 第1 代(Generation 1) 记忆棒(memory stick)(或简称USB 3.0),有两种容量:16GB 和 32GB。较小的型号 - 16GB 型号 - 提供高达 120MB/s 的读取速度和高达 20MB/s 的写入速度。大容量机型(capacity model),提供32GB存储空间(storage space),读取数据最高速度135MB/s,写入数据最高速度40MB/s。当您使用带有USB 3.1端口的金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)时,这些都是您可以实现的值。在继续之前,我们想提一下我们测试了 16GB 版本。
这并不是说USB 记忆(USB memory)棒也不支持USB 2.0。确实如此,但传输速度低于您从USB 3.0获得的速度。在USB 2.0端口上使用时,金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)读取数据的最高速度为 30MB/s,写入数据的最高速度为 20MB/s。这些值适用于 16GB 和 32GB 型号。
金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)是一款 USB记忆棒(memory stick),提供军用2 级(grade 2)56 位AES 硬件(AES hardware)加密。为了能够使用记忆棒并访问(memory stick and access)其中的数据,您必须通过输入安全PIN 码(PIN code)将其解锁。为了使此操作尽可能简单,金士顿选择在(Kingston)记忆棒(memory stick)上嵌入一个字母数字物理键盘。由于整个数据加密过程(encryption process)是在驱动器本身上完成的,它还具有内置的 3.7 伏锂聚合物可充电电池,每次连接拇指驱动器时都会充电(thumb drive)到电脑。加密是由记忆棒(memory stick)直接完成的,这也是您无需在计算机上安装任何其他软件即可访问DataTraveler 2000上的加密数据的原因。
金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)长 7 个 8 毫米(~3.07 英寸) ,宽 18 毫米(~0.71 英寸),厚 8 毫米(~0.31 英寸),没有考虑到它的金属套(metal sleeve)。当您将驱动器放入此套筒时,它的尺寸会变大一些,达到 80mm (~3.15in) x 20mm (~0.79in) x 10.5mm (~0.41in) 。
如果您想了解更多有关金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)加密闪存盘(flash drive)的功能和硬件规格的详细信息,请查看其官方网页:金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)。
考虑到所有因素,金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)非常易于使用。首先(First),我们需要强调这是一个安全的存储设备(storage device),它使用非常强大的加密。通常,使用此类设备很痛苦,并且需要您在连接可移动驱动器的每台计算机上使用专门的加密软件。(encryption software)DataTraveler 2000在它自己的内部硬件上完成所有的加密和解密(encryption and decryption),因此不需要任何额外的工具。
为了能够访问DataTraveler 200上的加密数据(data found),您只需使用物理键盘输入安全PIN 码(PIN code),然后将其插入您的计算机。这是我们见过的在USB 记忆(USB memory)棒上进行加密的最简单和最简单的方法!
但是,不要以为PIN 码(PIN code)也很简单,因为金士顿(Kingston)在创建密码时必须遵循三个非常重要的规则:
- 您的PIN 码(PIN code)长度必须介于 7 到 15 个字符之间。
- 您的PIN 码(PIN code)不能只包含重复的数字(例如:2-2-2-2-2-2-2)。
- 您的PIN 码(PIN code)不得仅包含连续数字(例如:1-2-3-4-5-6-7、7-6-5-4-3-2-1 或 3-2-1-0-1 -2-3)。
这些安全规则将确保您没有机会创建容易猜到的PIN 码(PIN code)。
当您想要更改DataTraveler 2000的PIN 码(PIN code)或想要在只读模式或读写模式之间切换时,键盘是您唯一需要的东西。这些都是非常简单的操作,只需按几下记忆棒(memory stick)键盘上的键即可。您可以在金士顿 DataTraveler 2000 用户手册(Kingston DataTraveler 2000 User Manual)中找到详细的配置步骤。
作为一名前军人,我可以告诉你,安全性非常重要,员工在这种环境中使用的USB 闪存(USB flash)驱动器受到任何严肃组织(无论政府与否)的特别关注。金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)是一种 USB存储设备(storage device),此类组织应将其视为不错的选择。除了内置的硬件加密(hardware encryption)之外,DataTraveler 2000还展示了一项非常果断的安全措施(security measure):如果有人输入错误的PIN 10次,或者有人试图对这个闪存驱动器进行暴力攻击,它就会自毁!
不要把我们上面的陈述理解为身体上的自我毁灭。🙂 事实是,如果有人试图篡改它,金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)会自动销毁它存储的数据并使用新的加密密钥(encryption key)重新格式化自己。这样可以确保没有人可以访问您的数据。
如果没有关于性能的部分,任何评论都是不完整的,因此我们对金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)进行了一些速度测试。如前所述,我们测试了 16GB 型号,因此您应该考虑到我们获得的速度结果仅适用于该型号。它们不适用于 32GB 型号。
对于第一轮测试,我们使用了一个名为CrystalDiskMark的(CrystalDiskMark)基准测试工具(benchmarking tool)。该程序运行测试以测量驱动器读取(drive reads)和写入数据块的速度。正如您从下面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,我们使用CrystalDiskMark(CrystalDiskMark)测量的顺序数据传输的最大读写速度甚至高于金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)在其官方硬件(official hardware)规格中宣传的速度。不幸的是,随机读/写结果相当慢。
对于我们的第二轮测试,我们使用了一个名为USBDeview的工具。此实用程序显示有关您使用的所有USB(USB)设备的详细信息。对于连接到计算机的USB 存储驱动器, (USB storage)USBDeview还可以让您运行快速速度测试(speed test)。正如您从下面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,我们的 16GB金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)设法实现了非常接近其官方硬件(official hardware)规格中宣传的写入和读取速度。
考虑到我们从CrystalDiskMark 和 USBDeview获得的速度结果,(CrystalDiskMark and USBDeview)金士顿(Kingston)似乎更关注DataTraveler 2000的安全功能,而不是它的速度。它不是您能找到的最快的 USB记忆棒(memory stick),但也不是最慢的。如果您主要将其用于传输大文件,它会提供足够的速度。
金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)成功地完成了加密和保护数据的非常复杂的任务,同时使其非常便携、快速且易于在任何类型的计算机上使用。通过这款设备,金士顿(Kingston)证明了安全并不一定意味着复杂或令人沮丧的用户体验。DataTraveler 2000提供军用级硬件加密(grade hardware encryption)、坚固的金属机身、易于使用的物理键盘和不错的读写速度。
唯一可能严重影响您购买此闪存驱动器的决定的缺点是其相当昂贵的价格标签(price tag)。但是,如果安全性对您来说至关重要,那么购买金士顿 DataTraveler 2000(Kingston DataTraveler 2000)将是您不会后悔的决定。
Reviewing the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 - The memory stick that Agent 47 would use
Data security and data privacy are increasingly hot topics nowadays and because of that, more and more companies offer sеcure storage devices that aim to protect your data. One such example is the nеw Kingstоn DataTraveler 2000, а USB 3.1 mеmory stick that uses mіlitary grade 256-bit AES hardware encryрtion to protect all the data stored on it. Another сool aspect of this device is thаt it also includes a physical keypad that you can use to enter the access PІN code ѕet for your drive. We have had the pleasυre of using and testing this little device for a couple of dayѕ and we arе now ready to share our experience. If you're lookіng to buy a set of secure USB flash drives for yourself оr your organisation, you should definitely read this review.
Unboxing and hardware specifications
The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 comes in a simple plastic wrapping which you will have to cut in order to get to the contents. Inside, you'll find the USB memory stick, a metallic sleeve for it, and a piece of paper cardboard on which it is printed the quick user guide and the warranty details.
The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 is a USB 3.1 Generation 1 memory stick (or simply USB 3.0) that comes in two capacity variants: 16GB and 32GB. The smaller one - the 16GB model - offers read speeds of up to 120MB/s and write speeds of up to 20MB/s. The larger capacity model, which offers 32GB of storage space, can read data at a maximum speed of 135MB/s and can write data at a maximum speed of 40MB/s. These are all values which you can achieve when you use the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 with a USB 3.1 port. Before moving forward, we would like to mention that we tested the 16GB variant.
That's not to say that the USB memory stick doesn't support USB 2.0 too. It does, but the transfer speeds are less than those you get from USB 3.0. When used on a USB 2.0 port, the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 can read data at a maximum of 30MB/s and can write data at a maximum speed of 20MB/s. These values are true for both the 16GB and the 32GB models.
The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 is a USB memory stick that offers military grade 2 56-bit AES hardware encryption. In order to be able to use the memory stick and access the data found on it, you must unlock it by entering a security PIN code. To make this operation as easy as possible, Kingston chose to embed an alphanumeric physical keypad right onto the memory stick. Because the entire data encryption process is done on the drive itself, it also has a built-in 3.7 volts li-polymer rechargeable battery that's charged each time you connect the thumb drive to a computer. The fact that the encryption is done directly by the memory stick is also the reason why you don't need to install any additional software on your computer in order to be able to access the encrypted data on the DataTraveler 2000.
The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 is 7 8mm (~3.07in) long, 18mm (~0.71in) wide and 8mm (~0.31in) thick without taking into consideration the metal sleeve you get with it. When you put the drive into this sleeve, its dimensions grow a bit larger, to 80mm (~3.15in) x 20mm (~0.79in) x 10.5mm (~0.41in) .
If you want more details about the features and hardware specifications of the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 encrypted flash drive, check its official web page: Kingston DataTraveler 2000.
Features and user experience
The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 is very easy to use, all things considered. First of all, we need to underline the fact that this is a secure storage device, that uses a very strong encryption. Typically, using such devices is a pain and requires you to use specialized encryption software on each of the computers to which you connect the removable drive. The DataTraveler 2000 does all the encryption and decryption on its own internal hardware, so there's no need for any additional tools.
To be able to access the encrypted data found on the DataTraveler 200, all you need to do is use the physical keypad to enter the security PIN code and then plug it in your computer. It's the easiest and simplest ways we've seen of doing encryption on a USB memory stick!
However, don't think that the PIN code is also simple, because Kingston has three very important rules that you must follow when you create your passcode:
- Your PIN code must be between 7 and 15 characters in length.
- Your PIN code must not contain only repetitive numbers (for instance: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2).
- Your PIN code must not contain only consecutive numbers (for instance: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 or 3-2-1-0-1-2-3).
These security rules will make sure that you don't stand a chance of creating an easy to guess PIN code.
The keypad is the only thing you need when you want to change the PIN code of the DataTraveler 2000 or when you want to switch between using it in read-only mode or read-write mode. These are all very simple operations to do and involve only a few presses on the keys from the memory stick's keypad. You will find the detailed configuration steps in the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 User Manual.
As a former military employee, I can tell you that security is very important and the USB flash drives used by employees in such environments receive special attention from any serious organisation, governmental or not. The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 is a USB storage device that such organisations should look at as a good acquisition. Besides the built-in hardware encryption, the DataTraveler 2000 shows off with a very decisive security measure: if someone enters the wrong PIN 10 times or if someone tries to run brute-force attacks on this flash drive, it will self destruct!
Don't read our above statement as referring to physical self-destruction. 🙂 It's about the fact that, if someone tries to tamper with it, the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 automatically destroys the data it stores and reformats itself using a new encryption key . This ensures that no one can access your data.
Performance in benchmarks
No review would be complete without a section about performance, so we ran a few speed tests on the Kingston DataTraveler 2000. As we mentioned earlier, we tested the 16GB model, so you should take into consideration that the speed results we obtained are for this model only. They do not apply to the 32GB model.
For the first round of tests, we used a benchmarking tool called CrystalDiskMark. This program runs tests that measure how fast a drive reads and writes blocks of data. As you can see from the screenshot below, the maximum read and write speeds we measured with CrystalDiskMark for sequential data transfers are even higher than those advertised by the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 in its official hardware specifications. Unfortunately though, the random read/write results are rather slow.
For our second round of tests, we used a tool called USBDeview. This utility shows detailed information about all the USB devices you use. For the USB storage drives that are connected to your computer, USBDeview also lets you run a quick speed test. As you can see from the screenshot below, our 16GB Kingston DataTraveler 2000 managed to achieve write and read speeds that are very close to those advertised in its official hardware specifications.
Taking into consideration the speed results we got from both CrystalDiskMark and USBDeview, it looks like Kingston focused more on the security features of the DataTraveler 2000, rather than on its speed. It's not the fastest USB memory stick that you can find but also it is not the slowest. It offers plenty of speed if you will use it mainly for transporting large files.
The Kingston DataTraveler 2000 manages to pull off the very complex task of encrypting and protecting your data, while making it very portable, fast and easy to use on any kind of computer. With this device, Kingston proves that security doesn't necessarily mean a complicated or frustrating user experience. The DataTraveler 2000 offers military grade hardware encryption, a sturdy looking body made of metal, an easy to use physical keypad and decent read and write speeds.
The only downside that might weigh heavily on your decision of buying this flash drive is its rather expensive price tag. However, if security is paramount for you, purchasing Kingston DataTraveler 2000 is going to be a decision you won't regret.