超极本已经出现了一段时间,很多人都喜欢它们,因为它们重量轻且易于携带。然而,超便携设备通常有一个重要的缺点:它们很小。大多数超极本都配备 13 或 14 英寸的屏幕,对于某些人来说,这不足以用于生产用途。然后是LG Gram 16超轻笔记本电脑,它提供宽大的 16 英寸屏幕,同时也是轻量化部门的冠军。凭借强大的硬件并在Intel Evo 平台(Intel Evo platform)下设计,它承诺提供您可能想要的一切:超便携性、一流的性能、大屏幕和精美的设计。要了解更多信息,请阅读此评论:
LG Gram 16:它对谁有好处?
LG Gram 16(LG Gram 16)笔记本电脑是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要携带方便的超轻笔记本电脑的人
- 想要大屏幕超极本的人
- 任何欣赏极简主义并渴望(minimalism and longs)漂亮笔记本的人
- 寻找便携式笔记本电脑的用户,主要用于在旅途中提高生产力
关于LG Gram 16(LG Gram 16)有很多好话要说:
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- 它配备了强大的处理器、大量的RAM和快速的固态驱动器
- 它的显示质量很高,并提供出色的色彩再现(color reproduction)
- 键盘打字舒适,带有背光键,触控板很大
- 机身由镁合金制成,轻巧耐用
- 它的极简设计(minimalist design)简直太美了
- 端口的选择比您对超极本的期望更丰富
- 电池寿命是一流的
至于LG Gram 16的缺点:
- 它相当昂贵
- 有些型号没有触摸屏(取决于它们的价格)
- 上面预装了一些英国媒体报道软件

LG Gram 16(LG Gram 16)是我们测试过的最好的超极本之一。我们从第一次见面就喜欢它,我们很确定你也会喜欢它。这是一款精美的设备,设计简约且经过深思熟虑。如果您是一个需要在旅途中工作并想要一台真正便携的笔记本电脑的人,那么LG Gram 16可能正是您应该购买的。它为任何类型的生产力任务(productivity task)提供了足够的性能,其巨大的电池寿命(battery life)可以让您轻松完成一整天的工作,而无需将充电器插入电源插座(power socket)。如果您有钱并且不一定想要笔记本电脑上的触摸屏,您应该强烈考虑LG Gram 16。
拆箱 LG Gram 16Z90P
LG Gram 16Z90P(LG Gram 16Z90P)笔记本采用中等大小的盒子,由优质深灰色纸板制成。如下图所示,这是一个极简主义的包装:盒子上唯一印的就是gram。

LG Gram 16 的包装盒
打开盒子,里面的东西:漂亮的LG Gram 笔记本电脑(LG Gram laptop)、电源适配器(power adapter)和数据线,以及一些安装指南(installation guide)文件。

拆箱 LG Gram 16
LG Gram 16Z90P 笔记本电脑的拆箱速度很快。我们只能将盒子及其内容描述为简约。但是,乍一看,笔记本电脑看起来很酷。🙂(Unboxing the LG Gram 16Z90P laptop is fast. We can only describe both the box and its contents as minimalistic. But, the laptop looks pretty cool at first sight. 🙂)
LG Gram(LG Gram)基于Intel Evo 平台构建(Intel Evo platform)
LG Gram 16基于Intel Evo 平台构建(Intel Evo Platform)。了解这意味着什么很重要,这样您才能更好地了解它的设计和硬件选择(design and hardware choices)。
英特尔 Evo(Intel Evo)笔记本电脑是优质、轻薄的设备,由英特尔(Intel)与其合作伙伴共同设计,具有一些关键技术和设计选择。他们提供以下服务:
- 高性能,因为他们需要第 11代英特尔酷睿(Gen Intel Core)处理器和英特尔 Iris Xe(Intel Iris Xe)显卡
- 超长电池续航时间,在(battery life)全高清(Full HD)屏幕上工作超过 9 小时
- 快速无线(Fast wireless)网络,内置Intel Wi-Fi 6网络适配器
- 快速启动时间
- 雷雳 4 端口

据英特尔(Intel)称,英特尔 Evo 平台(Intel Evo Platform)提供 25%的CPU 性能提升(CPU performance)、1.84 倍的图形性能提升、33 % faster DDR4 (4266MHz) 提升,并支持NVMe 存储(NVMe storage)。CPU 和图形性能数据(CPU and Graphics performance numbers)基于英特尔(Intel)2020 年 8 月(August 2020)的测试。
我们在测试中收到的LG Gram 16Z90P型号看起来很棒。它采用美丽的黑色简约设计(minimalist design),而构建质量是一流的。这款超极本的整个外壳由镁合金制成,触感极佳,并提供良好的抓地力、耐刮擦性、耐用性,最重要的是,重量极轻。我们在这里谈论优质工艺!

LG Gram 16 外观
整个LG Gram 超极本(LG Gram ultrabook)配备 16英寸大屏幕(” screen),但不知何故仅重 2.6 磅(1.2 千克),而其充电器仅增加了 0.6 磅(0.3 千克)。虽然对于普通的超极本来说相当大,宽度为 14.01 英寸(356 毫米),深度为 9.58 英寸(243 毫米),但它非常纤薄,厚度仅为 0.66 英寸(16.8 毫米)。总而言之,LG Gram是一款真正的超便携超薄设备,一只手即可轻松携带。此外,如果你把它放在背包甚至钱包里,它的重量几乎可以忽略不计。

盖上盖子的 LG Gram 16
在屏幕的背面,LG 刻上了gram的名字,但除此之外,没有其他图案或视觉元素,也没有LED灯或任何其他分散注意力的元素。

LG Gram 16 的铰链
在LG Gram上,您找不到像普通笔记本电脑那样的大通风口。底部只有一个由无数小孔组成的大型冷却网格。

通风口(Air)位于LG Gram 16的底部(LG Gram 16)
让我们来看看引擎盖下的内容。LG Gram 系列(LG Gram family)超极本非常庞大,有多种形状和尺寸,我们测试的LG Gram 16型号是最强大的型号之一。Gram 16的“大脑”是Intel Tiger Lake Core i7-1165G7,四核八线程。CPU以 2.8 GHz的基本频率和4.7 GHz的最大Turbo Boost 时钟(Turbo Boost clock)运行。CPU还提供 12 MB 的3级(Level 3)高速缓存(cache memory),默认TDP仅为 28瓦(Watts)。

LG Gram 16:处理器细节
在内存方面,我们测试的笔记本电脑有 16GB 的DDR4 RAM,运行频率为 4266 MHz。没有可用的 SO-DIMM 插槽,因为我们谈论的是超极本。除了可以升级的SSD外,包括(SSD)RAM在内的所有其他组件都焊接在主板上。

LG Gram 16:内存规格
关于显卡,LG Gram 16笔记本电脑没有配备专用显卡(video card),而是依靠其处理器中包含的GPU 芯片(GPU chip):Intel Iris Xe Graphics。

LG Gram 16:显卡规格
该显示器使用IPS 16英寸 QHD(” QHD)(2560 x 1600像素)面板,刷新率为 60 Hz,DCI-P3 色彩(DCI-P3 color)空间% coverage为99%。这是一块漂亮的屏幕,四周环绕着小边框,具有出色的色彩还原和视角(color reproduction and viewing angles)。唯一有点让人印象深刻的是它有光泽,所以它在户外,在明亮的阳光下表现不佳。

LG Gram 16的盖子打开到最大
存储方面,LG Gram 16Z90P配备了由Hynix制造的快速 1 (Hynix)TB NVMe PCIe 3.0固态硬盘。

LG Gram 16:SSD 细节
LG Gram 16Z90P(LG Gram 16Z90P)在无线网络(wireless networking)方面表现出色:您可以获得带有 2×2 MU-MIMO 和蓝牙 5.1(Bluetooth 5.1)的Wi-Fi 6 ( Intel AX201 ) 。至于有线网络,LG 没有包含任何以太网卡(Ethernet card),可能是因为笔记本电脑的设计如此轻薄。
关于音频,LG Gram 16Z90P通过底部的一组内置立体声扬声器提供音频。两款扬声器的额定功率均为 2.0瓦(Watts),LG 表示,使用Smart Amp 技术,扬声器组合起来最多可提供 5(Smart Amp tech)瓦(Watts)的功率。
就输入/输出端口而言,LG Gram 16比您对超极本的预期更为慷慨。它们都位于笔记本电脑的左侧和右侧 - 在背面或前边缘没有找到端口。左侧有一个全尺寸HDMI 2.0端口、两个 USB-C Thunderbolt 4端口和一个 3.5mm组合音频插孔(combo audio jack),而在LG Gram 16的右边缘,您可以获得两个USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-一个(Type-A)端口和一个 microSD读卡器(card reader)。

LG Gram 16右侧的端口
最后,LG Gram 16的优势之一是其令人印象深刻的电池。尽管它很薄,但这款超极本捆绑了一块容量为 80 WHrs的电池。要为其充电,您将获得一个 65W 充电器,将其插入笔记本电脑左侧的USB-C端口之一。(USB-C)

LG Gram 16左侧的端口
LG 发送预装了Windows 10的(Windows 10)Gram 16笔记本电脑(我们的型号有Windows 10 Home),并承诺您可以升级到Windows 11。我们可以证明这一点,因为我们得到它后做的第一件事就是在运行任何基准测试之前安装Windows 11 。🙂
有关此笔记本电脑的功能和技术规格以及替代配置的更多详细信息,请访问LG Gram 16网页。
LG Gram 16 是我们测试过的功能最强大、设计最精良的超极本之一。它的硬件应该能够处理任何类型的生产力任务。(The LG Gram 16 is one of the most powerful and well-designed ultrabooks we’ve ever tested. Its hardware should be more than capable of handling any kind of productivity task.)
在这篇评论的下一页,我们分享了与LG Gram 16Z90P笔记本电脑捆绑的(LG Gram 16Z90P)用户体验(user experience)、软件和应用程序的详细信息,以及它的基准测试结果。
Review LG Gram 16: The champion of the ultralight laptops division
Ultrabooks have been аround for a while, and many people love them because they’re lightwеight and easy to carry. However, ultraportables usually have an important disadvantage: they’re small. Most ultrabooks come with 13 or 14-inch screenѕ, and for some people, that’s not enough screen estate for productive use. And then comеs the LG Gram 16 ultra-light laptop that offers a genеrous 16-inch screen while also being a champion of the lightweight division. With powerful hardware and engineered under the Intel Evo platform, it promises to offer everything you might want: ultra-portability, top-notch performance, a large screen, and beautiful deѕign. To learn morе, read this review:
LG Gram 16: Who is it good for?
The LG Gram 16 laptop is an excellent choice for:
- People who want an ultra-lightweight laptop that’s easy to carry
- Those who want an ultrabook with a large screen
- Anyone who appreciates minimalism and longs for a beautiful notebook
- Users looking for a portable laptop designed mainly for productivity on the go
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the LG Gram 16:
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- It comes with a powerful processor, plenty of RAM, and a fast solid-state drive
- Its display is high-quality and offers excellent color reproduction
- The keyboard is comfortable to type on, with backlit keys, and the trackpad is large
- The body is made from magnesium alloys, light and durable
- Its minimalist design is simply beautiful
- The selection of ports is more generous than you’d expect from an ultrabook
- The battery life is stellar
As for the downsides of the LG Gram 16:
- It’s quite expensive
- Some models don't have a touchscreen (depending on their price)
- There’s some bloatware preinstalled on it

The LG Gram 16 is one of the nicest ultrabooks we’ve ever tested. We loved it from our first encounter, and we’re pretty sure you will too. It’s a beautiful device with a minimalistic and well-thought design. If you’re a person who needs to work on the go and wants a genuinely portable notebook, the LG Gram 16 might be exactly what you should buy. It offers more than enough performance for any kind of productivity task, and its huge battery life can easily get you through a whole day of work without having to plug its charger into a power socket. If you have the money for it and you don’t necessarily want a touchscreen on your laptop, you should strongly consider the LG Gram 16.
Unboxing the LG Gram 16Z90P
The LG Gram 16Z90P notebook comes in an average-sized box made of premium dark-gray cardboard. As you can see in the picture below, it’s a minimalist package: the only thing printed on the box is gram.

The box of the LG Gram 16
Opening the box reveals the contents: the beautiful LG Gram laptop, its power adapter, and cable, and some installation guide documents.

Unboxing the LG Gram 16
Unboxing the LG Gram 16Z90P laptop is fast. We can only describe both the box and its contents as minimalistic. But, the laptop looks pretty cool at first sight. 🙂
The LG Gram is built on the Intel Evo platform
LG Gram 16 is built on the Intel Evo Platform. It’s important to know what that means, so you can better understand its design and hardware choices.
Intel Evo laptops are premium, thin and light devices, co-engineered by Intel with its partners, characterized by some key technologies and design choices. They offer the following:
- A high degree of performance, as they need to have 11th Gen Intel Core processors and Intel Iris Xe graphics
- Huge battery life that surpasses 9 hours of work on Full HD screens
- Fast wireless networking, with built-in Intel Wi-Fi 6 network adapters
- Fast boot times
- Thunderbolt 4 ports

Intel Evo platform
According to Intel, the Intel Evo Platform offers 25% faster CPU performance, 1.84 times faster graphic performance, 33% faster DDR4 (4266MHz), and support for NVMe storage. The CPU and Graphics performance numbers are based on Intel’s testing from August 2020.
Design and hardware specifications
The LG Gram 16Z90P model that we received in testing looks great. It features a beautiful black minimalist design, while the build quality is top-notch. The entire case of this ultrabook is made of magnesium alloy that feels great to the touch and provides good grip, resistance to scratches, durability, and, most of all, an extremely light bodyweight. We’re talking about premium craftsmanship here!

A view of the LG Gram 16
The whole LG Gram ultrabook comes with a large 16” screen, but somehow manages to weigh just 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg), while its charger only adds another 0.6 pounds (0.3 kg). Although fairly large for a regular ultrabook, measuring 14.01 inches (356 mm) in width and 9.58 inches in depth (243 mm), it’s incredibly slim, having a thickness of just 0.66 inches (16.8 mm). All in all, the LG Gram is what you’d call a truly ultraportable and ultrathin device, one which you can easily carry in one hand. Furthermore, its weight is practically negligible if you carry it in a backpack or even a purse.

The LG Gram 16 with its lid closed
On the back of the screen, LG engraved the gram name, but other than that, there are no other patterns or visual elements, no LED lights, or any other distracting elements.
The laptop’s screen hinges are barely visible but feel quite robust. When opened, the screen stays firmly in the position you set it. However, speaking of the screen’s robustness, probably because it’s so thin, we noticed that it bends quite easily, so a bit of care on this side won’t hurt.

The hinges of the LG Gram 16
On the LG Gram, you won’t find large air vents like on regular laptops. There’s just one large cooling grid made of countless tiny holes on its bottom.

Air vents are found on the bottom of the LG Gram 16
Let’s get a glimpse of what’s under the hood. The LG Gram family of ultrabooks is huge and comes in many shapes and sizes, and the LG Gram 16 model that we tested is one of the most powerful. The “brain” of the Gram 16 is an Intel Tiger Lake Core i7-1165G7, with four cores and eight threads. The CPU runs at a base frequency of 2.8 GHz and a maximum Turbo Boost clock of 4.7 GHz. The CPU also offers 12 MB of Level 3 cache memory and has a default TDP of just 28 Watts.

LG Gram 16: Processor details
In terms of memory, the laptop we tested had 16GB of DDR4 RAM running at a frequency of 4266 MHz. There are no available SO-DIMM slots available, as we’re talking about an ultrabook. Except for the SSD, which can be upgraded, all the other components, including the RAM, are soldered to the mainboard.

LG Gram 16: RAM specs
Regarding graphics, the LG Gram 16 laptop doesn’t come with a dedicated video card, instead relying on the GPU chip included in its processor: Intel Iris Xe Graphics.

LG Gram 16: Graphics specifications
The display uses an IPS 16” QHD (2560 x 1600 pixels) panel with a refresh rate of 60 Hz and 99% coverage of the DCI-P3 color space. It’s a beautiful screen, surrounded by small bezels, with excellent color reproduction and viewing angles. The only thing that’s a bit underwhelming is the fact that it’s glossy, so it doesn’t do that well outdoors, in bright sunlight.

The LG Gram 16 with its lid opened to the max
As for storage, the LG Gram 16Z90P comes equipped with a fast 1 TB NVMe PCIe 3.0 solid-state drive made by Hynix.

LG Gram 16: SSD details
The LG Gram 16Z90P does great in terms of wireless networking: you get Wi-Fi 6 (Intel AX201) with 2×2 MU-MIMO and Bluetooth 5.1. As for wired networking, LG didn’t include any Ethernet card, probably because the laptop is so thin by design.
Regarding audio, the LG Gram 16Z90P delivers it via a set of built-in stereo speakers found on its bottom. Both speakers are rated at 2.0 Watts each, and LG says that the speakers combined can deliver a maximum of 5 Watts using Smart Amp tech.
The LG Gram 16 is more generous than you’d expect from an ultrabook in terms of input/output ports. All of them are positioned on the left and right sides of the laptop - no port is found on the back or on the front edges. On the left, there is a full-sized HDMI 2.0 port, two USB-C Thunderbolt 4 ports, and a 3.5mm combo audio jack, while on the right edge of the LG Gram 16, you get two USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A ports and a microSD card reader.

The ports found on the right of the LG Gram 16
Finally, one of the strong points of the LG Gram 16 is its impressive battery. As thin as it is, this ultrabook bundles a battery with a capacity of 80 WHrs. To charge it, you get a 65W charger that you plug into one of the USB-C ports found on the left side of the laptop.

Ports found on the left of the LG Gram 16
LG sends the Gram 16 laptop with Windows 10 preinstalled (our model had Windows 10 Home) and promises that you can upgrade to Windows 11. We can attest to that, as the first thing we did when we got it was install Windows 11 before running any benchmarks. 🙂
For more details about this laptop’s features and technical specs, and alternative configurations for it, visit the LG Gram 16 web page.
The LG Gram 16 is one of the most powerful and well-designed ultrabooks we’ve ever tested. Its hardware should be more than capable of handling any kind of productivity task.
On the next page of this review, we share details about the user experience, the software, and apps bundled with the LG Gram 16Z90P laptop, as well as its benchmark results.