毫无疑问,自去年首次向公众发布以来,Windows 10(Windows 10) 周年更新(Anniversary Update)是Windows 10演进路径(evolution path)中的一个重要节点。但是,您不应将其视为操作系统(operating system)的新迭代,而应将其视为“具有许多附加优势的服务包”。(service pack)周年更新(Anniversary Update)完善了Windows 10,除此之外,还带来了一些用户可能会喜欢使用的新功能。如果您仍然想知道它是否值得安装,我们列出了您这样做的最重要原因。这就是您应该获得Windows 10的原因(Windows 10) 今天周年庆更新(Anniversary Update today):
有些人喜欢深色,有些人喜欢浅色。甚至达斯维达(Darth Vader)也同意这一点!所以微软(Microsoft)也必须这样做——Windows 10的(Windows 10)周年更新(Anniversary Update)添加了一个选项,可以根据您的喜好从明亮环境切换到黑暗环境并向后切换。(environment and backwards)深色模式将默认Windows 10应用程序的背景更改为黑色,而浅色模式将背景变为白色。现在一切都是选择的问题:你会加入黑暗面(Dark Side),还是忠于光明面(Light Side)?
2. Cortana 在您的锁定屏幕上
安装Windows 10 周年更新(Anniversary Update)后,即使您的PC 或设备(PC or device)被锁定,您也可以使用Cortana 。Cortana现在可以在锁定屏幕上(lock screen)使用,她可以执行各种任务,例如记笔记、添加提醒甚至播放音乐,而无需解锁Windows 10计算机或设备(computer or device)。
3. Cortana可以设置任何事情的提醒
Cortana最大的特点之一是你可以要求她为你未来需要做的事情设置提醒。但是,一旦你获得周年更新(Anniversary Update),Cortana将能够做更多事情:你将能够让她记住任何随机的东西,比如你把房子钥匙(house keys)放在哪里,你把车停在哪里,甚至是《星际迷航》(Star Trek)是比星球大战(Star Wars)好。
4. Cortana可以从你的便笺中添加提醒
Sticky Notes可能不是Windows最广为宣传的功能,但很多人都喜欢它们,包括我们在内。在Windows 10(Windows 10) 周年更新(Anniversary Update)中,我们最喜欢的一件事是Cortana现在也与Sticky Notes集成,并且她可以感觉到您何时可能想要设置提醒。只需单击一下,您就可以在Cortana提醒中打开便笺(Sticky Notes)涂鸦。
5. Microsoft Edge现在支持扩展
Web 浏览器扩展是(Web browser)Mozilla Firefox 和 Google Chrome(Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome)日益普及的关键因素之一。然而,微软(Microsoft)的Internet Explorer却并非如此,尽管你不能说他们没有尝试过。另一方面,在Windows 10中,(Windows 10)微软(Microsoft)选择构建一个全新的网络浏览器(web browser),他们称之为Edge,并承诺至少与竞争对手一样好。这意味着Edge还将提供对Web 浏览器(web browser)扩展的支持。虽然花了整整一年,我们不得不等待周年更新(Anniversary Update),Microsoft Edge终于提供了对扩展的支持。
如果您想了解有关 Microsoft Edge 中的Web(Microsoft Edge)浏览器(web browser)扩展支持的更多信息,请查看本指南:如何在Microsoft Edge中添加或删除(Microsoft Edge)Web 浏览器(web browser)扩展。
6. 您可以在Microsoft Edge中固定选项卡(Microsoft Edge)
Microsoft Edge的一小步,但它的可用性却是一大步!这就是我们对在Microsoft Edge中固定标签的能力的看法。这是其中一件感觉并不重要但可以极大地改变您的使用体验的事情。毕竟,我们都有喜欢的网站,我们希望永久保持打开状态。
7.任务视图(Task View)允许您将应用程序和窗口固定到多个虚拟桌面
任务视图(Task View)是 Windows 10 的一项功能,当您需要同时使用大量应用程序和窗口时非常有用,但您没有两个或更多物理显示器来容纳您打开的所有内容。那时您可能会转向使用Task View提供的虚拟桌面。但在周年更新(Anniversary Update)之前 Windows 10 没有的一件事是能够将应用程序或窗口(apps or windows)固定到所有桌面。现在你可以了,我们相信你会喜欢的。🙂
如果您想了解有关Windows 10中的虚拟桌面以及如何将应用程序和窗口(apps and windows)固定到它们的更多信息,请查看本教程:如何在Windows 10中创建、使用和删除虚拟桌面。
8.任务栏时钟(taskbar clock)显示您的每日日程
任务栏上的时钟在所有Windows版本中都是一个非常简陋且“无聊”的功能,而不仅仅是在Windows 10中。然而,周年更新(Anniversary Update)中的事情变得更加有趣,因为任务栏时钟(taskbar clock)不仅是现在检查时间和日期(time and date)的地方,而且是您可以检查和编辑日常议程中的事件的地方。
我们在此处详细介绍了该主题:如何从Windows 10任务栏查看事件并将其添加到您的日历。
9. Windows Defender随时守护您的安全
Microsoft投入了大量精力,使他们的 Windows Defender 反恶意软件(Defender antimalware)解决方案比以往任何时候都更好。周年更新为(Anniversary Update)Windows Defender带来了一项新功能,即使您的 PC 上已经安装了另一个防病毒软件,您也可以使用它运行偶尔的防病毒扫描。它可以做到这一点,而不会与过去发生的第三方安全产品发生冲突。此外,Windows Defender现在能够不时向您显示增强的通知,其中包含有关它在您的 Windows 10 PC 或设备(PC or device)上执行的操作的一些信息。
如果您愿意,您可以在我们不久前发布的以下 2 篇文章中找到更多关于Windows Defender的新颖性:偶尔使用Windows Defender扫描您的 PC ,即使您有其他防病毒软件和Windows Defender中的增强通知是什么?如何打开或关闭(Off)它们?
10、“微软(Microsoft)爱Linux ”不再是笑话
当微软(Microsoft)官员告诉我们他们喜欢Linux时,我们并不信任他们。但是,看到在周年更新(Anniversary Update)中,Windows 10带来了对Linux Bash的支持,我们必须承认我们错了。如果您启用其开发人员模式(developer mode)并安装适用于 Linux 的Windows子系统(Linux),(Windows Subsystem)Windows 10现在可以直接运行本机Linux应用程序。
为了在Windows 10 (Windows 10)PC 或设备上获取(PC or device)Bash,您需要阅读以下内容:如何在Windows 10中获取(Windows 10)Linux Bash,分 3 个步骤。这里有一些基本的Bash命令可以帮助您入门:在Windows 10中使用(Windows 10)Ubuntu上的Bash处理文件、文件夹和应用程序。
蓝屏(Blue Screens)死机(Death)一直是向用户展示他们的 Windows 计算机或设备出了什么问题的一种难以理解的方式。不幸的是,这些年来这个领域并没有太大的变化。至少到现在为止,当Windows 10的(Windows 10)周年更新(Anniversary Update)将在蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)上引入 QR 码时,这些代码可以为那些想要对 PC 进行故障排除的人提供帮助。
以下是如何(How)使用Windows 10 BSOD(BSODs)显示的二维码来了解问题所在。
12.直接从任务栏选择音频播放设备(playback device)
在过去, Windows(Windows)中一件非常困难和麻烦的事情是选择默认的音频(default audio) 播放设备(playback device)。好消息是,周年更新(Anniversary Update)将为所有Windows 10用户带来一个新的小而非常有用的功能:快速选择用于播放音频的设备的能力。只需在任务栏上单击 3 次即可。而已!
13.“开始”菜单(Start Menu)从一开始就显示您的应用程序列表
在周年更新(Anniversary Update)之前,为了能够在“开始”菜单(Start Menu)中查看所有应用程序,您必须单击或点击一个名为“所有应用程序”的按钮。现在您不再需要这样做,因为所有应用程序的列表默认显示在Windows 10 开始菜单(Start Menu)中。
14. Windows Ink让您的笔比以往任何时候都更强大
Windows 10周年更新(Anniversary Update)将写入您的计算机或设备(computer or device)。现在,您可以真正使用笔记笔记、绘制想法、在Office中(Office)使用手写、在(use handwriting)Microsoft Edge中进行注释,甚至可以在地图应用程序中绘制您自己的(Maps app)自定义假期(custom vacation)路线。
15. Windows Hello现在允许您对应用程序和网站进行身份验证(apps and websites)
Windows Hello 技术(Windows Hello technology)已得到改进和扩展,可与应用程序和网站等一起使用。如果您有新的Windows 10 电脑或设备(PC or device),并且支持此功能,您可以使用Windows Hello通过扫描您的面部或指纹来登录支持它的应用程序和网站。告别(Say goodbye)必须至少包含“一个大写字母、一个数字、一个俳句和一小撮仙尘(fairy dust)”的密码。🙂
我们坚信,周年更新(Anniversary Update)使Windows 10在安全性、可用性和有用功能方面都比以前更好。毫无疑问:今天的Windows 10比一年前推出时更加精致。如果您已经在使用Windows 10,那么您别无选择 - 您迟早会获得周年更新(Anniversary Update sooner),仅仅是因为您无法禁用Windows 10中的更新。我们想到的下一个问题是“周年更新(Anniversary Update)是否足以说服其他用户 - 你知道,那些拒绝升级到Windows 10的用户(Windows 10)- 做出改变?”你怎么看?在下面的评论部分与我们分享你的意见。
15 Reasons why you should get the Windows 10 Anniversary Update today
The Windows 10 Anniversary Update is, without question, an important point in Wіndows 10'ѕ evolution path ѕіnce it was initially released to the publiс, last year. However, you shouldn't think about it as a new iteration of the operating system, but rather as a "service pack with many added benefits". The Anniversarу Update polishes Windows 10 and, оn top of thаt, brings a couple of new features that users will probably enjoy using. If you're still wondering whether or not it's wоrth installing, we made a list with the most important reasons for you to do that. Here's why you should gеt the Windows 10 Annіversary Update today:
1. Dark mode
Some people like it dark and some people like it light. Even Darth Vader agrees to that! So Microsoft had to do it too - the Anniversary Update for Windows 10 adds an option to switch from a light to a dark environment and backwards, depending on what you prefer. The dark mode changes the background of the default Windows 10 apps to black, while the light mode turns the background white. It's all a matter of choice now: will you join the Dark Side, or stay loyal to the Light Side?
2. Cortana is on your lock screen
After you install the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, you will be able to use Cortana even if your PC or device is locked. Cortana is now available on the lock screen and she can do all kinds tasks like take notes, add reminders or even play music, all without you having to unlock your Windows 10 computer or device.
3. Cortana can set reminders about anything
One of Cortana's greatest features is the fact that you could ask her to set reminders for the things you need to do in the future. But, once you get the Anniversary Update, Cortana will be able to do even more: you will be able to ask her to remember any random stuff, like where you put your house keys, where you parked your car or even that Star Trek is better than Star Wars.
4. Cortana can add reminders from your Sticky Notes
The Sticky Notes may not be the most advertised feature of Windows, but many people love them, us included. One of the things we like best in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update is the fact that Cortana is now integrated with Sticky Notes too, and she can sense when you might want to set a reminder. With just a click, you will be able to turn your Sticky Notes scribbles in Cortana reminders.
5. Microsoft Edge now has support for extensions
Web browser extensions were one of the key aspects for the rise in popularity of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. However, the same was not true for Microsoft's Internet Explorer, although you can't say that they didn't try. In Windows 10 on the other hand, Microsoft chose to build a completely new web browser, which they called Edge, and which they promised to be at least as good as its competition. That meant that Edge would also provide support for web browser extensions. Although it took a whole year and we had to wait for the Anniversary Update, Microsoft Edge finally offers support for extensions.
If you want to know more about the web browser extensions support in Microsoft Edge, check this guide: How to add or remove web browser extensions in Microsoft Edge.
6. You can pin tabs in Microsoft Edge
A small step for Microsoft Edge, yet a very big step for its usability! This is what we think about the ability to pin tabs in Microsoft Edge. It's one of those things that doesn't feel important but can change your usage experience a lot. After all, we all have favorite websites that we like to keep open permanently.
7. Task View lets you pin apps and windows to multiple virtual desktops
Task View is a Windows 10 feature that can be really useful when you need to work with a lot of apps and windows simultaneously, yet you don't have two or more physical monitors to accommodate everything you have open. That is when you'll probably turn to using the virtual desktops offered by the Task View . But one thing that Windows 10 didn't have until the Anniversary Update was the ability to pin apps or windows to all your desktops. Now you can and we're sure you'll like it. 🙂
If you want to read more about the virtual desktops in Windows 10 and how to pin apps and windows to them, check this tutorial: How to create, use and remove virtual desktops in Windows 10.
8. The taskbar clock shows your daily agenda
The clock from your taskbar was a pretty spartan and "boring" feature in all Windows versions, not just in Windows 10. However, things are getting quite a lot more interesting in the Anniversary Update, as the taskbar clock isn't just a place to check the time and date now, but also a place where you can check and edit the events from your daily agenda.
We've covered the subject in detail, here: How to see and add events to your Calendar from the Windows 10 taskbar.
9. Windows Defender is always there to watch over your security
Microsoft invested lots of efforts into making their Windows Defender antimalware solution better than ever before. The Anniversary Update brings a new feature for Windows Defender , one that lets you run occasional antivirus scans with it, even if you already have another antivirus installed on your PC. And it can do that without conflicting with third-party security products, which happened in the past. Plus, Windows Defender is now able to show you enhanced notifications from time to time, with bits of information about what it did on your Windows 10 PC or device.
If you want to, you can find more about the novelties in Windows Defender , in these 2 articles that we published a while ago: Occasionally scan your PC with Windows Defender, even if you have another antivirus and What are enhanced notifications in Windows Defender? How to turn them On or Off?.
10. "Microsoft loves Linux" is not a joke anymore
When Microsoft officials told us that they love Linux, we didn't trust them. But, seeing that in the Anniversary Update, Windows 10 brings support for Linux Bash, we must admit that we were wrong. Windows 10 is now able to run native Linux applications directly, if you enable its developer mode and install the Windows Subsystem for Linux .
Here's what you need to read in order to get Bash on your Windows 10 PC or device: How to get the Linux Bash in Windows 10, in 3 steps. And here are a few basic Bash commands to get you started: Work with files, folders and apps using Bash on Ubuntu, in Windows 10.
11. BSODs show QR codes to help you troubleshoot problems faster
Blue Screens of Death were always an unintelligible way of showing users what has gone wrong with their Windows computers or devices. Unfortunately, not much has changed in this area over the years. At least until now, when the Anniversary Update for Windows 10 will introduce QR codes on the Blue Screen of Death, codes which offer help for those who want to troubleshoot their PCs.
Here's How to use the QR codes shown by Windows 10 BSODs to learn what's wrong.
12. Selecting the audio playback device is done directly from the taskbar
One thing in Windows that was quite hard and cumbersome to do in the past was to select the default audio playback device. The good news is that the Anniversary Update will bring a new small yet very useful feature to all Windows 10 users: the ability to quickly choose the device that is used for playing audio. All it takes to do that is 3 clicks or taps on the taskbar. Nothing more!
13. The Start Menu shows you your apps list from the start
Before the Anniversary Update, in order to be able to see all your apps in the Start Menu , you had to click or tap on a button called All apps . Now you no longer have to do that, as the list with all your apps is shown by default in the Windows 10 Start Menu .
A small but useful change if you ask us.
14. Windows Ink makes your pen mightier than ever before
The Anniversary Update for Windows 10 brings writing to your computer or device. You can now literally use your pen to take notes, draw your ideas, use handwriting in Office, make annotations in Microsoft Edge or even draw your own custom vacation routes in the Maps app.
15. Windows Hello now lets you authenticate into apps and websites
The Windows Hello technology has been improved and extended to work with apps and websites alike. If you have a new Windows 10 PC or device, with support for this feature, you can use Windows Hello to log into apps and websites that support it, by scanning your face or your fingerprint. Say goodbye to passwords that must contain at least "an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku and a pinch of fairy dust". 🙂
We strongly believe that the Anniversary Update makes Windows 10 better than before, both in security, usability and useful features. There's no question about that: Windows 10 is more polished today than it was when it was launched a year ago. If you are already using Windows 10, you don't have much of a choice - you will get the Anniversary Update sooner or later, simply because you can't disable the updates in Windows 10. The next question that comes to our minds is "will the Anniversary Update be enough to convince other users - you know, those who refused to upgrade to Windows 10 - make the switch?" What do you think? Share your opinions with us, in the comments section below.