您已经在亚马逊(Amazon)上订购了一些东西,并兴奋地等待您的包裹到达。几周过去了(Weeks),您的亚马逊订单(Amazon order)仍未收到。你做什么工作?
亚马逊在以创(Amazon)纪录的(track record)时间(record time)向客户下订单方面有着出色的记录。但问题总是会发生。当他们这样做时,您需要知道如何快速解决问题。
如果您在亚马逊(Amazon)上订购了一些东西但还没有收到,那可能会令人伤脑筋。您将辛苦赚来的钱花在网上(something online)的东西上,而您最不想发生的事情就是没有收到您购买的东西?
如果您完全关心您的订单状态,您始终可以通过登录您的亚马逊账户并(Amazon account and selecting) 在菜单中选择退货和订单来查看货件的情况。(Returns & Orders)
每个订单显示状态。如果它已经交付,它将显示该项目的交付日期。在交货日期(delivery date)下,您还会看到有关该项目的确切交付地点的注释。
如果状态为未收到您的亚马逊订单(Amazon order)已交付,您可以选择跟踪包裹(Track package)以获取更多详细信息。
在详细信息页面上,您将看到送货地址(delivery address),更重要的是,带有用于跟踪包裹的任何运输服务的跟踪 ID。
您可以在USPS 或 UPS(USPS or UPS)网站(取决于所使用的网站)上使用此Tracking ID来获取有关交付的更多详细信息。(Tracking ID)
UPS 或 USPS(UPS or USPS)网站上的跟踪详细信息将详细说明任何交付问题。
如果您选择已交付地址下的(Delivered address)查看所有更新(See all updates)链接,您将看到此包裹交付过程(delivery process)的更详细时间表。
通常,如果初始交付尝试(delivery attempt)失败,此详细的运输更新列表将提供问题发生的日期和失败的简要原因。
同样,您可以使用邮政服务网站上的Tracking ID获取更多详细信息。(Tracking ID)
如果您的亚马逊订单(Amazon order)长时间处于处理状态(processing status)且未送达,可能有多种原因。
交货时间可能比平时更长的最常见原因之一是,如果您购买了亚马逊(Amazon)未履行交货(delivery isn)的商品。
如果第三方卖家(party seller)(亚马逊商城卖家(Amazon Marketplace seller))正在履行订单,您可能会遇到运输时间(shipping time)延长。
当您下订单时,这应该不足为奇,因为预计到货日期(arrival date)显示在价格下方。
如果交货日期(delivery date)超出预计日期,您可以在订单详情页面上选择(order detail page)联系卖家(Contact Seller)并询问您的货件状态。
如果订单符合亚马逊 Prime(Amazon Prime)条件(同样会在订单页面(order page)上说明),那么您可以联系亚马逊客户服务(Amazon Customer Service),询问您的亚马逊订单(Amazon order hasn)尚未收到的原因。
亚马逊(Amazon)正在优先考虑某些商品(Certain Items)
2020 年COVID-19 大流行(COVID-19 pandemic)期间就是这种情况,当时亚马逊(Amazon)的在线购物订单急剧增加。在此期间(time period),亚马逊(Amazon)优先考虑家庭必需品、医疗用品或其他关键物品等物品。
(Amazon)如果您居住的地区预计会出现此类服务延迟,亚马逊建议您估计增加 2 到 3 个工作日。如果是这种情况,您应该在订单状态页面(order status page)上看到这个新的交货日期。(delivery date)如果不是,请联系亚马逊客服(Amazon Customer Service)确认。
亚马逊订单已送达但未(Amazon Order Delivered)收到
如果您的亚马逊订单(Amazon order)状态显示“已交付”,但您尚未收到包裹,则可能有多种正当理由。在以下情况下,商品可能无法送达而退回亚马逊。(Amazon)
- 小邮政信箱(Small P.O. Box):您的收货地址(delivery address)是邮政信箱,对于包裹来说太小了。
- 地址不正确(Incorrect Address):如果送货地址(delivery address)缺少重要信息,例如公寓号码(apartment number)。
- 旧地址(Previous Address):您错误地选择了旧地址作为收货地址(delivery address)。
- 不安全的位置(Insecure Location):您的房子或公寓不是放置包裹的安全场所,无论是面临天气威胁还是包裹容易被盗的隐藏位置。
- 无法进入(Unable to Access):如果送货需要通过蜂鸣器或安全门(buzzer or security gate),而送货司机(delivery driver)无法进入您的公寓或房屋(apartment or house)进行送货。
- 监狱(Penitentiary):监狱限制不允许完成交付。
- 失败的交付尝试(Failed Delivery Attempts):价值超过 1300 美元的包裹需要签名,并且在三次尝试失败后,送货司机(delivery driver)无法获得一个。
- 运输问题(Transportation Problems):分拣问题或标签损坏可能导致交付失败。
- 收件人拒绝(Refused by Recipient):如果地址(address wasn)中的某个人没有收到包裹并拒绝送货。
通常您会在订单状态页面(order status page)上看到上述状态之一,您需要等待包裹送回亚马逊位置(Amazon location)才能获得退款。
对亚马逊(Amazon)或卖家 采取的行动
如果您的亚马逊订单(Amazon order)没有收到,您会怎么做?你不是不走运。您可以采取多种措施来找出您的包裹在哪里。
点击卖家链接并(Click Seller Link And Ask)提问
在您的订单状态页面上,您可以在(order status page)商品标题(item title)下的“Sold by”旁边看到指向卖家页面(seller page)的链接。
在卖家页面上(seller page),您会看到许多选项。您可以选择提问(Ask a question)并直接向卖家发布有关您商品的问题。
您还可以选择退货和退款(Returns & Refunds)、运输(Shipping)、政策(Policies)或帮助(Help)链接以获取有关运输、退款和退货政策的更多信息。您还可以找到一些额外的客户服务(customer service)链接来联系卖家。
如果您根本不想处理所有麻烦,您可以返回订单状态页面(order status page)并选择取消(Cancel)项目以取消您的订单。
仅当订单状态(order status doesn)尚未显示“已交付”时才有可能。
您还可以更改运输速度(Change shipping speed)以更快地获得商品(item sooner)。但是,这仅在状态未(status doesn)显示Delivered并且商品尚未由卖家发货的情况下才有效。如果状态仍然显示Pending ,通常就是这种情况。
在第三方卖家页面上,您将在“(party seller page)运输”选项卡(Shipping tab)下看到这一点。此处的信息应报告“此商品由 Amazon.com 配送”。
如果商品由亚马逊(Amazon)配送(item delivery),则意味着第三方卖家将其产品存储在亚马逊(Amazon fulfillment)配送中心。亚马逊工作人员(Amazon staff)负责包装并将物品运送给您。
这也意味着亚马逊(Amazon)保证货物在订单页面(order page)上列出的日期送达。这也意味着亚马逊 Prime(Amazon Prime)客户可以获得免费送货服务。
您在购买时如何知道某件商品是否由亚马逊配送?(Amazon)您将在“添加到购物车(Add to Cart)”部分下看到这一点。这显示了卖家是谁以及货物是否将由亚马逊配送(Amazon)。
当亚马逊(Amazon)履行订单时,您会获得两种保护。A-to-Z保证和保证交付(Guarantee and Guarantee Delivery)。
A-to-Z 保证
此保证意味着您将在订单页面(order page)上指定的日期范围(date range)内收到产品。它还保证产品在您收到时会处于良好状态。
- 在最长预计送达日期(delivery date)之后的三天内,您没有收到包裹。
- 您的订单状态(order status)显示已送达,但未收到您的亚马逊订单。(Amazon order)
- 您收到的商品不是您订购的商品,并且您通过订单状态页面(order status page)请求退货。
- 您退回了商品,但卖家没有(seller didn)给您退款。
根据此保证,您有 90 天的时间在最长预计交货日期(delivery date)后申请退款。
当您完成从购物车中购买您的一个或多个项目(item or items)时,您会看到预计交货日期。(delivery date)
亚马逊(Amazon)的保证交付意味着如果(Guaranteed Delivery)亚马逊(Amazon)在最大预计交付日期(delivery date)之后交付商品,您的运费可以退还。
- 您选择的运输方式与(shipping method)产品页面(produce page)上提供的运输选项(shipping option)相匹配。
- 您输入了符合条件的真实地址。
- 您在结帐页面(checkout page)上的“订单范围内”倒计时(” countdown)完成之前下订单。
- 确认的交货日期(delivery date)在您订购后来自亚马逊(Amazon)的电子邮件确认中。
请记住,如果亚马逊因自然灾害或其他(Amazon)亚马逊(Amazon)无法控制的事件而错过配送,则不适用保证配送费(Guaranteed Delivery fee) 退款(refund doesn)。
要获得退款,请访问亚马逊联系我们(Amazon Contact Us)页面并点击立即开始聊天(Start chatting now)。提及您想申请Guarantee Delivery fee或 A-to-Z Guarantee 退款(Guarantee refund),以适用者为准。
Your Amazon Order Not Received? What To Do About It
Υou’ve ordered something on Amazon and wait excitedly for your package to arrive. Weeks gо by with your Amazon оrder not received. What do you do?
Amazon has an excellent track record with getting orders to customers in record time. But problems always happen. And when they do, you need to know how to quickly resolve the issue.
Thankfully, Amazon offers lots of resources to help out in this situation.
Research Your Amazon Order Status
If you’ve ordered something on Amazon but haven’t received it yet, it can be nerve-racking. You spent your hard earned money on something online and the last thing you want to happen is not receiving what you bought?
If you’re at all concerned about the status of your order, you can always see what’s going on with the shipment by logging into your Amazon account and selecting Returns & Orders in the menu.
In this section, under the Orders link, you’ll see all of your orders sorted by how recent the order took place.
Each order shows the status. If it was delivered already, it’ll show the date the item was delivered. Under the delivery date, you’ll also see a note as to where exactly the item was delivered.
If it was delivered at your door or inside your mailbox, this status will say so.
If the status is delivered by your Amazon order was not received, you can select Track package to get more details.
On the details page, you’ll see the delivery address, and more importantly the tracking ID with whatever shipping service was used to track the package.
You can use this Tracking ID on the USPS or UPS website (depending which was used) to get more details about the delivery.
The tracking details on the UPS or USPS website will detail any delivery issues.
If you select the See all updates link under the Delivered address, you’ll see a more detailed timeline of the delivery process for this package.
Often, if the initial delivery attempt has failed, this detailed shipping update list will provide the date that the issue occurred and a brief reason for the failure.
Again, you can get more details by using the Tracking ID at the postal service’s website.
Amazon Order Not Shipped
If your Amazon order has been in a processing status for a long time and not delivered, there could be several reasons.
3rd Party Seller Delivery Times
One of the most common reasons a delivery can take longer than usual is if you’ve bought an item where delivery isn’t fulfilled by Amazon.
If a 3rd party seller (an Amazon Marketplace seller) is fulfilling the order, you may experience extended shipping time.
This shouldn’t be a surprise since when you place your order, since the estimated arrival date appears just under the price.
If the delivery date goes beyond the estimated date, you can select Contact Seller on your order detail page and ask about the status of your shipment.
If the order is eligible for Amazon Prime (again it would have stated this on the order page), then you can contact Amazon Customer Service to ask about why your Amazon order hasn’t been received yet.
Amazon Is Prioritizing Certain Items
In times of national crisis where Amazon’s delivery services are stretched thin, you may notice that your orders stay in “Pending” status longer than expected.
This was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, when Amazon experienced a dramatic increase in online shopping orders. During that time period, Amazon prioritized items like household staples, medical supplies, or other critical items.
This led to other items experiencing extended delivery times.
Natural Events Preventing Delivery
Another issue that can affect Amazon deliveries is during a regional crisis. For example hurricanes, tornadoes, power outages, and ice storms can all impact the ability of delivery services to bring packages to your doorstep.
Amazon recommends estimating an increase of 2 to 3 business days if you live in an area expecting these kinds of service delays. You should see this new delivery date on your order status page if this is the case. If not, contact Amazon Customer Service to confirm.
Amazon Order Delivered But Not Received
If your Amazon order status states “Delivered” but you haven’t received the package, there could be a number of legitimate reasons for this. Items can be returned back to Amazon as undeliverable under the following circumstances.
- Small P.O. Box: Your delivery address is a P.O. box that’s too small for the package.
- Incorrect Address: If the delivery address is missing an important piece of information, like apartment number.
- Previous Address: You mistakenly chose your old address as the delivery address.
- Insecure Location: Your house or apartment isn’t a safe place to leave a package, either facing threat of weather or a hidden location where the package is easy to steal.
- Unable to Access: If delivery requires going through a buzzer or security gate and the delivery driver can’t access your apartment or house to make the delivery.
- Penitentiary: Penitentiary restrictions don’t allow the delivery to complete.
- Failed Delivery Attempts: Packages worth more than $1300 require a signature and after three failed attempts, the delivery driver was not able to obtain one.
- Transportation Problems: Sorting issues or label damage could cause the delivery to fail.
- Refused by Recipient: If someone at the address wasn’t expecting a package and refused delivery.
Any one of these situations could have caused the delivery to fail. In these situations, the package will be delivered to Amazon and you’d be issued a refund.
Usually you’ll see one of the above statuses on your order status page, and you’ll need to wait for the package to arrive back to the Amazon location to get your refund.
Actions To Take With Amazon Or The Seller
What do you do if your Amazon order was not received? You aren’t out of luck. There are several actions you can take to find out where your package is.
Click Seller Link And Ask a Question
On your order status page, you can see a link to the seller page next to “Sold by” under the item title.
On the seller page, you’ll see a number of options. You can select Ask a question and post a question about your item directly to the seller.
You can also select Returns & Refunds, Shipping, Policies, or Help links to get more information about shipping, refund, and return policies. You may also find some additional customer service links to contact the seller.
Cancel Or Change Shipping Speed
If you don’t want to deal with all of the hassle at all, you can just go back to the order status page and select Cancel items to cancel your order.
This is only possible if the order status doesn’t show “Delivered” yet.
You can also Change shipping speed to get the item sooner. However, this will only work if the status doesn’t show Delivered, and if the item hasn’t already been shipped by the seller. This is usually the case if the status still shows Pending.
Why Is Buying “Fulfilled By Amazon” Safer?
One of the best ways to protect yourself is by trying to buy items on Amazon where the delivery is “fulfilled by Amazon”.
On a third party seller page, you will see this under the Shipping tab. The information here should report that “This item is Fulfilled by Amazon.com”.
What does this mean?
If an item delivery is fulfilled by Amazon, that means third party sellers store their products at the Amazon fulfillment centers. Amazon staff handles packing and shipping the item to you.
This also means that the shipments are guaranteed by Amazon to be delivered on the date listed on the order page. It also means Amazon Prime customers can get free shipping.
How do you know if an item is fulfilled by Amazon when you’re buying? You’ll see this under the Add to Cart section. This shows who the seller is and whether shipment is going to be Fulfilled by Amazon.
If you see this status, then all of Amazon’s delivery guarantees and protections apply to the order.
Amazon Guarantees And Protections
There are two varieties of protections you get when Amazon fulfills the order. The A-to-Z Guarantee and Guarantee Delivery.
A-to-Z Guarantee
This guarantee means that you’ll receive the produce within the date range specified on the order page. It also guarantees that the products will be in good condition when you receive it.
If either of these aren’t the case, you can report the issue to Amazon and get a refund. Amazon provides refunds under this guarantee for the following situations:
- You didn’t receive your package over three days after the maximum estimated delivery date.
- Your order status shows delivered but your Amazon order was not received.
- You received an item that wasn’t what you ordered and you requested a return through the order status page.
- You returned the item but the seller didn’t send you a refund.
Under this guarantee, you have 90 days after the maximum estimated delivery date to request your refund.
You’ll see the estimated delivery date when you complete your purchase of your item or items from the cart.
What this means is that so long as the item was fulfilled by Amazon, you can always trust that you’ll be protected.
Note: Digital products aren’t covered under this guarantee so use special caution and buy directly from Amazon when purchasing electronics.
Guaranteed Delivery
Amazon’s Guaranteed Delivery means that your shipping fees could be refunded if Amazon delivers the item after the maximum estimated delivery date.
There are a few conditions to get your shipping fees refunded.
- The shipping method you chose matched the shipping option provided on the produce page.
- You entered an eligible, real address.
- You placed your order before the “order within” countdown on the checkout page was done.
- The confirmed delivery date is in your email confirmation from Amazon after you ordered.
Keep in mind that if Amazon missed the delivery because of a natural disaster or some other event out of Amazon’s control, the Guaranteed Delivery fee refund doesn’t apply.
To get a refund, visit the Amazon Contact Us page and click Start chatting now. Mention that you want to apply for the Guarantee Delivery fee or the A-to-Z Guarantee refund, whichever applies.