我经常遇到的一个常见问题是我可以在多少台计算机上安装 Windows?(How many computers can I install Windows on?) 如果你仔细阅读,你会得到各种各样不同的答案。但是,出于法律目的,最好遵守Microsoft在其最终用户许可协议中的规定。
总有办法绕过限制,但这不是本文的重点。在本文中,我将列出 微软(Microsoft)在Windows 7、Windows 8 和Windows 10上的官方安装选项。跳到(Skip)您感兴趣的部分。
视窗 10
对于Windows 10 ,情况与以前的(Windows 10)Windows版本有很大不同。从现在到2016 年7 月 29(July 29th)日,您可以免费将任何Windows 7或Windows 8.1 PC 升级到Windows 10。在那之后,没有人真正确定会发生什么。
显然,您必须为升级付费,但在让人们免费升级一年之后,开始让人们为此付费将是一个艰难的销售过程。2016 年 7 月(July 2016)之后,家庭版(Home edition)的价格为119 美元,专业版(Pro edition)的价格为199 美元。

因此,如果您想安装Windows 10,最好在该日期之前完成。还值得注意的是,当您进行免费升级时,您将停留在最接近您所拥有的版本。

上(Above)表解释了您将拥有哪个版本的Windows 10,具体取决于您当前拥有的Windows 7或 Windows 8.1 版本。为了从Windows 10 家庭(Home)版升级到专业版(Pro),你仍然需要支付 99 美元,这是微软(Microsoft)目前收取的费用。
另外需要注意的是,如果您将Windows 7或 Windows 8 升级到Windows 10,或者如果您拥有Windows 10的(Windows 10)OEM 版本(OEM version),则在7 月 29 日(July 29)之后,您将无法将该Windows 10副本移动到另一台计算机上。现在,您可以在另一台计算机上重新安装Windows 7或 8.1,然后免费升级到 10。如果您有Windows 10的零售版,即使在(Windows 10)7 月 29 日(July 29th)之后,您也可以将其移动到另一台计算机上。
如果您的Windows 10许可证基于Windows 7或Windows 8.1 许可证(甚至是零售许可证)并且您必须更换计算机上的主板,则Windows 10将不再被激活。它仅适用于该计算机上的当前硬件。这可能会有问题,因为如果您已免费升级到Windows 10 ,然后在 2016 年(Windows 10)7 月 29(July 29)日之后更换了计算机上的一堆部件,您最终将得到一个非正版Windows版本。
然后您将被要求支付升级费用!目前我知道的解决方案只有两种:要么不更换电脑上的任何主要部件,要么因为主板坏等而不得不更换,然后打电话给微软(Microsoft),说明你的情况,他们会给你一个新代码。Microsoft的工程(Engineering)副总裁(Vice President)已在Twitter 上(Twitter)公开发布,您需要在此类情况下联系支持人员。
在虚拟化方面,Windows 7很棒,因为您可以在您的计算机上安装一个副本并使用相同的密钥来安装Windows的虚拟副本,我将在下面解释。然而,随着Windows 10的出现,微软(Microsoft)又回到了旧的方式。在新的许可协议中, (new license agreement)Windows 10的虚拟副本需要自己的许可密钥(license key)。
(iv) Use in a virtualized environment. This license allows you to install only one instance of the software for use on one device, whether that device is physical or virtual. If you want to use the software on more than one virtual device, you must obtain a separate license for each instance.
视窗 7 和 8.1
对于Windows 7。这取决于您拥有的Windows 7版本。(Windows 7)您可以拥有计算机随附的预安装副本 ( OEM )、从商店购买的零售版本或从Microsoft购买的(Microsoft)Family Pack。
无论您拥有何种Windows版本,您可以安装Windows 7的计算机数量都是相同的: Ultimate、Home Premium、Starter、Professional等。

以下是Windows 7(Windows 7)最终用户许可协议(End User License Agreement)中关于整个许可事项(licensing thing)的内幕和官方文本:
a. One Copy per Computer. You may install one copy of the software on one computer. That computer is the “licensed computer.”
b. Licensed Computer. You may use the software on up to two processors on the licensed computer at one time. Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, you may not use the software on any other computer.
c. Number of Users. Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, only one user may use the software at a time.
d. Alternative Versions. The software may include more than one version, such as 32-bit and 64-bit. You may install and use only one version at one time.
所以这几乎说明了您可以在多少台计算机上安装Windows 7!一!现在,如果您有Family Pack,您可以全新安装或升级多达 3 台 PC。请注意,对于Windows 7零售版,您还可以从一台 PC 上卸载Windows 7并将其安装到另一台 PC 上,但您可能需要在激活它时给Microsoft打电话。
一个非常受欢迎的警告是,您可以在虚拟机中的同一台许可机器上再安装一个Windows 7副本。(Windows 7)但是,它必须在同一台计算机上。以下是官方原文:
d. Use with Virtualization Technologies. Instead of using the software directly on the licensed computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system on the licensed computer. When used in a virtualized environment, content protected by digital rights management technology, BitLocker or any full volume disk drive encryption technology may not be as secure as protected content not in a virtualized environment. You should comply with all domestic and international laws that apply to such protected content.
这意味着您可以安装VirtualBox或 Hyper-V 并弹出您的Windows 7 DVD并在那里免费安装另一个副本!这是许可协议(license agreement)中唯一不同于以前版本的Windows的部分。
对于Windows 8.1,规则几乎相同。如果您有 Windows 8.1 的OEM版本(Windows 8.1)或(OEM version)从Windows 7升级的版本,您只能在该计算机上使用该版本。如果您需要将其移至另一台计算机,则需要致电Microsoft并说明情况。
如果您有 8.1 的零售版本,您首先必须在计算机上停用许可证,然后使用新计算机上的产品密钥(product key)进行激活。产品密钥(product key)一次只能用于激活一台 PC。
对于虚拟化,Windows 8.1与(Windows 8.1)Windows 10具有相同的许可条款,这意味着您不能在虚拟环境中使用相同的产品密钥。(product key)显然,只有 Windows 7 允许您在使用虚拟化软件(virtualization software)时安装另一个副本,而无需获得另一个许可证。
希望本文有助于(article help)解释如何在计算机上安装不同版本的Windows。这很复杂,我没有解释(t explain)每一个细节和警告(detail and caveat),所以如果您有任何问题,请随时发表评论。享受!
How Many Computers Can You Install Windows 7, 8, 10 On?
One common qυestion that I get all the time is How many computers can I install Windows on? If you read around, you’ll get all sorts of different answers. However, for legal purposes, it’s best to stick with what Microsoft states in their end-user license agreements.
There are always ways you can get around the limits, but that’s not the point of this article. In this article, I will list out the official installation options for Microsoft for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Skip down to the section you are interested in.
Windows 10
With Windows 10, things are very different than previous versions of Windows. As of now and until July 29th, 2016, you can upgrade any Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 PC to Windows 10 for free. After that, no one is really sure what’s going to happen.
Apparently, you’ll have to pay for the upgrade, but after letting people upgrade for free for a year, it’s going to be a tough sell to start making people pay for it. After the July 2016 date, the price for the Home edition will be $119 and the Pro edition will be $199.

So if you want to install Windows 10, it’s best to do it before that date. It’s also worth noting that when you do the free upgrade, you’ll stay at the edition that is closest to what you had.

Above is a table that explains which version of Windows 10 you will have depending on which version of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 you currently have. In order to upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Pro, you still would need to pay $99, which is what Microsoft is currently charging.
Another thing to note is that if you upgrade Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10 or if you have an OEM version of Windows 10, after July 29, you will not be able to move that copy of Windows 10 to another computer. Right now, you could reinstall Windows 7 or 8.1 on another computer and then perform the free upgrade to 10. If you have a retail version of Windows 10, you will be able to move it to another computer even after July 29th.
If your Windows 10 license is based on a Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 license (even a retail license) and you have to replace the motherboard on your computer, Windows 10 will no longer be activated. It only works with the current hardware on that computer. This can be problematic because if you have gotten the free upgrade to Windows 10 and then you replace a bunch of parts on your computer after July 29, 2016, you will end up with a non-genuine version of Windows.
You’ll then be asked to pay for the upgrade! There are only two solutions at this point that I know of: either don’t replace any major parts on your computer or if you have to because of a bad motherboard, etc, then call Microsoft, explain your situation and they will give you a new code. Microsoft’s Vice President of Engineering has publicly posted on Twitter that you’ll need to contact support in these types of situations.
In terms of virtualization, Windows 7 was great because you could install one copy on your computer and use the same key to install a virtual copy of Windows, which I explain below. However, with Windows 10, Microsoft has reverted back to the old way. In the new license agreement, a virtual copy of Windows 10 needs its own license key.
(iv) Use in a virtualized environment. This license allows you to install only one instance of the software for use on one device, whether that device is physical or virtual. If you want to use the software on more than one virtual device, you must obtain a separate license for each instance.
Windows 7 and 8.1
For Windows 7. it depends on what version on Windows 7 you have. You can either have a pre-installed copy that came with your computer (OEM), a retail version bought from a store, or a Family Pack bought from Microsoft.
The number of computers you can install Windows 7 on is the same regardless of the edition of Windows you have: Ultimate, Home Premium, Starter, Professional, etc.

Here’s the lowdown on the whole licensing thing and the official text from the End User License Agreement for Windows 7:
a. One Copy per Computer. You may install one copy of the software on one computer. That computer is the “licensed computer.”
b. Licensed Computer. You may use the software on up to two processors on the licensed computer at one time. Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, you may not use the software on any other computer.
c. Number of Users. Unless otherwise provided in these license terms, only one user may use the software at a time.
d. Alternative Versions. The software may include more than one version, such as 32-bit and 64-bit. You may install and use only one version at one time.
So that pretty much states how many computers you can install Windows 7 on! ONE! Now if you have the Family Pack, you can clean install or upgrade up to 3 PCs. Note that for Windows 7 retail versions, you can also uninstall Windows 7 from one PC and install it on another, though you may have to give Microsoft a call when activating it.
The one caveat that is pretty welcome is the fact that you can install one more copy of Windows 7 on the same licensed machine in a virtual machine. However, it has to be on the same computer. Here is the official text:
d. Use with Virtualization Technologies. Instead of using the software directly on the licensed computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system on the licensed computer. When used in a virtualized environment, content protected by digital rights management technology, BitLocker or any full volume disk drive encryption technology may not be as secure as protected content not in a virtualized environment. You should comply with all domestic and international laws that apply to such protected content.
So that means you can install VirtualBox or Hyper-V and pop in your Windows 7 DVD and install another copy there for free! This is the only part of the license agreement that is different than previous versions of Windows.
For Windows 8.1, the rules are pretty much the same. If you have an OEM version of Windows 8.1 or a version that was upgraded from Windows 7, you can only use that version on that one computer. If you need to move it to another computer, you’ll need to call Microsoft and explain the situation.
If you have a retail version of 8.1, you first have to deactivate the license on the computer and then use the product key on the new computer to activate. The product key can only be used to activate one PC at a time.
For virtualization, Windows 8.1 has the same license terms as Windows 10, which means you cannot use the same product key in a virtual environment. Apparently, only Windows 7 allowed you to install another copy in using virtualization software without getting another license.
Hopefully, this article help explains how you can install different versions of Windows on your computers. It’s complicated and I didn’t explain every detail and caveat, so feel free to post a comment if you have questions. Enjoy!