您可以通过多种间接方式诱使Windows 7和Windows 8从连接到Mac的共享打印机进行打印,但最好的方法是通过Bonjour。这是因为随着每个版本的变化(version change)——无论是在Windows 还是 OS X(Windows or OS X)之间——过程都会变得混乱,必须设计一个新的解决方案。但即使两种操作系统都在发展,Bonjour仍然相当可靠。(Bonjour)在本教程中,您将学习如何设置OS X,使其共享打印机可用于Windows计算机和设备。
注意:(NOTE:)本指南已针对Mac OS X Mountain Lion(版本 10.8(version 10.8))进行了更新。
如何在Mac OS X中启用(Mac OS X)打印共享(Print Sharing)
在 Mac OS X 中,首先打开System Preferences。在Internet & Wireless部分中,查找共享(Sharing)按钮。点击它。

共享(Sharing)窗口打开。启用打印机共享(Printer Sharing)附近的复选框。OS X然后列出您的Mac上安装的打印机。

完成后,关闭共享(Sharing)窗口和系统偏好设置(System Preferences)窗口。
如何共享连接到Mac OS X的(Mac OS X)打印机(Printer Connected)
打开系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。在硬件(Hardware)部分,查找打印和扫描(Print & Scan)按钮并单击它。

“打印和扫描”(Print & Scan)窗口打开。在这里,您可以看到Mac上安装的打印机。选择要共享的打印机。然后,选中“在网络上共享这台打印机”("Share this printer on the network")复选框。

如果要自定义打印机的共享方式,请单击共享首选项(Sharing Preferences)按钮。
如何将Mac OS X 共享打印机(Mac OS X Shared Printer)添加到 Windows 7 或 Windows 8
从Apple 支持(Apple Support)网站下载适用于 Windows 的 Bonjour 打印服务。(Bonjour Print Services for Windows)在撰写本文时,当前版本是Bonjour 2.0.2,它支持Windows XP Service Pack 2或更高版本。它也适用于Windows 8。安装很简单:运行安装文件(setup file),同意条款(如果您愿意,请阅读它们)并继续单击下一步(Next)直到完成。
现在,运行“Bonjour 打印机向导”("Bonjour Printer Wizard")。确保您的 Mac 已启动并正在运行,已连接到网络,并且打印机已连接并已打开。如果一切正常,Bonjour将自动检测共享打印机。它们将被列为"PRINTER NAME @ COMPUTER NAME"。选择您要安装的打印机,然后单击下一步(Next)。

如果出现提示,请安装打印机驱动程序。如果您的计算机上已经安装了打印机驱动程序,您可以从列表中选择它们。如果没有,您必须通过单击从磁盘(Have Disk)安装手动找到它们。确保为您的特定打印机型号安装正确的驱动程序,否则您的(printer model)打印机功能(printer function)可能有限或没有。

选择驱动程序后,您将有机会在完成打印机(printer setup)设置之前验证设置。如果一切正常,请单击(Click) 完成。(Finish)

现在,OS X共享打印机将在Windows的(Windows)设备(Devices)和打印机面板(Printers panel)中可用。您可以从您正在使用的程序的“打印(Print)”对话框中打印到您的Mac OS X共享打印机,就像在本地打印机上一样。
使用Bonjour(Bonjour)打印到共享的Macintosh 打印机(Macintosh printer)相当轻松。如果您的防火墙通过手动配置防火墙来阻止端口 5353 ,您可能会遇到困难。(port 5353)有关详细信息,请参阅如何管理Windows 防火墙通信规则(Windows Firewall Communication Rules)。此外,请查看其中一些相关文章,了解有关共享文件和打印机的更多提示。
How to Print to a Shared Mac OS X Printer from Windows 7 & Windows 8
There are a number of indirect waуs that you can trick Windows 7 and Windows 8 into printing from a shared printer attached to a Mac, but the beѕt way to do it is through Bonjour. That's because with every version change - either between Windows or OS X - the process gets muddled and a new solution has to be devised. But Bonjour has been fairly reliable even as both operating systems have evolved. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up OS X so that its shared printers are available to Windows computers and devices.
NOTE: This guide has been updated for Mac OS X Mountain Lion (version 10.8).
How to Enable Print Sharing in Mac OS X
In Mac OS X, first open System Preferences. In the Internet & Wireless section, look for the Sharing button. Click on it.

The Sharing window opens. Enable the checkbox near Printer Sharing. OS X then lists the printers installed on your Mac.

You can go ahead and share them from here. Check the box near the printer you want to share. Then, in the Users section, configure the sharing permissions. Select the users you allow to print and the permissions level assigned.
When done, close the Sharing window, and the System Preferences window.
How to Share a Printer Connected to a Mac OS X
Even though enabling printer sharing provides the options required to share a printer, there's another way to share printers. First, printer sharing needs to be turned on.
Open System Preferences. In the Hardware section, look for the Print & Scan button and click on it.

The Print & Scan window opens. Here, you see the printers installed on your Mac. Select the printer you want to share. Then, check the box that says "Share this printer on the network".

If you want to customize how the printer is shared, click the Sharing Preferences button.
How to Add a Mac OS X Shared Printer to Windows 7 or Windows 8
Download Bonjour Print Services for Windows from the Apple Support website. As of this writing, the current version is Bonjour 2.0.2, which supports Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later. It also works in Windows 8. Installation is straightforward: run the setup file, agree to the terms (read them, if you'd like) and keep clicking Next until it's finished.
Now, run the "Bonjour Printer Wizard". Make sure your Mac is up and running, connected to the network and the printer is connected and turned on. If all is well, Bonjour will automatically detect the shared printers. They'll be listed as "PRINTER NAME @ COMPUTER NAME". Choose the printer you'd like to install and click Next.

If prompted, install the printer drivers. If you have the printer drivers installed on your computer already, you can choose them from the list. If not, you'll have to locate them manually by clicking Have Disk. Make sure that you install the proper drivers for your specific printer model, otherwise you may have limited or no printer function.

After choosing the drivers, you'll have an opportunity to verify the settings before finishing the printer setup. Click Finish if all looks good.

Now, the OS X shared printer will be available in the Devices and Printers panel of Windows. You can print to your Mac OS X shared printer as you would on a local printer, from the Print dialogue of the program you are using.
Printing to a shared Macintosh printer is fairly hassle-free with Bonjour. You may have difficulties if your firewall blocks port 5353 by manually configuring your firewall. See How to Manage Windows Firewall Communication Rules for more information. Also, check out some of these related articles for more tips on sharing files and printers.