当你需要从工作或学习(work or studying)中休息时,社交网络是一个很受欢迎的地方。Facebook尤其擅长帮助你打发几个小时的时间。这不仅仅是社交。现在您可以将Facebook用作求职板(job search board)、汇款应用程序或游戏平台。
如果您曾经在Facebook 上(Facebook)玩过游戏,您可能会遇到重置进度和开始新游戏的问题。由于大多数游戏仅托管在Facebook 上(Facebook),并且拥有自己的开发人员来保存您的游戏数据,因此此过程并不像应有的那么简单。

了解如何管理您的游戏、删除Facebook 游戏(Facebook game)数据以及重新安装游戏以在Facebook 上(Facebook)重新开始。
如何重启 Facebook 游戏(How To Restart a Facebook Game)
今天几乎每个在线游戏(online game today)都可以选择删除游戏数据并在游戏设置中重新开始。然而,Facebook游戏有点不同。大多数游戏只会向您显示游戏设置,例如sound and animation on/off,或购买额外资源进行游戏的选项。
为了在Facebook 上(Facebook)重置您的游戏,您必须删除它和相关的Facebook 游戏(Facebook game)数据,然后再次将其添加到您的帐户中。如果这失败了,你可以做更多的事情来重新开始游戏。
从您的 Facebook 帐户中删除游戏(Remove The Game From Your Facebook Account)
有两种方法可以从您的帐户中删除游戏和所有Facebook 游戏数据。(Facebook game)更明显的路径是通过应用程序的游戏(Games)部分。
- 在您的计算机上打开 Facebook。

- 从窗口左侧的菜单中,选择Games。
- 选择您的游戏(Your Games)选项卡。

- 找到您想要重新开始的游戏,然后单击设置(Settings)轮盘图标。

- 向下滚动到Remove This App部分,然后单击Remove。

- 您将收到一个警告窗口(warning window),其中包含有关从Facebook删除(Facebook)游戏和游戏数据(game and game data)的信息。在这里,您还可以选择删除游戏在您的时间线上发布的所有帖子、视频或事件。
或者,您可以通过Facebook 设置(Facebook Settings)来完成。

- 打开 Facebook,然后单击窗口右上角(right corner)的 向下箭头。(down arrow)

- 转到设置和隐私(Settings & Privacy)>设置(Settings)。

- 向下滚动,直到您在左侧菜单中 看到应用程序和网站。(Apps and websites)

- 在应用程序和网站(Apps and websites)中,选择您要删除的游戏,然后单击它旁边的框。
- 单击删除(Remove)以从您的帐户中删除游戏。
在 Facebook 上重新安装游戏(Reinstall The Game On Facebook)
现在您已经从您的帐户中删除了游戏,Facebook也应该删除您的Facebook 游戏(Facebook game)数据。重新添加游戏后,您应该可以重新开始。

将游戏名称(game title)放在Facebook的搜索栏中(search bar),转到“查找游戏(Find Games)”选项卡找到它,或者访问游戏的官方Facebook 页面(Facebook page)找到它。当您开始玩游戏时,Facebook会自动将其重新添加到您的帐户中。然后,您可以在“游戏”部分的“(Games)您的游戏(Your Games)”选项卡下找到它。
联系游戏开发商(Contact The Game Developer)
如果您删除了游戏,然后将其重新添加到您的Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)并发现您的旧游戏仍然存在,您可以尝试其他一些操作。

Facebook 上(Facebook)的大多数游戏都可以选择联系游戏开发者。您可以通过电子邮件、直接Facebook 消息(Facebook message)或使用网络上的游戏粉丝页面发送您的问题。给开发者发消息,看看是否有办法删除你的Facebook 游戏(Facebook game)数据,然后重新开始你正在玩的游戏。
使用不同的 Facebook 帐户(Use a Different Facebook Account)
虽然前面的步骤通常可以帮助您删除已保存的游戏进度(game progress),但有些游戏会将游戏数据与您的Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)联系起来。这意味着仅仅删除游戏并稍后重新添加(game and re-adding)将不足以重新开始。

一个简单的解决方案是从一开始就使用不同的Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)来玩游戏。您甚至可以创建一个专门用于游戏的单独Facebook 帐户。(Facebook account)要重新开始您的游戏,请将其添加到您的新Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)并开始游戏。
如何关闭 Facebook 上的游戏和应用通知(How To Turn Off Game & App Notifications On Facebook)
即使您和朋友一起玩Facebook游戏,您也不希望烦人的游戏通知出现在他们的提要上。相反,您可以设置您的隐私设置(set up your privacy settings),以防止应用程序将您的游戏活动(game activity)发布到您或您朋友的墙上。

首先(First),当您将游戏添加到您的Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)时,您可以查看您提供的信息并选择是接受它还是限制应用程序访问您的个人数据。
如果您错过了该弹出窗口或没有(window or didn)注意它(t pay attention),您可以随时转到Facebook 设置(Settings)>设置和隐私(Settings & Privacy)>应用程序和网站(Apps and websites)来管理您与每个应用程序共享的信息。

要完全关闭Facebook 游戏(Facebook game)通知,请在应用程序和网站(Apps and websites)中向下滚动直到看到Preferences。在右侧,找到Game and App Notifications,单击Edit,然后单击Turn Off。这应该可以帮助您在玩游戏时 隐藏您的Facebook 活动。(Facebook activity)
使用 Facebook 娱乐自己(Use Facebook To Entertain Yourself)
您在尝试删除Facebook 游戏(Facebook game)数据时遇到过麻烦吗?您是否遇到过与文章中讨论的问题类似的问题?在下面的评论中与我们分享您的经验。
How To Delete Facebook Game Data
When yoυ need a break from work or studying, soсial networks are a popular place to find yoursеlf in. Faсebook in particular does a goоd job at helping you kill a few hours of time. It’s not just about socializing anymore. Now you can use Facebook as a job search board, money sending app, or a gaming platform.
If you ever played games on Facebook, you probably ran into an issue of resetting your progress and starting a new game. Since most games are only hosted on Facebook and have their own developers that keep your game data, this process is not as straightforward as it should be.

Learn how to manage your games, delete Facebook game data, and reinstall a game to start over on Facebook.
How To Restart a Facebook Game
Almost every online game today has an option to delete game data and start over in the game settings. However, Facebook games are a little different. Most games will only show you gameplay settings like sound and animation on/off, or an option to buy extra resources for playing.
In order to reset your game on Facebook, you’ll have to delete it and the associated Facebook game data, and then add it to your account again. If that falls through, there are a few more things you can do to start the game over.
Remove The Game From Your Facebook Account
There are two ways to delete a game and all of the Facebook game data from your account. The more obvious path is through the Games section of the app.
- Open Facebook on your computer.

- From the menu on the left side of the window, choose Games.
- Select the Your Games tab.

- Find the game you’d like to start over and click the Settings wheel icon.

- Scroll down till Remove This App section and click Remove.

- You’ll get a warning window with the information on deleting the game and game data from Facebook. Here you can also choose to delete all posts, videos, or events that the game posted on your timeline.
Alternatively, you can do it through Facebook Settings.

- Open Facebook and click the down arrow on the top right corner of your window.

- Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.

- Scroll down till you see Apps and websites in the left side menu.

- In Apps and websites, choose the game you want to remove and click the box next to it.
- Click Remove to delete the game from your account.
Reinstall The Game On Facebook
Now that you’ve removed the game from your account, Facebook should also delete your Facebook game data. Once you re-add the game, you should be able to start over.

Either put the game title in the search bar on Facebook, go to the Find Games tab to locate it, or visit the game’s official Facebook page to find it. When you start playing the game, Facebook will automatically re-add it to your account. You can then find it under Your Games tab in the Games section.
Contact The Game Developer
If you deleted the game, then re-added it to your Facebook account and found that your old game is still there, there are a few more things you can try.

Most games on Facebook have an option to contact the game developers. You can send your questions in either by email, direct Facebook message, or using the game’s fan page on the network. Message the developers and see if there’s a way to delete your Facebook game data and start over that is specific to the game you’re playing.
Use a Different Facebook Account
While the previous steps should generally help you delete your saved game progress, some games tie game data to your Facebook account. That means simply deleting the game and re-adding it later won’t be enough to start over.

A simple solution here is to use a different Facebook account to play the game from the beginning. You can even create a separate Facebook account dedicated to gaming. To restart your game, add it in your new Facebook account and start playing.
How To Turn Off Game & App Notifications On Facebook
Even if you’re playing Facebook games together with your friends, you don’t want the annoying game notifications popping up on their feed. Instead, you can set up your privacy settings to prevent apps from posting your game activity on your or your friend’s wall.

First of all, when you add a game to your Facebook account, you can review what information you provide and choose whether to accept it or restrict the app’s access to your personal data.
In case you missed that pop-up window or didn’t pay attention to it, you can always go to the Facebook Settings > Settings & Privacy > Apps and websites to manage what information you’re sharing with each app.

To turn off Facebook game notifications completely, in Apps and websites scroll down till you see Preferences. On the right side, find Game and App Notifications, click Edit and then Turn Off. That should help you hide your Facebook activity when playing games.
Use Facebook To Entertain Yourself
There used to be a time when people went on Facebook to see what their friends were up to. Now it’s less about socializing and more about entertaining yourself. Facebook games are a big part of that. From FarmVille to Scrabble – Facebook has a great deal of fun games that you can play for free.
Have you ever had trouble trying to delete Facebook game data? Do you ever run into similar problems to the ones discussed in the article? Share your experience with us in the comments below.