虽然从本质上讲,Windows 10与Windows 8和Windows 7相似,但它也与(Windows 7)Windows XP等较旧的操作系统有很大不同。大多数为Windows 8或Windows 7开发的桌面应用程序都应该在Windows 10中运行。另一方面,为Windows XP开发的应用程序不太可能在(Windows XP)Windows 10上运行良好或根本无法运行。如果您正在处理较旧的程序,该程序在Windows 10(Windows 10)上崩溃或行为异常,并且您必须使用它,您可以尝试使用Windows 10运行它(Windows 10)的兼容性设置。以下是您如何使用它们来处理并非在Windows 10中运行的经典程序:
注意:(NOTE:)提供的功能在Windows 10 November 2019 更新(Update)或更新版本中可用。如果您使用的是旧版本的Windows 10,您可能无法访问所有功能。检查您的Windows 10版本,并在必要时获取适用于您的最新Windows 10更新。
尽管兼容性设置是使旧程序在Windows 10中正常运行的好方法,但这并不意味着您应该将它们应用于任何过时的软件。当涉及到旧的防病毒/安全程序或磁盘管理实用程序等程序时,我们强烈建议不要应用兼容性设置。例如,如果您在处理安全产品的软件上使用兼容性设置,您将面临这些程序无法正常运行的风险,因此它们可能无法为您提供应有的保护。同样,在磁盘软件(disk software)上使用兼容性设置也会带来风险,因为您不希望过时的程序处理与硬盘驱动器一样重要的东西。例如,运行(disk utility)在兼容模式(compatibility mode)可以做一些意想不到的事情,比如破坏硬盘的主引导记录(master boot record)。
如何运行程序兼容性疑难解答(Program Compatibility Troubleshooter)
“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")向导是一个内置工具,可帮助您将兼容性设置应用于在 Windows 10 计算机上无法正常运行的旧软件。打开它的一种方法是在任务栏的搜索字段中键入(search field)“运行程序”("run programs"),然后单击或点击“运行为以前版本的 Windows 制作的程序("Run programs made for previous versions of Windows)”。
在下一个窗口中,滚动列表并选择要使用兼容性设置运行的程序。如果您找不到该程序,请选择未列出(Not listed),您可以选择浏览到其位置。我们决定在本教程中使用心爱的“Windows Movie Maker”,因此我们选择了Movie Maker。做出选择后,单击或点击(click or tap)下一步(Next)。
在花一些时间处理任何问题后,“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")允许您选择如何应用兼容性设置,为您提供两个选项:“尝试推荐的设置”("Try recommended settings")和疑难解答程序(Troubleshoot program)。我们将引导您完成这两个过程。
如果您选择“尝试推荐的设置("Try recommended settings)”,向导会应用Windows 10自动选择的兼容模式(compatibility mode)——在我们的例子中是 Windows 8。
唯一的选择是“测试程序”("Test the program")以查看它现在是否可以工作,因为在您这样做之前不允许您继续。检查完问题是否仍然存在后,返回“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")并单击或点击下一步(Next)。
然后向导会询问您问题是否已解决。如果一切正常,您可以保存兼容性设置并关闭向导。如果您决定尝试不同的设置,Windows 10没有建议,它会自动将您带到疑难解答程序(Troubleshoot program)中的问题集,以尝试缩小问题范围,如下图所示。作为第三种选择,您可以将问题报告给Microsoft 并在线搜索(Microsoft and search)解决方案(solution online)。
从“选择故障排除选项”屏幕中选择对("Select troubleshooting option")程序(Troubleshoot program)进行故障排除,将引导您完成一系列旨在帮助Windows 10了解哪些问题导致程序无法正常运行的问题。选择任何适用的选项,然后单击或点击Next。
根据您的回答,您可能会看到第二个屏幕,要求您选择该程序之前运行的Windows版本。(Windows)选择答案后,单击或点击(click or tap)下一步(Next)。
根据您的回答,Windows 10 的“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")可以设置旧程序运行所需的适当兼容性设置。我们决定在使用Movie Maker的实验中完全一无所知,在向导的问答中选择“我没有看到我的问题列出”("I don't see my problem listed")和“我不知道”选项。("I don't know")因此,Windows 10 将几个设置应用于该程序,如下所示。
查看更改并单击或点击(click or tap) “测试程序("Test the program)”,否则您将无法继续。如果应用的设置要求程序“以管理员身份运行”("Run as administrator")(正如我们所做的那样),则会弹出UAC 。完成程序测试后,返回“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")并单击或点击下一步(Next)。
然后向导会询问您问题是否已解决。如果一切正常,您可以保存兼容性设置,然后转到另一个屏幕,您可以在其中提供反馈、查看详细信息并关闭疑难解答。如果没有,您可以返回并尝试不同的设置,或者您可以将问题报告给Microsoft 并在线搜索(Microsoft and search)解决方案(solution online)。
程序兼容性疑难解答程序(Program Compatibility Troubleshooter)应该能够帮助您将适当的兼容性设置应用于几乎所有旧桌面应用程序(desktop app)。但是,如果向导没有解决您的问题,或者您更喜欢以“传统”方式做事,您也可以手动更改兼容性设置。阅读本教程的以下部分以了解如何操作。
提示:(TIP:)打开“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")向导的更简单方法是右键单击或按住可执行文件或经典程序的快捷方式 - 在我们的示例中为“Windows Movie Maker ”。然后,在上下文菜单,单击或点击(click or tap)疑难解答兼容性(Troubleshoot compatibility)。
当您以这种方式打开向导时,您不再需要从列表中选择您的程序,而是直接选择两个可用的故障排除选项之一。从程序的属性中打开(Properties)“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")时也会发生同样的事情。要了解如何以这种方式访问它,请继续阅读。
首先打开旧程序的属性(Properties)。右键单击或按住其可执行文件或其快捷方式,然后在上下文菜单中单击或点击(click or tap)最后一个选项:属性(Properties)。
在程序的“属性(Properties)”窗口中,转到“兼容性(Compatibility)”选项卡。第一个选项打开“程序兼容性疑难解答("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter)”,这是我们在本教程上一节中已经详细介绍的工具。
接下来,有一个名为Compatibility mode的部分。这将使用早期版本的Windows(Windows)中的设置运行您的经典程序。如果您知道您的旧程序是为特定版本的Windows设计的,请选中此部分中的框,然后从下拉菜单中的列表中选择它,单击或点击箭头时可见。
兼容性(Compatibility)选项卡的下一部分称为设置(Settings),它包含其他兼容性设置,您可以将这些设置应用于经典程序以使其正常运行,即使它不是为在Windows 10上工作而设计的。有五种兼容性设置(Settings)可用:
“减少颜色模式”("Reduced color mode")将 Windows 10 设置为仅在旧程序中使用一组有限的颜色。一些较旧的程序旨在使用比今天的应用程序更少的颜色。您可以将旧程序设置为以"8-bit (256) color"或"16-bit (65536) color"运行。
“以 640 x 480 屏幕分辨率运行”("Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution")以 640x480 分辨率在小窗口中运行您的旧程序。如果您的旧程序的图形出现锯齿状或无法正确渲染,您应该尝试此兼容性设置。
("Disable fullscreen optimizations")如果您希望程序停止以全屏模式运行,则应选中“禁用全屏优化” 。这可以提高经典软件的性能,提供更好的整体体验。
“以管理员身份运行此程序”("Run this program as an administrator")非常简单,确保您的经典程序始终以管理员身份运行。早期版本的Windows设计为在默认情况下以管理员权限运行程序,因此一些较旧的程序需要管理权限才能正常运行。
“更改高 DPI 设置”("Change high DPI Settings")很有用,尤其是在您使用高分辨率屏幕(high-resolution screen)(如 4K 显示器)时。单击或点击它会打开一个新窗口,如果您的程序在具有高 DPI 显示器的计算机或设备(computer or device)上未正确显示,您可以在其中“选择此程序的高 DPI 设置("Choose the high DPI settings for this program)” 。
如果有多个显示器连接到您的 Windows 10计算机或设备(computer or device),或者如果您的显示器配置(display configuration)发生更改,某些桌面应用程序(desktop apps)可能会显得模糊。默认情况下,Windows 10 会尝试修复主显示屏上的应用程序以防止它们出现模糊,因此它会在您的显示设置更改时对其进行缩放。这种自动调整大小会影响旧程序的用户界面呈现方式。要为您的程序提供更稳定的DPI设置,请选中程序(DPI)DPI中(Program DPI)“使用此设置来解决此程序的缩放问题,而不是设置中的问题”("Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings")选项旁边的框部分。这将启用一个下拉菜单,您可以通过按“使用为我的主显示器设置的 DPI 时间”("Use the DPI that's set for my main display when")选项下的箭头打开该菜单。在登录到Windows 10时让程序保留主显示器的DPI的默认设置(default setting)和打开程序时为您的主显示器设置的DPI之间进行(DPI set)选择。(Choose)
在本节中,您还有一个指向“打开高级缩放设置("Open Advanced scaling settings)”的链接,以防您想要打开“设置”(Settings)应用并通过根据主显示DPI调整它们的大小来阻止Windows 10修复所有应用。
在“高 DPI 缩放覆盖”("High DPI scaling override")部分中,如果您选择“覆盖高 DPI 缩放行为("Override high DPI scaling behavior)”,则启用具有三个缩放设置的下拉菜单。默认选项(default option)是Application,它完全禁用经典程序的 DPI 缩放,仅使用开发人员的设置。(DPI)系统(System)选项在缩放时使用Windows 10(Windows 10)的默认行为(default behavior),因为它允许Windows覆盖程序的DPI设置,这更有可能使程序显得模糊(program appear blurry)。如果您选择系统(增强)(System (Enhanced)),使用了更智能、增强的缩放比例,这应该会在高 DPI 显示器上以清晰的文本产生更好的结果。不幸的是,最后一个设置仅适用于基于GDI(Windows 图形设备接口(Windows Graphical Device Interface))的程序。
兼容性选项(compatibility option)卡中的最后一个兼容性选项(Compatibility)是一个按钮,可让您“更改所有用户的设置("Change settings for all users)” 。单击(Click)或点击它以打开一个新窗口并手动选择要应用于所有用户帐户的旧程序的兼容性设置在您的 Windows 10 计算机上。兼容性设置与我们在本节中说明的设置相同。
提示:(TIP:)通过“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")或手动更改旧程序的兼容性设置后,您可以重新启动并使用它,希望能获得更好的结果。第一次关闭程序时,会弹出“程序兼容性助手” ,询问您程序是否正常运行。("Program Compatibility Assistant")选择是(Yes)关闭助手,而否(No)启动疑难解答程序以再次尝试解决您的问题。
即使您有一台运行Windows 10的新计算机,这并不一定意味着您不能再使用不是为这个新操作系统设计的旧程序。Windows 10在这方面很有帮助,它提供了“程序兼容性疑难解答”("Program Compatibility Troubleshooter")和一系列可用于使旧程序再次运行的手动配置设置。我们希望这些兼容性设置能帮到您,并且您对使用经典程序感到满意。我们有兴趣了解我们的读者群(reader base),因此,在您关闭此标签之前,请让我们知道您尝试使用哪个 (g)oldie 程序以及原因。
How to run old programs using Windows 10's Compatibility mode
While, at its core, Windows 10 is similar to Windows 8 and Windows 7, it is alѕo very different frоm older operating systems like Windows XP. Most desktop apps developеd for Windows 8 or Windows 7 should run in Windows 10. On the other hand, it's unlikely that aрps developed for Windows XP would work well or at all on Windows 10. Іf you are dealing with an older program, that either crashes or misbehаves on Windows 10, and you simрly must usе it, you can try running it using Windows 10's compatibilitу settings. Hеre iѕ how you can use them to work with classic programs that weren't designed to function in Windows 10:
NOTE: The features presented are available in Windows 10 November 2019 Update or newer. If you're using an older version of Windows 10, you might not have access to all the features. Check your Windows 10 build and, if necessary, get the latest Windows 10 update available for you.
A word of caution
Although compatibility settings are a great way of making older programs functional in Windows 10, it doesn't mean that you should apply them to any outdated software. We strongly advise against applying compatibility settings when it comes to programs like old antivirus/security programs or disk management utilities. For instance, if you use compatibility settings on software dealing with security products, you run into the risk of those programs not working properly and, as such, they might not protect you as they should. On the same note, using compatibility settings on disk software also entails risk, because you don't want out-of-date programs handling something as important as your hard drives. For instance, a disk utility that runs in compatibility mode can do unexpected things like corrupting your hard drive's master boot record.
How to run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter
The "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" wizard is a built-in tool that helps you apply compatibility settings to older software that doesn't work as it should on your Windows 10 computer. One way to open it is by typing "run programs" in the taskbar's search field, and then clicking or tapping on "Run programs made for previous versions of Windows."
The wizard launches, letting you know what it does. Click or tap on Next and wait for a few moments, while the program is detecting possible issues.
In the next window, scroll through the list and select the program you want to run using compatibility settings. If you can't find the program, choose Not listed, and you have the option to browse to its location. We decided to use the beloved "Windows Movie Maker" for this tutorial, so we chose Movie Maker. After making your selection, click or tap on Next.
After taking a few more moments to deal with any issues, the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" lets you choose how to apply the compatibility settings, offering you two options: "Try recommended settings" and Troubleshoot program. We are going to walk you through both of them.
If you choose to "Try recommended settings," the wizard applies the compatibility mode that was automatically selected by Windows 10 - in our case, Windows 8.
The only option is to "Test the program" to see if it now works, since you are not allowed to continue until you do. When you are done checking whether your issues persist, return to the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" and click or tap Next.
The wizard then asks you if the problem is fixed. If everything worked well, you can save the compatibility settings and close the wizard. If you decide to try different settings, Windows 10 is out of recommendations, and it automatically takes you to the sets of questions in Troubleshoot program in an attempt to narrow down the problem, as illustrated a bit further down. As the third option, you can report the problem to Microsoft and search for a solution online.
Choosing to Troubleshoot program, from the "Select troubleshooting option" screen, walks you through a series of questions designed to help Windows 10 understand what issues are stopping the program from functioning correctly. Choose any options that apply and click or tap on Next.
Depending on your answer, you might get a second screen, asking you to select which version of Windows the program worked on before. After selecting an answer, click or tap on Next.
Based on your answers, Windows 10's "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" can set the appropriate compatibility settings that are needed by your old program in order to function. We decided to act utterly clueless in our experiment with the Movie Maker, choosing both the "I don't see my problem listed" and the "I don't know" options during the wizard's Q&A. As a result, Windows 10 applied several settings to the program, as seen below.
Review the changes and click or tap "Test the program," as you can't proceed otherwise. If the settings applied require the program to "Run as administrator" (as ours did), the UAC pops up. When you are done testing the program, return to the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" and click or tap Next.
The wizard then asks you if the problem is fixed. If everything worked well, you can save the compatibility settings, and you are taken to another screen, where you can give feedback, view detailed information, and close the troubleshooter. If not, you can go back and try different settings, or you can report the problem to Microsoft and search for a solution online.
The Program Compatibility Troubleshooter should be able to help you apply the appropriate compatibility settings to just about any old desktop app. However, if the wizard didn't fix your problem, or if you prefer doing things the "traditional" way, you can also change compatibility settings manually. Read the following section of this tutorial to see how.
TIP: An easier way to open the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" wizard is by right-clicking or pressing-and-holding the executable file or the shortcut of your classic program - in our case, "Windows Movie Maker." Then, in the contextual menu, click or tap on Troubleshoot compatibility.
When you open the wizard this way, you no longer need to select your program from a list, and you skip to selecting one of the two troubleshooting options available. The same thing happens when opening the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" from a program's Properties. To learn how to access it that way, continue reading.
How to manually change compatibility settings for old programs
Start by opening the Properties of your old program. Right-click or press-and-hold on its executable file or its shortcut and then, in the contextual menu, click or tap on the last option: Properties.
In your program's Properties window, go to the Compatibility tab. The first option opens the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter," a tool that we already covered at length in the previous section of this tutorial.
Next, there's a section called Compatibility mode. This runs your classic program using settings from earlier versions of Windows. Check the box in this section, if you know that your old program was designed to work with a specific version of Windows, and then select it from the list in the drop-down menu, visible when clicking or tapping the arrow.
The next section from the Compatibility tab is called Settings, and it contains other compatibility settings that you can apply to your classic program to make it function properly, even if it wasn't designed to work on Windows 10. There are five compatibility Settings available:
"Reduced color mode" sets Windows 10 to only use a limited set of colors in your old program. Some older programs were designed to use fewer colors than today's apps. You can set your old program to run either in "8-bit (256) color" or in "16-bit (65536) color".
"Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution" runs your old program in a small window with a 640x480 resolution. You should try this compatibility setting if your old program's graphics appear jagged or don't render properly.
"Disable fullscreen optimizations" should be checked if you want your program to stop running in fullscreen mode. This could improve performance for your classic software, offering a better overall experience.
"Run this program as an administrator" is pretty straightforward, making sure that your classic program is always run as administrator. Earlier versions of Windows were designed to run programs by default with administrator permissions, so some older programs require administrative privileges in order to function correctly.
"Change high DPI Settings" is useful, especially if you are using a high-resolution screen, like a 4K display. Clicking or tapping on it opens a new window, where you can "Choose the high DPI settings for this program," if your program isn't displayed correctly on a computer or device with a high-DPI display.
In case there are multiple displays connected to your Windows 10 computer or device, or if your display configuration changes, some desktop apps might appear blurry. By default, Windows 10 tries to fix apps on your main display to stop them from appearing blurry, so it scales them when your display settings change. This automatic resizing can affect the way the user interface of your old program is rendered. For more stable DPI settings for your program, check the box next to the option to "Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings" from the Program DPI section. This enables a drop-down menu, which you can open by pressing the arrow under the "Use the DPI that's set for my main display when" option. Choose between the default setting of having your program keep the DPI of the main display when you signed in to Windows 10, and using the DPI set for your main display at the time you opened the program.
In this section, you also have a link to "Open Advanced scaling settings," in case you want to open the Settings app and stop Windows 10 from fixing all apps by resizing them based on the main display DPI.
In the "High DPI scaling override" section, if you choose to "Override high DPI scaling behavior," you enable a drop-down menu with three settings for scaling. The default option is Application, and it disables DPI scaling for your classic program entirely, using only the developer's setting. The System option uses Windows 10's default behavior when it comes to scaling, as it lets Windows override the program's DPI settings, which is more likely to make the program appear blurry. If you choose System (Enhanced), a more intelligent, enhanced scaling is used, which should yield better results with crisp text on high-DPI displays. Unfortunately, this last setting is only available for programs based on GDI (Windows Graphical Device Interface).
When you are done, click or tap OK to return to the previous screen.
All the manual compatibility settings illustrated in this section of the tutorial are applied to your program for the current user only, if you click or tap OK or Apply. It is possible to enable them for all users. Here is how:
The final compatibility option from the Compatibility tab is a button that lets you "Change settings for all users." Click or tap on it to open a new window and manually select the compatibility settings to be applied to your old program for all the user accounts on your Windows 10 computer. The compatibility settings are the same as the ones we illustrated in this section.
When you're done fiddling with the compatibility settings of your old program, don't forget to click or tap on either the Apply or OK button to save them.
TIP: After changing your old program's compatibility settings, either through the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" or manually, you can relaunch it and use it, hopefully with better results. The first time you close the program, the "Program Compatibility Assistant" pops up, asking you if the program worked correctly. Selecting Yes closes the assistant, while No launches the troubleshooter to try once again to fix your problem(s).
What old programs are you still using?
Even if you have a new computer running Windows 10, that does not necessarily mean that you can no longer use older programs that weren't designed for this newer operating system. Windows 10 is helpful in this regard, providing both the "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" and a series of manually configurable settings that you can use to make your old programs function again. We hope these compatibility settings do the job for you, and you are happy using your classic program. We're interested in learning about our reader base, so, before you close this tab, please let us know which (g)oldie program you are trying to use and why.