想象一下(Imagine),如果您被拒绝使用您拥有的任何物品,或者如果您不被允许在您的手机或计算机(phone or computer)上使用某个应用程序,那将是多么烦人。同样,如果您无法访问PC 上的某个文件或文件夹,您可能会感到非常愤怒。(file or folder)您可能经常会收到一条显示消息“访问被拒绝(Access is denied)”的错误消息。可能遇到错误的一些情况包括打开文件、复制粘贴文件、将文件从一个位置移动到另一个位置、删除文件或文件夹(file or folder)或启动特定应用程序。大多数这些错误源于缺乏适当权限的常见原因(lack of appropriate permissions). 在本文中,我们将解释如何通过获得在Windows 10上访问看似无法访问的文件所需的所有权限来修复访问被拒绝错误。
如何修复访问被拒绝 Windows 10(How to Fix Access is Denied Windows 10)
根据正在执行的操作或正在访问的文件,确切的错误消息(error message)也会略有不同。您可能会收到以下任何错误消息(error message):
- Location is not available. E:\ is not accessible.
- F:\ is not accessible. Access is denied.
- 访问被拒绝或文件夹访问被拒绝。(Access is denied or Folder Access Denied. )
- 需要权限来执行此操作。(You need permission to perform this action. )
- 您需要管理员的许可才能更改此文件夹。(You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this folder.)
推荐的故障排除技巧(Recommended Troubleshooting Tips)
- 在我们了解更多技术性内容之前,请暂时禁用您的防病毒软件(temporarily disable your antivirus software),然后尝试访问该文件。防病毒(Antivirus)程序通常可以阻止对某些文件的访问,以防止恶意应用程序和病毒对 PC 造成任何损害。如果这不起作用,请阅读在Windows 10中完全卸载 Avast Antivirus的 5(Completely Uninstall Avast Antivirus)种方法(Ways)。
- Â 同样,Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)可能会阻止文件或权限(file or permissions)。因此,您可以按照我们关于如何(How)禁用Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)的文章暂时禁用它。
注意:(Note: )由于这样做会使您的 PC 面临更大的病毒/恶意软件风险,因此请在纠正此错误后立即启用它。
Method 1: Change Owner of File/Folder
(Access is Denied)当您尝试在没有必要权限的情况下访问文件时,最常发生访问被拒绝错误。您可以通过更改相关文件或文件夹(file or folder)的所有者来纠正此问题。这将允许您,即您的用户帐户成为文件所有者(file owner),并让您毫无问题地访问它。
1. 右键单击您无法访问的file/folder属性(Properties)。
2. 转到安全(Security )选项卡并单击高级(Advanced )按钮以查找特殊权限。
3. 如图所示,单击所有者(Owner)标签的更改(Change )选项。
4. 单击左下角的“高级”(Advanced… )按钮。(button present)
5. 然后,单击立即查找(Find Now)按钮。
6. 在到达的搜索结果中,找到并选择您的用户帐户(your user account),然后单击OK。
7. 您的帐户名称(account name)现在将显示在输入要选择的对象名称(示例):(Enter the object name to select (examples): )部分下。单击确定(OK )保存。
8. 检查下图中突出显示的以下选项:
- 替换子容器和对象的所有者(Replace owner on subcontainers and objects)
- 将所有子对象权限条目替换为此对象的可继承权限条目(Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permissions entries from this object)
注意:(Note: )这将更改文件夹以及文件夹内所有文件的所有权。
9. 单击应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(OK )以保存更改。
注意:(Note:)或者,您也可以通过简单地执行takeown /f “path of the file/folder”夹的路径”命令从提升的命令提示符更改(Elevated Command Prompt)文件或文件夹(file or folder)的所有者。
另请阅读(Also Read):如何在Windows 10中加密(Windows 10)文件夹(Folder)
Method 2: Grant Full Access to File/Folder
有时,您可能既是所有者又是管理员,但仍然可能无法访问文件或文件夹(file or folder)。当尚未将项目的完全控制权分配给帐户时,就会发生这种情况。(Full Control)幸运的是,获得对文件/文件夹的完全控制就像勾选一个框一样简单。
注意(Note):文件权限只能从管理员帐户(administrator account)修改。
1. 再次右键单击有问题的文件(problematic file)(例如重要文档(Important Documents))并选择属性(Properties)。
2. 转到安全(Security )选项卡并单击组或用户名(Group or user names)部分中的管理员(Administrators),如图所示。
3. 然后,单击“编辑(Edit… )”按钮更改文件权限。
4. 在Authenticated Users 的权限部分,选中标记为(Permissions for Authenticated Users)Allow for Full control的框,以突出显示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix)uTorrent访问(Access)被拒绝
方法3:检查和修改文件加密(Method 3: Check & Modify File Encryption)
如果您与您的兄弟姐妹共享 PC 并且每个人都有不同的用户帐户(user account),那么他们中的一个人对文件进行加密以防止他人窥探是合理的。加密文件只能由执行加密的用户帐户(user account)或(encryption or ones)具有所需加密证书(encryption certificate)的用户帐户访问。检查文件是否确实加密
1. 转到File/Folder Properties窗口,然后单击“常规”选项卡中的“(General)高级(Advanced…)”按钮,如下图所示。
2. 选中压缩或加密属性(Compress or Encrypt attributes)部分下的加密内容以保护数据(Encrypt contents to secure data)选项。
注意:(Note: )加密文件的另一个赠品是挂锁图标(padlock icon)。
3. 你需要
(log in from the user account that encrypted)从加密文件或文件夹的用户帐户登录
- 或获取加密证书(acquire the encryption certificate)以及加密密钥(encryption key)以访问所述文件。
方法 4:获取 Temp 文件夹的所有权(Method 4: Take Ownership of Temp folder)
- 无法执行临时目录中的文件。安装程序中止。(Unable to execute file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted. )
- 错误 5:访问被拒绝。(Error 5: Access is denied.)
- 安装程序无法创建目录完整文件路径。错误 5:访问被拒绝。( Setup was unable to create the directory full file path. Error 5: Access is denied. )
1.以管理员身份运行安装文件:(Running the setup file as an administrator: )右击App的.exe文件,选择(.exe file)以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如下图。
2.让自己成为 Temp 文件夹的所有者:(Making yourself the owner of Temp folder:) 在(Temp)应用安装期间,通常会创建临时文件并将其保存在Temp中。(Temp)因此,如果您无权访问该文件夹,安装过程(installation process)将失败。
在这种情况下,导航到C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp 并按照方法1 中列出的步骤获取(Method)Temp Folder的所有权。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复未在Windows 10中显示的(Windows 10)硬盘(Fix Hard Drive)
方法 5:禁用用户帐户控制(Method 5: Disable User Account Control)
用户帐户控制或 UAC是(User Account Control or UAC)Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)中的一项安全功能(security feature),可阻止自动安装未经授权的软件并防止(software and prevents)第三方应用程序修改系统设置。虽然,UAC有时会变得不必要地严格,并阻止用户访问某些文件。实施以下步骤来修复Access is denied Windows 10 错误:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 设置View by > Large icons,然后单击用户帐户( User Accounts),如图所示。
3. 接下来,单击右侧窗格中的更改用户帐户控制设置(Change User Account Control settings)选项。
4. 在用户帐户控制设置(User Account Control Settings)中,将滑块向下拖动到从不通知( Never notify)。
5. 单击确定(OK)保存并退出。现在尝试访问该文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows系统中启用(Systems)用户帐户控制(User Account Control)
方法 6:创建新用户帐户
(Method 6: Create New User Account
如果您在 Windows 10 台式机/笔记本电脑上继续收到“访问被拒绝( Access is Denied)”错误,则可能是损坏的用户帐户导致了这种骚动。(user account)您可以尝试创建一个新用户帐户(user account)并从中访问该文件。新帐户将没有任何用户修改,并将拥有所有默认权限。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)。
2. 点击账户(Accounts )设置,如图所示。
3. 转到家庭和其他用户(Family & other users)选项卡,然后单击将其他人添加到此 PC(Add someone else to this PC)按钮。
4. 现在,输入电子邮件或电话( Email or phone)号码以创建新的登录配置文件。点击(Click)下一步(Next)_
5.在随后的屏幕中输入用户名、密码(Username, Password)和安全问题和答案。(Security)
6. 最后,点击完成(Finish)。
7. 现在,按Windows 键(Windows key)。在这里,单击用户图标(User icon)>退出( Sign out),如下图所示。
7. 现在从新创建的帐户重新登录(sign back in from the newly created account)。检查您现在是否可以访问该项目。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中创建本地帐户(Windows 11)
方法 7:将用户更改为管理员(Method 7: Change User As Administrator)
Windows 10上的某些文件/文件夹和某些操作只能由管理员访问或执行。为了一次访问您 PC 上的所有文件,请将您的用户帐户添加到管理员组(administrator group)中。这将为您提供无限制的访问权限并修复Windows 10上的访问被拒绝错误。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入计算机管理(Computer Management),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 导航到左侧窗格中的System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users 。
3. 在右窗格中,右键单击您面临问题的用户帐户,然后选择“(user account)属性(Properties )”选项。
4. 转到“成员”(Member Of)选项卡,然后单击“添加(Add…)”按钮。
注意:(Note:)如果您在部门成员( Member of)列表中找到管理员(Administrators),则直接转到步骤 7(Step 7)。
5.在选择组(Select Groups)窗口中输入管理员。(Administrators )
注意:(Note:)您可以单击检查名称(Check Names)来检查您输入的对象名称。(object name)
7. 在成员(Member Of)选项卡中,选择突出显示的管理员(Administrators)。
8. 单击应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(OK)以保存这些更改。
专业提示:启动命令提示符时出错(Pro Tip: Errors While Launching Command Prompt)
除了上述情况外,一些用户在尝试启动命令提示符( encountered errors when trying to launch Command Prompt)窗口时也会遇到错误。这个问题可以通过以下方式解决:
- 将命令提示符固定到“开始”菜单( pinning Command Prompt to the Start menu)
- 或使用管理权限( administrative privileges)启动它,如下图所示。
- 如何在 Windows 11中修复 Minecraft 错误 0x803f8001(Fix Minecraft Error 0x803f8001)
- (Fix WSAPPX High Disk Usage)修复Windows 10(Windows 10)中WSAPPX 的高磁盘使用率
- 修复(Fix Computers)Windows 10中未出现在网络上的计算机(Network)
- C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop 不可用:已修复
希望以上方法可以帮助您解决Windows 10 上的 Access is denied 错误(Access is denied error on Windows 10)。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。通过下面的评论部分与我们联系。
How to Fix Access is Denied Windows 10
Imagine how annoying it woυld be if you were being denied use of any іtems that yoυ own or if you aren’t allowed to use a certain application on your phone or cоmputer. Similarly, it can be quite infuriating for you to not be able to access a certain file or folder on your PC. You may often get an error displaying the message, Access is denied. Some instances when the error may be encountered include opening a file, copy-pasting a file, moving a file from one location to another, deleting a file or folder, or launching a particular application. Most of these errors stem from a common cause that is a lack of appropriate permissions. In this article, we will be explaining how to fix access denied error by attaining all required permissions to access a seemingly inaccessible file on Windows 10.
How to Fix Access is Denied Windows 10
The exact error message also varies slightly depending on the action being performed or the files being accessed. You might receive any of the following error messages:
- Location is not available. E:\ is not accessible.
- F:\ is not accessible. Access is denied.
- Access is denied or Folder Access Denied.
- You need permission to perform this action.
- You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this folder.
Recommended Troubleshooting Tips
- Before we get to the more technical stuff, temporarily disable your antivirus software and then try accessing the file. Antivirus programs can often block access to certain files to prevent malicious applications and viruses from causing any damage to the PC. If this doesn’t work, then read 5 Ways to Completely Uninstall Avast Antivirus in Windows 10.
- Similarly, Windows Defender Firewall may block the file or permissions. So, you can follow our article on How to disable Windows Defender Firewall to disable it temporarily.
Note: Since doing so puts your PC at a greater risk of virus/malware, enable it as soon as this error is rectified.
Method 1: Change Owner of File/Folder
Access is Denied error most commonly occurs when you try to access a file without owning the necessary permissions. You can rectify this by changing the owner of the file or folder in question. This would allow you i.e., your user account the file owner and will let you access it without any problems.
1. Right-click on the file/folder you are having trouble accessing and select Properties.
2. Go to the Security tab and click on the Advanced button to look up special permissions.
3. Click on the Change option for the Owner label, as depicted.
4. Click on the Advanced… button present at the bottom-left corner.
5. Then, click on Find Now button.
6. In the search results that arrive, locate and choose your user account and click on OK.
7. Your account name will now be displayed under Enter the object name to select (examples): section. Click on OK to save.
8. Check the following options shown highlighted in the pic below:
- Replace owner on subcontainers and objects
- Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permissions entries from this object
Note: This will change the ownership of the folder as well as all the files inside the folder.
9. Click on Apply followed by OK to save the changes.
Note: Alternately, you can also change the owner of a file or folder from Elevated Command Prompt by simply executing takeown /f “path of the file/folder” command.
Also Read: How to Encrypt a Folder in Windows 10
Method 2: Grant Full Access to File/Folder
Sometimes, you might be the owner as well as an administrator but still, might fail to access a file or folder. This transpires when Full Control of the item is not yet assigned to the account. Fortunately, gaining full control over a file/folder is as trivial as ticking a box.
Note: File permissions can only be modified from an administrator account.
1. Once again, right-click on the problematic file (e.g. Important Documents) and select Properties.
2. Go to the Security tab and click Administrators in the Group or user names section, as shown.
3. Then, click on the Edit… button to change file permissions.
4. In the Permissions for Authenticated Users section, check the box marked Allow for Full control option shown highlighted.
Also Read: How to Fix uTorrent Access is Denied
Method 3: Check & Modify File Encryption
If you are sharing the PC with your siblings and each one of you has a different user account, it is plausible that one of them encrypted the file to keep it safe from the prying eyes of others. Encrypted files can only be accessed by the user account that carried out the encryption or ones with the required encryption certificate. To check if the file is indeed encrypted
1. Go to the File/Folder Properties window and click on the Advanced… button in the General tab, as illustrated below.
2. Check the Encrypt contents to secure data option under Compress or Encrypt attributes section.
Note: Another giveaway of an encrypted file is a padlock icon.
3. You will need to
log in from the user account that encrypted the file or folder
- or acquire the encryption certificate along with the encryption key to access said files.
Method 4: Take Ownership of Temp folder
While installing certain applications, you might receive the following error messages:
- Unable to execute file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted.
- Error 5: Access is denied.
- Setup was unable to create the directory full file path. Error 5: Access is denied.
In this case, Access is denied error can be rectified by:
1. Running the setup file as an administrator: Right-click on .exe file of App and choose Run as administrator, as depicted below.
2. Making yourself the owner of Temp folder: Temporary files are often created and saved inside the Temp during app installations. Thus, if you do not have access to the folder, the installation process will fail.
In this situation, navigate to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp and follow the steps listed in Method 1 to take Ownership of Temp Folder.
Also Read: Fix Hard Drive Not Showing Up in Windows 10
Method 5: Disable User Account Control
The User Account Control or UAC is a security feature in Windows OS that blocks the automatic installation of unauthorized software and prevents third-party applications from modifying system settings. Although, UAC can get unnecessarily strict at times and prevent users from accessing certain files. Implement the following steps to fix Access is denied Windows 10 error:
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.
2. Set View by > Large icons and click on User Accounts, as shown.
3. Next, click on the Change User Account Control settings option in the right pane.
4. In the User Account Control Settings, drag the slider down to Never notify.
5. Click on OK to save and exit. Try accessing the file now.
Also Read: How to Enable User Account Control in Windows Systems
Method 6: Create New User Account
If you continue to receive the Access is Denied error on your Windows 10 desktop/laptop, a corrupt user account might be causing this ruckus. You can try creating a new user account and accessing the file from it. A new account will be void of any user modifications and will have all the default permissions.
1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Windows Settings.
2. Click on Accounts settings, as shown.
3. Go to the Family & other users tab and click on Add someone else to this PC button.
4. Now, enter the Email or phone number to create a new sign-in profile. Click on Next
5. Enter Username, Password & Security questions and answers in the subsequent screens.
6. Finally, click on Finish.
7. Now, press the Windows key. Here, click on the User icon > Sign out, as depicted below.
7. Now sign back in from the newly created account. Check if you can access the item now.
Also Read: How to Create a Local Account in Windows 11
Method 7: Change User As Administrator
Certain files/folders and some actions on Windows 10 can only be accessed or carried out by administrators. In order to gain access to all the files on your PC at once, add your user account in the administrator group. This will provide you with unlimited access and fix access denied error on Windows 10.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Computer Management, and click on Open.
2. Navigate to the System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users in the left pane.
3. In the right pane, right-click the user account from which you are facing the issue and select Properties option.
4. Go to the Member Of tab and click on the Add… button.
Note: If you find Administrators in the list of Member of section, then go directly to Step 7.
5. Type Administrators in the Select Groups window.
Note: You can click on Check Names to check the object name you entered.
6. Click on OK once your entry automatically changes.
7. In the Member Of tab, choose Administrators shown highlighted.
8. Click Apply followed by OK to save these changes.
9. Restart for good measure and try accessing the item again.
Pro Tip: Errors While Launching Command Prompt
Apart from the above scenarios, some users also encountered errors when trying to launch Command Prompt window. This issue can be resolved by:
- either pinning Command Prompt to the Start menu
- or launching it with administrative privileges as illustrated below.
Hope the above methods helped you to resolve Access is denied error on Windows 10. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next. Reach out to us via comments section below.