毫无疑问,iCUE 或 Corsair Utility Engine是(iCUE or Corsair Utility Engine)当今市场上(market today)最值得信赖的设备管理软件(device management software)之一。它是一个多合一的程序,用于监控和自定义连接到计算机的所有外围设备的性能,例如键盘、鼠标、音频耳机等。该软件会不断更新,因此大部分情况下都不会遇到麻烦。但是,很少有用户抱怨收到错误消息(error message)No device detected in iCUE。它可能由于多种原因而发生,需要解决以恢复所有外围设备的正常运行。通过本指南,您将了解如何修复 iCUE 未检测到设备错误。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复 iCUE 未检测到设备(How to Fix iCUE No Device Detected )
许多原因可归因于 iCUE 未检测到设备错误(No Device Detected error),并且它们会因操作系统而异。我们已尝试列出此错误消息(error message)的最常见原因:
不受 iCUE 控制的设备控制:(Device controls not under iCUE: )有时,由于错误,您的外围设备不再受 iCUE 控制。
过时的 CUE:(Outdated CUE: )因为Corsair Utility旨在与最新的软件和硬件(software and hardware)配合使用,过时的CUE版本将无法顺利运行。您必须确保及时更新所有程序以避免出现问题。
BIOS Switch 位置不正确:(BIOS Switch not in the correct position: )BIOS Switch用于切换到不同的模式。如果开关不在所需位置,Corsair Utility Engine将难以识别您的设备。
硬件问题:(Hardware troubles: )在某些情况下,您的实用设备(utility device)可能不支持您的硬件并且根本无法识别它。
USB 端口故障:(Malfunctioning USB port: )如果您的USB 端口(USB port)出现故障,您插入的设备可能无法识别。
Corrupt CUE 配置文件:(Corrupt CUE profile: ) Corsair实用程序(Corsair Utility)通过存储在其中的各种配置文件控制设备的响应。如果其中任何一个出现故障或损坏,则您的设备可能无法正常运行。
了解此问题的原因后,您现在可以继续使用解决方案来修复 iCUE 未检测到 Windows 10 台式机/笔记本电脑上的设备。
方法一:重启 Corsair Utility Engine(Restart Corsair Utility Engine)
1.关闭(Close) 当前在您的计算机上运行的Corsair 实用程序。(Corsair Utility)
2.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入任务管理器(Task Manager),然后单击打开(Open),如下图所示。
3. 在Processes 选项卡下,(Processes tab,)搜索CUE(Corsair Utility Engine)。
4. 右键单击 CUE并选择结束任务。(End task. )我们以Cortana为例说明了此步骤。
重新启动系统以验证 iCUE 未检测到设备错误是否已纠正。
方法 2:重新安装Corsair Utility Engine
由于过时的CUE可能会导致此错误,将其更新到最新版本应该可以解决它。在这种方法中,我们将对注册表(Registry)值进行一些更改,并尝试修复 i CUE未检测到设备的问题。
注意:在对(Note:)注册表编辑器(registry editor)进行任何更改之前,请确保备份注册表编辑器(registry editor)设置,以便您可以恢复操作过程中丢失的任何数据。
1. 同时按下Windows + R键打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.如图所示,在运行(Run)命令框中键入regedit ,然后单击(regedit )确定(OK)。
3.在注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中导航到Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE 。
4. 然后,单击Corsair 文件夹(Corsair folder)并按Delete将其从系统中删除。
5.如图所示,通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动控制面板。(Control Panel )
6.点击右上角View by > Large icons程序和功能(Programs & Features),如下图所示。
7. 在卸载或更改程序(Uninstall or change a program )窗口中,右键单击Corsair,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。下面(example below)我们以Adobe Acrobat DC为例说明了这一步。
8.重新启动(Reboot) 计算机(the computer)以完成Corsair 卸载(Corsair uninstallation)过程。
9. 接下来,前往Corsair 的官方网站(Corsair’s official website)或访问iCUE 下载页面(iCUE download page),为您的系统下载最新版本的Corsair Utility Engine。
10. 右键单击下载的文件并选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator.)
11. 安装程序及其更新,然后重新启动计算机。
现在应该修复 iCUE 未检测到设备错误。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Windows 10 中的 HDMI 无声音
方法 3:更新Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating System)
以下是通过将 Windows 操作系统更新到最新版本来修复Corsair Utility Engine (iCUE) 中未检测到设备的方法:
1. 要打开设置(Settings)面板,请同时按Window + I键。
2. 点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 单击检查更新(Check for Updates)按钮,如给定图片中突出显示的那样。
4. 如果Windows找不到任何新的更新,将显示以下消息:您是最新的(You’re up to date)。
5. 如果有任何更新可用,则会显示相同的更新,并且Windows将自行更新。
6. 重新启动您的计算机。然后,启动Corsair Utility Engine 以确认所有设备都被检测到并正常运行。
方法 4:禁用关联的硬件和软件(Associated Hardware & Software)
一些用户声称禁用与Corsair及其 i CUE相关的所有其他程序有助于解决此问题。这可能是由于各种第三方程序干扰了CUE的功能。执行以下指令以执行相同操作:
2.如图所示,通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
3. 如图所示,单击View > Show hidden devices。
4.双击展开键盘。( Keyboards)
5. 单击设备,然后从此处卸载它。(Uninstall)
检查您是否能够修复 iCUE 未检测到计算机上的设备问题。
方法 5:重新安装设备驱动程序
1.如前所述启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2.通过双击展开人机接口设备部分。(Human Interface Devices)
3. 右键单击 Corsair,然后单击卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
4. 接下来,从外围设备上拆下连接器。(detach the connector)等待几秒钟,然后将其重新连接到您的台式机/笔记本电脑。
5. 单击设备管理器窗口(Device Manager window)中的操作( Action),然后单击扫描硬件更改(Scan for hardware changes),如下所示。
这将有助于重新安装您的设备,并且 Corsair Utility Engine(device and Corsair Utility Engine)现在应该没有 iCUE 未检测到设备问题。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10中未检测到显卡(Fix Graphics Card)
方法 6:创建新的 CUE 配置文件
创建新的CUE 配置文件(CUE profile)将消除与现有配置文件相关的所有故障,从而修复 iCUE 未检测到设备错误。对于无法配置周边RGB颜色的用户,强烈建议使用此方法。
1. 启动Corsair应用程序并导航到主(Home)屏幕。
2. 要构建新的配置文件,请单击配置文件(Profiles)旁边的+ (plus)图标。
4. 接下来,右键单击连接的设备并选择Default。
5.保存这些修改并退出 iCUE。(Save these modifications and exit iCUE.)
6.重新启动(Restart)程序并验证它是否设置为最高优先级(highest priority)设置。
您现在应该在两者之间切换以验证RGB颜色在新创建的(RGB)CUE 配置文件(CUE profile)中是否正常工作。
如果您拥有Corsair 键盘(Corsair keyboard),您可能知道位于外围设备背面的多个BIOS 开关。(BIOS switches)此类开关允许您根据特定需求定制键盘配置。(keyboard configuration)但是,如果未激活相应的BIOS 开关(BIOS switch),外围设备将不会连接到实用程序引擎(Utility Engine),并且会导致 iCUE 无法检测到设备问题。实施(Implement)给定的步骤来验证和纠正BIOS 开关(BIOS switch)设置:
1. 验证外围设备是否正确连接到相应的 USB 端口(properly wired to the appropriate USB port)。
2. 找到外围设备背面的BIOS 开关。(BIOS Switch)它应该被标记为BIOS。调整(Adjust the mode )开关的模式。
3.重新连接外设(Reconnect the peripheral);CUE现在应该可以识别键盘了。
4. 如果还是找不到外设,调整BIOS模式(adjust the BIOS mode)解决这个问题。
5. 同样,您可以通过删除 peripheral(deleting the peripheral)来测试它。重新接线外围设备后,按住ESC键。这是设备的硬重置,它可以帮助检测键盘。
方法 8:更改 USB 端口
虽然,Corsair Utility Engine完全支持USB 2.0端口;在某些情况下,实用程序(Utility)只能搜索 3.0 端口。您的外围设备所连接的USB 端口(USB port)也可能无法正常工作。因此(Hence),您应该执行以下基本检查:
1.更改(Change the port)外设连接的端口。
2. 此外,如果您插入前面的端口,请改用PC 显示器或 CPU背面的端口。(ports on the back)
3.将USB 端口(Switch USB ports)从 3.0 切换到 2.0端口,反之亦然(port or vice-versa)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复蓝牙外围设备驱动程序(Fix Bluetooth Peripheral Device Driver)未找到错误(Found Error)
方法 9:修复硬件兼容性问题(Fix Hardware Compatibility Issues)
如果外围设备不接受iCUE 应用程序(iCUE app),则无法以任何方式链接。我们遇到了一些用户,他们认为他们的外围设备支持RGB颜色;事实上,它只支持静态或预定义的颜色。因此(Hence),我们建议:
- 搜索您的外设的包装或型号,并查阅(packaging or model number)海盗船官网( Corsair’s official website)以获取兼容设备列表。
- 访问Corsair 帮助(Corsair Help)以获取其设备的支持和指导(support & guidance)。
如果您无法将设备与计算机连接,无论您做什么,都应该更换有故障的硬件(faulty hardware)。
方法 10:更新固件
- 确认您有稳定的互联网连接(internet connection)。
- 需要更新的设备已连接到您的 PC。
- (CUE)应使用CUE升级固件。
1. 启动Corsair Utility Engine并选择Settings。
2. 选择需要更新的设备。(Device )
3. 检查标题为强制更新(Force update)的选项以更新所需的固件。
4. 最后,单击屏幕右下角的更新按钮。(Update)
方法 11:执行系统还原
(Certain)升级Corsair Utility Engine后会出现(Corsair Utility Engine)某些不需要的问题,例如丢失音频。如果卸载CUE不能解决更新错误,可以执行系统还原。(system restore)系统还原(System restore)会将系统还原到以前的更新,这应该可以解决 i CUE未检测到设备的问题。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
Q1。为什么 iCUE 没有检测到设备?(Q1. Why is the iCUE not detecting devices?)
您的 iCUE 未检测到设备可能有多种原因。简而言之(Briefly),其中一些可以是:
- 硬件问题。
- BIOS 开关(BIOS Switch)不在所需位置。
- USB 端口故障或不兼容。
- iCUE 或 Windows 操作系统(iCUE or Windows OS)或两者兼有的过时版本。
Q2。如何修复 iCUE 中未检测到设备?(Q2. How do I fix no device detected in iCUE?)
好吧,您可以采取许多步骤来修复与 iCUE 中未检测到设备相关的错误。它因操作系统而异,并且用户面临的特定问题也有所不同。我们编制了一份详细列表,列出了解决 iCUE 未检测到设备问题的 11 种方法。
Q3。更新我的 Corsair Utility Engine 的程序是什么?(Q3. What is the Procedure for Updating My Corsair Utility Engine?)
您可以访问corsair 网站(corsair website)或手动下载corsair 实用程序引擎(corsair utility engine)。更新CUE需要更新任何支持CUE的(CUE)固件系统(firmware system)。
1. 打开 CUE 并前往设置( Settings)菜单。
2. 要升级设备,请单击该设备的下载( download)按钮。
3. 选择 Update > CUE将自动升级实用程序,允许您使用其全部功能。
第四季度(Q4)。Corsair Utility Engine 是如何定义的?(How is Corsair Utility Engine defined?)
Corsair Utility Engine或CUE是一个复杂的软件包(software package),可管理外围设备并增强其功能。CUE监视从键盘到鼠标垫的所有内容,因此如果必须更新固件。要了解更多关于CUE的信息,您可以访问其官方网站。
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Core Engine Utility是现代游戏玩家最伟大的创新之一。我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 iCUE 在 Corsair Utility Engine 中未检测到设备错误( fix iCUE not detecting devices error in Corsair Utility Engine)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何疑问或意见,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix iCUE Not Detecting Devices (Corsair Utility Engine)
Τhere is no doubt that iCUE or Corsair Utility Engine is one of the most truѕted device management software in the market today. It is an all-in-one program tо monitor and cυstomize the performance of all peripheral devices attached to yoυr computer, such aѕ keyboard, mouse, audio headsets, etc. The software gets updated consistently and thus, mоstly remains hassle-free. However, few users have complained of gеtting an error message No device detected in iCUE. It can occur due to a variety of reasons and requires to be resolved to restore proper functioning of all peripherals. Through this guide, you will get to learn how to fix iCUE not detecting devices error. So, continue reading!
How to Fix iCUE No Device Detected
Many reasons can be attributed to iCUE No Device Detected error and they would vary from one operating system to another. We have attempted to list the most common causes for this error message:
Device controls not under iCUE: Sometimes, by mistake, your peripheral devices no longer remain under the control of iCUE.
Outdated CUE: Because Corsair Utility is designed to work with the latest software and hardware, an outdated version of CUE will have trouble functioning smoothly. You must ensure timely updates of all programs to avoid issues.
BIOS Switch not in the correct position: BIOS Switch is used to switch to different modes. If the switch is not in the desired position, it will become hard for the Corsair Utility Engine to recognize your device.
Hardware troubles: In certain cases, it is possible that your utility device does not support your hardware and wouldn’t recognize it, at all.
Malfunctioning USB port: If you have a malfunctioning USB port, the device you have plugged in, might not be recognized.
Corrupt CUE profile: The Corsair Utility controls the response of devices through various profiles stored in it. If any one of these is glitched or corrupt, then your device might not function properly.
Having understood the reasons for this issue, you can now proceed with the solutions to fix iCUE not detecting devices on your Windows 10 desktop/laptops.
Method 1: Restart Corsair Utility Engine
To get rid of common bugs and glitches, a simple fix is to restart your device as follows:
1. Close Corsair Utility that is currently running on your computer.
2. Type Task Manager in the Windows search bar and click on Open, as illustrated in the pic below.
3. Under Processes tab, search for CUE (Corsair Utility Engine).
4. Right-click on CUE and select End task. We have explained this step for Cortana as an example.
Restart your system to verify if iCUE no device detected error is rectified.
Method 2: Reinstall Corsair Utility Engine
Since outdated CUE might cause this error, updating it to the latest version should solve it. In this method, we shall make some changes in Registry values and try to fix iCUE not detecting devices issue.
Note: Before making any changes to the registry editor, make sure to backup registry editor settings so that you can restore any data lost during the operation.
1. Open the Run dialogue box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Type regedit in the Run command box and click OK, as depicted.
3. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE in the Registry Editor.
4. Then, click on Corsair folder and press Delete to remove it from the system.
5. Launch Control Panel by searching for it in the Windows search bar, as depicted.
6. Select Programs & Features, as highlighted in the pic below, after clicking View by > Large icons from the top-right corner.
7. In the Uninstall or change a program window, right-click on Corsair and then, click Uninstall. We have explained this step taking Adobe Acrobat DC as an example below.
8. Reboot the computer to complete the Corsair uninstallation process.
9. Next, head to Corsair’s official website or visit the iCUE download page to download the latest version of Corsair Utility Engine for your system.
10. Right-click the downloaded file and choose Run as administrator.
11. Install the program and its updates, and restart the computer once again.
The iCUE no device detected error should be fixed, by now. If not, try the next fix.
Also Read: Fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10
Method 3: Update Windows Operating System
Here’s how to fix no device detected in Corsair Utility Engine (iCUE) by updating your Windows OS to the latest version:
1. To open the Settings panel, press the Window + I keys simultaneously.
2. Click on Update & Security, as shown.
3. Click on the Check for Updates button, as highlighted in the given pic.
4. If the Windows cannot find any new updates, the following message will be displayed: You’re up to date.
5. If any updates are available, the same will be displayed and Windows will update itself.
6. Restart your computer. Then, launch Corsair Utility Engine to confirm that all devices are being detected and functioning properly.
Method 4: Disable Associated Hardware & Software
Some users claimed that disabling all other programs associated with Corsair and its iCUE helped solve this issue. This could be because of various third-party programs interfering with the functioning of CUE. Execute the following instructions to do the same:
1. Disconnect the keyboard or any other peripheral devices from the computer.
2. Launch Device Manager by searching for it in the Windows search bar, as shown.
3. Click on View > Show hidden devices, as depicted.
4. Expand Keyboards by double-clicking on it.
5. Click on the device and then Uninstall it from here.
6. Repeat the same for all associated devices.
Check if you’re able to fix iCUE not detecting devices problem on your computer.
Method 5: Reinstall Device Drivers
1. Launch Device Manager as instructed earlier.
2. Expand the Human Interface Devices segment by double-clicking on it.
3. Right-click Corsair and click on Uninstall device.
4. Next, detach the connector from the peripheral. Wait a few seconds and then, reconnect it to your desktop/laptop.
5. Click on Action in the Device Manager window and then click Scan for hardware changes, as highlighted below.
This will aid in the reinstallation of your device and Corsair Utility Engine should now be free of the iCUE no device detected issue.
Also Read: Fix Graphics Card not detected in Windows 10
Method 6: Create a New CUE Profile
Creating a new CUE profile will get rid of all glitches associated with the existing profile and thus, fix iCUE no device detected error. This method is highly recommended for users who are unable to configure the peripheral RGB colors.
1. Launch the Corsair app and navigate to the Home screen.
2. To build a new profile, click on the + (plus) icon next to Profiles.
3. Name the new profile and then, click Create to build it.
4. Next, right-click the attached devices and choose Default.
5. Save these modifications and exit iCUE.
6. Restart the program and verify that it is set to the highest priority setting.
You should now toggle between the two to verify that the RGB colors are functioning properly in the newly created CUE profile.
If the above-mentioned methods fails to fix this error, try the hardware fixes listed below.
Method 7: Adjust the BIOS Switch
If you own a Corsair keyboard, you are probably aware of the multiple BIOS switches located at the back of the peripheral. Such switches allow you to tailor keyboard configuration to your specific needs. Although, if the appropriate BIOS switch is not activated, the peripherals will not be connected to the Utility Engine and will cause iCUE not to detect devices issue. Implement the given steps to verify & rectify BIOS switch settings:
1. Verify that the peripheral is properly wired to the appropriate USB port.
2. Locate the BIOS Switch on the back of the peripheral. It should be labeled BIOS. Adjust the mode of the switch.
3. Reconnect the peripheral; the CUE should recognize the keyboard now.
4. If it is still unable to find the peripheral, adjust the BIOS mode to resolve this issue.
5. Likewise, you can test it by deleting the peripheral. After rewiring the peripheral, hold the ESC key. This is a hard reset for the device, and it can assist in detecting the keyboard.
Method 8: Change USB ports
Although, Corsair Utility Engine completely supports USB 2.0 ports; in some instances, the Utility could search for only 3.0 ports. It is also likely that the USB port to which your peripheral was attached is not functioning properly. Hence, you should perform these basic checks:
1. Change the port to which the peripheral is attached.
2. Additionally, if you were plugging in the front ports, use the ports on the back of your PC monitor or CPU instead.
3. Switch USB ports from 3.0 to 2.0 port or vice-versa.
Also Read: Fix Bluetooth Peripheral Device Driver Not Found Error
Method 9: Fix Hardware Compatibility Issues
If the peripheral does not accept the iCUE app, it cannot be linked in any way. We came across several users who believed that their peripheral supported RGB colors; when, in fact, it supported static or pre-defined colors only. Hence, we recommend:
- Search for the packaging or model number of your peripheral and consult Corsair’s official website for the list of compatible devices.
- Visit Corsair Help for support & guidance for its devices.
If you are unable to connect your device with your computer, regardless of what you do, you should replace the faulty hardware.
Method 10: Update Firmware
Updating the firmware on your computer will help improve its performance as well as resolve CUE errors. But, before proceeding to do so perform these checks:
- Verify that you have a stable internet connection.
- The device requiring updates is connected to your PC.
- CUE should be used to upgrade the firmware.
1. Launch Corsair Utility Engine and select Settings.
2. Select the Device which needs to be updated.
3. Check the option titled Force update to update the desired firmware.
4. Finally, click the Update button from the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Method 11: Perform a System Restore
Certain unwanted issues, such as lost audio, arise after the Corsair Utility Engine is upgraded. If uninstalling CUE does not resolve the update errors, a system restore can be performed. System restore will restore the system to a previous update, which should resolve the iCUE no device detected issue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. Why is the iCUE not detecting devices?
There could be many reasons for your iCUE not detecting devices. Briefly, some of them can be:
- Hardware troubles.
- BIOS Switch is not in the desired position.
- Faulty or incompatible USB port.
- Outdated versions of iCUE or Windows OS or both.
Read this article for more comprehensive information on its causes and ways to fix it.
Q2. How do I fix no device detected in iCUE?
Well, there are many steps that you can take to fix errors related to no device detected in iCUE. It varies from one operating system to another and also what particular kind of problem is faced by the user. We have compiled a detailed list of 11 methods to solve iCUE not detecting devices issue.
Q3. What is the Procedure for Updating My Corsair Utility Engine?
You may either visit the corsair website or manually download the corsair utility engine. Updating CUE entails updating any firmware system that supports CUE.
1. Open the CUE and head to the Settings menu.
2. To upgrade a device, click on the download button for that device.
3. Selecting Update > CUE will automatically upgrade the utility, allowing you to use its entire range of functionality.
Q4. How is Corsair Utility Engine defined?
Corsair Utility Engine, or CUE, is a sophisticated software package that manages peripheral devices and enhances their functionality. CUE monitors everything from the keyboard to the mousepad, so if the firmware has to be updated. To learn more about CUE, you can visit its official website.
Core Engine Utility is one of the greatest innovations for modern-day gamers. We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix iCUE not detecting devices error in Corsair Utility Engine. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries or comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.