在系统启动(system startup)过程中,您有时可能会遇到显示器(face monitor)白屏问题。因此,您将无法登录您的系统。在极端情况下,除非您找到问题的永久解决方案,否则您将无法再使用它。这种笔记本电脑白屏问题通常被称为白屏死机,(White Screen of Death )因为屏幕变白并冻结。您甚至可能在每次启动系统时遇到此错误。今天,我们将指导您如何修复Windows 10(Windows 10)笔记本电脑上的白屏。
如何在 Windows 上修复笔记本电脑白屏死机(How to Fix Laptop White Screen of Death on Windows)
- 损坏的系统文件和文件夹
- 过时的图形驱动程序
- 系统中的病毒或恶意软件
- 屏幕(Screen)电缆/连接器等故障。
- VGA芯片错误
- 电压降或主板问题
- 对屏幕的高冲击损坏
初步步骤(Preliminary Steps)
如果您遇到显示器(monitor)白屏问题(screen issue),您可能无法执行故障排除步骤,因为屏幕只是空白。因此(Hence),您必须将系统恢复到正常的功能状态。为此,
- 按住电源键(Power key)几秒钟,直到您的 PC 关闭。等待(Wait)2-3 分钟。然后,再次按电源键,( power key)打开(Turn on)您的电脑。
- 或者,关闭(Turn off)您的 PC 并断开电源线(disconnect power cable)。一分钟后,将其重新插入,然后打开(turn on)计算机。
- 如果需要,请检查(Check)并更换电源线(power cable),以确保为您的台式机/笔记本电脑提供充足的电源。(ensure adequate power supply )
方法 1:解决硬件问题
(Method 1: Troubleshoot Hardware Problems
方法 1A:移除所有外部设备(Method 1A: Remove All External Devices)
- 扩展卡、适配卡或附件卡(expansion cards, adapter cards, or accessory cards)等外部设备用于通过扩展总线(expansion bus)向系统添加功能。扩展卡包括声卡、显卡、网卡,用于改进这些特定功能的功能。例如,显卡用于提高游戏和电影的视频质量(video quality)。但是,这些可能会在您的 Windows 10 PC 中触发笔记本电脑白屏问题。因此(Hence),如果需要,断开所有扩展卡与系统的连接并更换它们,可能会解决问题。
- 此外,如果您添加了任何新的外部或内部硬件以及连接的外围设备(new external or internal hardware and peripheral devices),请尝试断开它们。
- 此外,如果您的系统连接有DVD、光盘或 USB 设备(DVDs, Compact Discs, or USB devices),请断开它们并重新启动您的Windows 10 PC 以修复笔记本电脑白屏死机问题(death issue)。
1. 导航并找到任务栏上的安全删除硬件并弹出媒体图标(Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media icon)。(Taskbar.)
2. 现在,右键单击它并选择弹出外部设备(Eject External device )(例如Cruzer Blade)选项将其删除。
3. 同样,移除所有外部设备(remove all external devices )并重新启动(reboot )计算机。
Method 1B: Disconnect All Cables/Connectors
从计算机上断开所有电缆(Disconnect all cables),包括VGA、DVI、HDMI、PS/2、以太网、音频或USB电缆,(USB)电源线(power cable)除外。
- 确保电线没有损坏并且处于最佳状态(wires are not damaged and are in optimum condition),如果需要更换它们。
- 始终确保所有连接器都与电缆紧密连接(connectors are tightly held up with the cable)。
- 检查连接器是否损坏(connectors for damage),必要时更换。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在Windows 10中检查(Windows 10)显示器型号(Monitor Model)
Method 2: Update/Rollback Graphics Card Drivers
方法 2A:更新显示驱动程序(Method 2A: Update Display Driver)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并输入设备管理器(device manager)。然后,单击打开(Open)。
2. 双击显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。
3. 然后,右键单击驱动程序(driver)(例如Intel(R) HD Graphics 620)并选择更新驱动程序,(Update driver, )如下所示
4. 接下来,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项以自动查找并安装驱动程序。
5B。如果它们已经更新,则会显示消息,您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed )。
6. 单击关闭(Close)退出窗口。重新启动(Restart )计算机,并检查您是否已解决系统中的问题。
方法 2B:回滚显示驱动程序
(Method 2B: Rollback Display Driver
1. 重复上一方法的第1 步和第 2 步(Steps 1 & 2)。
2. 右键单击您的驱动程序(driver )(例如Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620)并单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
3. 切换到驱动程序选项卡(Driver tab)并选择回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver),如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note:)如果您的系统中的“回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)”选项显示为灰色(greyed out),则表明您的系统正在使用工厂构建的驱动程序运行并且尚未更新。在这种情况下,请执行方法 2A(implement Method 2A)。
4. 最后,在确认提示中单击是。(Yes)
5. 单击确定(OK)以应用此更改并重新启动(restart)您的 PC 以使回滚生效。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何判断您的显卡(Graphics Card)是否正在死机
方法3:重新安装显示驱动程序(Method 3: Reinstall Display driver)
1. 使用方法 2A(Method 2A)的步骤 1-2(Steps 1-2)启动设备管理器(Device Manager )并展开显示适配器(Display adapters )部分。
2. 右键单击显示驱动程序(display driver )(例如Intel (R) UHD Graphics 620)并单击卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
3. 接下来,选中标记为删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device )的框,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)确认。
4.等待(Wait)卸载过程(uninstallation process)完成并重新启动( restart)您的 PC。
5.现在,从制造商网站(manufacturer website)下载( Download)驱动程序,在这种情况下,英特尔(Intel)
6.双击运行下载的文件,然后按照(Downloaded file)屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions )完成安装过程(installation process)。
方法 4:更新 Windows(Method 4: Update Windows)
安装新的更新将有助于使Windows操作系统和驱动程序(system and drivers)同步。因此,帮助您修复Windows 10(Windows 10)笔记本电脑或台式机上的白屏问题。
1. 同时按下Windows + I 键(keys)打开系统中的设置(Settings)。
2. 选择更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 现在,单击突出显示的检查更新(Check for updates)按钮。
4A。如果您的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)有新更新,请下载并(download and) 安装(install)它们。然后,重新启动您的 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)等待安装(Update Pending Install)的Windows 10更新
方法 5:修复硬盘中的损坏文件和坏扇区
(Method 5: Repair Corrupt Files & Bad Sectors in HDD
方法 5A:使用 chkdsk 命令(Method 5A: Use chkdsk Command)
检查磁盘命令(Check Disk command)用于扫描硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive)上的坏扇区并在可能的情况下修复它们。硬盘中的(HDD)坏(Bad)扇区可能会导致Windows无法读取重要的Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)文件,从而导致笔记本电脑出现白屏错误(screen error)。
1. 单击 开始(Start) 并键入 cmd。然后,单击 Run as Administrator,如图所示。
2.在“ 用户帐户控制(User Account Control) ”对话框中单击“ 是”进行确认。(Yes)
3. 键入 chkdsk X: /f 其中X代表您要扫描的驱动器分区,在本例中为(Drive Partition )C:
4. 在下次启动期间计划扫描的提示中,按(boot press) Y,然后按Enter 键。
方法 5B:使用 DISM 和 SFC 修复损坏的系统文件
(Method 5B: Fix Corrupt System Files using DISM & SFC
损坏的系统(Corrupt system)文件也可能导致此问题。因此(Hence),运行部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing & Management)以及系统文件检查器(System File Checker)命令应该会有所帮助。
注意:(Note:) 建议在执行SFC命令之前运行(SFC command)DISM命令,以确保其正确运行。
1.使用管理权限(Command Prompt with administrative privileges)启动 命令提示符, 如 方法 5A 所示(Method 5A)。
2. 在这里,一个接一个地键入给定的命令,然后按 Enter 键执行这些命令。
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
3. 键入 sfc /scannow 并按 Enter 键(Enter)。让扫描完成。
Verification 100% complete 消息,重新启动您的 PC 。
方法 5C:重建主引导记录(Method 5C: Rebuild Master Boot Record)
由于硬盘(Hard drive)扇区损坏,Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)无法正常启动,导致 Windows 10 出现笔记本电脑白屏(Windows 10)错误(screen error)。要解决此问题,请执行以下步骤:
1. 重新启动(Restart) 计算机,同时按住 Shift 键进入 高级启动(Advanced Startup) 菜单。
2. 在这里,点击 疑难解答(Troubleshoot),如图所示。
3. 然后,点击 高级选项(Advanced options)。
4. 从可用选项列表中选择命令提示符。(Command Prompt)计算机将再次启动。
5. 选择您的帐户(Your account)并 在下一页 输入您的密码。(Your password)点击 继续(Continue)。
6. 执行以下 命令 (commands )一一重建主引导记录(rebuild master boot record):
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bcdedit /export X:\bcdbackup
attrib X:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren X:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd
注 1(Note 1):在命令中, X 代表 您要扫描的驱动器分区。(Drive Partition)
注意 2(Note 2): 当询问是否允许将安装添加到引导列表时,键入(boot list)Y 并按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
7. 现在,键入 exit 并按 Enter。 点击 继续(Continue) 正常启动。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Windows 10 蓝屏错误
方法 6:执行自动修复(Method 6: Perform Automatic Repair)
以下是如何通过执行自动修复来修复(Automatic Repair)Windows 10笔记本电脑白屏死机问题(death problem):
1. 按照方法 5C 的步骤 1-3进入(Steps 1-3 of Method 5C)Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Advanced options 。
2.在这里,选择 自动修复(Automatic Repair)选项,而不是命令提示符。
3. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)解决此问题。
方法 7:执行启动修复(Method 7: Perform Startup Repair)
从Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)执行启动修复(Startup Repair)有助于修复与操作系统文件和系统服务相关的常见错误。因此,它也可能有助于修复(Hence)Windows 10笔记本电脑或台式机上的白屏。
1. 重复 方法 5C 的步骤 1-3(Steps 1-3 of Method 5C)。
2. 在 高级选项(Advanced options)下,单击 启动修复(Startup Repair)。
3. 这将引导您进入启动修复屏幕(Startup Repair screen)。按照(Follow)屏幕上的说明让Windows自动诊断和修复错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何修复笔记本电脑屏幕上的线条
方法 8:执行系统还原(Method 8: Perform System Restore)
这是通过将系统恢复到以前的版本来解决笔记本电脑显示器白屏问题的方法。(screen problem)
注意:(Note:)建议在继续进行系统还原(System Restore) 之前将 Windows 10 PC引导至(Boot Windows 10)安全模式(Safe Mode)。
1. 按Windows 键并键入 cmd。 单击 以管理员身份运行以(Run as administrator)使用管理权限 启动命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
2. 键入rstrui.exe 并按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 现在,在“ 系统还原” (System Restore )窗口中单击“下一步 ”,如图所示。(Next )
4. 最后,单击“完成 (Finish )”按钮确认还原点。(restore point)
方法 9:重置 Windows 操作系统
(Method 9: Reset Windows OS
99% 的情况下,重置您的Windows将解决所有与软件相关的问题,包括病毒攻击、损坏的文件等。此方法会重新安装Windows 操作系统(operating system),而不会删除您的个人文件。所以,值得一试。
注意:(Note:)在继续之前将所有重要数据备份到外部驱动器(External drive)或云存储中。(Cloud storage)
1. 在 Windows 搜索栏中输入(Windows Search bar)reset。单击打开(Open)以启动重置此 PC(Reset this PC)窗口。
2. 现在,点击 开始(Get started)。
3. 它会要求您在两个选项之间进行选择。选择 保留我的文件(Keep my files)并继续重置。
注意:(Note:)您的Windows PC将重新启动几次。
4. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions) 完成该过程。
- 如何在外置硬盘上(External Hard Drive)下载 Steam 游戏(Download Steam Games)
- 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 开始菜单搜索(Start Menu Search)不起作用
- 修复(Fix)Windows 10黄(Yellow Screen)屏(Death)死机
- 如何修复 Windows 11
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以解决 Windows 10(fix Windows 10) 笔记本电脑白屏(laptop white screen)问题。如果仍未解决,您需要联系笔记本电脑/台式机制造商的授权服务中心(service center)。如果您有任何其他疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
How to Fix Window 10 Laptop White Screen
You may sometimes face monіtor white screen іssue during system startup. Thus, you will not be able to log in to your system. Іn extreme сases, yоu cannot use it anymore unless you find a рermanent solution for the problem. This laptop white sсrеen issυe is often termed as White Screen of Death since the screen turns white and freezes. You may even encounter this error every time you boot your system. Today, we will guide you how to fix white screen on Windows 10 laptop.
How to Fix Laptop White Screen of Death on Windows
There can be various reasons that cause the said error, such as:
- Corrupt system files and folders
- Outdated Graphics drivers
- Virus or Malware in the system
- Glitches with Screen cable/connectors etc.
- VGA chip error
- Voltage drop or Motherboard issues
- High impact damage to the screen
Preliminary Steps
If you are facing monitor white screen issue, you might not be able to implement the troubleshooting steps, since the screen is just blank. Hence, you have to bring your system back to its normal functional state. To do so,
- Press the Power key for a few seconds till your PC shuts off. Wait for 2-3 minutes. Then, press the power key once again, to Turn on your PC.
- Or, Turn off your PC & disconnect power cable. After a minute, plug it back in, and turn on your computer.
- Check and replace power cable, if needed, to ensure adequate power supply to your desktop/laptop.
Method 1: Troubleshoot Hardware Problems
Method 1A: Remove All External Devices
- External devices like expansion cards, adapter cards, or accessory cards are used to add functions to the system through the expansion bus. Expansion cards include sound cards, graphics cards, network cards and are used to improve the functionalities of these specific functions. For instance, a graphics card is used to enhance the video quality of games & movies. But, these might trigger laptop white screen issue in your Windows 10 PC. Hence, disconnecting all expansion cards from your system and replacing them, if required, may fix the issue.
- Also, if you have added any new external or internal hardware and peripheral devices connected, try disconnecting them.
- Furthermore, if there are DVDs, Compact Discs, or USB devices connected with your system, disconnect them and reboot your Windows 10 PC to fix laptop white screen of death issue.
Note: You are advised to remove external devices with intense care to avoid data loss.
1. Navigate and locate the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media icon on the Taskbar.
2. Now, right-click on it and select the Eject External device (e.g. Cruzer Blade) option to remove it.
3. Likewise, remove all external devices and reboot your computer.
Method 1B: Disconnect All Cables/Connectors
If there is problem with cables or connectors, or, cables are old, damaged, the power, audio, video connections will keep disconnecting from the device. Moreover, if the connectors are loosely tied, then they may cause white screen issue.
Disconnect all cables including VGA, DVI, HDMI, PS/2, ethernet, audio, or USB cables from the computer, except the power cable.
- Ensure that the wires are not damaged and are in optimum condition, replace them if required.
- Always ensure that all the connectors are tightly held up with the cable.
- Check the connectors for damage and replace them if necessary.
Also Read: How to Check Monitor Model in Windows 10
Method 2: Update/Rollback Graphics Card Drivers
Update or roll back the graphics card drivers to the latest version to fix white screen on Windows laptops/desktops.
Method 2A: Update Display Driver
1. Press Windows key and type device manager. Then, click Open.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Then, right-click on the driver (e.g. Intel(R) HD Graphics 620) and select Update driver, as highlighted below
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers options to locate and install a driver automatically.
5A. Now, the drivers will update to the latest version, if they are not updated.
5B. If they are already updated, then the message, The best drivers for your device are already installed will be shown.
6. Click on Close to exit the window. Restart the computer, and check if you have fixed the issue in your system.
Method 2B: Rollback Display Driver
1. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 from the previous method.
2. Right-click on your driver (e.g. Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620) and click on Properties, as depicted.
3. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver, as shown highlighted.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out in your system, it indicates that your system is running on the factory-built drivers and hasn’t been updated. In this case, implement Method 2A.
4. Finally, click on Yes in the confirmation prompt.
5. Click on OK to apply this change and restart your PC to make the rollback effective.
Also Read: How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying
Method 3: Reinstall Display driver
If updating or rolling back does not give you a fix, you can uninstall the drivers and install them again, as explained below:
1. Launch Device Manager and expand Display adapters section using Steps 1-2 of Method 2A.
2. Right-click on display driver (e.g. Intel (R) UHD Graphics 620) and click on Uninstall device.
3. Next, check the box marked Delete the driver software for this device and confirm by clicking Uninstall.
4. Wait for uninstallation process to be finished and restart your PC.
5. Now, Download the driver from the manufacturer website, in this case, Intel
6. Run the Downloaded file by double-clicking on it and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
Method 4: Update Windows
Installing new updates will help bring Windows operating system and drivers in sync. And thus, help you fix white screen on Windows 10 laptop or desktop issue.
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open Settings in your system.
2. Select Update & Security, as shown.
3. Now, click the Check for updates button as highlighted.
4A. If there are new updates for your Windows OS, then download and install them. Then, restart your PC.
4B. If there is no update available, the following message will appear.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Update Pending Install
Method 5: Repair Corrupt Files & Bad Sectors in HDD
Method 5A: Use chkdsk Command
Check Disk command is used to scan for bad sectors on the Hard Disk Drive and repair them, if possible. Bad sectors in HDD can result in Windows being unable to read important Windows operating system files resulting in laptop white screen error.
1. Click on Start and type cmd. Then, click on Run as Administrator, as shown.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control dialog box to confirm.
3. Type chkdsk X: /f where X represents the Drive Partition that you want to scan, in this case, C:
4. In the prompt to schedule scan during the next boot press Y and then, press the Enter key.
Method 5B: Fix Corrupt System Files using DISM & SFC
Corrupt system files can also result in this issue. Hence, running Deployment Image Servicing & Management and System File Checker commands should help.
Note: It is advisable to run DISM commands before executing SFC command in order to make sure it runs correctly.
1. Launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges as shown in Method 5A.
2. Here, type the given commands, one after the other, and press Enter key to execute these.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
3. Type sfc /scannow and hit Enter. Let the scan be completed.
4. Restart your PC once Verification 100% complete message is displayed.
Method 5C: Rebuild Master Boot Record
Due to corrupt Hard drive sectors, Windows OS is not able to boot properly resulting in laptop white screen error in Windows 10. To fix this, follow these steps:
1. Restart your computer while pressing the Shift key to enter the Advanced Startup menu.
2. Here, click on Troubleshoot, as shown.
3. Then, click on Advanced options.
4. Choose Command Prompt from the list of available options. The computer will boot once again.
5. Choose Your account and enter Your password on the next page. Click on Continue.
6. Execute the following commands one-by-one rebuild master boot record:
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bcdedit /export X:\bcdbackup
attrib X:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren X:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd
Note 1: In the commands, X represents the Drive Partition that you want to scan.
Note 2: Type Y and press Enter key when asked for permission to add installation to the boot list.
7. Now, type exit and hit Enter. Click on Continue to boot normally.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Blue Screen Error
Method 6: Perform Automatic Repair
Here’s how to fix Windows 10 laptop white screen of death problem by performing Automatic Repair:
1. Go to Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Advanced options following Steps 1-3 of Method 5C.
2. Here, select the Automatic Repair option, instead of Command Prompt.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to fix this issue.
Method 7: Perform Startup Repair
Performing a Startup Repair from Windows Recovery Environment is helpful in fixing common errors related to the OS files and system services. Hence, it might help fix white screen on Windows 10 laptop or desktop too.
1. Repeat Steps 1-3 of Method 5C.
2. Under Advanced options, click on Startup Repair.
3. This will direct you to Startup Repair screen. Follow on-screen instructions to allow Windows to diagnose and fix errors automatically.
Also Read: How to Fix Lines on Laptop Screen
Method 8: Perform System Restore
Here’s how to fix laptop monitor white screen problem by restoring the system to its previous version.
Note: It is advisable to Boot Windows 10 PC into Safe Mode before proceeding with System Restore.
1. Press the Windows key and type cmd. Click on Run as administrator to launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
2. Type rstrui.exe and press the Enter key.
3. Now, click on Next in the System Restore window, as shown.
4. Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button.
Method 9: Reset Windows OS
99% of the time, resetting your Windows will fix all software-related problems including virus attacks, corrupt files, etc. This method reinstalls Windows operating system without deleting your personal files. So, it’s worth a shot.
Note: Back up all your important data into an External drive or Cloud storage before proceeding further.
1. Type reset in Windows Search bar. Click on Open to launch Reset this PC window.
2. Now, click on Get started.
3. It will ask you to choose between two options. Choose to Keep my files and proceed with the reset.
Note: Your Windows PC will restart several times.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Windows 10 laptop white screen issue. If it still isn’t resolved, you will need to contact the authorized service center of the laptop/desktop manufacturer. If you have any other queries or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.