您(Did)是否知道Internet Explorer具有多种可以启用的模式,例如Kiosk 模式和全屏模式(Kiosk Mode and Full Screen Mode)?这些模式的名称有点混乱,因为您可以在全屏模式下(Full Screen Mode)将 IE 最小化到一个较小的窗口中,但不能在Kiosk 模式下(Kiosk mode)。我将在下面更详细地解释。
Kiosk 模式(Kiosk mode)用于管理员不希望公众更改任何设置等的公共计算机上。如果您只是想在浏览Internet时最大化查看区域,它也非常有用。以下是 IE 在正常、全屏和信息亭模式下的外观示例:
普通 IE 模式(Normal IE Mode)


IE 信息亭模式(IE Kiosk Mode)

正如您在上图中所见,Kiosk 模式(Kiosk Mode)占据了整个屏幕,(screen and doesn)甚至没有在最顶部显示带有最小、最大和关闭按钮的标题栏。(title bar)在Kiosk 模式下(Kiosk Mode),实际上没有办法最小化IE 窗口(IE window),除非您完全关闭它。
在全屏和信息亭模式下导航也非常困难,因为没有地址栏或其他任何(bar or anything)东西。在信息亭模式下,您甚至无法正常关闭窗口,而必须使用键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcut)或使用键盘上的Windows 键调(Windows key)出任务栏。让我们谈谈如何启用这些模式。
启用 IE 全屏模式
请注意,您只能在Windows 7和 8 的(Windows 7)Pro、Ultimate和Enterprise版本中为 IE启用全屏模式(screen mode)。这是因为您需要访问组策略编辑器,而这在(Group Policy editor)Windows的(Windows)Standard 或 Home 版(Standard or Home editions)中不可用。另请注意,全屏模式(screen mode)需要IE 7或更高版本。
首先,通过单击开始并输入(Start and typing)gpedit.msc打开组策略(Group Policy)。单击(Click)顶部的第一个结果。

Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Internet Explorer

在右侧,(hand side)向下滚动直到看到强制全屏模式(Enforce full-screen mode),然后双击该项目。默认情况下,它设置为未配置(Not Configured)。

单击已启用(Enabled)单选按钮,然后单击确定(OK)。您还会注意到“帮助(Help)”部分详细说明了该设置将如何影响 IE。向下滚动(Scroll)到下一部分,了解如何仅使用键盘快捷键在 IE 中导航。
启用 IE Kiosk 模式
如前所述,kiosk 模式甚至会删除屏幕最顶部的标题栏(title bar),以便整个屏幕上唯一的内容是当前加载的网页。
为了以kiosk 模式(kiosk mode)打开 IE ,您必须向可执行文件传递一个额外的参数。您可以编辑 IE 的原始快捷方式,也可以创建单独的快捷方式以在kiosk 模式下(kiosk mode)打开 IE 。我更喜欢后一种方法,这样您就可以轻松选择普通或信息亭模式(kiosk mode),而无需继续编辑快捷方式。
您可以通过右键单击桌面上的任意位置并选择(desktop and choosing)新建(New) - 快捷方式来创建(Shortcut)信息亭模式(kiosk mode)快捷方式。

在位置框中(location box),完全按照所示复制并粘贴(copy and paste)以下行,包括引号。请注意,-k部分在引号之外,这就是您想要的样子。
“C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE” –k

单击“下一步”并输入“ Internet Explorer Kiosk ”或任何您想将该链接与桌面上的普通Internet Explorer 图标区分开来的内容。(Internet Explorer icon)单击(Click) 完成(Finish)以创建快捷方式。

默认情况下,当您单击该链接时,IE 将加载默认主页(default home page)。现在有趣的部分是试图弄清楚如何在不使用后退或前进按钮(back or forward buttons)、地址栏或其他任何(address bar or anything)东西的情况下绕过。
值得庆幸的是,您可以获得Internet Explorer 键盘快捷键(Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts)的完整列表来帮助您导航。您需要了解的基本命令是:
Alt + Home - 转到您的主页
Backspace – 返回一页(上一页)
Alt + Right Arrow- 前进一页(下一页)
CTRL + O - 打开新网站或页面(website or page)(输入网站 URL)
CTRL + W - 关闭浏览器窗口
尽管需要一点时间来适应,但在 IE 中以全屏或 kiosk 模式浏览 Internet确实很不错。(Internet)没有干扰,它有效地使用了你所有的屏幕空间。
Windows 8 中的展台模式
如果您运行的是Windows 8.1,还有另一种启用信息亭模式的方法,使其成为允许用户运行的唯一应用程序。用户无法进入“开始”屏幕(Start screen),也根本无法关闭应用程序。他们无法访问Charms 栏或其他任何(Charms bar or anything)内容。使用上面提到的两种方法,用户仍然可以通过简单地按下键盘上的Windows 键(Windows key)来访问其他程序、设置、资源管理器等。
Windows 8中的这种特殊模式称为分配访问权限(Assigned Access),可用于任何Windows现代应用程序。这意味着您不能将它与任何桌面应用程序一起使用。幸运的是,在Windows 8.1(Windows 8.1)中有一个现代版本的 IE 和一个桌面版本的 IE 。
为了使用这种超级限制的信息亭模式(kiosk mode),您首先必须在计算机上创建一个新的本地帐户。为此,请打开超级按钮栏并(bar and click)单击设置(Settings)。

现在单击超级按钮栏底部的更改 PC 设置链接。(Change PC Settings)

在左侧菜单中,单击帐户(Accounts ),然后单击其他帐户( Other accounts)。

单击添加帐户( Add an account)按钮开始添加新的本地帐户。默认情况下,Windows会尝试让您创建一个Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),我们不想这样做。

单击底部的不使用 Microsoft 帐户登录,(Sign in without a Microsoft account)然后单击弹出的下一页上的本地帐户。(Local Account)

最后,为您的新帐户命名和密码。单击(Click) 下一步(Next),然后单击完成(Finish)。

现在您已经添加了新的本地帐户,请返回“开始”屏幕并注销(Start screen and log)当前帐户。单击(Click)帐户名称,然后单击退出(Sign out)。

登录(Log)到您创建的新本地帐户并让它设置配置文件。您必须这样做,否则接下来的步骤将不起作用。此外,如果您想将非内置Windows 应用程序(Windows app)分配给该帐户,请打开Windows 应用商店应用程序(Windows Store app)并下载该应用程序,以便为该用户安装它。在我们的例子中,我们将使用内置的 IE 现代应用程序。
登录并出现“开始”屏幕(Start screen)后,请继续并注销。使用您开始使用的原始管理帐户重新登录。(Log)再次(Again)打开更改 PC 设置(Change PC Settings)并单击其他帐户(Other accounts)。这一次点击Set up an account for assigned access。


当您单击选择一个应用程序时,(Choose an app,)您会看到该列表仅包含现代应用程序而没有桌面应用程序(desktop apps)。我选择了Internet Explorer ,如下所示。

而已!现在只需注销您的帐户并登录(account and log)到本地帐户。您将看到应用程序立即加载,并且您在系统上绝对无法访问任何其他内容。这真正将 PC 锁定到一个特定的应用程序。要注销受限帐户,您需要按五次 Windows 键(Windows key five)。
因此,这些都是您可以在Windows 7和Windows 8中使用的(Windows 8)Internet Explorer的所有不同模式。如果您有任何问题,请发表评论。享受!
How to Open Internet Explorer in Full Screen or Kiosk Mode
Did you know that Internet Explorer has multiple modes that yоu can enable like Kiosk Mode and Full Screеn Mode? The names of these modes are a bit confusing because you can minimize IE into a smaller window in Full Screen Mode, but cаn’t in Kiosk mode. I’ll explaіn in more detail below.
Kiosk mode is used on public computers where administrators do not want the public to be able to change any of the settings, etc. It’s also really useful if you simply want to maximize the viewing area when browsing the Internet. Here’s an example of what IE looks like in normal, full screen, and kiosk modes:
Normal IE Mode

IE Full Screen Mode

IE Kiosk Mode

As you can see in the image above, Kiosk Mode takes up the entire screen and doesn’t even show the title bar at the very top with the min, max and close buttons. In Kiosk Mode, there is actually no way to minimize the IE window unless you close it completely.
It’s also very hard to navigate in full screen and kiosk modes because there is no address bar or anything else. In kiosk mode, you can’t even close the window normally, but either have to use a keyboard shortcut or bring up the taskbar using the Windows key on the keyboard. Let’s talk about how you can enable each of these modes.
Enable IE Full Screen Mode
Note that you can only enable full screen mode for IE in the Pro, Ultimate, and Enterprise versions of Windows 7 and 8. This is because you need access to Group Policy editor and that is not available in the Standard or Home editions of Windows. Also note that full screen mode require IE 7 or higher.
First, open Group Policy by clicking on Start and typing in gpedit.msc. Click on the first result at the top.

Once you open the editor, navigate to the following location:
Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Internet Explorer

On the right hand side, scroll down until you see Enforce full-screen mode and then double-click on the item. By default, it is set to Not Configured.

Click on the Enabled radio button and then click OK. You will also notice the Help section gives you a detailed description of how the setting will affect IE. Scroll down to the next section to learn how to navigate around IE using only keyboard shortcuts.
Enable IE Kiosk Mode
As mentioned earlier, kiosk mode will remove even the title bar at the very top of the screen so that the only thing on the entire screen is the currently loaded webpage.
In order to open IE in kiosk mode, you have to pass the executable file an extra parameter. You can either edit the original shortcut for IE or you can create a separate shortcut for opening IE in kiosk mode. I prefer the latter method so that you can easily choose normal or kiosk mode without having to keep editing the shortcut.
You can create the kiosk mode shortcut by right clicking anywhere on the desktop and choosing New – Shortcut.

In the location box, copy and paste the following line exactly as shown, including the quotes. Note that the -k part is outside of the quotes and that is how you want it to be.
“C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE” –k

Click Next and type in “Internet Explorer Kiosk” or whatever you like to distinguish the link from the normal Internet Explorer icon on your desktop. Click Finish to create the shortcut.

By default, when you click on the link, IE will load up with the default home page. The fun part is now trying to figure out how to get around without using the back or forward buttons, the address bar or anything else.
Thankfully, you can get an entire list of Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate. The basic commands you’ll need to know are:
Alt + Home – Go to your home page
Backspace – Go back one page (previous page)
Alt + Right Arrow – Go forward one page (next page)
CTRL + O – Open a new website or page (type in a website URL)
CTRL + W – Close the browser window
Even though it takes a little time getting accustomed to, browsing the Internet in full screen or kiosk mode in IE is actually pretty nice. There are no distractions and it effectively uses all of your screen real estate.
Kiosk Mode in Windows 8
If you are running Windows 8.1, there is another way to enable kiosk mode so that it is the only application the user is allowed to run. The user cannot go to the Start screen and can’t close the application at all. They cannot access the Charms bar or anything else. Using the two methods mentioned above, a user could still access other programs, settings, explorer, etc by simply pressing the Windows key on the keyboard.
This special mode in Windows 8 is called Assigned Access and can be used with any Windows modern app. This means you can’t use it with any desktop app. Luckily, there is a modern version of IE along with a desktop version of IE in Windows 8.1.
In order to use this super restrictive kiosk mode, you first have to create a new local account on the computer. To do this, open the charms bar and click on Settings.

Now click on the Change PC Settings link at the bottom of the charms bar.

In the left hand menu, click on Accounts and then click on Other accounts.

Click the Add an account button to start adding a new local account. By default, Windows will try to get you to create a Microsoft account, which we don’t want to do.

Click Sign in without a Microsoft account at the bottom and then click Local Account on the next page that pops up.

Finally, give your new account a name and a password. Click Next and then Finish.

Now that you have added the new local account, go back to the Start screen and log off the current account. Click on the account name and then click Sign out.

Log into the new local account you created and let it setup the profile. You have to do this otherwise the next steps won’t work. Also, if you want to assign a non built-in Windows app to the account, open the Windows Store app and download the app so that it is installed for that user. In our case, we are just going to use the built-in IE modern app.
Once you have logged in and the Start screen appears, go ahead and log out. Log back in using the original administrative account you started with. Again, open Change PC Settings and click on Other accounts. This time click on Set up an account for assigned access.


When you click Choose an app, you’ll see the list only contains modern apps and no desktop apps. I have chosen Internet Explorer as shown below.

That’s it! Now just log out of your account and log into the local account. You’ll see the app loads instantly and there is absolutely nothing else you can access on the system. This truly locks down the PC to one particular app. In order to log off the restricted account, you need to press the Windows key five times.
So those are all the different modes for Internet Explorer that you can use in Windows 7 and Windows 8. If you have any questions, post a comment. Enjoy!