尝试安装新的软件、驱动程序或程序,但您无法这样做?您(Did)的操作系统是否要求管理员许可并让您暂停安装?如果问题说明了您的确切立场,请放下您的担忧。您可能只是普通的 PC 用户,安装可能需要管理权限。本文将帮助您了解如何在Windows 10中安装没有管理员权限的软件或程序。
如何在 Windows 10 中安装没有管理员权限的软件(How to Install Software Without Admin Rights in Windows 10)
在了解可用于解决Windows 10中没有管理员权限的安装问题的方法之前,重要的是要清楚地了解这些术语:驱动程序、程序和软件。本节试图让您对此有所了解。
- 简单来说,程序就是为 PC 编写的一组指令。
- 软件(Software) 是程序的编译。
- 驱动程序是在软件和 PC 之间进行通信的程序。
为什么安装需要管理员权限?(Why Does Installation Require Admin Rights?)
尽管每个安装步骤中的用户帐户控制(User Account Control)或UAC提示令人沮丧,但授予管理员权限以安装任何软件是有原因的。安装需要管理员权限的原因如下:
安全目的(Security purposes):如果软件安装没有管理员权限,任何人都可以在您的 PC 上安装恶意软件。为防止此操作,它需要管理员权限。
决定性时间:(Decisive time:) 随着UAC提示不断出现,管理员有时间决定特定软件的安装。他可以重新考虑他在安装方面的决定。
PC 安全(Safety for the PC):有时,这些程序可能会破坏您的 PC。要阻止这种情况,需要管理员权限以确保安装的软件不会中断 PC。
方法一:在记事本中使用安装文件和命令(Method 1: Use Installation File and Command in Notepad)
在这种方法中,我们将复制安装文件并命令PC绕过以管理员身份(Administrator)运行(Run)命令。跳过用户帐户控制(User Account Control)或UAC提示,使安装过程变得简单。按照下面提供的步骤在您的 PC 上安装软件。
注意:(Note:)为便于说明,考虑使用VLC 媒体播放器(VLC Media Player)软件,并将文件放置在Desktop文件夹中的新文件(New Folder )夹中。此外,此方法可能适用于您的系统,也可能适用于您的系统。
1. 右键单击桌面(Desktop)并选择新建(New)。然后,单击文件夹(Folder)。
2. 将VLC 媒体播放器的安装文件复制到(VLC Media Player)桌面(Desktop)上的新文件夹(New Folder)中。
3. 在新建文件夹(New Folder)中,右键单击空白区域(empty area),然后在下拉列表中选择新建。(New)
4. 在以下菜单中,选择文本文档(Text Document)。
5. 打开记事本(Notepad )文件,然后输入以下命令。
set _COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker
Start vlc-3.0.8-win32
注意:(Note: )这里,您必须将vlc-3.0.8-win32替换为软件安装程序的名称。
6. 同时按Ctrl + Shift + S keys打开另存为对话框(Save As dialog box)。
7. 以software_installer_name.bat文件扩展名的格式保存文件,即vlc-3.0.8-win32.bat。
8.在文件类型(Type of document)下拉菜单中选择所有(All Files)文件。单击“保存(Save )”按钮以保存文件。
方法二:设置管理员密码(Method 2: Set a Password for Administrator)
注意:(Note:)此方法可能会导致 PC 中的数据丢失,因此建议在备份所有 PC 数据后使用。
1.同时按Windows + R keys运行(Run )对话框。
2.在栏中键入compmgmt.msc并单击(compmgmt.msc )确定(OK )以打开计算机管理(Computer Management )窗口。
3. 展开本地用户和组(Local Users and Groups)文件夹。
4. 单击用户(Users)文件夹。
5. 右键单击管理员(Administrator)并选择设置密码...(Set Password… )选项。
6. 单击继续(Proceed)并按照Windows向导中的说明进行操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is Unavailable: Fixed
方法 3:将您的用户帐户设为管理员帐户(Method 3: Make your User Account an Admin Account)
您将学习将现有用户(User)帐户设置为管理员(Administrator)帐户的方法,这样您就不必跳过UAC提示。这将允许您安装程序,并且此方法回答了如何在没有管理员权限的情况下安装程序 Windows 10。为此,请在您的 PC 上执行下面提到的步骤。
1. 同时按Windows + R 键(R keys)打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入 netplwiz(netplwiz)并点击OK。
注意:(Note: ) netplwiz 是一个命令行,用于删除为 PC 设置的安全密码。
3. 在用户(Users )选项卡中,选择您的帐户。
4. 单击属性(Properties)。
5. 转到组成员(Group Membership)选项卡并选择管理员(Administrator )以使其成为管理员帐户。
6. 单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
方法四:添加管理员账户(Method 4: Add an Administrator Account)
在这种方法中,除了现有的管理员(Administrator)帐户之外,您还可以添加另一个管理员(Administrator account)帐户。这将允许您在其他帐户上安装该软件。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)键入命令(Command) 提示符(Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as Administrator)。
2.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
3. 键入net localgroup Administrators /add命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
方法 5:创建一个管理员帐户(Method 5: Make an Admin Account)
1.在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)键入命令(Command) 提示符(Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as Administrator)。
3. 键入命令Net user administrator /active:yes并按Enter。
4.重启你的电脑(Restart your PC),你会看到一个管理员(Administrator)账户。
现在,您可以在Windows 10中安装程序(Windows 10)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中更改默认程序(How To Change Default Programs in Windows 10)
方法6:将标准用户更改为管理员(Method 6: Change standard user as Administrator)
此方法允许您将您的用户帐户设置为管理员(account an Administrator)帐户以安装任何应用程序,而无需询问管理员。
1.在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar )键入控制面板(Control Panel)并在您的 PC 上启动它。
2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为类别(Category)。单击用户帐户(User Accounts)。
3. 选择顶部的用户帐户。(User Accounts)
4. 选择管理另一个帐户(Manage another account)。
5.通过单击选择 PC 上的标准用户。(standard user)
6.在左侧面板中选择更改帐户类型。(change the account type )
7. 选择管理员(Administrator)并点击更改帐户类型(Change Account Type)。
8.重新启动(Reboot)PC并安装没有管理员权限的程序Windows 10。
方法 7:关闭管理员设置的下载限制(Method 7: Turn Off Download Restrictions Set by Administrator)
通过这种方法,您将能够禁用 PC 的所有UAC提示。换句话说,您不会收到任何关于 PC 上的任何活动的UAC提示。这允许您安装任何应用程序而无需响应管理员(Administrator)设置的下载限制。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key )并在搜索栏中输入控制面板(Control Panel )。打开效果最好。
2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为类别(Category)。在可用菜单中选择系统和安全(System and Security)选项。
3. 单击安全和维护(Security and Maintenance)。
4. 单击更改用户帐户控制设置(Change User Account Control settings)。
5. 将屏幕中的选择器拖到底部的从不通知(Never notify)选项,然后单击确定(OK)。
注意:(Note:)此设置将修改 PC,并且在您使用选择器重置首选项之前永远不会要求管理员权限。(Admin)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中更改启动程序(How to Change Startup Programs in Windows 10)
方法8:以安全模式启动并选择内置管理员(Method 8: Boot in Safe Mode and Choose Built-in Administrator)
此方法允许您以安全模式打开 PC 并在 PC 上配置您的设置以轻松安装应用程序。
1.同时按下Windows + R keys运行(Run )对话框。
2. 输入msconfig并点击OK打开System Configuration窗口。
3. 转到引导(Boot )选项卡并检查安全引导(Safe Boot)选项。
4. 单击应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(OK )以结束该过程。
5. 单击重新启动(Restart)以在下一个屏幕上结束该过程。
6.电脑以安全模式(Safe mode)启动后,选择内置管理员(Administrator)账户,无密码输入即可安装软件
方法 9:管理本地用户和组(Method 9: Manage Local Users and Groups)
此方法允许您管理本地用户(Local Users)和组(Group)帐户。这将帮助您安装没有管理员(Admin)权限的软件。
注意:(Note:)此方法不适用于Windows 10 PC。
1. 同时按Windows+ R keys打开运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2. 键入lusrmgr.msc并单击确定(OK )打开本地用户和组(Local Users and Groups )窗口。
3. 在左侧面板中,选择用户(Users)。
4. 在下一个窗口中,双击管理员(Administrator)。
5. 转到常规(General)选项卡并取消选中帐户已禁用(Account is disabled)选项。
6. 单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复重置您的 PC 错误时出现问题(Fix There was a problem resetting your PC error)
方法十:修改本地安全策略(Method 10: Modify Local Security Policy)
该方法启用内置管理员帐户,并为您提供对 PC 的完全不受限制的访问权限。(gives you full unrestricted access)它不会收到用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示对话框来完成任何操作。
注意 1:(Note 1:)只有使用Windows 10 专业版、企业版(Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise)和教育(Education)版才能访问本地安全策略(Local Security Policy)。
注意 2:(Note 2:)出于安全考虑,建议在安装完成后将设置更改回原始设置。
1.同时按Windows + R键打开(keys)运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2. 输入术语secpol.msc并单击确定(OK)按钮打开本地安全策略(Local Security Policy )窗口。
3. 单击左侧面板中的安全设置(Security Settings)。
4. 在右窗格中,双击本地策略(Local Policies)。
5. 现在,双击安全选项(Security Options)。
6. 双击账户:管理员账户状态(Accounts: Administrator account status)。
7. 选择已启用(Enabled)选项并单击应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(OK)。
8.重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)并安装没有管理员权限的程序 Windows 10。
方法11:修改组策略编辑器(Method 11: Modify Group Policy Editor)
此方法可让您更新 PC 的设置,并让您轻松轻松地在 PC 上安装驱动程序。为此,我们将使用组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)。该方法中的步骤分为三个阶段,以便您更好地理解。此方法主要是讲解如何在没有管理员权限的 Windows 10 下安装驱动程序。
注意 1:(Note 1:)仅当您使用Windows 10 专业版、企业版(Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise)和教育(Education)版时才能访问组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)。
第 1 步:允许用户访问(Step 1: Allow Access to User)
1.同时按Windows + R keys运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2.输入gpedit.msc并单击OK打开组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)。
3. 在左窗格中,展开计算机配置(Computer Configuration)选项。
4. 单击寡妇设置(Widows Settings)并展开它。
5. 展开列表中的安全设置(Security Settings)。
6. 选择本地策略(Local Policies )并展开它。
7. 在可用列表中选择并展开安全选项(Security Options)。
8. 选择设备:阻止用户(Devices: Prevent users from installing printer drivers )在右窗格中安装打印机驱动程序。
9. 右键单击该选项并在列表中选择“属性”。(Properties)
10. 选择禁用(Disabled)选项并单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 Home 上安装组策略编辑器 (gpedit.msc)(Install Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) on Windows 10 Home)
步骤 2:安装打印机驱动程序(Step 2: Install Printer Driver)
以下步骤将帮助您在 PC 上安装打印机驱动程序。
1. 在同一组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)窗口中,展开计算机配置(Computer Configuration)。
2. 选择管理模板(Administrative Templates)并展开它。
3. 从可用列表中,选择系统(System)并展开文件夹。
4. 单击窗口左侧窗格中的驱动程序安装(Driver Installation)。
5. 接下来,右键单击允许非管理员为这些设备设置类安装驱动程序,(Allow non-administrators to install drivers for these device setup classes)然后选择编辑(Edit)选项。
6. 选择选项启用(Enabled),然后单击显示…(Show…)按钮。
7. 在显示内容(Show Content)窗口中,输入以下GUID。
Class = Printer {4658ee7e-f050-11d1-b6bd-00c04fa372a7}
注意:(Note:) GUID是一个全球唯一标识符(Globally Unique Identifier),用于为软件应用程序提供唯一参考编号。
8. 现在,单击下一个条目(next entry)并输入给定的 GUID
Class = PNPPrinters {4d36e979-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
9. 单击确定(OK)将更改应用到您的 PC。
第 3 步:授予 Windows 对驱动程序的访问权限(Step 3: Give Windows Access to Driver)
完成以下步骤以使Windows可以访问您希望在 PC 上安装的驱动程序。
1. 在您的 PC 上启动组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)窗口。
2. 展开文件夹计算机配置(Computer Configuration)。
3. 展开管理模板(Administrative Templates)文件夹。
4. 在可用列表中选择打印机(Printers)。
5. 接下来,右键单击指向和打印限制(Point and Print Restrictions)并选择编辑(Edit)。
7. 现在,在同一个组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)窗口中,展开文件夹User Configuration。
8. 单击管理模板(Administrative Templates)并展开它。
9.在列表中选择控制面板并展开它。(Control Panel)
10. 在显示的列表中选择打印机(Printers)。
11. 右键单击点和打印机限制(Point and Printer restrictions)。在下拉菜单中选择编辑选项。(Edit)
12. 将其设置为已禁用(Disabled),单击应用,(Apply,)然后单击确定(OK)。
13. 关闭组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)窗口以结束该过程。
14.重新启动(Restart) PC(the PC)并在您的 PC 上安装驱动程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 卡在准备好 Windows 上(Fix Windows 10 Stuck on Getting Windows Ready)
方法 12:重置电脑(Method 12: Reset PC)
要回答有关如何在没有管理员权限的情况下安装软件的问题,您可以重置您的 PC。此方法会将您的 PC 视为新 PC。您可以使用此方法为您的 PC 设置用户帐户并设置密码。这样,您可以通过将自己设置为Administrator来获得访问权限。
注意:(Note:)此方法会导致 PC 中所有数据的删除。此方法将重置您 PC 上的所有数据和设置。您可能需要在 PC 上重新安装Windows。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 在可用菜单中选择更新和安全(Update & Security)选项。
4. 在重置此 PC(Reset this PC)选项下,单击开始(Get started)按钮。
5A。如果您想删除应用程序和设置但保留您的个人文件,请选择保留我的文件(Keep my files )选项。
5B。如果要删除所有个人文件、应用程序和设置,请选择“删除所有内容( Remove everything )”选项。
6. 最后,按照屏幕上的说明完成重置过程。
7.重新启动(Restart) PC(the PC)并安装没有管理员权限的程序Windows 10。
我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了如何在没有管理员权限的情况下安装软件(how to install software without admin rights)的答案。本文旨在提供有关通过绕过 PC 上的管理员权限在 PC 上安装软件的方法的信息。请(Please)在评论部分留下您宝贵的建议和疑问。
How to Install Software Without Admin Rights
Tryіng to install new software, driver, or program, and уou are unable to do so? Did your operating syѕtem ask for the Administrator’s permission and make you pause your installation? If the questionѕ ѕtate your exact position, let go of your worry. You might be just a normal PC user, and the installation might require administrative privilegeѕ. This article will help you on how to inѕtall softwаre or program without admin rightѕ in Windows 10.
How to Install Software Without Admin Rights in Windows 10
Before getting to know the methods that can be adopted to solve the issue of installation without admin rights in Windows 10, it is important to have a clear understanding of the terms: drivers, programs, and software. This section attempts to give you an understanding of the same.
- In simple words, a program is a set of instructions written for the PC.
- Software is the compilation of programs.
- A driver is a program that communicates between software and the PC.
So, all three are interlinked in computer terms.
Why Does Installation Require Admin Rights?
Even though the User Account Control or UAC prompts at every installation step are frustrating, there is a reason behind giving the admin rights for installing any software. The reasons for requiring admin rights for installation are listed below as:
Security purposes: If there is no admin right for a software installation, anyone can install the malware on your PC. To prevent this action, it requires admin rights.
Decisive time: As the UAC prompts keep appearing, the admin has the time required to decide on the installation of the particular software. He can reconsider his decision in installation.
Safety for the PC: Sometimes, the programs can disrupt your PC. To stop this, admin rights are required to ensure that the software installed doesn’t disrupt the PC.
Below are listed methods of how to install software without admin rights. It is advisable to implement these methods only if you trust the source of the installation file.
Method 1: Use Installation File and Command in Notepad
In this method, we will copy the installation file and command the PC to bypass the Run as Administrator command. The User Account Control or UAC prompt is skipped, making the installation process simple. Follow the steps provided below to install the software on your PC.
Note: For explanatory purposes, VLC Media Player software is considered, and the files are placed in a New Folder in the Desktop folder. Also, this method may or may work on your system.
1. Right-click on the Desktop and select New. Then, click Folder.
2. Copy the installation file of VLC Media Player to the New Folder on your Desktop.
Note: The file with the .exe extension is the file that is used to install the software.
3. In the New Folder, right-click on the empty area, and select New in the drop-down list.
4. In the following menu, select Text Document.
5. Open that Notepad file, and enter the following command.
set _COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker
Start vlc-3.0.8-win32
Note: Here, you have to replace vlc-3.0.8-win32 with the name of the software installer.
6. Press Ctrl + Shift + S keys simultaneously to open the Save As dialog box.
7. Save the file in the format software_installer_name.bat file extension, that is, vlc-3.0.8-win32.bat.
8. Select All Files in the drop-down menu of Type of document the file. Click on the Save button to save the file.
9. Double-click the vlc-3.0.8-win32.bat file to install the software.
Method 2: Set a Password for Administrator
This method allows you to exclusively set a password for the Administrator so that you can bypass the UAC prompts and work as an Administrator.
Note: This method may lead to loss of data in the PC, so it is advisable to use it after backing up all the PC data.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Type compmgmt.msc in the bar and click OK to open the Computer Management window.
3. Expand the Local Users and Groups folder.
4. Click on the Users folder.
5. Right-click on Administrator and select Set Password… option.
6. Click on Proceed and follow the instructions on the Windows wizard.
Also Read: C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is Unavailable: Fixed
Method 3: Make your User Account an Admin Account
You will learn the method of making your existing User account an Administrator account so that you wouldn’t have to skip the UAC prompts. This will allow you to install the program, and this method answers how to install a program without admin rights Windows 10. To do so, execute the steps mentioned below on your PC.
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type netplwiz and click on OK.
Note: netplwiz is a command line that removes the security password set for the PC.
3. In the Users tab, select your account.
4. Click on Properties.
5. Go to the Group Membership tab and choose the Administrator to make this an Admin account.
6. Click Apply and then OK.
Method 4: Add an Administrator Account
In this method, you can add another Administrator account in addition to the existing Administrator account. This will allow you to install the software on your other account.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt in the Windows search bar and click Run as Administrator.
2. Click Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type the net localgroup Administrators /add command and hit Enter key.
Note: Space should be left between Administrators and slash.
Method 5: Make an Admin Account
This method in how to install software without admin rights allows you to make an Admin account for yourself so that you can have a different account that is completely under your control.
Note: The software you are trying to install has to be installed in this Administrator account and not in your existing User account.
1. Type Command Prompt in the Windows search bar and click Run as Administrator.
2. Click Yes in the prompt.
3. Type the command Net user administrator /active:yes and hit Enter.
4. Restart your PC, and you will see an Administrator account.
Now, you can install a program in Windows 10
Also Read: How To Change Default Programs in Windows 10
Method 6: Change standard user as Administrator
This method allows you to make your User account an Administrator account to install any application without having to ask the admin.
1. Type Control Panel in the Windows search bar and launch it on your PC.
2. Set View by as Category. Click on User Accounts.
3. Select User Accounts at the top.
4. Select Manage another account.
5. Select the standard user on the PC by clicking on it.
6. Select change the account type in the left panel.
7. Choose Administrator and click on Change Account Type.
8. Reboot the PC and install a program without admin rights Windows 10.
Method 7: Turn Off Download Restrictions Set by Administrator
In this method, you will be able to disable all the UAC prompts of the PC. In other words, you will not receive any UAC prompt for any activity on the PC. This allows you to install any application without responding to the download restrictions set by the Administrator.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Control Panel in the search bar. Open the best results.
2. Set View by as Category. Select the System and Security option in the menu available.
3. Click Security and Maintenance.
4. Click on Change User Account Control settings.
5. Drag the selector in the screen to the bottom to the Never notify option and click OK.
Note: This setting will modify the PC and will never ask for Admin permission until you reset the preference using the selector.
Also Read: How to Change Startup Programs in Windows 10
Method 8: Boot in Safe Mode and Choose Built-in Administrator
This method allows you to open your PC in safe mode and configure your settings on the PC to install the application at ease.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Type in msconfig and click on OK to open the System Configuration window.
3. Go to the Boot tab and check the Safe Boot option.
4. Click on Apply and then on OK to end the process.
5. Click on Restart to end the process on the next screen.
6. After the PC starts in Safe mode, choose a built-in Administrator account and enter without password to install the software
Method 9: Manage Local Users and Groups
This method permits you to manage the Local Users and Group accounts. This will help you install software without Admin rights.
Note: This method will not work for Windows 10 PC.
1. Press Windows+ R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type lusrmgr.msc and click OK to open the Local Users and Groups window.
3. In the left panel, select Users.
4. In the next window, double-click on Administrator.
5. Go to the General tab and uncheck the Account is disabled option.
6. Click Apply and then on OK.
Also Read: Fix There was a problem resetting your PC error
Method 10: Modify Local Security Policy
The method enables the built-in administrator account and gives you full unrestricted access to the PC. It doesn’t receive the User Account Control prompt dialog boxes to complete any operation.
Note 1: You can access Local Security Policy only if you use Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions.
Note 2: It is advised to change your settings back to their original setting after the installation is complete for security purposes.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Type in the term secpol.msc and click on the OK button to open the Local Security Policy window.
3. Click on Security Settings in the left panel.
4. In the right pane, double-click on Local Policies.
5. Now, double-click on Security Options.
6. Double-click on Accounts: Administrator account status.
7. Choose the Enabled option and click on Apply and then OK.
8. Restart your PC and install a program without admin rights Windows 10.
Method 11: Modify Group Policy Editor
This method allows you to update the settings of your PC and makes it easy for you to install drivers on your PC at ease. To do this, we will use Group Policy Editor. The steps in the method are divided into three phases for your better understanding. This method is mainly focused on explaining how to install drivers without admin rights Windows 10.
Note 1: You can access Group Policy Editor only if you use Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions.
Step 1: Allow Access to User
The steps mentioned below allow you to permit the non-administrator to install printer drivers. Hence, it is advisable to install only trusted printer drivers.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Type gpedit.msc and click OK to open the Group Policy Editor.
3. In the left pane, expand the Computer Configuration option.
4. Click on Widows Settings and expand it.
5. Expand Security Settings in the list.
6. Choose Local Policies and expand it.
7. Select and expand Security Options in the list available.
8. Select Devices: Prevent users from installing printer drivers in the right pane.
9. Right-click on the option and choose Properties in the list.
10. Choose the Disabled option and click on Apply and then on OK.
Also Read: Install Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) on Windows 10 Home
Step 2: Install Printer Driver
The following steps will help you install the printer driver on your PC.
1. In the same Group Policy Editor window, expand Computer Configuration.
2. Choose Administrative Templates and expand it.
3. From the list available, select System and expand the folder.
4. Click on Driver Installation in the left pane of the window.
5. Next, right-click Allow non-administrators to install drivers for these device setup classes and select the Edit option.
6. Select the option Enabled and then click on the Show… button.
7. In the Show Content window, type in the following GUID.
Class = Printer {4658ee7e-f050-11d1-b6bd-00c04fa372a7}
Note: GUID is a Globally Unique Identifier used to provide unique reference numbers to software applications.
8. Now, click on the next entry and type in the given GUID
Class = PNPPrinters {4d36e979-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
9. Click on OK to apply the changes to your PC.
Step 3: Give Windows Access to Driver
The following steps are done to give Windows access to the driver you wish to install on your PC.
1. Launch the Group Policy Editor window on your PC.
2. Expand the folder Computer Configuration.
3. Expand the Administrative Templates folder.
4. Select Printers in the list available.
5. Next, right-click Point and Print Restrictions and select Edit.
6. Select Disabled in the window and click Apply and then OK.
7. Now, in the same Group Policy Editor window, expand the folder User Configuration.
8. Click on Administrative Templates and expand it.
9. Select Control Panel in the list and expand it.
10. Select Printers in the list displayed.
11. Right-click Point and Printer restrictions. Choose the Edit option in the drop-down menu.
12. Set it as Disabled, click on Apply, and then OK.
13. Close the Group Policy Editor window to end the process.
14. Restart the PC and install the driver on your PC.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Stuck on Getting Windows Ready
Method 12: Reset PC
To answer your question about how to install software without administrator rights, you can reset your PC. This method will treat your PC as a new PC. You can use this method to set a user account to your PC and set a password. This way, you can gain access by making yourself the Administrator.
Note: This method will lead to the deletion of all data in the PC. This method will reset all the data and settings on your PC. You may have to re-install Windows on your PC.
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open the Settings app.
2. Select the Update & Security option in the menu available.
3. Select Recovery in the left pane of the window.
4. Under the Reset this PC option, click on Get started button.
5A. If you want to remove apps and settings but keep your personal files, select the Keep my files option.
5B. If you want to remove all your personal files, apps, and settings, select the Remove everything option.
6. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reset process.
7. Restart the PC and install a program without admin rights Windows 10.
We hope that this article was helpful and you have learned the answer to how to install software without admin rights. The article has aimed to give information about the methods that can be used to install software on your PC by bypassing admin rights on your PC. Please drop your valuable suggestions and queries in the comments section.