使用Outlook(Outlook)作为您的主要电子邮件客户端(your primary email client)有很多优点。其中之一是能够在Outlook(Outlook)中撤回电子邮件。如果您向某人发送了一封电子邮件,后来意识到您忘记在其中包含某些内容,您可以召回它,添加所需的内容,然后将其发回(send it back)。

在 Outlook 中撤回电子邮件的条件是什么?(What Are The Conditions To Recall An Email In Outlook?)
- 您和收件人都必须使用Microsoft 365或Microsoft Exchange电子邮件帐户。
- 你们两个必须在同一个组织中。
- 收件人一定没有打开您的电子邮件。
- 您发送的电子邮件不得在收件人的 Outlook 中激活任何过滤器或规则(filters or rules in the recipient’s Outlook)。
- 收件人必须使用Outlook而不是任何其他电子邮件客户端。
- 撤回电子邮件时,收件人必须在其计算机上打开Outlook 。
如何在 Outlook 中撤回电子邮件(How To Recall An Email In Outlook)
当您在Outlook(Outlook)中撤回电子邮件时,您可以从收件人的收件箱中删除电子邮件副本,也可以通过重写电子邮件来更新副本。(delete the copy of your email)您将在下面看到如何做到这两点。
- 在您的计算机上启动Outlook应用程序。

- 选择您的电子邮件帐户,然后单击显示已发送邮件(Sent Mail)的文件夹。它会列出您从Outlook发送的所有电子邮件。

- 在右侧窗格中找到您要撤回的电子邮件。双击(Double-click)电子邮件以在其自己的独立窗口中打开它。
- 单击顶部的消息选项卡以查看您可以对电子邮件执行的操作。(Messages)

- 在接下来的屏幕上,在“移动(Move)”部分下,单击电子邮件图标并选择显示为“撤回此消息(Recall This Message)”的选项。

- 您将收到一条提示,询问您想如何撤回这封电子邮件。如果您只是想撤回电子邮件,请选择“删除此邮件的未读副本(Delete unread copies of this message)”选项,然后单击底部的“确定”。(OK)

- 如果您想撤回您的电子邮件并将电子邮件的更新版本放入收件人的收件箱,请选择删除未读副本并替换为新邮件(Delete unread copies and replace with a new message)选项,然后单击确定(OK)。

- 勾选告诉我每个收件人的召回是否成功或失败(Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient)的框。这样您就可以知道您的召回请求是否成功。
- 如果您选择了允许您向收件人发送更新的电子邮件的第二个选项,则电子邮件撰写窗口将在您的屏幕上打开。
- 根据需要修改电子邮件的内容。完成后,单击“发送(Send)”按钮发送您的电子邮件。

在 Outlook 中调用电子邮件时会发生什么(What Happens When You Recall An Email In Outlook)
当收件人没有阅读您的原始电子邮件时(When The Recipient Hasn’t Read Your Original Email)
如果您的收件人尚未打开您的原始电子邮件,该电子邮件将从他们的收件箱中删除。(email will be deleted)然后Outlook(Outlook)将通知他们该电子邮件的发件人请求删除该电子邮件。
当收件人已阅读原始电子邮件时(When The Recipient Has Read The Original Email)
当收件人首先阅读了召回的电子邮件时(When The Recipient Has Read The Recalled Email First)
如何避免在 Outlook 中召回电子邮件(How To Avoid Having To Recall An Email In Outlook)
没有人喜欢回忆他们的电子邮件,但某些情况下需要你这样做。您可以采取一些措施来避免这种情况发生,其中之一就是延迟您的电子邮件(delay your emails)。
- 在您的计算机上启动Outlook,然后单击顶部的文件选项卡。(File)
- 从左侧边栏中选择信息(Info),然后单击右侧窗格中的管理规则和警报。(Manage Rules & Alerts)

- 单击顶部的电子邮件规则选项卡,然后选择(Email Rules)新(New Rule)规则为您的电子邮件创建新规则。

- 选择对我发送的消息应用规则(Apply rules on messages I send)并点击下一步(Next)。

- 不要勾选任何内容并点击Next。

- 在屏幕上的提示中点击是(Yes)。

- 勾选表示将交付延迟几分钟(defer delivery by a number of minutes)的选项。

- 单击数字(a number of)可编辑延迟时间。

- 输入您希望电子邮件延迟的时间(以分钟为单位)。您最多可以有 120 分钟的时间。然后点击确定(OK)。

- 单击下一步(Next)。
- 再次单击下一步(Next)。

- 输入规则的名称。我们建议您使用有意义的名称,以便您以后确切知道该规则的用途。
勾选显示打开此规则(Turn on this rule)的框。

- 单击应用(Apply)以使您的规则生效。

请记住,在实际发送电子邮件时,必须打开 Outlook 。如果它已关闭,Outlook将在您打开它时重试发送电子邮件。
How To Recall An Email In Outlook
There are many advantageѕ to using Outlook as your primary email client. One of these is the ability to recall an email in Outlook. If you sent out an email to someone and later realized you forgot to include something in it, you can recall it, add the required content, and send it back.
This process of recalling an email in Outlook has certain conditions that you must meet. Mostly, these conditions are for the recipient as it’s their inbox where the email will be removed from.

What Are The Conditions To Recall An Email In Outlook?
To bring your sent emails back, the following requirements for recalling emails in Outlook must be met.
- Both you and the recipient must be using either Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Exchange email account.
- Both of you must be in the same organization.
- The recipient must not have opened your email.
- Your sent email must not have activated any filters or rules in the recipient’s Outlook.
- The recipient must be using Outlook and not any other email clients.
- The recipient must have Outlook open on their computer when you recall the email.
Also, keep in mind that Outlook will let the recipient know the sender has recalled their email.
How To Recall An Email In Outlook
When you recall an email in Outlook, you can either delete the copy of your email from the recipient’s inbox or you can update the copy by rewriting your email. You’ll see how to do both below.
- Launch the Outlook app on your computer.

- Select your email account and click on the folder that says Sent Mail. It’ll list out all the emails you’ve sent from Outlook.

- Find the email that you wish to recall on the right-hand side pane. Double-click on the email to open it in its own independent window.
- Click on the Messages tab at the top to view the actions you can perform on your email.

- On the following screen, under the Move section, click on the email icon and select the option that says Recall This Message.

- You’ll get a prompt that asks how you’d like to recall this email. If you simply want to recall the email, choose the option that says Delete unread copies of this message and click on OK at the bottom.

- If you want to recall your email and place an updated version of the email in your recipient’s inbox, then choose the Delete unread copies and replace with a new message option and click on OK.

- Tick-mark the box that says Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient. This way you’ll get to know if your recall request was successful or not.
- If you selected the second option that lets you send an updated email to your recipient, the email compose window will open on your screen.
- Modify the contents of your email as you wish. When you’re done, click on the Send button to send out your email.

What Happens When You Recall An Email In Outlook
When you send an email recall request, many things can happen depending on your situation. The following are some of the general scenarios and what happens in them when you recall an email in Outlook.
When The Recipient Hasn’t Read Your Original Email
If your recipient hasn’t opened your original email, that email will be deleted from their inbox. Outlook will then notify them that the sender of the email requested to delete the email.
When The Recipient Has Read The Original Email
If the recipient has read your original email before you put in a recall request, they’ll be able to see both your old email as well as the updated one you sent them.
When The Recipient Has Read The Recalled Email First
If your recipient has read your recalled email first, then your original email will be deleted from their inbox. Outlook will let them know that you requested to delete the original email.
How To Avoid Having To Recall An Email In Outlook
Nobody likes to recall their emails but certain situations demand you to do it. There are a few things you can do to avoid this from happening and one of these is to delay your emails.
Outlook lets you delay your emails from being sent and you can manually specify a delay time. This way, when you hit that Send button, your emails will wait your specified delay time before they’re actually sent out.
This gives you some time to rethink about your emails before they arrive in your recipient’s inbox. You can set this up as follows in Outlook.
- Launch Outlook on your computer and click on the File tab at the top.
- Select Info from the left sidebar and click on Manage Rules & Alerts on the right-hand side pane.

- Click on the Email Rules tab at the top and select New Rule to create a new rule for your emails.

- Choose Apply rules on messages I send and hit Next.

- Don’t checkmark anything and hit Next.

- Hit Yes in the prompt on your screen.

- Tick-mark the option that says defer delivery by a number of minutes.

- Click on a number of to edit the delay time.

- Enter the time (in minutes) you want your emails to be delayed by. You’re allowed a maximum of 120 minutes. Then click on OK.

- Click on Next.
- Click on Next again.

- Enter a name for your rule. We suggest you use a meaningful name so you know exactly what the rule is for at a later time.
Tick-mark the box that says Turn on this rule.
Then click on Finish at the bottom.

- Click on Apply to bring your rule to effect.

Keep in mind that Outlook must be open when it’s time for your email to be actually sent. If it’s closed, Outlook will retry sending the email when you open it.
Have you ever had to recall emails in Outlook on your computer? Did the method above help you successfully bring back your sent emails? Let us know in the comments below.