虽然我们已经有了在您的电子邮件中添加签名(adding signatures to your emails)的指南,但让您这样做的界面从那时起发生了变化。本指南涵盖适用于各种平台的最新版本的Outlook,让您可以在Outlook中为您的计算机添加签名。

在 Outlook For Windows 中添加签名(Add a Signature In Outlook For Windows)
如果您是Windows用户,那么Outlook很可能是您的主要电子邮件客户端。它在这个平台上运行得非常好,让您可以从一个应用程序中管理多个电子邮件帐户。(manage multiple of your email accounts)
向Outlook for Windows添加签名非常简单。您还可以为每个电子邮件帐户创建单独的签名。
- 在您的 PC 上启动Outlook应用程序。(Outlook)
- 单击屏幕左上角的“文件”选项卡以打开菜单。(File)

- 在以下屏幕上,单击左侧栏中的邮件(Mail)以访问您的电子邮件设置。
- 在右侧窗格中,找到“撰写消息(Compose messages)”部分。在本节中,您会找到一个标记为Signatures的按钮。点击它打开它。

- 单击以下屏幕上的新建(New)以在应用程序中创建新签名。

- 在列表中选择您的签名,您就可以立即在下面的框中对其进行编辑。
在选择默认签名(Choose default signature)部分中,选择要使用新签名的电子邮件帐户。如果您希望每封新电子邮件都应用签名,请从“新邮件”菜单中选择您的签名。(New messages)您还可以选择用于电子邮件回复和转发的签名。最后,完成创建签名

在 Outlook For Mac 中添加签名(Add a Signature In Outlook For Mac)
您也可以在Outlook for Mac(Outlook for Mac)中添加签名,但这样做的选项位于另一个菜单中,而不是在Windows中。除此之外,它几乎为您提供了相同数量的选项和功能,以在应用程序中添加和格式化您的签名。
- 单击Dock 中的Launchpad,搜索Outlook并打开它。

- 单击顶部的Outlook菜单并选择(Outlook)Preferences。

- 在以下屏幕上,单击电子邮件(Email)部分中的签名。(Signatures)它可以让您管理您的电子邮件签名。

- 单击“编辑签名”框中的(Edit signature)+(加号)向Outlook for Mac添加新签名。

- 它会立即打开一个新窗口,让您输入和格式化您的签名。如您所见,有多种选项可以按照您想要的方式设置您的签名样式。

- 在选择默认签名(Choose default signature)部分,您可以指定选项,例如在哪个电子邮件帐户中使用签名、是否要将其用于新电子邮件,以及是否应将其包含在您的回复和转发中。

在 Outlook 网页版中添加签名(Add a Signature In Outlook For Web)
- 如果您尚未登录,请前往Outlook for Web并登录您的帐户。(Outlook for Web)
- 单击右上角(Click)的设置图标,然后选择查看所有 Outlook 设置(View all Outlook settings)选项。

- 在以下屏幕上,单击撰写并(Compose and reply)从屏幕上可用的选项中回复。

- 执行此操作后,您会在右侧窗格中找到一个大的白色框。在那里你可以添加你的签名。

在 Outlook 中使用您的签名(Using Your Signature In Outlook)
- 启动Outlook并单击新电子邮件(New Email)以撰写新电子邮件。

- 确保您位于“消息”(Message)选项卡中。在选项卡中找到标题为Include的部分,然后单击Signature。

- 您之前创建的签名应该出现在列表中。单击(Click)它,它将立即添加到您当前的电子邮件中。

- 如果您想使用另一个签名,您可以单击“签名(Signatures)”选项来执行此操作。
在 Outlook 中更改您的签名(Changing Your Signature In Outlook)
- 在 Outlook for Windows 中,单击New Email,选择Signature,然后单击Signatures。然后,您可以选择您的签名并进行编辑。

- 在 Outlook for Mac 中,单击Outlook > Preferences > Signatures,选择您的签名,然后单击Edit。

- 在Outlook for Web版本上,单击设置图标,选择查看所有 Outlook 设置(View all Outlook settings),选择撰写和回复(Compose and reply),然后您可以编辑您的签名。
How To Add a Signature In Outlook
Emaіl signatures are common especіally in business environments. These signatures usuаlly give you information about the sendеr of the email, аnd it оften contains their details such as their name, their position in the cоmpаny, email address, and some other information. You can add your signature in your Outlook emails, too, if you want.
While we already have a guide on adding signatures to your emails, the interfaces that let you do it have changed since then. This guide covers the most recent versions of Outlook for various platforms to let you add a signature in Outlook for your computer.

Add a Signature In Outlook For Windows
If you’re a Windows user, chances are Outlook is your primary email client. It works extremely great on this platform and lets you manage multiple of your email accounts from within a single app.
Adding a signature to the Outlook for Windows is pretty easy. You can also create separate signatures for each of your email accounts.
- Launch the Outlook app on your PC.
- Click on the File tab at the top-left corner of your screen to open a menu.

- Click on Options from the left sidebar on your screen.

- On the following screen, click on Mail in the left sidebar to access your email settings.
- On the right-hand side pane, find the section that says Compose messages. Inside of this section, you’ll find a button labeled as Signatures. Click on it to open it.

- Click on New on the following screen to create a new signature in the app.

- It’ll ask you to enter a name for your signature. Do so and click on OK.

- Select your signature in the list and you’ll instantly be able to edit it in the box below.
Here, you can type your signature in plain text and then use the available formatting options to stylize it. You can also add images to your signature if you want.
In the Choose default signature section, select the email account that you want to use your new signature for. Select your signature from the New messages menu if you want each of your new emails to have the signature applied to it. You can also choose a signature that’ll be used for your email replies and forwards.
Finally, click on OK when you’re done creating your signature.

Add a Signature In Outlook For Mac
You can add a signature in Outlook for Mac as well but the option to do so is located in another menu than where it is in Windows. Other than that, it pretty much gives you the same number of options and features to add and format your signature in the app.
- Click on Launchpad in the Dock, search for Outlook, and open it.

- Click on the Outlook menu at the top and select Preferences.

- On the following screen, click on Signatures in the Email section. It’ll let you manage your email signatures.

- Click on the + (plus) sign in the Edit signature box to add a new signature to Outlook for Mac.

- It’ll instantly open a new window letting you type and format your signature. As you can see, there are options to style your signature the way you want.

- In the Choose default signature section, you can specify options like what email account to use the signature in, if you’d like to use it for your new emails, and also if it should be included in your replies and forwards.

Add a Signature In Outlook For Web
Unlike the desktop versions, Outlook for Web isn’t much cluttered with options here and there and it’s pretty easy to find the option to add your signature in the app. All you basically need to do is launch the app on the web, click on an option, and you’re all set.
- Head over to Outlook for Web and log-in to your account if you haven’t already.
- Click on the settings icon at the top-right corner and choose the View all Outlook settings option.

- On the following screen, click on Compose and reply from the options available on your screen.

- Soon as you do that, you’ll find a large white box on the right-hand side pane. That’s where you can add your signature.
Type in your signature, use the available tools to format it, choose appropriate options like when to include it in your emails, and finally click on Save at the bottom.

Using Your Signature In Outlook
Unless you’ve chosen to include your signature in all of your outgoing emails, you’re going to have to manually add it to each of your new emails. It’s pretty easy to do though as the option to do so is easily accessible on the new email window.
- Launch Outlook and click on New Email to compose a new email.

- Ensure you’re inside the Message tab. Find the section titled as Include in the tab and click on Signature.

- The signature you created earlier should appear in the list. Click on it and it’ll instantly be added to your current email.

- If you want to use another signature, you can click on the Signatures option to do so.
Changing Your Signature In Outlook
If any of the details included in your signature changes, you want to make sure that your signature reflects that. Changing a signature in Outlook for any platform is totally possible to do and you can do it as below.
- In Outlook for Windows, click on New Email, select Signature, and click on Signatures. You can then select your signature and edit it.

- In Outlook for Mac, click on Outlook > Preferences > Signatures, choose your signature, and click on Edit.

- On the Outlook for Web version, click on the settings icon, select View all Outlook settings, choose Compose and reply, and you can edit your signature.
It’s a good idea to include a signature in your Outlook emails and let us know what you think about it in the comments below.