在PowerPoint 演示文稿(PowerPoint presentation)中使用不同的媒体类型有助于让观众保持愉悦。在PowerPoint中插入动画GIF可以吸引注意力并在位置恰当且与主题相关时增添幽默感。
本文将向您展示如何在PowerPoint演示文稿中插入和使用(PowerPoint)动画 GIF(animated GIFs)来演示活动、传达信息或吸引观众的注意力。

从您的计算机在 PowerPoint 中插入动画 GIF(Insert an Animated GIF In PowerPoint From Your Computer)
- 首先(Start)打开PowerPoint并导航到要添加动画GIF的幻灯片。单击(Click)顶部导航中的插入(Insert),然后双击图片(Pictures)。

- 如果您的计算机上有动画GIF,请从其位置选择文件,然后单击打开(Open)。
- 从顶部栏导航导航到幻灯片放映。(Slide Show)单击(Click)从当前幻灯片(From Current Slide )以查看动画GIF的运行情况。它不会显示幻灯片视图中的移动。

- 当您在演示过程中播放幻灯片时,GIF会自动生成动画。

通过在线图像搜索在 Powerpoint 中插入动画 GIF(Insert an Animated GIF In Powerpoint From Online Image Search)
- 如果您的计算机上没有GIF,您可以使用在线图像搜索来找到一个。转到要添加GIF的幻灯片。
- 单击顶部导航中的插入并选择( Insert)在线图片(Online Pictures)(PowerPoint 2013 及更高版本)。

- 在弹出框中搜索要在演示文稿中使用的图像。您可以通过键入gif来缩小搜索范围。

- 默认情况下,仅知识共享(Creative Commons only)被选中。您只想在演示文稿中使用合法( legal)的图像,因此请保持选中状态。
- 选择要使用的图像,然后单击“插入(Insert)”将其添加到幻灯片中。使用特定关键字进一步缩小搜索范围。例如,输入office GIF将仅显示与 office 相关的动画图像。

请注意(Notice),在线选项中的动画GIF(GIFs)带有图像源。最好将它们保留在您的演示文稿中以合法地保护自己,即使它们是在Creative Commons License 下(Creative Commons License)。
如何控制动画 GIF 循环(How To Control Animated GIF Loops)
许多 GIF,例如上面屏幕截图中的底部(bottom one above in the screenshot),被设置为连续循环。这在PowerPoint(PowerPoint)演示文稿中可能会非常分散注意力。
要限制动画的持续时间,请尝试使用在线GIF编辑器,例如ezgif.com或giphy.com。您也可以尝试在 CC Photoshop 中编辑您的 GIF(editing your GIF in CC Photoshop)。
- 让我们使用ezgif。单击GIF 调整器。(GIF Resizer. )

- 将您的GIF(GIF)上传到网站或插入图片的URL。

- 此步骤将向您展示用于为图像设置动画的每一帧及其持续时间。

- 向下滚动到GIF 选项 (GIF options. )下的循环计数。(Loop Count )

- 输入(Enter)您希望GIF循环播放的次数,然后单击蓝色的制作 GIF 按钮(Make a GIF button)。将编辑后的GIF下载到您的计算机,然后将其插入到您的演示文稿中。
在 PowerPoint 中编辑动画 GIF(Edit The Animated GIF In PowerPoint)
您可以在PowerPoint演示文稿中调整大小和移动GIF ,就像使用图像一样。拖动(Drag one)GIF的四个角之一,以免扭曲纵横比。


还有其他几个图像编辑选项,例如添加阴影、边框和反射。某些效果可能会影响动画。从当前幻灯片播放幻灯片(Slide Show),以确保您没有取消动画。
为动画 GIF 添加帧(Adding a Frame To Animated GIFs)
要在您创建(animated GIF you’ve created)的动画 GIF 周围添加框架,请单击图像并从“图片工具(Picture Tools)”下的顶部栏导航中选择“格式(Format)” 。


如何制作动画 GIF(How To Make An Animated GIF)
让我们使用相同的在线免费工具来创建一个我们用来编辑的GIF - ezgif。通过上传一系列不同的图像文件来创建您自己的动画GIF 。您可以使用JPG、BMP、GIF、TFF、PNG、Zip图像档案并混合不同的格式和大小。Ezgif会自动为您转换它们。
- 首先单击选择图像(Select images)下的浏览(Browse )。选择多张照片时按住Ctrl键。(Ctrl )

- 选择要使用的图像后,单击打开。(Open. )在创建GIF之前,调整一些设置,包括帧顺序和动画速度。不要(Don)忘记设置动画GIF循环的次数;否则,它将不断循环。

- 如果您上传的图像大小不同,请单击调整大小(Resize)以自动裁剪并匹配最小的图像。最好使图像更小而不是更大,以免扭曲或模糊。
- 点击蓝色按钮Upload and make a GIF! 生成GIF后,您可以对其进行裁剪、调整大小和优化。
查看 ezgif 提供的其他工具。它们都是免费使用的,可以为您的PowerPoint演示文稿增添一些乐趣。您可以通过多种方式创建自己独特的 GIF。你甚至可以尝试将你的 iOS Live Photos 变成 GIF 图片(turning your iOS Live Photos Into GIF Images)。
为什么要在 PowerPoint 演示文稿中添加动画 GIF?(Why Add Animated GIFs To PowerPoint Presentations?)
(Spruce)通过添加一些有趣的GIF来(GIFs)美化您的 PowerPoint 。减轻(Lighten)可能是平凡的演示的情绪。它们还将通过使您看起来更平易近人来帮助您的听众与您建立联系。不要过度。
How To Insert An Animated GIF In PowerPoint
Using different mediа types during a PowerPoint presentation helps keep the audience entertained. Inserting an animated GIF in PowerPoint can capture attention and add humor when well-placed and relevant to the topic.
This article will show you how to insert and use animated GIFs in PowerPoint presentations to demonstrate an activity, convey a message, or grab the audience’s attention.

Insert an Animated GIF In PowerPoint From Your Computer
- Start by opening PowerPoint and navigating to the slide where you want to add the animated GIF. Click on Insert in the top navigation and double click on Pictures.

- If you have an animated GIF on your computer, choose the file from its location and click Open.
- Navigate to Slide Show from the top bar navigation. Click on From Current Slide to see the animated GIF in action. It won’t show the movement from the slide view.

- When you play the slideshow during a presentation, the GIF is animated automatically.

Insert an Animated GIF In Powerpoint From Online Image Search
- If you don’t have a GIF on your computer, you can use the online image search to locate one. Go to the slide where you want to add the GIF.
- Click on Insert in the top navigation and choose Online Pictures (PowerPoint 2013 and later.)

- Search in the popup box for an image to use in your presentation. You can narrow your search by typing gif.

- By default, Creative Commons only is checked off. You only want to use images that are legal in your presentation so keep it checked.
- Select the image you want to use and click Insert to add it to your slide. Narrow your search even more by using specific keywords. For example, typing office GIF will only show animated images related to an office.

Notice the animated GIFs from the online option bring with them the image sources. It’s best to keep them in your presentation to protect yourself legally, even though they are under Creative Commons License.
How To Control Animated GIF Loops
An animated GIF is like a mini-movie. GIFs have a minimum of two images in separate frames. The number of frames determines the animation. While the length of the animation depends upon the number of times the frames loop.
Many GIFs, such as the bottom one above in the screenshot, are set to loop continuously. This can be very distracting in a PowerPoint presentation.
To limit how long the animation lasts, try using an online GIF editor such as ezgif.com or giphy.com. You can also try editing your GIF in CC Photoshop.
- Let’s use ezgif. Click on GIF Resizer.

- Upload your GIF to the website or insert the URL of the image.

- This step will show you every frame used to animate the image and how long it lasts.

- Scroll down to Loop Count under GIF options.

- Enter the number of times you want the GIF to loop and click the blue Make a GIF button. Download the edited GIF to your computer and then insert it into your presentation.
Edit The Animated GIF In PowerPoint
You can resize and move a GIF inside your PowerPoint presentation just as you can with an image. Drag one of the four corners of the GIF so that you don’t distort the aspect ratio.

To rotate the image, drag the circular anchor above the image until it is where you want it.

There are several other image editing options, such as adding shadows, borders, and reflections. Some effects might affect the animation. Play the Slide Show from the current slide to make sure you didn’t cancel the animation.
Adding a Frame To Animated GIFs
To add a frame around an animated GIF you’ve created, click on the image and select Format from the top bar navigation under Picture Tools.

As seen in the screenshot above, there are several frame options. Below are examples of a few of them with our animated GIF.

Notice in the screenshot above that the white frame doesn’t animate. So, again, always check any image effects you add to an animated GIF to make sure you don’t break it.
How To Make An Animated GIF
Let’s use the same online free tool to create a GIF that we used to edit one – ezgif. Create your own animated GIF by uploading a sequence of different image files. You can use JPG, BMP, GIF, TFF, PNG, Zip image archives and mix different formats and sizes. Ezgif will convert them automatically for you.
- Start by clicking Browse under Select images. Hold down the Ctrl key when choosing multiple photos.

- Once you have selected the images you want to use, click Open. Before creating the GIF, adjust some of the settings, including the frame order and animation speed. Don’t forget to set the number of times you want the animated GIF to loop; otherwise, it will loop continuously.

- If your uploaded images are not the same size, click Resize to crop and match them to the smallest one automatically. It’s better to make an image smaller than larger so as not to distort or make it blurry.
- Click the blue button that says Upload and make a GIF! After generating the GIF, you can crop, resize, and optimize it.
Check out the other tools ezgif provides. They are all free to use and can help add some fun to your PowerPoint presentations. There are plenty of ways you can create your own unique GIF’s. You could even try turning your iOS Live Photos Into GIF Images.
Why Add Animated GIFs To PowerPoint Presentations?
GIFs are in-between static images and videos. They are smaller files, take up less space on your computer, and add a few seconds of enjoyment. Those few seconds can help re-engage viewers who might be losing interest. Adding a familiar or funny animated GIF will make your presentation memorable to your audience.
Spruce up your PowerPoint by adding some funny GIFs. Lighten up the mood of what might otherwise be a mundane presentation. They will also help your audience relate to you by making you appear more approachable. Don’t overdo it.
When used in moderation, adding animated GIFs to your PowerPoint will sprinkle something unique into your presentation and help your audience remember its content and message.