访问互联网(Internet)可能还不是一项基本人权(human right),但它确实感觉像是一种必不可少的商品,因为世界的每个地方都通过这个复杂的网络与其他地方几乎相连。然而,人们能够冲浪和浏览的速度因地区而异。在 5G 网络时代,用户已经不再考虑浏览网页的速度。只有当 YouTube 上的视频开始缓冲或网站加载需要额外两秒钟时,才会考虑互联网(YouTube)速度。(internet speed)从技术上讲,互联网速度(Internet speed)是指数据或内容进出(data or content travels)万维网的速度(World Wide Web)在您的设备上,可能是计算机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑或智能手机。互联网速度(Internet speed)以每秒兆比特 (Mbps)(megabits per second (Mbps))为单位,计算为从用户设备到互联网(即(Internet viz)上传速度(upload speed))和从互联网(Internet)到设备(即(device viz)下载)传输(download speed)的数据的每秒字节数(number of bytes per second of data)速度。在大多数情况下,您无法更改收到的速度,但您当然可以调整您的计算机以优化可用速度。那么,如何在 Windows 上提高互联网速度呢?(how to increase internet speed on Windows?)好吧,有几种不同的方法可以最大化它,其中大部分都围绕着改变你的系统配置(system configuration) . 因此(Hence),我们为您提供了有关如何在Windows 10上提高(Windows 10)WiFi互联网速度的完美指南。
如何在 Windows 10 上提高 WiFi 互联网速度(How to Increase WiFi Internet Speed on Windows 10)
由于互联网是一个复杂的系统,它发生故障的原因至少有几十个。仅互联网速度(Internet speed)取决于多种因素,例如:
- 转移技术,
- 你的地理位置,
- 设备配置(device configuration)问题和
- 共享给定网络连接(network connection)的人数
方法 1:修改您的互联网计划(Method 1: Modify Your Internet Plan)
在大多数情况下,您的计算机不应对缓慢的互联网连接负责,而应归咎于您的数据计划或服务提供商。(plan or service provider)大多数互联网计划都有一个上限和下限,您的平均带宽介于两者之间。如果您的数据计划提供的互联网速度(internet speed)上限低于预期,您应该:
- 考虑选择更好的互联网计划(internet plan)或
- 切换您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows中的任务栏(Taskbar)上跟踪(Keep Track)Internet 速度(Internet Speed)
方法 2:保护您的 Wi-Fi 连接
(Method 2: Protect Your Wi-Fi Connection
如果您没有使用强密码保护您的 Wi-Fi,那么外部不需要的设备可以轻松连接到您的 Wi-Fi 网络。由于高带宽消耗(bandwidth consumption),这也可能导致互联网速度(internet speed)不佳。解决此问题的最简单方法是使用强密码保护您的 Wi-Fi 连接(secure your Wi-Fi connection with a strong password)。
方法 3:删除临时文件(Method 3: Delete Temporary Files)
临时文件旨在使您的数字体验更加顺畅,但是一旦它们堆积起来,它们同样会降低您的计算机速度。因此,摆脱这些文件是提高互联网速度以及改善Windows 10 PC 整体性能的快速简便的解决方法。
1.同时按下Windows + R键启动(keys)运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入%temp%并按Enter。此命令将引导您到存储所有本地应用程序数据(App Data)临时文件的文件夹位置,即(folder location)C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp。
3. 同时按Ctrl + A键选择所有临时文件。
4. 同时按下Shift + Del 键(keys)。然后,在确认提示(confirmation prompt)中单击“是”(Yes)以永久删除这些文件。
5. 现在,在“运行”对话框(Run dialog)中,键入Temp并单击“确定(OK)”,如图所示。您将被带到C:\Windows\Temp文件夹。
6.再次(Again)重复步骤 3-4 以删除此处存储的所有系统备份文件。
完成上述步骤后,测试您的网速(internet speed)并检查是否有改善迹象。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中(Windows 10)删除 Win 安装文件(Delete Win Setup Files)
方法四:关闭(Method 4: Close )带宽(Bandwidth )消耗(Consuming )后台(Background )应用
大多数应用程序需要互联网来下载、上传和同步文件。很少有特定的应用程序因在后台消耗过多的数据而臭名昭著,其余的几乎没有。通过发现这些应用程序并减少后台数据消耗,您可以提高整体互联网速度(internet speed)。要查找并关闭这些数据占用应用程序,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 按Windows + I 键(keys)一起打开设置(Settings ),然后单击网络和 Internet(Network & Internet),如图所示。
2. 点击左侧窗格中的数据使用(Data usage)并选择您的Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network),如下图所示。
3. 最后,您可以查看每个旁边列出的所有应用程序(All apps)和数据使用的列表。(Data Usage)
4. 记下经常消耗大量数据的应用程序。
5. 在设置(Settings)窗口中,单击隐私(Privacy ),如图所示。
6. 向下滚动并从左侧面板中选择后台应用程序。(Background apps)
7A。如突出显示的那样,关闭让应用程序在后台运行选项。(Let apps run in the background)
7B。或者,选择单个应用程序(individual apps)并通过关闭单个开关来阻止它们在后台运行。
方法 5:重新启用网络连接(Method 5: Re-Enable Network Connection)
当您的互联网停止工作或无法正常(t function)运行时,请重新启用您的网络连接(network connection),因为它基本上会重置网络连接(network connection)而无需重新启动计算机。以下是通过重新启用网络连接(network connection)来提高Windows 10上的(Windows 10)WiFi互联网速度的方法:
1. 按Windows键,键入控制面板(Control Panel)并单击打开(Open),如图所示。
2. 设置View by > Category并单击网络和 Internet(Network and Internet),如图所示。
3. 现在,单击网络和共享中心( Network and Sharing Center)选项。
4. 在这里,从左侧栏中选择更改适配器设置。(Change Adapter Settings)
5. 右键单击 Wi-Fi选项并选择禁用(Disable),如下所示。
6. 等待图标变为灰色(Grey)。然后,再次右键单击Wi-Fi并选择这次启用。(Enable )
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中节省带宽(Windows 10)
方法六:清除浏览器缓存或使用其他浏览器(Method 6: Clear Browser Cache or Use Different Browser)
- 如果您的网速(internet speed)还可以,但是网络浏览器(web browser)速度很慢,那么更改网络浏览器(web browser)可以解决您的问题。您可以使用其他速度更快的Web 浏览器。(Web Browsers)谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)是最快和流行的网络浏览器(web browser),但它使用大量内存。因此,您可以切换到 Microsoft Edge 或 Mozilla Firefox(switch to Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox)来上网。
- 此外,您可以清除 Web 浏览器的缓存和 cookie(clear cache and cookies of your web browser)。在此处关注我们关于如何(How)在Google Chrome中清除缓存和 Cookie(Clear Cache and Cookies)的文章。
方法 7:删除数据限制(Method 7: Remove Data Limit)
数据限制(Data Limit)是一项功能,可让您设置Internet 数据(Internet data)使用限制。如果您启用了此功能,它可能会在您超过预定义的限制后减慢您的互联网速度。(internet speed)因此,禁用它将导致更快的上传和下载速度(faster upload and download speeds)。以下是通过删除Windows 10上的数据限制(Data Limit)来提高WiFi 互联网速度(internet speed)的方法:
1.按照方法 4(Method 4)中的说明进入Settings > Network and Security > Data Usage。
2. 在数据限制(Data limit)部分,点击移除限制(Remove limit)按钮。
4. 单击左窗格中的状态并单击右窗格中的(Status)更改连接属性(Change connection properties ),如下所示。
5.向下滚动(Scroll)并关闭(Off)标记为Set as Metered Connection的选项。
禁用此功能后,您的网络连接(network connection)将不再受到限制。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)互联网连接(Internet Connection)速度慢?加快互联网速度的10种方法!(Ways)
方法 8:更改 Windows 更新的带宽限制(Method 8: Change Bandwidth Limit for Windows Update)
Windows 10 为您提供了设置用于更新(Updates)的带宽量限制的选项。此限制适用于更新应用程序和Windows操作系统。达到上述限制时,您的互联网连接可能会出现故障。因此,检查当前的带宽限制(bandwidth limit)(如果有),并根据需要进行修改,如下所示:
1. 同时按下Windows + I 键(keys)打开设置(Settings)并选择更新和安全(Update & Security)。
2. 点击交付优化(Delivery Optimization)并选择高级选项(Advanced options),如图所示。
3. 在高级选项(Advanced options)窗口中,选择
- 在下载设置(Download settings)下设置绝对带宽(Absolute bandwidth)或测量带宽的百分比(Percentage of measured bandwidth )。
- 在上传设置(Upload settings)部分设置每月上传限制(Monthly upload limit)和带宽使用(bandwidth usage)限制。
更改限制后,请测试您的互联网速度并寻找(internet speed and look)更改。
方法 9:暂停 Windows 更新(Method 9: Pause Windows Updates)
(Random and Automatic operating system updates)所有Windows(Windows)用户都讨厌随机和自动操作系统更新。暂停这些更新起初可能看起来很激烈,但每次微软(Microsoft)发布新更新时,它们都会直接在后台下载。下载过程消耗的数据量惊人,可能会降低互联网速度(internet speed)。幸运的是,您可以通过几个简单的步骤轻松暂停这些更新并提高WiFi 互联网速度:(internet speed)
1. 和之前一样,转到Settings > 更新和安全(Update & Security)。
2. 单击高级选项(Advanced Options)。
3. 最后,在暂停更新部分,在(Pause updates)选择日期(Select date)下拉列表中选择任何合适的日期。
注意:您可以从(Note:)最短 1 天到最长 35 天(minimum of 1 day to maximum period of 35 days)暂停更新。
专业提示:(Pro Tip:)您可以再次按照此方法扩展此设置。
这将暂停Windows 更新(Windows update)并在有限的时间内提高您的互联网速度。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)为什么我的互联网每隔几分钟就会断开连接(Keeps Disconnecting Every Few Minutes)?
方法 10:禁用 Windows 更新服务(不推荐)
(Method 10: Disable Windows Update Service (Not recommended)
尽管我们不建议禁用Windows 更新服务(Windows update service),因为让您的系统保持最新总是一个好主意,但这可能会暂时提高您的互联网速度。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)在工作完成后重新打开它。
1. 按Windows键,输入Services并单击Open。
2. 右键单击 Windows 更新(Windows Update)并选择属性(Properties)。
3. 在“常规(General)”选项卡中,将“启动类型(Startup type)”更改为“已禁用(Disabled)” ,然后单击“停止”(Stop)按钮,突出显示。
4. 单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
专业提示:(Pro Tip:)要重新启动它,请转到Windows Update Properties窗口,将Enabled 设置为Startup type,然后单击Start按钮。
- 为什么 Windows 10 很烂?
- 修复计算机不断崩溃(Fix Computer Keeps Crashing)的7种方法(Ways)
- 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10)安装卡住(Installation Stuck)的8种(Ways)方法
- 修复(Fix Device)Windows 10上的设备未迁移错误(Migrated Error)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够了解如何提高 WiFi 互联网速度(how to increase WiFi internet speed)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。另外,如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Increase WiFi Internet Speed on Windows 10
Accessing the Internet may not be a fundamental human right yet, but it does feel like an essential commodіty since every part of the world is virtually connected to the rest viа this complex web. Yet, the speed at which people are able to surf and browse varies from region to region. In the era of 5G networks, users have ѕtopped thinking about the sрeed at which they browse the web. The internet speed is only given a thоught when a video on YouTube starts buffering or when it takes two extra seconds for a websitе to load. Technically speaking, Internet speed refers to the speed at which data or content travels to and from the World Wide Web on your device, may it be a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Internet speed is measured in terms of megabits per second (Mbps), which is calculated as the number of bytes per second of data that travels from the user’s device to the Internet viz upload speed and from the Internet to the device viz download speed. For the most part, you cannot change the speed you receive, but you can surely tweak your computer to optimize the available speed. So, how to increase internet speed on Windows? Well, there are a few different ways to maximize it, most of which revolve around changing your system configuration. Hence, we bring to you a perfect guide on how to increase WiFi internet speed on Windows 10.
How to Increase WiFi Internet Speed on Windows 10
As the internet is a complex system, there are at least a few dozen reasons for it to malfunction. Internet speed alone depends on various factors, such as:
- transfer technology,
- your geographical location,
- problems with device configuration and
- the number of people that share a given network connection
all of which will be rectified in this article.
Method 1: Modify Your Internet Plan
In most cases, your computer is not responsible for slow internet connections, your data plan or service provider is to blame. Most internet plans have an upper and lower limit between which lies your average bandwidth. If the upper limit of the internet speed provided by your data plan is lower than expected, you should:
- consider opting for a better internet plan or
- switching your Internet Service Provider.
Also Read: Keep Track Of Internet Speed On Taskbar In Windows
Method 2: Protect Your Wi-Fi Connection
If you have not secured your Wi-Fi with a strong password then, external, unwanted devices can connect to your Wi-Fi network easily. This too, can result in poor internet speed due to high bandwidth consumption. The simplest solution to this problem is to secure your Wi-Fi connection with a strong password.
Method 3: Delete Temporary Files
Temporary files are meant to smoothen your digital experience, but once they pile up, they are equally capable of slowing down your computer. Thus, getting rid of these files is a quick and easy fix for boosting internet speed as well as improving the overall performance of Windows 10 PCs.
1. Launch Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Type %temp% and hit Enter. This command will lead you to the folder location where all your Local App Data temporary files are stored i.e. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp.
3. Press Ctrl + A keys together to select all the temporary files.
4. Hit Shift + Del keys together. Then, click on Yes in confirmation prompt to permanently delete these files.
5. Now, In the Run dialog box, type Temp and click on OK, as shown. You will be taken to C:\Windows\Temp folder.
6. Again, repeat steps 3-4 to delete all system backup files stored here.
After finishing the above steps, test your internet speed and check for signs of improvement.
Also Read: How to Delete Win Setup Files in Windows 10
Method 4: Close Bandwidth Consuming Background Apps
Most applications need the internet to download, upload, and sync files. Few specific applications are notorious for consuming excessive amounts of data in the background, leaving little to none for the rest. By spotting these applications and by reducing the background data consumption, you can improve the overall internet speed. To find & close these data-hogging applications, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings and click on Network & Internet, as shown.
2. Click on Data usage from the left pane and select your Wi-Fi network, as depicted below.
3. Finally, you can view a list of All apps and Data Usage listed next to each.
4. Note down the applications that are regularly consuming an alarming amount of data.
5. In the Settings window, click on Privacy as shown.
6. Scroll down and select Background apps from the left panel.
7A. Toggle off Let apps run in the background option, as highlighted.
7B. Alternately, select individual apps and stop them from running in the background by toggling individual switches off.
Method 5: Re-Enable Network Connection
When your internet stops working or doesn’t function properly re-enable your network connection as it basically resets the network connection without rebooting your computer. Here’s how to increase WiFi internet speed on Windows 10 by re-enabling your network connection:
1. Press Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open, as shown.
2. Set View by > Category and click on Network and Internet, as depicted.
3. Now, click on the Network and Sharing Center option.
4. Here, select Change Adapter Settings from the left bar.
5. Right-click on Wi-Fi option and select Disable, as highlighted below.
6. Wait for the icon to turn Grey. Then, right-click on Wi-Fi again and choose Enable this time.
Also Read: How to save your bandwidth in Windows 10
Method 6: Clear Browser Cache or Use Different Browser
- If your internet speed is okay but, the web browser is slow, then changing the web browser can fix your issue. You can use other Web Browsers which are faster. Google Chrome is the fastest and popular web browser but, it uses a lot of memory. So, you can switch to Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox to surf the internet.
- Additionally, you can clear cache and cookies of your web browser. Follow our article on How to Clear Cache and Cookies in Google Chrome here.
Method 7: Remove Data Limit
Data Limit is a feature that lets you set a limit to your Internet data usage. If you have this feature enabled, it may slow down your internet speed after you exceed the pre-defined limit. Therefore, disabling it will result in faster upload and download speeds. Here’s how to increase WiFi internet speed by removing Data Limit on Windows 10:
1. Go to Settings > Network and Security > Data Usage as instructed in Method 4.
2. Under Data limit section, click on Remove limit button.
3. Click on Remove in the confirmation prompt too.
4. Click on Status in the left pane & click on Change connection properties in the right pane, as highlighted below.
5. Scroll down and toggle Off the option marked Set as metered connection.
Once this feature is disabled, your network connection will no longer be restricted.
Also Read: Slow Internet Connection? 10 Ways to Speed up your Internet!
Method 8: Change Bandwidth Limit for Windows Update
Windows 10 gives you the option to set a limit for the amount of bandwidth to be used for Updates. This limit is applicable for both, updating applications and Windows operating systems. Your internet connection may malfunction when the said limit is reached. Thus, check the current bandwidth limit, if any, and modify it, if needed, as follows:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings and select Update & Security.
2. Click on Delivery Optimization and select Advanced options as shown.
3. In Advanced options window, choose to
- set Absolute bandwidth or Percentage of measured bandwidth under Download settings.
- set Monthly upload limit & bandwidth usage limit under Upload settings section.
Once the limits are changed, test your internet speed and look for changes.
Method 9: Pause Windows Updates
Random and Automatic operating system updates are hated by all Windows users. Pausing these updates may seem drastic, at first but, every time Microsoft releases a new update, they are directly downloaded in the background. The downloading process consumes an alarming amount of data that is capable of reducing the internet speed. Luckily, you can easily pause these updates & increase WiFi internet speed in few easy steps:
1. Go to Settings > Update & Security, as earlier.
2. Click on Advanced Options.
3. Finally, in Pause updates section, choose any suitable day in the Select date dropdown list.
Note: You can pause updates from a minimum of 1 day to maximum period of 35 days.
Pro Tip: You can extend this setting by following this method again.
This will pause the Windows update and increase your internet speed for a limited period of time.
Also Read: Why My Internet Keeps Disconnecting Every Few Minutes?
Method 10: Disable Windows Update Service (Not recommended)
Even though we do not recommend disabling the Windows update service, as it is always a good idea to keep your system up to date, but it may increase your internet speed for the time being.
Note: Make sure to turn it back on after your work is done.
1. Press Windows key, type Services and click on Open.
2. Right-click on Windows Update and select Properties.
3. In the General tab, change the Startup type to Disabled and click on Stop buttonshown highlighted.
4. Click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
Pro Tip: To restart it, go to Windows Update Properties window, set Enabled as Startup type, and click the Start button.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to learn how to increase WiFi internet speed. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries or suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.