音频的低音部分(bass part)为称为低音线的乐队提供谐波和节奏支持。如果耳机和扬声器的低音未达到最佳水平,您在Windows 10(Windows 10)系统中听到的音乐将无效。如果Windows 10(Windows 10)中耳机和扬声器的低音非常低,则需要将其调高。对于不同级别的音高值,您需要使用均衡器来调节音量。另一种方法是提高相关音频内容(audio content)的频率。因此,如果您想这样做,那么您来对地方了。我们提供了有关如何在 Windows 10 中增强耳机和扬声器低音的(how to boost the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10)完美指南。

在 Windows 10 中提升耳机和扬声器的低音(Boost the Bass of Headphones and Speakers in Windows 10)
以下是一些在Windows 10中提高耳机和扬声器低音的简单方法。
方法一:使用 Windows内置均衡器(Built-In Equalizer)
让我们看看如何使用Windows 10内置均衡器增强耳机和扬声器的低音:
1. 右键单击 Windows 10任务栏右下角的音量图标,(volume icon)然后选择(taskbar and select)声音。( Sounds.)

2. 现在,切换到播放(Playback )选项卡,如图所示。

3. 在这里,选择一个播放设备(playback device)(如扬声器或耳机(Speakers or Headphones))以修改其设置,然后单击属性按钮。(Properties button.)

4. 现在,切换到扬声器属性窗口中的(Speakers Properties )增强(Enhancements )选项卡,如下图所示。

5. 接下来,单击所需的增强( enhancement )并选择设置...(Settings…)以修改音频质量。以下是一些关键点,可帮助您将Windows 10系统中的耳机和扬声器的低音提升到最佳水平:
低音增强增强:(Bass Boost enhancement: )它将增强设备可以播放的最低频率。
虚拟环绕声增强:它在(Virtual Surround enhancement: )矩阵解码器(Matrix decoder)的帮助下对环绕声音频进行编码,以将其作为立体声输出(stereo output)传输到接收器。
响度均衡:(Loudness Equalization: )此功能使用对人类听觉的理解来减少感知的音量差异。
房间校准:(Room Calibration:) 用于最大化音频保真度。Windows 可以优化计算机上的声音设置,以根据扬声器和房间特性(speaker and room characteristics)进行调整。
注意:(Note:)耳机、近距离通话或枪式麦克风不适合室内校准(room calibration)。
6. 我们建议您选中“Bass Boost”( checkmark “Bass Boost”),然后单击“设置”( Settings)按钮。
7. 单击设置(Settings)按钮后,您可以根据您的要求更改低音增强效果(Bass Boost effect)的频率和增强级别(Frequency and Boost Level)。

8. 如果您安装了 Realtek HD Audio 设备(Realtek HD Audio device)驱动程序,上述步骤会有所不同,您需要勾选“均衡器”而不是“(Equalizer)低音增强”选项(Bass Boost option)。单击Apply,但不要关闭Properties窗口。
9. 在音效属性窗口(Sound Effect Properties window)下,从设置下拉菜单中(Settings drop-down)选择“低音(Bass)” 。接下来,单击“设置”下拉菜单旁边 的三点图标。( triple-dot icon)

10. 这将打开一个小的均衡器窗口(equalizer window),您可以使用它来更改各种频率范围的提升电平。(boost levels for various frequency ranges.)
注意:(Note: )确保(Make sure)在更改不同频率范围的启动级别时播放任何声音或音乐(sound or music),因为声音会随着您提高级别而实时变化。

11. 完成更改后,单击“保存(Save)”按钮。如果您不喜欢这些更改,只需单击“重置(Reset)”按钮,一切(button and everything)都会恢复到默认设置。
12. 最后,完成所需增强功能的设置后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定( OK)。因此, Windows 10(Windows 10)中耳机和扬声器的低音现在将得到提升。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10中耳机没有声音的问题(Fix No sound)
方法二:使用设备管理器(Device Manager)更新声卡驱动(Sound Driver)
将声音驱动程序(Sound Driver)更新到最新版本将有助于增强Windows 10 PC 中耳机和扬声器的低音。以下是使用设备管理器更新(Device Manager)声音驱动程序(Sound Driver)的步骤:
1. 同时按住Windows + X键。
2. 现在,选项列表将显示在屏幕左侧。导航到设备管理器(Device Manager)并单击它,如下所示。

3. 通过这样做,将显示设备管理器窗口。(Device Manager window)在左侧菜单中搜索声音、视频和游戏控制器,然后(Sound, video, and game controllers)双击(double click)它。
4. 声音、视频和游戏控制器选项卡将展开。在这里,双击您的音频设备(audio device)。

5. 将弹出一个新窗口。导航(Navigate)到驱动程序(Driver)选项卡,如下所示。
6. 最后,点击更新驱动程序(Update Driver ),然后点击确定(OK)。

7. 在下一个窗口中,系统会要求您选择继续自动(automatically)更新驱动程序还是手动(manually)更新驱动程序。根据您的方便选择(Select)两者中的任何一个。
方法 3:使用Windows Update更新(Windows Update)声音驱动程序(Sound Driver)
定期Windows更新有助于保持所有驱动程序和操作系统的更新。由于这些更新和补丁已由Microsoft测试、验证和发布,因此不存在任何风险。使用Windows 更新功能(Windows Update feature)实施(Implement)给定的更新音频驱动程序的步骤:
1. 单击左下角的开始(Start )图标并选择(corner and select) 设置,(Settings,)如此处所示。

2.将弹出Windows 设置屏幕。(Windows Settings )现在,单击更新和安全。(Update & Security.)

3. 从左侧菜单(left-hand menu)中,单击Windows 更新。(Windows Update.)
4. 现在点击检查更新( Check for updates)按钮。如果更新可用,请确保下载并安装最新的 Windows 更新。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复耳机在(Fix Headphones)Windows 10中不起作用
如果您无法在Windows 10中提升耳机和扬声器的低音,您可以使用第三方软件自动完成。一些灵活的第三方软件包括:
- 均衡器 APO
- 效果音效
- 低音高音助推器
- 繁荣 3D
- 邦焦维 DPS
均衡器 APO(Equalizer APO)
除了低音改进(bass improvement)功能外,Equalizer APO还提供了多种滤波器和均衡器技术。您可以享受无限的过滤器和高度可定制的低音增强(bass boost)选项。您可以使用Equalizer APO(Equalizer APO)访问任意数量的通道。它还支持VST 插件(VST plugin)。因为它的延迟和CPU使用率(latency and CPU usage)非常低,所以受到很多用户的青睐。
效果音效(FX Sound)
如果您正在寻找一种简单的方法(straightforward method)来增强 Windows 10 笔记本电脑/台式机上耳机和扬声器的低音,您可以尝试FX Sound 软件(FX Sound software)。它为低质量的音频内容(low-quality audio content)提供了优化技术。此外,由于其用户友好、易于理解的界面,导航非常简单。此外,它还具有出色的保真度和氛围调整(fidelity and ambiance adjustments)功能,可帮助您轻松创建和保存自己的预设。
低音高音助推器(Bass Treble Booster)
使用Bass Treble Booster,您可以将频率范围(frequency range)从 30Hz 调整到 19K Hz。有 15 种不同的频率设置,支持拖放(drag and drop support)。您甚至可以将自定义 EQ 设置保存在系统中。它支持多个级别,用于增强Windows 10(Windows 10) PC上耳机和扬声器的低音。此外,该软件还可以将MP3、AAC、FLAC等音频文件转换为您想要的任何文件类型(file type)。
繁荣 3D(Boom 3D)
您可以借助Boom 3D将频率设置调整到准确的水平。它有自己的网络广播功能(Internet Radio feature);因此,您可以通过互联网访问 20,000 个(access 20,000)广播电台。Boom 3D中的高级音频播放器功能(audio player feature)支持3D环绕声(Surround Sound),极大地增强了音频体验。
邦焦维 DPS(Bongiovi DPS)
Bongiovi DPS支持深沉的低音频率范围以及(bass frequency range)V3D 虚拟环绕声(V3D Virtual Surround Sounds)提供的各种音频配置文件。它还提供低音和高音频谱可视化技术(Bass & Treble Spectrum Visualization techniques),让您可以在Windows 10系统 中以最佳低音级别(bass level)聆听您喜爱的歌曲,享受无限乐趣。
- 修复笔记本电脑扬声器没有声音的问题
- 如何在Windows 10中(Windows 10)启动(Boot)到安全模式(Safe Mode)
- (Fix Graphics Card)修复在Windows 10(Windows 10)上未检测到显卡
- 如何在Windows 10的Groove 音乐中使用(Groove Music)均衡器(Equalizer)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够提高 Windows 10 中耳机和扬声器的低音( boost the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10)。如果您对本文有任何疑问/意见,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Boost the Bass of Headphones and Speakers in Windows 10
The bass part of the audio provides harmonic and rhythmic support to the band called the bassline. The music you hear in your Windows 10 system will not be effectivе if the bass of headphones and speakers is not at itѕ optimum level. If the bass of hеаdphones and speakers in Windows 10 is drаsticаlly lоw, you need to turn it up. For different levels of pitch values, you need to usе an equalizеr tо adjust the volume. An alternative way is to boost up the frequency of the associated audio content. So, if you are looking to dо so, yоu are at the right place. We bring a perfect guide on how to boost the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10.

Boost the Bass of Headphones and Speakers in Windows 10
Here are some easy ways to boost the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10.
Method 1: Use Windows Built-In Equalizer
Let’s see how to boost the bass of headphones and speakers using the Windows 10 in-built equalizer:
1. Right-click on the volume icon at the bottom right corner of the Windows 10 taskbar and select Sounds.

2. Now, switch to the Playback tab as shown.

3. Here, select a playback device (like Speakers or Headphones) to modify its settings and click on Properties button.

4. Now, switch to the Enhancements tab in the Speakers Properties window as depicted below.

5. Next, click on the desired enhancement and select Settings… to modify the audio quality. Here are some key points that will help you boost the bass of headphones and speakers in the Windows 10 system to the optimum level:
Bass Boost enhancement: It will boost the lowest of frequencies that the device can play.
Virtual Surround enhancement: It encodes surround audio for transfer as stereo output to receivers, with the help of a Matrix decoder.
Loudness Equalization: This feature uses the understanding of human hearing to reduce perceived volume differences.
Room Calibration: It is used to maximize audio fidelity. Windows can optimize the sound settings on your computer to adjust for speaker and room characteristics.
Note: Headsets, close-talks, or shotgun microphones are inappropriate for room calibration.
6. We suggest you checkmark “Bass Boost” then click on the Settings button.
7. After you click on the Settings button, you can change the Frequency and Boost Level for the Bass Boost effect according to your specifications.

8. If you installed the Realtek HD Audio device drivers, the above steps would be different, and instead of the Bass Boost option you need to checkmark “Equalizer“. Click Apply, but don’t close the Properties window.
9. Under the Sound Effect Properties window, select “Bass” from the Settings drop-down. Next, click on the triple-dot icon next to the Settings drop-down.

10. This will open a small equalizer window, using which you can change the boost levels for various frequency ranges.
Note: Make sure you play any sound or music as you change the boot levels for different frequency ranges because the sound will change in real-time as you boost levels.

11. Once you’re done with the changes, click on the Save button. If you don’t like these changes, you can simply click on the “Reset” button and everything will be back to the default settings.
12. Finally, once you are done adjusting the settings of desired enhancement features, click Apply followed by OK. Thus, the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10 will be boosted now.
Also Read: Fix No sound from headphones in Windows 10
Method 2: Update Sound Driver using Device Manager
Updating the Sound Driver to the latest version will help boost the bass of headphones and speakers in the Windows 10 PC. Here are the steps to update Sound Driver using Device Manager:
1. Press and hold Windows + X keys simultaneously.
2. Now, a list of options will be displayed on the left side of the screen. Navigate to Device Manager and click on it as depicted below.

3. By doing so, the Device Manager window will be displayed. Search for Sound, video, and game controllers in the left menu and double click on it.
4. The Sound, video, and game controllers tab will be expanded. Here, double-click on your audio device.

5. A new window will pop up. Navigate to the Driver tab as shown below.
6. Finally, click on Update Driver and click on OK.

7. In the next window, the system will ask your choice to continue updating the driver automatically or manually. Select either of the two as per your convenience.
Method 3: Update Sound Driver using Windows Update
Regular Windows updates help keep all the drivers and OS updated. Since these updates & patches have already been tested, verified, and published by Microsoft, there are no risks involved. Implement given steps to update audio drivers using the Windows Update feature:
1. Click on the Start icon at the bottom left corner and select Settings, as seen here.

2. The Windows Settings screen will pop up. Now, click on Update & Security.

3. From the left-hand menu, click on Windows Update.
4. Now click on Check for updates button. If the updates are available, make sure to download and install the latest Windows updates.

During the update process, if your system has outdated or corrupted audio drivers, they will be removed & replaced with latest versions automatically.
Also Read: How to Fix Headphones not working in Windows 10
Method 4: Use Third-Party Software
If you are unable to boost the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10, you can use third-party software to do it automatically. Some flexible third-party software includes:
- Equalizer APO
- FX Sound
- Bass Treble Booster
- Boom 3D
- Bongiovi DPS
Let us now discuss each of these in some detail so that you can make an informed choice.
Equalizer APO
Apart from bass improvement features, Equalizer APO offers a vast variety of filters and equalizer techniques. You can enjoy unlimited filters and highly customizable bass boost options. You can access any number of channels using Equalizer APO. It also supports the VST plugin. Because its latency and CPU usage is very low, it is favored by many users.
FX Sound
If you are looking for a straightforward method to boost the bass of headphones and speakers on your Windows 10 laptop/desktop, you can try FX Sound software. It provides optimization techniques for low-quality audio content. Moreover, it is very simple to navigate because of its user-friendly, easy-to-understand interface. In addition, it has fantastic fidelity and ambiance adjustments that will help you create and save your own presets with ease.
Bass Treble Booster
Using Bass Treble Booster, you can adjust the frequency range from 30Hz to 19K Hz. There are 15 different frequency settings with drag and drop support. You can even save the custom EQ settings in your system. It supports multiple levels for boosting the bass of headphones and speakers on Windows 10 PC. Additionally, this software has provisions for converting audio files like M4B, MP3, AAC, FLAC to any file type you desire.
Boom 3D
You can adjust the frequency settings to accurate levels with the help of Boom 3D. It has its own Internet Radio feature; thus, you can access 20,000 radio stations over the internet. The advanced audio player feature in Boom 3D supports 3-Dimensional Surround Sound and enhances the audio experience greatly.
Bongiovi DPS
Bongiovi DPS supports a deep bass frequency range with a wide range of audio profiles available with V3D Virtual Surround Sounds. It also offers Bass & Treble Spectrum Visualization techniques so that you can enjoy immense pleasure in listening to your favorite songs with an optimum bass level in your Windows 10 system.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to boost the bass of headphones and speakers in Windows 10. If you have any queries/comments regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section.