恶意软件(term malware)一词来源于两个不同的词——恶意软件和软件。它是一个术语,用于集体描述旨在对系统造成损害或在用户不知情的情况下获得对数据的访问权的各种类型的软件。这是一种攻击系统的方法。恶意软件(Malware)是对计算机网络的巨大威胁,因为它有可能给受害者造成巨大损失。恶意软件可能进行哪些类型的攻击?以下是不同类型恶意软件的列表。
恶意软件的类型(Types of Malware)
1.蠕虫(1. Worms)
2. 勒索软件(2. Ransomware )
3. 木马(3. Trojans)
伪装成合法软件的有害程序。它会创建后门来破坏安全性。这为其他类型的恶意软件打开了一个入口点。(entry point)这个词来源于历史,希腊士兵在发动攻击之前躲在一匹大马上。
4. 间谍软件(4. Spyware)
间谍软件(Spyware)是一种用于监视用户在his/her system上的活动的恶意软件。该程序隐藏在系统中,并在用户不知情的情况下收集敏感信息,例如用户的密码和银行详细信息。
5. 病毒(5. Virus)
6. 广告软件(6. Adware )
某些广告(Certain advertising)软件会在您的屏幕上弹出弹出窗口,点击后可能会危及您的安全。他们可能并不总是恶意的。但如果您不小心,广告软件可能会导致其他恶意软件进入您的系统。
7.键盘记录器(7. Keylogger )
这是一种专门用于记录键盘击键的恶意软件。通过这个,攻击者可以获得机密信息,例如信用卡(credit card)详细信息和密码。
8. 漏洞利用(8. Exploits)
9. Rootkit
使用rootkit 程序(rootkit program),攻击者可以赋予自己系统管理员权限。系统的用户通常不会意识到这一点,因为它对操作系统(operating system)和其他应用程序隐藏得很好。
受恶意软件影响的系统的症状(Symptoms of a system affected by malware)
- 您无法更新您的防病毒软件(update your antivirus software)。如果攻击的恶意软件禁用了您的防病毒软件(antivirus software)以使其不再起作用,则会发生这种情况。
- 如果您在浏览器上看到以前从未见过的工具栏、扩展程序和插件,则需要担心。
- 你的浏览器很慢。您的浏览器主页会自动更改。此外,链接似乎无法正常工作。他们把你带到了错误的网站。如果您单击弹出窗口中的链接,通常会发生这种情况。
- 您注意到系统中的互联网活动增加
- 您会遇到磁盘空间丢失的情况。当您的硬盘驱动器中隐藏着恶意软件时,就会发生这种情况
- 后台系统资源使用率很高。处理器的风扇(fan whirls)全速旋转。
- 无论您是访问 Internet 还是仅使用本地应用程序,您都会注意到系统速度明显变慢。
- 您注意到您的系统过于频繁地崩溃。您不断遇到系统冻结(system freeze)或蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机( (Death)Windows系统中出现致命错误的迹象)
- 您不断在屏幕上看到太多弹出式广告。他们通常伴随着难以置信的巨额奖金或其他承诺。切勿点击(Never click)弹出广告,尤其是带有“恭喜!你赢了……”
恶意软件如何进入您的系统?(How does malware get into your system?)
您现在已经熟悉表明您的系统可能受到恶意软件攻击的迹象。如果您看到这些迹象中的一个或多个,您的第一个想法会是“这是怎么发生的?” 您应该了解恶意软件是如何进入系统的,以便最大限度地减少此类事件。
请记住(Remember),大多数类型的恶意软件都依赖(malware depend)于某种用户操作。要么您收到一封要求您下载 .exe 文件的可疑电子邮件,要么有一个链接等待您单击它。恶意软件(Malware)也不放过手机。攻击者对不同设备的漏洞有很好的了解。他们利用这些漏洞获取访问权限。
恶意软件获取访问权限(malware get access)的常见方式是通过电子邮件和互联网(email and internet)。每当您连接到互联网时,您的系统都会受到影响;如果您的设备不受反恶意软件保护,则更是如此。当您在线时,以下活动可能使恶意软件很容易进入您的系统——从垃圾邮件中下载附件、下载受感染的音频文件、安装来自未知提供商的工具栏、从不安全的来源等……
攻击者试图通过使用似乎为您提供一些好处的语句来瞄准容易上当的用户。它可能是更快的互联网、硬盘清洁器(drive cleaner)、更好的下载管理器(download manager)等等……这些优惠的背后隐藏着准备攻击您系统的潜在恶意软件。因此,当您在PC/laptop甚至手机上下载任何应用程序时,请务必仅从受信任的网站下载。
我们重申,大多数情况下,恶意软件只能通过用户的操作才能进入。从错误的电子邮件中下载一次或单击错误的链接并繁荣(link and boom)!您的系统受到攻击。因此,重要的是不要被“好得令人难以置信”的优惠、链接、电子邮件和弹出式广告所吸引。有时,您可能会从受信任的来源下载应用程序。但是,如果它显示另一个应用程序是必不可少的并寻求下载它的许可,请当心!额外的软件被称为潜在不需要的软件(– Potentially Unwanted Software)( PUP ),并且是软件中不必要的(并且可能有害的)组件。
阻止此类有害程序的最佳方法是在您的系统中安装良好的反恶意软件(anti-malware software)。
如何保持安全?(How to stay safe?)
每个互联网用户(internet user)都希望保持安全。没有人愿意成为恶意软件攻击的受害者。这种攻击的结果可能从丢失敏感数据到交出巨额赎金。由于效果非常可怕,因此安全总比后悔好。我们讨论了各种恶意软件以及它们如何进入您的系统。现在让我们看看应该采取哪些预防措施,以确保在上网时保持安全。
1. 负责任地浏览(1. Browse responsibly)
一些小型本地网站的后端安全性较差。通常在这些位置可以找到恶意软件。为了安全起见,请始终坚持在互联网用户中建立良好声誉的知名网站。风险网站的一个指标是,它们的域名以奇怪的字母结尾,而不是通常的 org、com、edu 等……
2.检查您正在下载的内容(2. Check what you are downloading)
3.安装广告拦截器(3. Install an ad-blocker)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是键盘,(Keyboard and How)它是如何工作的?
4.不要让自己轻信(4. Do not allow yourself to be gullible)
- 注意(Pay attention)恶意软件的早期迹象。如果你早点抓住它,你可以避免大范围的损坏。如果不是这样,一件事会导致另一件事,你很快就会发现自己陷入了一个似乎没有解决办法的深坑。
- 您的操作系统(operating system)、插件和浏览器大多是最新版本。使您的软件保持最新是一种阻止攻击者的方法。
- 对于Android 手机(Android mobile phone)用户,只能从Google Play Store下载您的应用程序。在下载应用程序之前,请检查其评论和评级是否相当好。该应用不应寻求访问与该应用无关的详细信息的权限。请注意(Beware)您授予的权限。避免(Avoid)从第三方来源下载应用程序。不要点击你在Whatsapp或其他消息应用程序上获得的链接,而不检查它是关于什么的。
摆脱恶意软件(Getting rid of malware)
- 恶意软件(Malware)是用于描述恶意程序的术语。
- 攻击者使用各种手段在您不知情的情况下访问您的系统。
- 这是危险的,因为恶意软件会泄露您的密码、个人详细信息和其他敏感信息。然后,攻击者可以使用此信息来对付您。
- 避免恶意软件的最佳方法是使用提供分层保护的反恶意软件来保护您的系统。
- 您还应该记住,不要点击未经请求的电子邮件中的链接或下载附件、浏览不安全的网站或点击弹出广告。
What is Malware and What Does it Do?
The term malware is derived from two different wordѕ – malicious and software. It іs a term used to collectively describe νarious types of software that іs intended to cause damagе to a system or obtain aсcess to data without the knowledge of the user. It iѕ a way to attаck a system. Malware is a huge threat to computer networkѕ as it has the potential to сause huge losses to the victim. What are the kinds of attacks that are possible with malware? Here is a list of the different typeѕ of malware.
Types of Malware
1. Worms
Their name is derived from the way actual worms work. They start affecting one machine in a network and then work their way to the rest of the systems. In no time, an entire network of devices can be infected.
2. Ransomware
This is also known as scareware. As the name suggests, it is used to extort a ransom. Using ransomware, a whole network can be locked down and users can be locked out of the network. The effects will be reversed only when a ransom is paid by the affected party. Ransomware attacks have affected many large organizations
3. Trojans
A harmful program that is disguised as a legitimate piece of software. It creates backdoors to breach security. This opens up an entry point for other kinds of malware. The term is derived from history where Greek soldiers hid inside a large horse before they launched their attack.
4. Spyware
Spyware is a type of malware used to spy on a user’s activities on his/her system. The program hides within the system and collects sensitive information such as the user’s passwords and banking details without the user’s knowledge.
5. Virus
This is the most common type of malware. It is a piece of executable code that attaches itself to a clean program on a system. It waits for the user to execute the code. It alters the way your system functions in an undesirable manner. Viruses can even lock users out of their systems and corrupt the files on it. They are usually presented as an executable file. Therefore, you must be careful of what you download to your system and the credibility of the source.
6. Adware
Certain advertising software throws pop-ups on your screen which when clicked, may compromise on your security. They may not always be malicious. But if you are not careful, the adware can lead to other malware entering into your system.
7. Keylogger
This is a kind of malware specifically made to record the keystrokes on a keyboard. Through this, the attacker can gain confidential information such as credit card details and passwords.
8. Exploits
This kind of malware exploits the bugs in your system to gain entry. They usually piggyback on legitimate websites. You do not even have to click or download anything. Just visiting a safe website in an unsafe way will download malicious programs to your system.
9. Rootkit
Using a rootkit program, the attacker can give himself the administrator privileges on a system. The users of the system usually remain unaware of this because it is well-hidden from the operating system and other applications.
Symptoms of a system affected by malware
Looking at the long list of the types of software, any user would be willing to know what the ways are to detect if your system has been affected by any malware. And as a responsible user, you should be. There will be telltale signs if your system has been affected. Given below are the signs you should be looking for.
- You are unable to update your antivirus software. This happens if the malware that attacked disabled your antivirus software so that it is no effect anymore.
- If you see toolbars, extensions, and plugins on your browser that you have never seen before, it is a cause for concern.
- Your browser is slow. The homepage of your browser changes automatically. Also, the links do not seem to work correctly. They take to you the wrong site. This usually happens if you click on the links in the pop-ups.
- You notice an increase in internet activity from your system
- You experience loss of disk space. This happens when there is malware hiding in your hard drive
- There is a high usage of system resources in the background. The processor’s fan whirls at full speed.
- Whether you are accessing the internet or just using local applications, you notice that the system has significantly slowed down.
- You notice that your system crashes too frequently. You keep encountering a system freeze or the Blue Screen of Death (a sign of a fatal error in Windows systems)
- You keep seeing too many pop-up ads on your screen. They usually come with unbelievably large prize money or other promises. Never click on pop-up ads, especially the ones with ‘Congratulations! You have won ……’
How does malware get into your system?
You are now well-versed with the signs that indicate there could be a malware attack on your system. If at all you see one or more of these signs, your first thought would be ‘how did this happen?’ You should be aware of how malware gets into a system so that you can minimize such incidents.
Remember that most types of malware depend on some kind of user action. Either you receive a suspicious email that requires you to download a .exe file or there is a link waiting for you to click on it. Malware does not spare mobile phones as well. The attackers have good knowledge of the vulnerabilities of different devices. They exploit these vulnerabilities to gain access.
The common ways in which malware get access is by email and internet. Whenever you are connected to the internet, your system is susceptible; more so if your device is not protected by anti-malware software. When you are online, the following activities could make it easy for malware to make its way into your system – downloading an attachment from a spam mail, downloading audio files that are infected, installing toolbars from an unknown provider, downloading/installing software from an unsafe source, etc…
When you try to download applications from a suspicious source, your system displays warning messages to keep you safe. Pay attention to these messages, especially if the application seeks permission to access your details.
The attackers try to target gullible users by using statements that seem to offer you something good. It could be faster internet, a hard drive cleaner, a better download manager, etc… Behind these offers lies the potentially malicious software ready to attack your system. Thus, when you download any application on your PC/laptop or even mobile phone, be sure to do so only from a trusted website.
We reiterate the fact that most of the time, malware can gain entry only through action by the user. One download from the wrong email or a single click on a wrong link and boom! Your system is under attack. Thus, it is important to not get lured by the ‘too good to be true’ offers, links, emails, and pop-up ads. Sometimes, you may download an application from a trusted source. But if it presents another application as essential and seeks permission to download it, beware! The extra software is known by the term – Potentially Unwanted Software (PUP) and is an unnecessary (and potentially harmful) component of the software.
The best way to keep such harmful programs away is to install good anti-malware software in your system.
How to stay safe?
Every internet user wants to stay safe. Nobody likes to be a victim of a malware attack. The result of such an attack can range from loss to sensitive data to handing over a huge ransom. Since the effects are quite scary, it is better to be safe than sorry. We discussed the various kinds of malware and how they can get into your system. Let us now see what precautions one should take, to stay safe while surfing the internet.
1. Browse responsibly
Some small, local websites have poor backend security. It is usually in these locations where malware can be found. To be on the safer side, always stick to well-known sites that have built a good reputation among internet users. An indicator of risky websites is, their domain names end with strange letters instead of the usual org, com, edu, etc…
2. Check what you are downloading
Downloads are the most common place where malicious programs hide. Always double-check what you are downloading and from where. If available, go through the reviews from past users to ascertain the credibility of the provider.
3. Install an ad-blocker
We have seen how adware can sometimes contain harmful software under the guise of a pop-up window. Since it is difficult to differentiate between the legitimate and harmful ones, it is a good idea to block all of them with a good ad-blocker. Even without an ad-blocker, you should not be clicking on the pup-ups no matter how good the offer looks.
Also Read: What is a Keyboard and How Does it Work?
4. Do not allow yourself to be gullible
Networking online can be as risky as it is fun. Do not fall for offers, links on spam emails, alerts, etc… which tempt you. If something looks like it is too good to be true, it is better to stay away from that.
- Pay attention to the early signs of malware. If you catch it early, you can avoid extensive damage. If not, one thing leads to another and you will soon find yourself in a deep pit where no fix seems to work.
- Your operating system, plugins, and browsers much be of the latest version. Keeping your software up to date is a way to keep attackers at bay.
- For Android mobile phone users, download your apps only from Google Play Store. Before downloading an app, check whether its reviews and ratings are reasonably good. The app should not seek permission to access details unrelated to the app. Beware of what permissions you grant. Avoid downloading apps from third-party sources. Do not click on the links that you get on Whatsapp or other messaging apps, without checking what it is about.
Getting rid of malware
Uncertainty is always a factor. Despite taking precautions, you may be a victim of a malware attack. How to get your system back to normal?
There are malware removal tools – both free and paid, available. If you have not yet installed an anti-malware program, install one right away. Then, run a scan. The scan will search for any problems on your device and the software will work towards eliminating any malware from your system.
After you have cleaned your device, change your passwords for all the accounts that you have, and use. Get rid of all of your old passwords.
- Malware is a term used to describe malicious programs.
- Attackers use various means to gain access to your system, without your knowledge.
- This is dangerous as malware can give away your passwords, personal details, and other sensitive information. The attacker can then use this information against you.
- The best way to avoid malware is to protect your system with anti-malware software that provides layered protection.
- You should also keep in mind to not click on links or download attachments from unsolicited emails, browse on unsafe websites, or click on pop-up ads.