Twitch拥有超过 3000 万的日活跃用户,是业界最大的在线直播娱乐(online entertainment)平台。在Twitch上,人们喜欢观看游戏视频(gameplay videos)。Twitch有精彩的内容;但是,它偶尔会受到侵入性广告的破坏。尽管这些广告旨在帮助Twitch赚钱,但它们经常阻碍流畅的流媒体播放。在任何平台上,AdBlock一直是阻止烦人广告的最大扩展之一。但是,即使安装了AdBlock 扩展程序(AdBlock extension),您仍可能会在Twitch上看到广告。因此,我们带来了一个完美的指南,将教您如何修复AdBlock 无法解决(AdBlock)Twitch问题(Twitch issue)。
如何修复 AdBlock 在 Twitch 上不起作用(How to Fix AdBlock Not Working on Twitch)
为什么 AdBlock 在 Twitch 上不起作用?(Why is AdBlock Not Working on Twitch?)
AdBlock(AdBlock isn)无法在Twitch上运行的原因可能有多种。下面列出了其中一些。
- 过时的 AdBlock 扩展。
- AdBlock过滤器配置不正确。
- 与另一个AdBlock 扩展(AdBlock extension)冲突。
- AdBlock设置中可能允许 Twitch 广告。
但是,有一些解决方法可能会帮助您让AdBlock在Twitch 网站上(Twitch website)正常运行。以下(Below)是一些解决AdBlock无法解决Twitch 问题(Twitch problem)的方法。
注意:(Note:)在下面给出的方法中,我们以Google Chrome网络浏览器为例。您也可以在其他网络浏览器中遵循这些方法。
方法 1:更新 AdBlock 扩展和过滤器列表(Method 1: Update AdBlock Extension & Filter Lists)
如果您的AdBlock 扩展程序(AdBlock extension)已过时,那么它将无法在Twitch中运行,因为该网站会不断升级以进行优化并解决广告拦截应用程序(adblocking apps)。因此,您应该更新您的AdBlock 扩展程序(AdBlock extension)以使其在Twitch上运行。此外,随着更新扩展,您还应该更新AdBlock的(AdBlock)过滤器(Filter)列表。因此,请按照给定的步骤进行操作。
第 1 步:更新扩展(Step 1: Update Extensions)
请按照以下步骤更新您的Chrome Adblock 插件和过滤器列表(Chrome Adblock plug-in and filter lists):
1. 启动Chrome并单击三个点图标(three dots icon)并将鼠标悬停到更多工具(More tools)选项。
2. 然后,从子菜单中选择扩展。(Extensions)
3.打开(On)开发人员模式(Developer mode)的切换开关(toggle),如下图所示。
4. 现在,单击更新(Update)选项以更新所有扩展。
更新完成后重新启动Chrome,然后打开Twitch查看广告是否被禁止。如果这不起作用(t work),您可以尝试更新您的过滤器列表。
第 2 步:更新过滤器列表 (Step 2: Update Filter Lists )
1. 点击Adblock 扩展图标(Adblock extension icon)。
2. 然后,通过单击齿轮图标(gear icon)转到选项(options)。
3. 现在,单击左侧窗格中的过滤器列表(Filter lists)。
4. 最后,点击立即更新(update now)按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何免费屏蔽(Block Ads)Crunchyroll上的广告(Free)
方法 2:在 AdBlock 设置中手动禁用 Twitch(Method 2: Manually Disable Twitch in AdBlock Settings)
您的AdBlock设置中可能为Twitch启用了某些广告。(Twitch)因此,请按照以下步骤在AdBlock设置中禁用(AdBlock)Twitch以修复AdBlock无法解决Twitch 问题(Twitch issue)。
1. 在您的网络浏览器(web browser)中,单击Adblock 扩展程序图标(Adblock extension icon)。
2. 然后,点击齿轮图标(gear icon)进入Adblock Setting options。
3. 进入 Adblock Settings 中的General菜单。
4. 现在在General Options下,寻找Allow ads on specific Twitch channels选项并取消选中它。
5. 最后,重启浏览器(restart your browser)。
方法 3:手动编辑 AdBlock 过滤器(Method 3: Manually Edit AdBlock Filters)
1. 打开您的网络浏览器(web browser)并转到如图所示的Adblock 设置。(Adblock Settings)
2. 单击左侧窗格中的自定义(Customize)选项。
3. 在自定义 AdBlock(Customize AdBlock)部分,找到并单击手动编辑过滤器(Manually edit your filters)旁边的编辑(Edit)按钮。
4. 然后,添加以下链接(links )并单击“保存(Save)”按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Twitch VOD 下载指南
方法四:修改 AdBlock 设置(Method 4: Modify AdBlock Settings)
AdBlock具有允许在网站上投放一些广告的功能。这是一个很棒的功能,但它可能是您的AdBlock 无法解决(AdBlock)Twitch问题(Twitch issue)的原因。因此,请按照下面列出的步骤修改AdBlock设置。
1. 启动您的网络浏览器并点击(browser and click)AdBlock 扩展图标(AdBlock extension icon)。
2. 在这里,在AdBlock扩展弹出窗口中,单击齿轮图标(gear icon)进入设置。
3. 然后,单击左侧窗格中的常规(General)菜单选项。
4. 现在,取消选中并关闭“(Off)常规选项(General Options)”部分中显示的所有选项(options)的切换。(toggle)
5. 最后,重启浏览器(restart your browser)。
方法 5:删除其他 AdBlock 扩展(Method 5: Remove Other AdBlock Extensions)
您可能认为安装多个AdBlock扩展程序是有益的,但不幸的是,这是无效的。这可能会在您的网络浏览器(web browser)中产生错误和错误。因此,请按照给定的步骤删除其他AdBlock扩展,并仅使用其中一个来修复AdBlock无法解决Twitch 问题(Twitch issue)。
1. 打开您的网络浏览器(例如Chrome)并点击三点图标(three dots icon)并选择更多工具(More tools)选项。
2. 然后,选择扩展(Extensions)选项。
3. 现在,单击其他Adblock扩展的删除(Remove)选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复Twitch上的 2000网络错误(Network Error)
方法 6:重新安装 AdBlock 扩展(Method 6: Reinstall AdBlock Extension)
1. 启动Chrome并单击三个点图标(three dots icon),然后将鼠标悬停在More tools上。
2. 在这里,从子菜单中选择扩展。(Extensions)
3. 然后,单击AdBlock扩展中的删除(Remove)选项,如下图所示。
4. 现在,转到您的浏览器网上商店(browser web store)(例如Chrome 网上商店(Chrome Web Store))并搜索adblocker。
5. 在这里选择具有更高评级(higher rating)的最佳 Adblock,然后单击添加到 Chrome(Add to Chrome)按钮进行安装。
方法 7:使用其他 Web 浏览器或 AdBlock 扩展程序(Method 7: Use Another Web Browser or AdBlock Extension)
如果广告仍显示在Twitch上,则问题可能出在您的广告拦截(ad blocker)器上。您的广告拦截(ad blocker)器可能无法跟上Twitch的持续更新来处理广告拦截应用程序。因此,切换到另一个AdBlock 扩展程序(AdBlock extension)可能会修复AdBlock无法解决Twitch 问题(Twitch issue)。
此外,您的浏览器也可能存在问题,因为某些Twitch AdBlock扩展可能不可用。如果您使用的是Chrome并且特定的AdBlock 扩展(AdBlock extension)在其中不可用,请尝试切换到其他流行的浏览器,例如Firefox、Edge ,反之亦然(vice versa)。
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方法 8:切换到 Twitch Turbo 模式(Method 8: Switch to Twitch Turbo Mode)
Twitch引入了某些机制,通过不断更新(Twitch)网站或应用程序(website or app)来阻止某些广告块工作。因此,即使您尝试了上述所有可能的方法,这也可能是AdBlock无法在Twitch上运行的原因。(Twitch)
因此,订阅Twitch Turbo模式可能是您的最佳选择。它具有许多功能,包括无广告观看。按照以下步骤切换到 Twitch Turbo。
1. 导航到Twitch Turbo 订阅页面(subscription page)。
2. 单击订阅(Subscribe)按钮。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么我的 AdBlock 在 Twitch 上不起作用?(Q1. Why is it that my AdBlock not working on Twitch?)
答。(Ans. )确保您的Adblock 扩展程序(Adblock extension)列表是最新的。然后选择更多工具( More Tools),然后选择扩展(Extensions)。从右侧菜单(right-hand menu)中选择开发人员模式(Developer Mode)。单击更新(Update)按钮以更新扩展和列表。重启 Chrome(Restart Chrome),然后打开Twitch测试广告是否被禁止。
Q2。在 Twitch 上屏蔽广告的最佳方法是什么?(Q2. What is the best way to block adverts on Twitch?)
答。(Ans. )使用Adblock(Adblock)可以轻松阻止 Twitch 广告。此Twitch(Twitch)的 Adblocker也可用于阻止其他网站上的弹出式广告。AdBlock支持所有主流浏览器,包括Chrome、Firefox、Edge、Safari。
Q3。使用 Adblock 是否违法?(Q3. Is it against the law to use Adblock?)
答。(Ans. )总之,您有权屏蔽广告,但禁止干扰发布商以他们认可的方式提供或限制受版权保护的内容的能力。
Q4。Twitch 最好的 Adblock 是什么?(Q4. What is the best Adblock for Twitch?)
答。(Ans. )在Twitch上,已知以下扩展可起到广告拦截的作用:
- 广告拦截
- 广告卫士
- 停止所有广告
- 块
- Ublock起源
- Adblock Plus
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- 修复糟糕(Fix Oops Something Went Wrong)的YouTube 错误(YouTube Error)
- 适用于Chrome的16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(Blocking Extension)
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复AdBlock 无法解决 Twitch(AdBlock not working on Twitch)问题。如果您对本文有任何问题或意见,或者如果您想就Twitch(Twitch)的其他最佳 AdBlock 与我们联系,请将它们留在下面的评论部分。
Fix AdBlock Not Working on Twitch
With over 30 million daily active users, Twitch іs the industry’s largest platform for live оnline entertainment. On Twitch, people like watching gameplay videos. Twitch has fаntastic content; however, it iѕ occasionally marred by intrusive advertisements. Althoυgh these commercials are meant to help Twitch make money, they frequеntly obstruct smooth strеaming. On any platform, AdBlock has been one of the greatest extensions fоr blocking annoуing advertising. Βut, you may still see ads on Twitch evеn after installing AdBlock extension. So, we bring to a perfect guide thаt will teach you how to fix AdBlock not working on Twitch issuе.
How to Fix AdBlock Not Working on Twitch
Ads, as we all know, are the most effective means of generating cash on the internet. Companies lose money as a result of AdBlock blocking certain adverts. As a result, several firms, like Twitch, have structured their platforms in such a way that AdBlock is disabled. Many users have recently expressed dissatisfaction with AdBlock’s performance on the platform. So here we are with an article on how to fix AdBlock not working on Twitch.
Why is AdBlock Not Working on Twitch?
There might be a variety of reasons why AdBlock isn’t functioning on Twitch. Some of them are listed below.
- Outdated AdBlock Extension.
- AdBlock filters are not configured properly.
- Conflict with another AdBlock extension.
- Twitch advertisements may be allowed in the AdBlock settings.
However, there are a few workarounds that might help you get AdBlock to function on the Twitch website. Below are some methods to resolve your AdBlock not working on Twitch problem.
Note: In the methods given below, we have shown the Google Chrome web browser as an example. You can follow these methods in other web browsers too.
Method 1: Update AdBlock Extension & Filter Lists
If your AdBlock extension is outdated, then it will not work in Twitch as the website is constantly upgraded for optimization and to tackle the adblocking apps. So, you should update your AdBlock extension to make it work on Twitch. Also, with updating the extension, you should also update the Filter lists of AdBlock. So, follow the given steps to do so.
Step 1: Update Extensions
Follow the steps below to update your Chrome Adblock plug-in and filter lists:
1. Launch Chrome and click on the three dots icon and hover to the More tools option.
2. Then, select Extensions from the sub-menu.
3. Switch On the toggle for Developer mode as highlighted in the pic given below.
4. Now, click on the Update option to update all of the extensions.
Relaunch Chrome once the update is complete, and then open Twitch to see if advertising is banned. If that doesn’t work, you may try updating your filter lists.
Step 2: Update Filter Lists
Although filter lists are automatically updated, you can update them manually by following the instructions given below.
1. Click on the Adblock extension icon.
2. Then, go to the options by clicking on the gear icon.
3. Now, click on the Filter lists from the left pane.
4. Finally, click on the update now button.
Also Read: How to Block Ads on Crunchyroll for Free
Method 2: Manually Disable Twitch in AdBlock Settings
There may be certain ads enabled for Twitch in your AdBlock settings. So, follow these steps to disable Twitch in AdBlock settings to fix AdBlock not working on Twitch issue.
1. In your web browser, click on the Adblock extension icon.
2. Then, click on the gear icon to go to Adblock Setting options.
3. Go to the General menu in the Adblock Settings.
Following that, you will discover several generic choices.
4. Now under the General Options, look for the option Allow ads on specific Twitch channels and uncheck it.
5. Finally, restart your browser.
Method 3: Manually Edit AdBlock Filters
Another option to fix Adblock not functioning on Twitch is to ban or fully block out Twitch advertisements by adding AdBlock filters manually. Here are the steps to do so.
1. Open your web browser and go to the Adblock Settings as shown.
2. Click on the Customize option in the left pane.
3. Here in the Customize AdBlock section, locate and click the Edit button next to Manually edit your filters.
4. Then, add the following links and click on the Save button.
5. Now go to Twitch and see if the issue has been resolved; if it hasn’t, continue to the next remedy.
Also Read: Guide to Download Twitch VODs
Method 4: Modify AdBlock Settings
AdBlock has a feature to allow some ads on the websites. This is a fantastic feature but, it may be the reason for your AdBlock not working on Twitch issue. So, follow the steps listed below to modify AdBlock settings.
1. Launch your web browser and click on the AdBlock extension icon.
2. Here, in the AdBlock extension pop-up, click on the gear icon to go to settings.
3. Then, click on the General menu option in the left pane.
4. Now, Uncheck and switch Off the toggle for all options shown in the General Options section.
5. Finally, restart your browser.
Method 5: Remove Other AdBlock Extensions
You may think that installing multiple AdBlock extensions is beneficial but unfortunately, this is ineffective. This may create bugs and errors in your web browser. So follow the given steps to remove other AdBlock extensions and use only one of them to fix AdBlock not working on Twitch issue.
1. Open your web browser (e.g. Chrome) and click on the three dots icon and select the More tools option.
2. Then, select the Extensions option.
3. Now, click on the Remove option for other Adblock extensions.
4. Restart your browser and open Twitch to see if the problem still exists.
Also Read: How to Fix 2000 Network Error on Twitch
Method 6: Reinstall AdBlock Extension
If nothing else has worked so far, removing and then reinstalling your extension may be the answer. You can use the instructions provided by your browser and adblocking software to proceed. The steps to solve AdBlock not working on Twitch are as follows:
1. Launch Chrome and click on the three dots icon then, hover over More tools.
2. Here, select Extensions from the sub-menu.
3. Then, click on the Remove option in the AdBlock extension as highlighted in the pic below.
4. Now, go to your browser web store (e.g. Chrome Web Store) and search for the adblocker.
5. Here select the best Adblock with has a higher rating and click on Add to Chrome button to install it.
Method 7: Use Another Web Browser or AdBlock Extension
It’s conceivable that the issue is with your ad blocker if ads are still shown on Twitch. Your ad blocker may be can’t keep up with Twitch’s continuous updates to tackle ad-blocking apps. So, switching to another AdBlock extension may fix AdBlock not working on Twitch issue.
Moreover, there may be issues with your browser too as certain Twitch AdBlock extensions may not be available. Try to switch to other popular browsers like Firefox, Edge if you are using Chrome and the particular AdBlock extension is not available in it and vice versa.
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Method 8: Switch to Twitch Turbo Mode
Twitch introduces certain mechanisms that prevent certain ad blocks from working by continuously updating the website or app. So, this may be the reason AdBlock not working on Twitch even if you have tried all the possible methods mentioned above.
Hence, subscribing to Twitch Turbo mode could be the best choice for you. It has many features, including ad-free watching. Follow these steps to switch to Twitch Turbo.
1. Navigate to the Twitch Turbo subscription page.
2. Click on the Subscribe button.
Note: The subscription costs $8.99 per month
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is it that my AdBlock not working on Twitch?
Ans. Ensure that your Adblock extension lists are current. Then choose More Tools, followed by Extensions. Select Developer Mode from the right-hand menu. Click the Update button to update the extensions and listings. Restart Chrome and then open Twitch to test whether advertising is banned.
Q2. What is the best way to block adverts on Twitch?
Ans. Twitch advertisements may easily be blocked with Adblock. This Adblocker for Twitch may also be used to prevent pop-up advertising on other websites. All major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari are supported by AdBlock.
Q3. Is it against the law to use Adblock?
Ans. In summary, you have the right to block advertisements, but it is prohibited to interfere with the publisher’s capacity to deliver or limit copyrighted content in a way that they approve of.
Q4. What is the best Adblock for Twitch?
Ans. On Twitch, the following extensions are known to function as adblocking:
- Adblock
- AdGuard
- StopAll Ads
- Ublock
- Ublock Origin
- Adblock Plus
We hope this information was helpful and that you were able to fix AdBlock not working on Twitch issue. If you have any questions or comments regarding this article or if you want to reach out to us regarding other best AdBlock for Twitch, please leave them in the comments section below.