大家都知道笔记本电脑发热是正常的。但是,当它们由于重负载而带出更多热量时,会影响性能并降低 PC 的速度。有时,过热可能会对GPU、CPU、内存模块和其他硬件等(GPU, CPU, memory modules, and other hardware)组件造成永久性损坏。PC 具有一种安全机制(safety mechanism),称为Windows PC的(Windows PC)热节流(thermal throttling),以保护其免受过热的影响,由Microsoft设计。如果您担心笔记本电脑热节流(thermal throttling),请阅读本指南以执行热节流(thermal throttling)测试并修复笔记本电脑热节流(thermal throttling)。
如何修复笔记本电脑热节流(How to Fix Laptop Thermal Throttling)
CPU的临界温度接近80摄氏度(80 degrees Celsius)。当Windows PC达到高温时,其性能会降低以阻止过多热量堆积并开始冷却。
- 总体而言,它通过自动调整微处理器的速度并防止内部热量和组件损坏来优化(heat and damage)电源使用(power usage)。
- 这主要是由于CPU 或 GPU(CPU or GPU)产生的过热,当它需要大量负载和大量使用时,当您玩密集的游戏、气流不良、长时间使用笔记本电脑和超频时会发生这种情况。
- 如果您忽略热节流问题(throttling issue)并加以纠正,您的笔记本电脑可能会永久损坏。
初步步骤(Preliminary Steps)
- 确保笔记本电脑的内部组件中没有(do not have) 灰尘(dust),因为它们紧凑的特性可能会阻塞气流并堵塞它,并且没有空间进行充分冷却,从而导致过热(overheating)。
- 尽量减少(minimize) 笔记本电脑的(laptop) 使用(usage),因为当 PC 长时间使用繁重的工作负载时,可能会发生热节流。
(Decrease)玩游戏时降低图形质量设置。(graphic quality)
- 定期执行监控软件(monitoring software)检查,这有助于检测(detect) 笔记本电脑的(laptop) 热节流(thermal throttling)。
- 提高时钟频率(clock rate)使处理器工作(processor work)速度比通常速度更快,从而显着提高温度。尽量降低(reduce)时钟(clocking) 速度(speed)。_
- 冷却垫(cooling pad)甚至冷垫(chill mat)都可以帮助您降低笔记本电脑的整体温度。因此,在笔记本电脑下方放置一个垫子或垫子并使用它。(pad or mat)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Ntoskrnl.exe 高 CPU 使用率
方法一:开启最佳性能模式(Method 1: Enable Best Performance Mode)
有时,节电模式(battery saver mode)可能是热节流问题(throttling issue)背后的原因。在这里,省电(power saving)是可以在笔记本电脑持续使用期间增加温度的目标。要更改您的性能模式(performance mode),请执行以下步骤。
1.在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后选择打开(Open),如图所示。
2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为大(Large) 图标(icons)。然后,找到电源选项(Power Options)按钮并选择它。
3. 然后,将电源计划(power plan)更改为高性能(High Performance)模式,如图所示。
注意:(Note:)如果您没有该选项,请单击左侧窗格中的创建电源计划并选择(Create a power plan)高性能(High Performance)选项。
注意:(Note:)如果您找不到此选项。然后,单击系统托盘(system tray)中的电池图标(battery icon)。将滑块移动到最佳性能(Best performance)。
始终将笔记本电脑的电源计划(power plan)保持在高性能或最佳性能模式(performance mode),以防止将来出现热节流问题。这种方法可以解决热节流问题(throttling problem)并被认为是一种预防措施。
方法 2:编辑电源计划设置(Method 2: Edit Power Plan Settings)
另一种控制热节流的方法是在Windows 10中编辑电源计划并进行更改。在这里,您需要将最小和最大处理器保持在 100。如果低于 100,则会影响笔记本电脑在高使用率下节流。要将这些状态保持为 100,请按照以下步骤操作。
1.在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后选择打开(Open),如图所示。
2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为大(Large) 图标(icons)。然后,找到电源选项(Power Options)按钮并选择它。
3. 在这里,选择更改计划设置(Change plan settings),如图所示。
4. 然后,单击“编辑计划设置”页面上突出显示的更改高级(Edit Plan Settings)电源设置。(Change advanced power settings)
5. 在“电源选项(Power Options)”窗口中,找到“处理器电源管理(Processor power management)”选项并将其展开,如图所示。
6. 如图所示,选择并展开最大处理器速率(Maximum processor rate)选项。将On battery(On battery)和Plugged in选项更改为100%。
7. 现在,选择“最低处理器状态(Minimum processor state)”选项并将“使用电池”(On battery)和“插入”(Plugged in)选项设置为100%,如图所示。
8. 最后,选择应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)保存更改。
9.重新启动(Restart) 您的 PC(your PC)一次,以使更改对设置生效。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 CPU 风扇不旋转的 7 种方法
通过注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)禁用热节流可能是不安全的,并且可能会丢失 PC 中的所有数据。因此,请确保为整个笔记本电脑进行备份。此外,此方法将防止笔记本电脑热节流(Thermal Throttling)。要禁用它,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys,打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.如图所示,在对话框中键入(dialog box)regedit ,然后(regedit)按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
3.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control )提示中单击是。(Yes)
4. 在注册表编辑器窗口(Registry Editor window)中,导航到路径(path):
5. 在左窗格中找到Power文件夹并右键单击(left pane and right-click)它。
6. 选择新建(New),然后单击子菜单上的密钥选项,如图所示。(Key)
7. 如图所示,将新的(new) Key文件夹命名为PowerThrottling。
8. 右键单击右窗格中的空白区域(empty area)。选择新建(New),然后选择DWORD(32 位)值。(DWORD (32-bit) Value.)
9. 将新创建的密钥命名为PowerThrottlingOff并按Enter。
10. 双击PowerThrottlingoff字符串。
11. 将数值数据(Value data)设置为从0开始的(0)1 ,然后单击确定(OK)以完成更改。
注意:(Note:)如果您想稍后启用它,请按照此方法中的步骤 1-4进行操作。(Steps 1–4)在Power(Power)文件夹中找到PowerThrottling键并右键单击(folder and right-click)它。然后,选择删除(Delete)选项以启用电源节流。
- 你很清楚空气是热的不良导体。因此,当CPU升温时,由于(CPU)空气的存在(air present),导热系数会降低,这不会让CPU的多余热量(excess heat)在外面。
- 此外,它会阻止CPU的冷却过程,从而导致热节流。
- 将导热膏涂抹在间隙上会阻挡空气,并允许热系统以更好的导热性冷却下来。
如何进行热节流测试(How to perform Thermal Throttling Test)
如果您怀疑您的 PC 受到限制,请确保经常执行笔记本电脑热限制测试。该测试将密切关注您的笔记本电脑处理器(laptop processor),这可以防止硬件组件损坏。
选项 1:通过资源监控工具(Option 1: Through Resource Monitor Tool)
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys,打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入perfmon.exe /res并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 如图所示,您可以在显示器上找到资源监视器工具(Resource Monitor tool)。
4. 以与之前相同的方式使用您的笔记本电脑。突出显示的最大频率(Maximum Frequency)值说明了 CPU 当前的功耗(power consumption)。在这里,如果该值没有超过某个点,则意味着您的笔记本电脑正在受到限制。
选项 2:通过任务管理器(Option 2: Through Task Manager)
您还可以使用任务管理器(Task Manager)执行笔记本电脑热节流测试。请按照以下步骤操作。
1.同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 转到详细信息(Details)选项卡。
3. 右键单击任何列标题。(column headers.)
4. 选择选择列(Select columns)选项。
5. 向下滚动并选择电源节流(Power throttling)。单击确定(OK)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中检查(Windows 10)CPU 温度(CPU Temperature)
方案三:通过第三方工具-HWiNFO(Option 3: Through Third-party Tool-HWiNFO)
1. 在您的系统上下载HWiNFO应用程序。
2.点击下载(Download)安装【v7.16】HWiNFO Beta版([v7.16] HWiNFO Beta version)。
3. 点击下载的安装文件(downloaded installer file)。
4. 双击安装文件(setup file)。单击弹出窗口中的全部提取。(Extract all)
5. 选择位置(location)并点击提取(Extract)。
6. 现在,双击应用程序(application)以启动它。
7.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
8. 选择Sensors only选项并单击Start按钮,如图所示开始安装过程(installation process)。
9.向下滚动(Scroll)并检查处理器DTS 部分(DTS section)的温度值。(temperature value)
- 如何在Windows 10中更改(Windows 10)文件(File) 权限(Permissions)
- 如何在Android上检查(Android)电池健康状况(Battery Health)
- 修复 Ntoskrnl.exe 高磁盘使用率
- (Fix Host Process)修复设置同步的主机进程
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够学习修复笔记本电脑热节流(laptop Thermal throttling)。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请在评论部分提出。让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
Fix Laptop Thermal Throttling
You all know it is normal for a laptop to produсe heat. But when they bring out more heat due to heavy load, it impacts the performancе and ѕlows down the PC. Sometimes, overheating сould cause permanent damage to components like GPU, CPU, memory modules, and other hardware. The PC has a safety mechanism called thermal throttling for Windows PC to protect it from excessive heat, designed by Microsoft. If you are worried about thermal throttling laptops, read this guide to perform a thermal throttling test and fix laptop thermal throttling.
How to Fix Laptop Thermal Throttling
The CPU has a critical temperature of nearly 80 degrees Celsius. When a Windows PC reaches a high temperature, its performance is reduced to stop excessive heat from piling up and start cooling.
- Overall, it optimizes the power usage by automatically adjusting the speed of a microprocessor and preventing internal heat and damage to components.
- It is primarily due to overheating generated by CPU or GPU, whenever it takes a lot of loads and heavy usage, which happens when you play an intensive game, poor airflow, prolonged laptop usage, and overclocking.
- If you overlook the thermal throttling issue and rectify it, your laptop may get damaged permanently.
Therefore, it is very crucial to check its usage often and resolve it at an earlier stage itself.
Note: The critical temperature varies with respect to the processor’s manufacturer and model.
Preliminary Steps
Below are the basic fixes to prevent thermal throttling.
- Ensure you do not have dust in the laptop’s internal components as they could block airflow and clog it due to its compact nature and leave no space for adequate cooling, which in turn causes overheating.
- Try to minimize laptop usage as thermal throttling can happen when the PC is used for a long time with a heavy workload.
Decrease the graphic quality settings while playing games.
- Perform monitoring software checks regularly, which helps to detect laptop thermal throttling.
- Increasing the clock rate makes the processor work faster than the usual speed, significantly raising the temperature. Try to reduce the clocking speed.
- A cooling pad or even a chill mat could help you keep the overall temperature of the laptop down. Therefore, place a pad or mat below the laptop and use it.
Also Read: Fix Ntoskrnl.exe High CPU Usage
Method 1: Enable Best Performance Mode
Sometimes, battery saver mode could be the reason behind the thermal throttling issue. Here, power saving is the goal that could increase the temperature during continuous consumption of the laptop. To change your performance mode, implement the steps given below.
1. Type Control Panel on the Windows search bar and select Open as shown.
2. Set View by as Large icons. Then, locate the Power Options button and select it.
3. Then, change the power plan to High Performance mode as shown.
Note: If you do not have the option then, click on Create a power plan in the left pane and select High Performance option.
Note: If you cannot find this option. Then, click on the battery icon in the system tray. Move the slider to Best performance.
Always keep the power plan of your laptop as high or best performance mode to prevent thermal throttling issues in the future. This method can fix the thermal throttling problem and be considered a preventive measure.
Method 2: Edit Power Plan Settings
Another way to control thermal throttling is to edit power plans in Windows 10 and change them. Here, you need to keep the minimum and maximum processors to 100. If it is below 100, it impacts the laptop to throttle under high usage. To keep these states as 100, follow the steps given below.
1. Type Control Panel on the Windows search bar and select Open as shown.
2. Set View by as Large icons. Then, locate the Power Options button and select it.
3. Here, select Change plan settings as shown.
4. Then, click the Change advanced power settings on the Edit Plan Settings page as highlighted.
5. On the Power Options window, locate the Processor power management option and expand it as shown.
6. Select and expand the Maximum processor rate option as shown. Change On battery and Plugged in options to 100%.
7. Now, select the Minimum processor state option and set On battery and Plugged in options to 100% as shown.
8. Finally, select Apply and then click OK to save the changes.
9. Restart your PC once for the changes to be effective on the settings.
Also Read: 7 Ways to Fix CPU Fan Not Spinning
Method 3: Modify Registry Editor
Disable thermal throttling via the Registry Editor can be unsafe, and it is possible to lose all the data in your PC. Therefore, ensure to make a backup for the whole laptop. Also, this method will prevent laptop Thermal Throttling. To disable it, follow the steps given below.
1. Press Windows + R keys together and open the Run dialog box.
2. Type regedit in the dialog box as shown and hit Enter key.
3. Click Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
4. On the Registry Editor window, navigate to the path:
5. Locate the Power folder in the left pane and right-click on it.
6. Select New and then click the Key option on the sub-menu as depicted.
7. Name the new Key folder as PowerThrottling as shown.
8. Right-click on the empty area in the right pane. Select New and then DWORD (32-bit) Value.
9. Name the newly created key as PowerThrottlingOff and hit Enter.
10. Double-click the PowerThrottlingoff string.
11. Set the Value data as 1 from 0 and click OK to finalize the changes.
Note: If you want to enable it later, follow Steps 1–4 in this method. Locate the PowerThrottling key in the Power folder and right-click on it. Then, select the Delete option to enable power throttling.
Method 4: Use Thermal Paste
Applying thermal paste could be a fix for thermal throttling laptops. All computers have a thermal system that is small which connects the CPU. Due to its compact nature, there is no air between them. Still, some air can get in between those gaps.
- You are well aware that air is a bad conductor of heat. So, when the CPU heats up, the thermal conductivity decreases due to the air present, which does not allow the CPU’s excess heat outside.
- Also, it prevents the cooling process of the CPU and thus leads to thermal throttling.
- Applying the thermal paste to the gap blocks the air and allows the thermal system to cool down with better thermal conductivity.
How to perform Thermal Throttling Test
If you are suspicious that your PC is being throttled, ensure to perform laptop thermal throttling test often. This test would keep an eye on your laptop processor, which could protect against hardware component damage.
Option 1: Through Resource Monitor Tool
1. Press Windows + R keys together and open the Run dialog box.
2. Type perfmon.exe /res and hit Enter key.
3. You can find the Resource Monitor tool on your display as illustrated.
4. Use your laptop in the same way as earlier. The Maximum Frequency value as highlighted explains your CPU’s current power consumption. Here, if the value does not go above a certain point, then it means your laptop is being throttled.
Option 2: Through Task Manager
You can also perform laptop thermal throttling test using Task Manager. Follow the below steps.
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously to open Task Manager.
2. Go to the Details tab.
3. Right-click on any of the column headers.
4. Choose the Select columns option.
5. Scroll down and select Power throttling. Click OK.
If all the processes are Disabled, your system is in the best performance.
Also Read: How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10
Option 3: Through Third-party Tool-HWiNFO
To perform this laptop Thermal throttling test via a third-party tool, install an HWiNFO application on your laptop. To do so, implement the steps given below.
1. Download the HWiNFO application on your system.
2. Click Download to install [v7.16] HWiNFO Beta version.
3. Click on the downloaded installer file.
4. Double-click the setup file. Click Extract all in the pop-up.
5. Select the location and click Extract.
6. Now, double-click the application to launch it.
7. Click Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
8. Select the Sensors only option and click the Start button as shown to start the installation process.
9. Scroll down and check the temperature value of the DTS section of the processor.
Here, note down the values of temperature. If the values are very high than usual and the processor in your laptop is running too hot, it will throttle.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to learn to fix laptop Thermal throttling. If you have any queries or suggestions, please drop them in the comments section. Let us know what you want to learn next.