如何修复 Kodi 更新失败错误(How to Fix Kodi Update Failed Error)
Kodi是流行的流媒体软件(streaming software)之一,可以观看各种视频、电视节目、电影等。通常,Kodi会在后台更新附加组件,以免引起注意。如果有新的更新可用,那么Kodi将安装最新版本并将其替换为旧版本。但有时,更新过程可能会失败。如果发生这种情况,您将收到一条错误消息(error message)。
以下是(Below)Kodi 更新(Kodi update)失败错误的一些原因。
- 最新版本与旧版本不兼容
- (File structure)存储库修改的文件结构
- 使用插件修改的版本号
- 新更新文件的位置部分更改
- Kodi 损坏的数据库
- 过时的 Kodi 版本
方法一:修改存储库源(Method 1: Modify Repository Source)
第 1 步:搜索有问题的存储库(Step 1: Search for Problematic Repository)
1. 启动Kodi应用程序。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的加载项(Add-ons)。
3. 从列表中选择从存储库安装选项。(Install from repository)
4. 然后,点击插件的类型(type of add-on)。在这里,我们选择Video add-ons。
注意:(Note:)如果有问题的插件是音乐插件(music add-on),请选择音乐(Music)插件。
5. 找到有问题的附加组件(problematic add-on)(例如NBC Sports Live Extra)。
6. 右键单击加载项(add-on)并选择信息(Information)。
7. 记下左侧附加图标下给出的存储库名称。(repository name)
步骤 2:修改存储库源(Step 2: Modify the Repository Source)
- 在线浏览存储库(repository online)的名称,并查看任何说明存储库关闭的新闻(check for any news stating the shutting down of the repository)。
如果存储库已关闭,则您必须从 Kodi 中删除该存储库(If the repository is shut down, then you have to remove that repository from Kodi)。删除后,您将不会收到任何附加组件的更新,并且您也不会收到任何错误通知(error notification)。
1. 点击齿轮图标(gear icon)进入Kodi 设置(Kodi Settings)。
2. 然后,点击文件管理器(File Manager)。
3. 右键单击存储库(repository)并选择您面临更新错误的编辑源。(Edit Source )
4. 在文本字段中输入新更新的URL,然后单击OK。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)十大最佳 Kodi Linux 发行版
方法 2:删除损坏的数据库文件(Method 2: Delete Corrupt Database Files)
有时,损坏的数据库与插件不匹配也可能导致(database mismatching)Kodi 更新(Kodi update)失败的问题。要解决此问题,您需要从Kodi中删除(Kodi)数据库文件(database file)。删除数据库文件(database file)不会影响功能,因为该文件将在应用程序重新启动后重建。请按照以下步骤执行此操作。
1. 导航到Kodi 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击文件管理器(File Manager)。
3. 双击配置文件目录(Profile directory)。
4. 然后,双击数据库(Database)。
5. 找到插件数据库文件,即(database file i.e). 插件33.db(Addons33.db)。
注意:(Note:)文件名(file name)可能会有所不同。一般格式是Addonsxx.db,其中xx替换为数字。
6. 右键单击 数据库文件( database file)并选择删除(Delete)。
7. 单击是(Yes)确认(Confirm delete)删除。
8. 最后,重启(restart)Kodi 应用程序。
方法 3:手动更新存储库(Method 3: Manually Update the Repository)
如果您收到Kodi update failed 错误,则需要手动更新存储库。如果您手动强制更新,此问题可能会解决。以下是手动更新存储库的步骤。
1. 打开Kodi应用程序,然后单击左侧窗格中的附加组件(Add-ons)。
2. 单击 附加组件 (Add-ons )菜单左侧窗格 上的打开框 图标,突出显示。(open box )
3. 选择从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file)。
4. 然后,选择存储库 zip 文件(repository zip file )并单击OK。
5. 现在,转到Add ons > Install from repository > Video add-ons。
6. 找到附加组件(add-on)(例如NBC Sports Live Extra)。
7. 右键单击加载项(add-on)并选择信息(Information)。
8. 点击底部的更新。(Update)
9.在选择版本(Select version)窗口中选择最近更新的存储库。(recently updated repository)现在将更新插件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Kodi(Fix Kodi Keeps Crashing)在启动时不断崩溃(Startup)
方法 4:替换存储库(Method 4: Replace Repository)
选项 1:删除 Kodi 存储库(Option 1: Remove Kodi Repository)
无需使用任何第三方工具,您就可以轻松卸载Kodi 存储库(Kodi repository)。内置功能允许您一次仅删除一个存储库。您可以一个一个删除存储库并重新安装它们。请按照以下步骤删除Kodi 存储库(Kodi repository)以修复Kodi更新失败的问题。
1. 启动Kodi应用程序并转到左侧窗格中的附加组件(Add-ons)。
2. 单击 附加组件 (Add-ons )菜单左侧窗格 上的打开框 图标,突出显示。(open box )
3. 选择我的插件(My add-ons)选项。
4. 单击附加(Add-on) 存储库(repository)。
5. 滚动并选择要删除的存储库。(repository)
6. 点击底部的卸载。(Uninstall)
7. 单击是(Yes)确认。现在将删除存储库及其关联文件。
选项 2:删除存储库源(Option 2: Remove Repository Sources)
您还可以从系统中删除存储库源(repository source)以修复Kodi更新失败的问题。删除存储库只会删除存储库及其关联文件。如果您觉得源列表(source list)杂乱无章,请删除已删除存储库的源。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 在您的设备上启动Kodi应用程序。
2. 单击顶部的设置图标。(Settings)
3. 单击文件管理器(File Manager)。
4.滚动并右键单击(Scroll and right-click)已删除的存储库名称(repository name),然后选择Remove source。
5. 单击是(Yes)确认。
删除存储库源或存储库(repository source or repository)后,请按照我们的指南安装Kodi附加组件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)前 10 名最佳Kodi印度频道(Channels)附加组件
方法 5:重新安装 Kodi(Method 5: Reinstall Kodi)
如果上述方法均无法解决Kodi 更新(Kodi update)失败的问题,请按照以下步骤重新安装Kodi。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 应用程序和功能(apps and features),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2.在 搜索此列表(Search this list) 字段中搜索Kodi 。
3. 然后,选择Kodi并单击突出显示的 卸载 (Uninstall )按钮。
4. 再次点击 卸载(Uninstall) 确认。
5. 单击Kodi 卸载(Kodi Uninstall)向导中的Next >按钮。
6. 再次单击Next >按钮。
7. 勾选是,我确定并授予删除配置文件文件夹的权限,(Yes, I am sure and grant permission to also delete the profile folder)然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。
8. 等待卸载(Uninstalling)过程完成。
9. 然后,单击完成(Finish)并重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
10.接下来,从其官网下载(official website)Kodi。
11.双击运行下载的 Kodi 19.3 Matrix 64 位安装程序 。( Kodi 19.3 Matrix 64 bit installer )
12.在 Kodi 设置(Kodi Setup) 窗口中单击下一步 ,如图所示。(Next )
13. 阅读许可协议(License Agreement)。然后,单击 我同意(I Agree) 按钮。
14.在选择安装类型下选择(select the type of install:)完整(Full) 选项 : 下拉菜单。
15. 另外,选中标题为Microsoft Visual C++ packages的框。然后,单击 下一步(Next)。
16. 通过单击 Browse...选择您的(Browse…)目标文件夹(Destination Folder)以安装应用程序 ,然后单击 Next,突出显示。
17. 现在,选择要在其中创建程序快捷方式的 (select the folder in which you would like to create the program’s shortcuts )文件夹,如 开始菜单文件夹(Start Menu folder) 或 新(new) 文件夹(folder)。然后,单击 安装(Install)。
注意:(Note:) 我们在下面的示例中创建了一个名为 Kodi 的文件夹。
18.等待(Wait) 安装过程(installation process)完成。
19. 最后,点击完成(Finish) 按钮。现在,您可以按照下一节中的说明运行和使用Kodi 应用程序。(Kodi app)
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何一次删除所有 Kodi 存储库?(Q1. How can I remove all Kodi repositories at once?)
Q2。与 Kodi 一起使用的最佳 VPN 是什么?(Q2. What are the best VPNs to use with Kodi?)
答。(Ans.) NordVPN、IPVanish、ExpressVPN、Cyber(CyberGhost) Ghost和VyprVPN是与(VyprVPN)Kodi一起使用的最佳VPN(VPNs)。
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我们希望本文能帮助您修复Kodi 更新失败(Kodi update failed)错误。如果您对本文有任何建议或反馈,可以在下面的评论部分(comment section)与我们联系。
Fix Kodi Update Failed
Aрart from organizing and managing your media files, Kodi allows you to download add-ons to listen to music, watch YouTube, Twitch, and many more. You can find hundreds of add-ons to download. Kodi updates thеse add-ons in the bаckgrоυnd, and sometimеs you may reсeive Kodi update failed notification. If you are facing the same problem, then this articlе will help you to fix Kodi update failed error. So, continue reading!
How to Fix Kodi Update Failed Error
Kodi is one of the popular streaming software to watch various videos, television shows, movies, and many more. Usually, Kodi updates add-ons in the background so that it goes unnoticed. If a new update is available, then Kodi will install the latest version and replace it with the older version. But sometimes, updating process may fail. If this happens, you will receive an error message.
Below are some of the reasons for the Kodi update failed error.
- Incompatibility of the latest version with the older version
- File structure modified by the repository
- Versioning number modified with the add-on
- The location of the new updated file is partially changed
- Kodi corrupt database
- Outdated Kodi version
Method 1: Modify Repository Source
You will receive an update failed error when an add-on fails to update. To fix this error, you first need to find the problematic repository, know whether the repository is active, and then update it manually.
Step 1: Search for Problematic Repository
Follow the instructions to know the problematic repository.
1. Launch the Kodi app.
2. Click Add-ons in the left pane.
3. Select the Install from repository option from the list.
4. Then, click on the type of add-on. Here, we choose Video add-ons.
Note: If the problematic add-on is a music add-on, then choose Music add-ons.
5. Find the problematic add-on (e.g. NBC Sports Live Extra).
6. Right-click on the add-on and select Information.
7. Note down the repository name that is given under the add-on icon on the left.
Step 2: Modify the Repository Source
We need to find out whether the repository is still active. Many repositories have been shut down in recent years due to legal issues. To see if the repository is still active,
- Browse the name of the repository online and check for any news stating the shutting down of the repository.
If the repository is shut down, then you have to remove that repository from Kodi. After removing it, you won’t get any update for the add-ons, and also, you won’t receive any error notification.
If the repository is moved to a new location, then follow the below steps to update the location in Kodi.
1. Click on the gear icon to go to the Kodi Settings.
2. Then, click on File Manager.
3. Right-click on the repository and select Edit Source for which you are facing the update error.
4. Enter the new updated URL in the text field and click on OK.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro
Method 2: Delete Corrupt Database Files
Sometimes, damaged database mismatching with the add-on may also cause Kodi update failed problem. To fix this issue, you need to delete the database file from Kodi. Deleting the database file won’t affect the functionality as this file will be rebuilt once the app is restarted. Follow the steps below to do so.
1. Navigate to the Kodi Settings.
2. Click on the File Manager.
3. Double-click on Profile directory.
4. Then, double-click on Database.
5. Locate the add-ons database file i.e. Addons33.db.
Note: The file name may vary. The general format is Addonsxx.db, where xx is replaced by a number.
6. Right-click on the database file and select Delete.
7. Click Yes to Confirm delete.
8. Finally, restart the Kodi app.
Method 3: Manually Update the Repository
If you receive Kodi update failed error, then you will need to update the repository manually. If you force an update manually, this issue might resolve. Here are the steps to manually update the repository.
1. Open the Kodi app and click on Add-ons in the left pane.
2. Click on the open box icon on the left pane of the Add-ons menu, shown highlighted.
3. Select Install from zip file.
4. Then, select the repository zip file and click on OK.
This will update the repository. You will get a notification at the top once the update is complete.
5. Now, go to the Add ons > Install from repository > Video add-ons.
6. Locate the add-on (e.g. NBC Sports Live Extra).
7. Right-click on the add-on and select Information.
8. Click Update at the bottom.
9. Select the recently updated repository in the Select version window. The add-on will now be updated.
Also Read: How to Fix Kodi Keeps Crashing on Startup
Method 4: Replace Repository
If the repository is shut down, then you need to replace it with a new repository. It is advised to delete the repository from the system since this may lead to security risks. Follow the steps below to remove the older repository and replace it with a newer one.
Option 1: Remove Kodi Repository
Without using any third-party tools, you can easily uninstall the Kodi repository. The in-built feature allows you to delete only one repository at a time. You can delete the repositories one by one and install them again. Follow the steps below to remove Kodi repository to fix Kodi update failed issue.
1. Launch Kodi app and go to Add-ons in the left pane.
2. Click on the open box icon on the left pane of the Add-ons menu, shown highlighted.
3. Select the My add-ons option.
4. Click Add-on repository.
5. Scroll and select the repository to be removed.
6. Click Uninstall at the bottom.
7. Click Yes to confirm. The repository and its associated files will now be removed.
Option 2: Remove Repository Sources
You can also remove the repository source from the system to fix Kodi update failed issue. Removing the repository will only delete the repository and its associated files. If you feel that the source list is cluttered, then delete the source for the deleted repository. Follow the steps below.
1. Launch Kodi app on your device.
2. Click on the Settings icon at the top.
3. Click File Manager.
4. Scroll and right-click on the deleted repository name and select Remove source.
5. Click Yes to confirm.
After removing the repository source or repository then follow our guide to install Kodi add ons.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons
Method 5: Reinstall Kodi
If none of the above methods fix Kodi update failed issue, then follow these steps to reinstall Kodi.
1. Hit the Windows key, type apps and features, and click on Open.
2. Search for Kodi in Search this list field.
3. Then, select Kodi and click on the Uninstall button shown highlighted.
4. Again, click on Uninstall to confirm.
5. Click on the Next > button in the Kodi Uninstall wizard.
6. Again, click on the Next > button.
7. Check the Yes, I am sure and grant permission to also delete the profile folder and click on Uninstall.
8. Wait for the Uninstalling process to finish.
9. Then, click on Finish and restart your PC.
10. Next, download Kodi from its official website.
11. Run the downloaded Kodi 19.3 Matrix 64 bit installer by double-clicking on it.
12. Click on Next in the Kodi Setup window, as shown.
13. Read the License Agreement. Then, click I Agree button.
14. Choose the Full option under select the type of install: drop-down menu.
15. Also, check the box titled Microsoft Visual C++ packages. Then, click Next.
16. Choose your Destination Folder to install the app by clicking on Browse… and then, click Next, shown highlighted.
17. Now, select the folder in which you would like to create the program’s shortcuts as Start Menu folder or new folder. Then, click on Install.
Note: We have created a folder titled Kodi in the example below.
18. Wait for the installation process to finish.
19. Finally, click on Finish button. Now, you can run & use Kodi app as explained in the next section.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How can I remove all Kodi repositories at once?
Ans. If you want to delete all the repositories, then you can factory reset to delete all the repositories and add-ons.
Q2. What are the best VPNs to use with Kodi?
Ans. NordVPN, IPVanish, ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, and VyprVPN are the top best VPNs to use with Kodi.
We hope that this article would have helped you to fix Kodi update failed error. If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding this article, you can reach out to us in the comment section below.