Square Enix是一家知名的日本视频游戏发行商(video game publisher),以其最终幻想系列(Final Fantasy series)、古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)、奇异(Strange)人生(Life)等动作和冒险(action and adventure titles)游戏而闻名。但是,一些客户报告在向他们的Square Enix 帐户付款时收到(Square Enix account)错误代码(error code):i2501 。本文提供了一些克服此问题并继续享受游戏体验(game experience)的建议。
如何修复 Square Enix 错误代码 i2501(How to Fix Square Enix Error Code i2501)
在史克威尔艾尼克斯(Square Enix)游戏平台上完成支付时,出现史克威尔艾尼克斯错误(Square Enix error) 代码 i2501(code i2501)。由于您的IP 地址或帐户(IP address or account)已被平台安全(platform security)识别并被限制进行交易,错误代码(error code):i2501 出现在Square Enix 网络(Square Enix network)上托管的《最终幻想 XIV》(Final Fantasy XIV)等流行游戏中。下面列出了有关此问题的其他几点。
- 如果您将密钥用于与您输入的帐户不同的帐户,也会发生这种情况。来自中东和亚洲的玩家是报告这个问题最多的(Players from the Middle East and Asia are the ones who have reported this issue the most)。
- Square Enix 错误(Square Enix error) 代码 i2501(code i2501)已经存在了一段时间,当访问相关论坛时,版主将主题转移到单独的帮助选项卡,因为每个用户情况在支付方式方面都是独一无二的(moderators shift the topic to a separate help tab since each user circumstance is unique in terms of payment methods)。
- 当出现此问题的Square Enix 错误(Square Enix error) 代码 i2501(code i2501)时,也有支持人员数周未响应的投诉( complaints of support personnel failing to respond for weeks)。
在使用解决方案之前,请确保您拥有强大的活动连接和正确的支付卡数据。(payment card)仔细检查后,您现在可以继续下一步。
什么导致 Square Enix 错误代码 i2501?(What Causes Square Enix Error Code i2501?)
如前所述,此错误通知(error notice)是由错误的付款信息(payment information)触发的。但是,此错误通知(error notice)还有其他原因,例如:
A credit/debit card from the nation in which you are staying must be used:您必须与付款时发卡的国家在同一个国家。这个国家也必须与您在史克威尔艾尼克斯(Square Enix)注册的国家相同。如果您目前在另一个国家并尝试付款,您会注意到错误号 i2501 。(error number i2501)
VPN 或代理:(VPN or proxy:)您可能正在使用VPN 或代理(VPN or proxy),因为您与问题所在的国家/地区相同。付款是VPN(VPNs)干扰的众多事情之一。要进行安全付款,您可能需要关闭VPN 或代理(VPN or proxy)。因此,某些支付网关禁止使用VPN 和代理(VPNs and proxies)来处理交易。
使用同一张卡的 Square Enix 账户过多:(Too many Square Enix accounts with the same card:)每个Square Enix 账户(Square Enix account)应该只有一张credit/debit card。如果您在多个Square Enix 帐户(Square Enix account)上使用同一张卡,则可能会出现错误代码 i2501(error code i2501)。
卡上的信息一定是不正确的:(The information on the cards must be incorrect:)在付款或填写任何类型的数据时要记住的最重要的事情之一就是准确输入所有内容。如果您输入不准确的付款信息(payment information),例如您的姓名或信用卡号码(name or credit card number),您可能会遇到错误。要记住的另一件事是卡信息(card information)必须与您的史克威尔艾尼克斯帐户(Square Enix account)上的信息相匹配。
卡必须被暂时封锁:(Cards must be temporarily blocked:)如果银行怀疑存在欺诈行为,它可能会暂时封锁卡。这种情况发生的频率比你想象的要多。如果您担心您的卡已被取消,您应该联系您的银行或在其他地方付款(payment someplace)以查看它是否已被冻结。
您的信用卡或借记卡不支持国际支付:(Your credit or debit card does not support international payments:)某些信用卡和借记卡(credit and debit cards)不支持国际支付。如果网站使用国际支付网关(payment gateway),而您的卡不支持国际支付,就会出现问题。补救措施是获得一张新卡或联系您的银行授权海外支付。
多次尝试付款:(Tried to make a payment too many times:) 如果您多次尝试付款(payment multiple)但均失败,Square Enix可能会暂时停止您帐户上的所有付款。(Square Enix)这是为了防止欺诈。大多数情况下,此限制仅在 24 小时内有效。这就是为什么您不应该尝试定期付款的原因。尝试一次,然后在再次尝试之前休息一下。
缓存和 Cookie:(Cache and Cookies:)此问题的另一个原因可能是存在错误/损坏的 cookie 或缓存,这可能是服务器阻止您的连接的原因。如果您摆脱了Square Enix上的(Square Enix)Error Code : i2501 警告,请务必将其清除。
方法 1:关闭广告拦截器(Method 1: Turn Off Ad Blockers)
在玩最终幻想 XIV(Final Fantasy XIV)或访问任何网站时,很明显您希望避免某些类型的广告。尽管不知道广告拦截器与支付系统交互,但已证明禁用广告拦截扩展,等待几个小时,然后尝试进行另一次支付将解决问题代码 i2501(problem code i2501)。
1. 打开您的网络浏览器(例如 Chrome)并点击 三点图标(three dots icon),然后选择更多工具(More tools) 选项。
2. 然后,选择 扩展(Extensions) 选项。
3. 现在,关闭AdBlock扩展的 切换开关。(toggle)
4. 重新启动 浏览器(browser),看看问题是否仍然存在。
方法二:清除浏览器缓存文件(Method 2: Clear Browser Cache Files)
浏览器和系统缓存(system cache)一样,在浏览众多网站时会存储剩余的文件。此外,您的浏览器历史记录可能会导致各种问题,其中之一就是 i2501错误代码(error code)。因此,建议您清除缓存、cookie 和浏览器历史记录。
1. 启动您的网络浏览器(例如Google Chrome)。
2. 然后,单击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) > More tools > 清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data…),如给定图片中突出显示的那样。
3. 检查清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)窗口中的以下选项。
- 浏览记录(Browsing history)
- Cookie 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data)
- 缓存的图像和文件(Cached images and files)
4. 现在,选择 时间范围的(Time range)所有时间(All time) 选项 。
5. 最后,点击 清除数据(Clear data)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从Google Chrome导出已保存的密码(Export Saved Passwords)
方法 3:关闭 VPN 和代理服务器(Method 3: Turn Off VPN and Proxy Servers)
使用VPN 或代理(VPN or Proxy)可以为您的在线体验增加更多功能、安全性和隐私。20Square Enix创建了一个反诈骗机制,以确保其支付服务(payment service)不会被非法请求淹没。此外,它拒绝通过VPN 或代理(VPNs or proxies)支付以保护资金并防止流氓支付(money and prevent rogue payments)。由于许多服务提供商,尤其是金融机构,出于透明的原因已经禁止需要完全互联网访问(internet access)的私人连接,因此建议关闭VPN 和代理(VPNs and proxies)来修复问题编号 i2501(problem number i2501)。
第 1 步:禁用 VPN(Step 1: Disable VPN)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key), 在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows Search Bar)键入 VPN 设置(VPN Settings),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 在 设置(Settings) 窗口中,选择 已连接的 VPN (Connected VPN )(例如 vpn2)。
3. 单击 断开连接(Disconnect) 按钮。
4. 现在, 关闭(Off)高级选项(Advanced Options) 下 以下 VPN 选项(VPN options)的切换开关:
- 允许通过计量网络使用 VPN(Allow VPN over metered networks)
- 漫游时允许 VPN(Allow VPN while roaming)
步骤 2:禁用代理服务器(Step 2: Disable Proxy Server)
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 然后,打开它,单击网络和 Internet(Network & Internet)设置。
3. 转到左侧窗格中的代理选项卡。(Proxy tab )
4. 关闭使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server)选项。
5. 检查错误代码 i2501(error code i2501)是否消失。如果这不起作用(t work),请转到下一个选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)访问被阻止站点(Access Blocked Sites)的 15 个最佳 VPN
方法四:使用其他浏览器(Method 4: Use Other Browsers)
如果Google Chrome的问题仍然存在,请转到其他浏览器,例如Firefox。如果错误仍然(error continue)存在,建议您在隐身模式下运行(Incognito mode and try)Mozilla Firefox并尝试再次付款以查看问题是否已解决。步骤如下:
1. 打开火狐(Firefox)浏览器,点击右上角的三个破折号图标(three dashes icon)。
2. 从菜单中,选择新建私人窗口(New Private Window)选项以启用隐身模式。
注意:(Note:)在 Windows 上,您还可以同时使用Ctrl + Shift + P keysFirefox中启用私人冲浪。
3. 检查错误代码(error code)是否消失。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Chrome 中删除 Bing
方法5:通过电话处理付款(Method 5: Process Payment Through Phone)
使用手机浏览器(phone browser)付款是避免 Square Enix 错误代码 i2501(error code i2501)的另一种选择。尽管成功率很低(success rate),但尝试一下还是不错的。它似乎在某些情况下有效,即使付款和 IP 数据(payment and IP data)相同。您还应该尝试使用不同的系统进行支付,最好使用不同的互联网连接(internet connection)。仅更改ISP(ISPs)以进行付款也是有益的。
方法6:等待24小时(Method 6: Wait for 24 hours)
如果上述方法均无效,则应至少等待 24 小时后再重试。等待 24 小时后,尝试使用没有任何代理或VPN(VPNs)的单独开放互联网连接(internet connection)进行付款。以下是有关Square Enix 支付(Square Enix payment)系统的更多信息。
史克威尔艾尼克斯有一个反傻瓜系统(Square Enix has an anti-fool system),如果系统拒绝两次以上,则拒绝所有卡付款。
- 如果您尝试两次以上,则24小时的时间限制可能会延长至最多 30 天。( 24-hour time restriction may be extended to up to 30 days)
- 如果您在网站上多次尝试付款失败,将被暂停。(suspension will be imposed if you make multiple failed payment attempts)在最坏的情况下,您可能会被永久列入黑名单。
方法 7:联系支持(Method 7: Contact Support)
客户声称他们已经等待了数周的回复。其他人尝试通过聊天联系支持人员,结果证明这是一个更好的选择。如果上述方法不能解决上述错误,最终建议的选择是联系Square Enix 支持中心(Support Center)。在我们的平台上付款时,有几个变量需要考虑,如果其中任何一个不同意,您可能会被拒绝和拒绝进入。
在 Square Enix 的官方支持页面上创建一个帐户并提交一个工单(Create an account on Square Enix’s official support page and submit a ticket)。他们将快速评估您的问题并为您提供解决方案,让您可以再次通过史克威尔艾尼克斯(Square Enix)付款。
(Add the given list of details)在票证上
- 错误代码
- 您尝试在线购买的商品/服务
- (Square Enix ID)您尝试使用的帐户付款方式的(account payment method)Square Enix ID
- (Country)您所在的国家/地区发卡的国家/地区(Country)使用的信用卡(credit card)类型(Type)
- 发卡银行名称
- 您的付款被拒绝的总次数。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复待处理交易 Steam 错误的(Fix Pending Transaction Steam Error)6种方法(Ways)
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。我必须采取哪些步骤来验证我的 SQUARE ENIX 帐户?(Q1. What steps must I take to authenticate my SQUARE ENIX account?)
答。(Ans. )要建立SQUARE ENIX 帐户(SQUARE ENIX account),请转到电子邮件中提供的URL并按照步骤操作。注册完成后,将向注册的电子邮件地址发送(email address)一封确认电子邮件(confirmation email)。
Q2。你有史克威尔艾尼克斯 ID 作为用户名吗?(Q2. Do you have a Square Enix ID as a username?)
答。(Ans. )如果您通常使用您的电子邮件地址(email address)访问该站点,只需照常登录(使用您的电子邮件地址(email address)作为 ID)。您的 ID 将在ID 框中(ID box),该框位于页面顶部的横幅中。
Q3。什么是史克威尔艾尼克斯服务帐号?(Q3. What is a Square Enix service account?)
答。(Ans. )史克威尔艾尼克斯帐户(Square Enix account)是一个免费帐户,您可以使用它在多个史克威尔艾尼克斯在线服务(Square Enix online services)中验证您的身份。除了申请潜在的在线服务外,它还可用于将当前服务中的多个ID(IDs)链接到单个史克威尔艾尼克斯帐户(Square Enix account),并获得史克威尔艾尼克斯帐户(Square Enix account)持有人专有的独家功能。
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我们希望本文对修复Square Enix 错误代码 i2501 有所帮助。(Square Enix Error Code i2501. )如果您碰巧对本文有任何建议或反馈,请随时在下面的评论部分(comment section)与我们联系。
Fix Square Enix Error Code i2501
Square Enix is a well-known Japanese video game pυblisher known for its Final Fantasy seriеs, Tomb Raider, and Life is Strange, among other action and adventure titles. However, some customеrs have reported receiving the error code: i2501 whilе paying into their Square Enix accoυnt. This article prоvideѕ some ѕuggestions for оvercoming thіs prоblem and continuing to enjoy your gamе experience.
How to Fix Square Enix Error Code i2501
When completing a payment on the Square Enix gaming platform, Square Enix error code i2501 appears. Because your IP address or account was recognized by the platform security and is restricted from conducting transactions, error code: i2501 appears in popular games like Final Fantasy XIV that are hosted on the Square Enix network. A few more points regarding this issue is listed below.
- This can also happen if the key you’re using it for a different account than the one you’re typing it into. Players from the Middle East and Asia are the ones who have reported this issue the most.
- Square Enix error code i2501 has been around for a while, and when the relevant forums are approached, the moderators shift the topic to a separate help tab since each user circumstance is unique in terms of payment methods.
- When this issue of Square Enix error code i2501 arises, there have also been complaints of support personnel failing to respond for weeks.
Please ensure you have a strong active connection and proper payment card data before going with the solution. Once you’ve double-checked it, you may now move on to the next step.
What Causes Square Enix Error Code i2501?
As previously stated, this error notice was triggered by erroneous payment information. There are, however, additional causes for this error notice, such as:
A credit/debit card from the nation in which you are staying must be used: You must be in the same nation as the one where your card was issued while making a payment. This nation must also be the same as the one where you registered with Square Enix. You will notice the error number i2501 if you are currently in another country and trying to make a payment.
VPN or proxy: You may be using a VPN or proxy since you’re in the same country as the problem. Payments are one of the many things that VPNs interfere with. To make secure payments, you may need to switch off your VPN or proxy. As a result, certain payment gateways prohibit the use of VPNs and proxies for processing transactions.
Too many Square Enix accounts with the same card: Each Square Enix account should have just one credit/debit card. The error code i2501 may appear if you use the same card on numerous Square Enix accounts.
The information on the cards must be incorrect: One of the most essential things to remember when making a payment or filling out any type of data is to input everything accurately. You may encounter an error if you input inaccurate payment information, such as your name or credit card number. Another thing to keep in mind is that the card information must match the information on your Square Enix account.
Cards must be temporarily blocked: If a bank suspects fraudulent behavior, it may temporarily block cards. This happens more often than you think. Should you fear your card has been canceled, you should contact your bank or make a payment someplace else to see if it has been blocked.
Your credit or debit card does not support international payments: Some credit and debit cards do not support international payments. If the website utilizes an international payment gateway and your card does not enable international payments, an issue will arise. The remedy is to get a new card or contact your bank to authorize overseas payments.
Tried to make a payment too many times: Square Enix may temporarily stop all payments on your account if you try to make a payment multiple times and it fails. This is to prevent fraud. Most of the time, this restriction is only in place for 24 hours. This is why you should not try to make payments regularly. Try it once, then take a break before trying again.
Cache and Cookies: Another cause of this problem might be the existence of faulty/corrupted cookies or cache, which could be the reason why the servers are blocking your connection. If you get rid of the Error Code: i2501 warning on Square Enix, be sure to clear it out.
Now that you’re aware of the majority of the causes of this problem, we can go on to putting them into practice and resolving the situation.
Method 1: Turn Off Ad Blockers
While playing Final Fantasy XIV or visiting any website, it’s evident that you wish to avoid certain sorts of adverts. Although ad blockers are not known to interact with payment systems, it has been proven that disabling the ad-blocking extension, waiting a few hours, and then attempting to make another payment will resolve the problem code i2501.
1. Open your web browser (e.g. Chrome) and click on the three dots icon, then select the More tools option.
2. Then, select the Extensions option.
3. Now, switch Off the toggle for AdBlock extensions.
4. Restart your browser and see if the problem still exists.
Method 2: Clear Browser Cache Files
The browser, like the system cache, stores leftover files when surfing numerous websites one after another. Furthermore, your browser history may cause a variety of issues, one of which is the i2501 error code. As a result, clearing the cache, cookies, and browser history is the recommended course of action.
1. Launch your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
2. Then, click on the three-dotted icon > More tools > Clear browsing data… as highlighted in the given pic.
3. Check the following options in the Clear browsing data window.
- Browsing history
- Cookies and other site data
- Cached images and files
4. Now, choose the All time option for Time range.
5. Finally, click on Clear data.
Also Read: How to Export Saved Passwords from Google Chrome
Method 3: Turn Off VPN and Proxy Servers
Using a VPN or Proxy adds more functionality, security, and privacy to your online experience. 20Square Enix has created an anti-scam mechanism to ensure that its payment service is not flooded with illegitimate requests. Additionally, it denies payments made through VPNs or proxies to protect money and prevent rogue payments. Because many service providers, particularly financial organizations, have banned private connections that require full internet access for reasons of transparency, it is suggested to turn off VPNs and proxies to repair problem number i2501.
Step 1: Disable VPN
1. Hit the Windows key, type VPN Settings in the Windows Search Bar, and click on Open.
2. In the Settings window, select the Connected VPN (e.g. vpn2).
3. Click on the Disconnect button.
4. Now, switch Off the toggle for the following VPN options under Advanced Options:
- Allow VPN over metered networks
- Allow VPN while roaming
Step 2: Disable Proxy Server
1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Then, to open it, click on the Network & Internet setting.
3. Go to the Proxy tab on the left pane.
4. Turn off the Use a proxy server option.
5. Check to see if the error code i2501 has vanished. If that doesn’t work, move on to the next option.
Also Read: 15 Best VPN for Google Chrome To Access Blocked Sites
Method 4: Use Other Browsers
If the issue with Google Chrome remains, go to another browser, such as Firefox. Should the error continue, it is advised that you run Mozilla Firefox in Incognito mode and try to make the payment again to see if the problem has been fixed. The steps are as follows:
1. Open the Firefox browser and click the three dashes icon in the upper-right corner.
2. From the menu, select the New Private Window option to enable Incognito mode.
Note: On Windows, you may also use the Ctrl + Shift + P keys simultaneously to enable private surfing in Firefox.
3. Check to see if the error code has vanished.
Also Read: How to Remove Bing from Chrome
Method 5: Process Payment Through Phone
Making a payment using your mobile phone browser is another option to avoid square enix error code i2501. Despite the poor success rate, it is good to give it a try. It appears to work in some circumstances, even though the payment and IP data are the same. You should also try making a payment using a different system and, preferably, a different internet connection. Changing ISPs only to make a payment is also beneficial.
Method 6: Wait for 24 hours
If none of the preceding methods work, you should wait at least 24 hours before trying again. After waiting 24 hours, try making the payment using a separate open internet connection that is free of any proxies or VPNs. Here are some more info regarding Square Enix payment system.
Square Enix has an anti-fool system that rejects all card payments if it has been refused more than twice by the system.
- The 24-hour time restriction may be extended to up to 30 days if you attempt more than twice.
- A suspension will be imposed if you make multiple failed payment attempts on the website. In the worst-case situation, you may be permanently blacklisted.
Method 7: Contact Support
Customers claimed they had been waiting weeks for a response. Others tried contacting the support personnel through chat, which turned out to be a superior choice. If the above methods do not fix the said error, the ultimate advised option is to contact Square Enix Support Center. When making a payment on our platform, there are several variables to consider, and if any of them are in disagreement, you may be refused and denied entry.
Create an account on Square Enix’s official support page and submit a ticket. They will quickly assess your issue and present you with a solution that will allow you to make payments through Square Enix once more.
Add the given list of details on the ticket.
- Error code
- Item/service that you are trying to purchase online
- Square Enix ID of the account payment method that you are attempting to utilize
- Country where you are physically situated Country where the card was issued Type of credit card used
- Name of the bank that issued the card
- The total number of times your payment has been declined.
Also Read: 6 Ways To Fix Pending Transaction Steam Error
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What steps must I take to authenticate my SQUARE ENIX account?
Ans. To establish a SQUARE ENIX account, go to the URL provided in the email and follow the steps. Once the registration is complete, a confirmation email will be issued to the registered email address.
Q2. Do you have a Square Enix ID as a username?
Ans. If you typically access the site using your email address, simply log in as usual (with your email address as the ID). Your ID will be in the ID box, which will be found within the banner at the top of the page.
Q3. What is a Square Enix service account?
Ans. A Square Enix account is a free account that you may use to authenticate your identity across several Square Enix online services. Aside from its application for prospective online services, it may also be used to link several IDs from current services to a single Square Enix account and get access to exclusive features available exclusively to Square Enix account holders.
We hope this article proves helpful in fixing Square Enix Error Code i2501. If you happen to have any suggestions or feedback about this article, feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below.